EP 167 Brunello Di Montalcino Tasting and Reviews

Wines tasted in this episode:

Sangiovese Grasso is the grape behind this classic wine, sit back and watch as Gary Vaynerchuk tastes and review four wines score 95 or higher by the Wine Spectator.

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great show and why i keep coming back; Best/first ever was a young 97 la togata riserva that had been left over on the counter overnite after a tasting at a local wine club (and was still opening up); an aha moment that made me go to tuscany and drink brunello with pasta and wild boar ragu; brunello is now my fave wine. so how much practice did she need to get you down?

Tags: Brunello, italy, red wines, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • JimVarney01

    Never had a brunello… definitely on the list to try real soon! Thanks for the info and the episode Gary!

  • JimVarney01

    Never had a brunello… definitely on the list to try real soon! Thanks for the info and the episode Gary!

  • TimF

    eugene — not my daughter, but whoever it was, the parent’s have quite a handful I bet! She was great!

    BTW — Can somebody remind me of the name of the cheese on the episode?

  • TimF

    eugene — not my daughter, but whoever it was, the parent’s have quite a handful I bet! She was great!

    BTW — Can somebody remind me of the name of the cheese on the episode?

  • Michael P

    That girl was soooooo cute!! GV she will def give you a run for your $$ in 10yrs.

    I had a Banfi BdM. Hated it. I believe it was an ’01. Believe it or not I may give the Pinino a whirl. Hey everyone deserves a 2nd shot right…except Merlot, dessert wines, Chards & uhhhh…uhh..mmmm did I miss anyone?

  • Michael P

    That girl was soooooo cute!! GV she will def give you a run for your $$ in 10yrs.

    I had a Banfi BdM. Hated it. I believe it was an ’01. Believe it or not I may give the Pinino a whirl. Hey everyone deserves a 2nd shot right…except Merlot, dessert wines, Chards & uhhhh…uhh..mmmm did I miss anyone?

  • mikeyrad

    Great episode, perhaps the best yet! Cierra deserves a Golden Globe! I’m also excited for the special announcement. I’m guessing that it has to do with gourmetlibrary.com. As far as Brunellos, I’ve had a few at restaurants and loved them, but was too drunk or stupid to make tasting notes or write down the name of the wine.

  • mikeyrad

    Great episode, perhaps the best yet! Cierra deserves a Golden Globe! I’m also excited for the special announcement. I’m guessing that it has to do with gourmetlibrary.com. As far as Brunellos, I’ve had a few at restaurants and loved them, but was too drunk or stupid to make tasting notes or write down the name of the wine.

  • NickP

    This was a great episode. Doc Brown’s daughter stole the show from a performance perspective – she’s got a future!
    As for the wines, BDM’s have long been a favorite. My love of wine began in teh 70s and my first real splurge was on a BDM. I probably have the label at home, but I don’t remember which one it was offhand. I’ll have to come back with that another time. But I have had for sure Banfi, Silvio Nardi, Biondi-Santi over the years and they are always terrific, though I will admit for the price one pays I have been somewhat disappointed with some of them in the past. I recieved a Banfi and a Collosorbo, both 2000, for Christmas – but I’ll have to wait on those. I’ll be in the store this afternoon for a few bottles of teh Pinino and the cheese.

    Keep it coming!

  • NickP

    This was a great episode. Doc Brown’s daughter stole the show from a performance perspective – she’s got a future!
    As for the wines, BDM’s have long been a favorite. My love of wine began in teh 70s and my first real splurge was on a BDM. I probably have the label at home, but I don’t remember which one it was offhand. I’ll have to come back with that another time. But I have had for sure Banfi, Silvio Nardi, Biondi-Santi over the years and they are always terrific, though I will admit for the price one pays I have been somewhat disappointed with some of them in the past. I recieved a Banfi and a Collosorbo, both 2000, for Christmas – but I’ll have to wait on those. I’ll be in the store this afternoon for a few bottles of teh Pinino and the cheese.

    Keep it coming!

  • Joyce

    Gary…..great episode……we saw you, by the way, wipe your cheesey fingers on your pants! HA!…Be vewy vewy afraid….Cierra’s coming! She was fantastic, great presence.

    Fun episode, as usual. Glad you’re back in NJ!


  • Joyce

    Gary…..great episode……we saw you, by the way, wipe your cheesey fingers on your pants! HA!…Be vewy vewy afraid….Cierra’s coming! She was fantastic, great presence.

    Fun episode, as usual. Glad you’re back in NJ!


  • NickP

    Tim, I read the cheese as Piedmont Robiola.

  • NickP

    Tim, I read the cheese as Piedmont Robiola.

  • jeff verellen

    I tried alot of brunello over my lifetime but for me the: “Brunello tenuta oliveto” did it!

  • jeff verellen

    I tried alot of brunello over my lifetime but for me the: “Brunello tenuta oliveto” did it!


    I was just in Italy this past July and the Brunellos are no where near as cheap as they used to be- in 2001 they flowed like water in 2006 they flowed like really expensive water!

