EP 911 Victory Brewing Tasting- Part I

Gary Vaynerchuk interviews Bill Covaleski from Victory Brewing in Pennsylvania. They discuss the beer world and start the first beer flight.

Beers tasted in this episode:

St Bernardus Tripel
Golden Monkey

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luca bercelli


Line of the day – ‘the ability to interact with customers at 2 O’Clock in the morning when I’m taking a poop is amazing’

Always love the beer shows

Tags: beer, review, Video

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  • Randall

    Uhmm… ever hear of a little guy from Santa Rosa named Vinnie??


  • Root Beer is awesome! Anyway… I used to drink beer a lot more than I do now because I have drank a good amount of what is available in south florida and it is not as common for me to find new things now. Not to say I’ve drank everything but my options have slimmed down quite a bit. Great show!

  • Randall

    Actually, that’s just an expression… Vinnie KNOWS he’s more than 5’10″…

  • Anonymous

    No Victory in Missouri 🙁 I will assume the position of representative of Missouri. My first course of action is to order you to sell your brew in our state!

  • Docteurdedroit

    Hi there,

    I have to say I do not like beer shows on WLTV… Sorry…

    Regards from Germany

  • marcbelgium

    I don’t like BLTV. I’m a wine drinker and will stick to that.

  • I liked it. I like the change up. Gary designed the show to not have it be snobbish and now it seems that many people on here are acting snobbish about him bringing on beer. That’s unfortunate.

  • I agree on the scotch show. Is there a scotch show online? I’d love that.

  • Not me. I like things mixed up. But I see your name is jeffsjeff. That’s consistency in the name.

  • I don’t have any desire to ever drink beer, but I enjoy these shows somehow.

    I would probably enjoy a mead show even more.

  • Problem with distrubution. No this the awsome thing about business and monopoly/cartells.
    I usually like guest shows and I do like beer of all sorts. But this didn’t warm up to me just yet.

  • Rhetro3

    i love the beer shows. prolly cuz i drink lots of beer. but i would love to see a mead show! i dont kno if gary’s done it before but it is sumthin that needs to be done.

  • Anonymous

    Of course plenty of people care about beer. That’s why he doing a multipart beer show. But we’ve already had multiple beer shows, and multiple sake shows. If we’re going to deviate from wine anyway, let’s try something new. Apples, baby, apples.

  • Randall

    Fair enough…

  • AcinoGarbo

    great show!
    hei Gary if you find try “La chouffe”…..!I love it!
    It is a belgium beer…..!But I always prefer wine…!

  • AcinoGarbo

    people don’t like beers!
    But for me they should learn what they’re drinking, closing their eyes!!!!
    this is the secret….also for the wine!
    Not what you’re drinking,but what you’re tasting….
    Thanks Gary!

  • waynooo daaa wino


  • Anonymous

    No, I don’t…..that would be obnoxious.

  • Anonymous


    Great episode. You know the beer episodes are my favorite. I must have missed one somewhere though if you did one recently. I will have to look it up.

    The guest it great and you are asking good questions, but I stop interrupting. 😛 We still don’t know how Victory got it’s name because you asked about who rejected his business proposal and we never made it back on topic. Arghhhh!

    Yes people don’t smell beer enough, but more importantly people don’t pair beer with food enough. For some reason beer isn’t thought off as a dinner drink at least not the way wine is. But with people like Goose Island and Rick Bayless specifically making craft beers for dishes in their restaurants. It will hopefully be happening soon.


  • Anonymous

    I’m happy for a change once in a while but enough with the beer shows! It’s not a snob thing – sometimes there’s just nothing that can beat a great beer and I’m sure that it deserves its fair share of attention at the table or beyond. But this is a wine show primarily. Can we at least spread the diversions out more (last beer show was Aug 4)?

  • Victory is doing great work. It’s fun to see their stuff on display.

  • Anonymous

    While Bill seems like a cool dude and his beers are good (at least the ones I’ve had), this show doesn’t really work for me. BTW, you are REALLY interrupting your guest a LOT in this episode. I’m skipping Part 2.

  • Anonymous

    GV & Guest – Love the show, great seeing the comparison’s…that was a good idea! I am a huge fan of Victory! Can’t wait for part II!

  • Allan

    Beer is underrated! End of story!!

    Fantastic first part on this voyage of discovery in the beer world…
    This is what i love about you Gary, you’re so unpredictable.

    Kudos Bill, kudos, great job!
    You too Gary. Very good interview, but you’ll probably ruin it in part deux 😛

    Keep the guest shows comin’…. when the guests are great, with great storys to tell, what can beat that???

    Bring on da 2nd! 😛

  • Allan

    Hello Dr. Evil 😛

  • Anonymous

    We won’t miss you. You have the shirt the wristbands and you’re boycotting the second half of a GREAT BEER SHOW!? Doh!

  • People love beer *points to self* And for taste. Honestly and for truly.

  • give it a chance…you never know…

  • *burp* 😛

  • teehee…

  • I do drive a mean stick shift so FedEx trucks are fair game 😛

  • Liked the informative episode and while I still yearn for a glass of old world red, I like surprising the palate by trying some beer. The guest is great–very clear and focused–relaxed show with some serious knowledge about beer, being poured out!

  • Fata2683

    As a long time viewer, I thank you for starting to incorporate beer into your shows. I’m primarily a beer drinker and turned to your show to learn about the world of wine and receive tips on tasting and buying bottles. While my focus is still on beer, I have learned a lot from your shows. I hope the wine lovers are taking something away from these as well, it’s wonderful when our worlds collide and we can become enthralled with all things “drink!”

  • Lvine

    One of the best guests I’ve seen on WLTV!

  • “These are the awesome rules you get when you have Prohibition…but we don’t talk about that.” – @garyvee

    I wish you WOULD talk more about Prohibition, and especially how the 3 tier system is hurting the microbreweries and helping the internationally-owned macro brewers.

  • Oh and seriously, it’s criminal drinking those Belgians from pilsener glasses. Gary, get some tulips or break out some of those massive red wine fishbowls.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks Guys! Philly friends took me there in 2003, but I’d already been a fan (Ohio) for several years, having been among the ranks of cycling/courrier, homebrewing, and indie rock subcults going back to the ’80’s. Your crew are good and passionate, you can tell that they love their work. Mr Steve German also, did you guys really well, when I’d dealt w/ him on his field trips into my former regional market. Your support of bike teams, and line of gear is excellent. I’d had a jersey, but someone asconded w/ it. Pissed me off.

    Two words: Hop Wallop!!

  • Anonymous

    And I missed this, on Tues., cause I was out till after midnight – riding bikes, and drinkin’ beer, afterwards!

  • Joe L

    Sorry didn’t watch it all. Not BeerLibraryTV. What’s next TequilaLibraryTV. One session is ok, but a 2 parter? Please GV save the 2 parters for wine. JMHO from a newbie.

  • The other thing about pouring beer that can really mess up your enjoyment is to pour the yeast sediment from the bottom of a bottle-conditioned beer into the glass.

  • BuddhaChu

    If you missed the lastest beer show, you can get to it by typing “Brooklyn” in the search box, or warp to episode #815 on Feb 12, 2010.

  • Germanchemist

    It´s not about beeing snobbish it´s more about logic. The show is WLTV not BLTV. And I don´t like it that´s all I say…

  • Eacarrr

    GV… You interupted (spelling?) your guest like 3 times in the last minute of the episode. Bad form my friend, bad form.

  • Anonymous

    Fantastic start to a quality beer 2-parter (…maybe 3?) and I have to say that although I haven’t had much experience with Victory beers, I did fall in love with St Bernardus Tripel about 2 years ago when I first tasted it…

  • I respect that.

  • Brutesone

    pffft..st bernardus blows GM away

  • TimCtheFilmGuy

    What ruins my enjoyment is NOT pouring the yeast! I want ALL of the yeasty goodness!!

  • Geoalb

    “Beer is made by men, wine by God” -Martin Luther

  • Kw84

    A friend just pointed out this episode to me. I’m a beer guy more so than wine and I have to say this was awesome. Please do some more beer episodes whenever possible. You have some really great perspectives that made these two episodes incredibly interesting for me to watch.

  • Allbruin

    Just caught this- great show, great guest, great entrepreneurial story, and great beer- I am a wine AND beer guy!


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