    In 2005 we were in Florence & the Tuscan countryside and I drank so many Brunello’s- I could not even tell you the name of one- But I brought home a nice 70 euro bottle and my wife left it in the car in 95 degree weather for 2 days when we got home- the cork has pushed up about 1/4 of an inch- would be happy to let Gary try this on air.


    I was just in Italy this past July and the Brunellos are no where near as cheap as they used to be- in 2001 they flowed like water in 2006 they flowed like really expensive water!

    In 2005 we were in Florence & the Tuscan countryside and I drank so many Brunello’s- I could not even tell you the name of one- But I brought home a nice 70 euro bottle and my wife left it in the car in 95 degree weather for 2 days when we got home- the cork has pushed up about 1/4 of an inch- would be happy to let Gary try this on air.

  • Nice comparisons GARY! Watch OUT – You have enormous competion with cutie Sierra, good thing
    she’s just a a babe and not able to drink the real thing!

    My QOTD: can any one advise me?

    I am a healthy, all natural organic foodie (when its available, no processing, no additives, no
    gmo) and in touch with my body and surroundings….never smoked and do not ever take
    prescription drugs…NO CHEMICAL ADDITIVES HERE!

    I am having a little trouble with Old World wines, particulary REDS.

    I have noticed the New World acidity and many taste like a HUGE ZIN! Which is fantastic, however..

    My issue is, an uncomfortable feeling hours after drinking….I think it

    may be because of the unfiltered wines…Have you ever heard of this?

    They don’t agree with my digestion…..


  • Nice comparisons GARY! Watch OUT – You have enormous competion with cutie Sierra, good thing
    she’s just a a babe and not able to drink the real thing!

    My QOTD: can any one advise me?

    I am a healthy, all natural organic foodie (when its available, no processing, no additives, no
    gmo) and in touch with my body and surroundings….never smoked and do not ever take
    prescription drugs…NO CHEMICAL ADDITIVES HERE!

    I am having a little trouble with Old World wines, particulary REDS.

    I have noticed the New World acidity and many taste like a HUGE ZIN! Which is fantastic, however..

    My issue is, an uncomfortable feeling hours after drinking….I think it

    may be because of the unfiltered wines…Have you ever heard of this?

    They don’t agree with my digestion…..


  • Hire Sierra, put her on contract now and keep her ready for when she is drinking age. What talent

    Brunello’ s are second on my list Poggio is consistent for me 90, 95, 97 the best recent vintages for me, my preference is still Barolo because the Nebbiolo grape is so temperamental that it is difficult to reproduce in any other country. And Brunello’s still possess the old world charm. What you liked the most about these wines you tasted today seemed to be the new world aspects and that, to me, is destructive to terroir as these are being made to appeal to short term use and not storage. Will the fruit bombs hold up or fade out as so many of the CA wines that are over-the-top at the beggining but never age into anything special? I don’t want to see homogenization of the wine business where everything has the same profile. Tasting these wines in the region (Tuscany border) many of the smaller wineries still possess the old world charm.

  • Hire Sierra, put her on contract now and keep her ready for when she is drinking age. What talent

    Brunello’ s are second on my list Poggio is consistent for me 90, 95, 97 the best recent vintages for me, my preference is still Barolo because the Nebbiolo grape is so temperamental that it is difficult to reproduce in any other country. And Brunello’s still possess the old world charm. What you liked the most about these wines you tasted today seemed to be the new world aspects and that, to me, is destructive to terroir as these are being made to appeal to short term use and not storage. Will the fruit bombs hold up or fade out as so many of the CA wines that are over-the-top at the beggining but never age into anything special? I don’t want to see homogenization of the wine business where everything has the same profile. Tasting these wines in the region (Tuscany border) many of the smaller wineries still possess the old world charm.

  • Faryan

    Fav brunellos:

    Altesino 95
    Tenuta La Fuega 95 riserva (more for the ocassion than for the wine, albeit it was good)

  • Fav brunellos:

    Altesino 95
    Tenuta La Fuega 95 riserva (more for the ocassion than for the wine, albeit it was good)

  • Fred Horwitz


    I am new to WLTV, and I am thrilled to join this community. What a great idea! I am also new to Brunello, but decided to jump right in with the ’01 vintage. Picked up a few different bottles – Banfi, Tenuto di Nuova, Castelgiocondo, Siro Pacenti, and Valdicava. Great names I know – I have a friend who is a BdM freak and she suggested a number of these.

    The question I have for you is should I wait until 2010/11 to pop these babies? I store them in my basement in Cleveland, OH ,which is 1/2 underground, so the temp is fairly consistent averaging about 65F. I only have about 2 bottles of each, so I would hate to wait too long and find them over the hill. How much would I miss if I decanted them say in December 2007? I know that this question can be answered generally regardless of varietal, but I’m wondering if you’ve had positive experiences decanting young Brunellos in particular.

    Thanks – Fred

    PS. I know you’re a JETS fan, but I’m hoping that you were able to appreciate the quality and level of drama of the Patriots-Chargers game last Sunday. Classic Brady/Belichick. What a machine. Go PATS! (please don’t hold this against me!)

  • Fred Horwitz


    I am new to WLTV, and I am thrilled to join this community. What a great idea! I am also new to Brunello, but decided to jump right in with the ’01 vintage. Picked up a few different bottles – Banfi, Tenuto di Nuova, Castelgiocondo, Siro Pacenti, and Valdicava. Great names I know – I have a friend who is a BdM freak and she suggested a number of these.

    The question I have for you is should I wait until 2010/11 to pop these babies? I store them in my basement in Cleveland, OH ,which is 1/2 underground, so the temp is fairly consistent averaging about 65F. I only have about 2 bottles of each, so I would hate to wait too long and find them over the hill. How much would I miss if I decanted them say in December 2007? I know that this question can be answered generally regardless of varietal, but I’m wondering if you’ve had positive experiences decanting young Brunellos in particular.

    Thanks – Fred

    PS. I know you’re a JETS fan, but I’m hoping that you were able to appreciate the quality and level of drama of the Patriots-Chargers game last Sunday. Classic Brady/Belichick. What a machine. Go PATS! (please don’t hold this against me!)

  • Gary…you have been really funny lately. Are you drinking before the episodes?

  • Gary…you have been really funny lately. Are you drinking before the episodes?

  • Sherri

    Awesome episode! Sierra stole the show… obviously has watched a LOT of WLTV and can do a great impression!!

    GO PATS (sorry Gary)

  • Sherri

    Awesome episode! Sierra stole the show… obviously has watched a LOT of WLTV and can do a great impression!!

    GO PATS (sorry Gary)

  • Brian

    Great. Brunello the noblest wine of Tuscany. You kill me with these tastings! Awesome presentation and supreme honesty. BTW, Favorite Brunello of all time is ’85 Castelgiocondo riserva in a mag!

  • Brian

    Great. Brunello the noblest wine of Tuscany. You kill me with these tastings! Awesome presentation and supreme honesty. BTW, Favorite Brunello of all time is ’85 Castelgiocondo riserva in a mag!

  • Anthony L

    La Magia 99 riserva! Excellent bang for your bones!!!

  • Anthony L

    La Magia 99 riserva! Excellent bang for your bones!!!

  • Corte Pavone Brunello di Montalcino is my favorite so far. What stood out for me was the balance between fruit, toast, earth (like peat moss, forest), and nice tannins. I was very impressed by it.

    I’ve just discovered this Wine Library TV and like it a lot. You do a great job. I have some episodes to catch up on. Thanks.

  • Corte Pavone Brunello di Montalcino is my favorite so far. What stood out for me was the balance between fruit, toast, earth (like peat moss, forest), and nice tannins. I was very impressed by it.

    I’ve just discovered this Wine Library TV and like it a lot. You do a great job. I have some episodes to catch up on. Thanks.

  • John Blue Label

    An update! I had a bottle of the Pinino 2001 that Gary tasted yesterday, and tried it today. WOW!!! Was it fantastic. Gary, my man, you got the Right Stuff! This is the nectar of the gods.This is one of the finest wines I have ever had (I admit, I’m a newbie, but oh boy is this good) I have ordered a case to keep for a few years. JW

  • John Blue Label

    An update! I had a bottle of the Pinino 2001 that Gary tasted yesterday, and tried it today. WOW!!! Was it fantastic. Gary, my man, you got the Right Stuff! This is the nectar of the gods.This is one of the finest wines I have ever had (I admit, I’m a newbie, but oh boy is this good) I have ordered a case to keep for a few years. JW

  • Sam Zen

    Scar4y how well that little girl swirled the glass… dad, you’re screwed when she gets older!

  • Sam Zen

    Scar4y how well that little girl swirled the glass… dad, you’re screwed when she gets older!

  • Italian Stallion

    OK…First off….That girl did the impression PERFECT…not to mention she swirled the glass like a pro. GREAT JOB!!

    QOD: The best Brunello I ever had was the 2001 Cassanova Di Neri Tenuta Nuova (WS # 1 wine of 2006)…thanks to my good buddy TampaSteve

  • Italian Stallion

    OK…First off….That girl did the impression PERFECT…not to mention she swirled the glass like a pro. GREAT JOB!!

    QOD: The best Brunello I ever had was the 2001 Cassanova Di Neri Tenuta Nuova (WS # 1 wine of 2006)…thanks to my good buddy TampaSteve

  • Michael J Vino

    Great episode Gary. I am shocked to read that Patriot fans actually enjoy good vino. I would have thought they only drank beer (Sam Adams or a Boston microbrew). J-E-T-S!!!

  • Michael J Vino

    Great episode Gary. I am shocked to read that Patriot fans actually enjoy good vino. I would have thought they only drank beer (Sam Adams or a Boston microbrew). J-E-T-S!!!

  • NickP

    OK, I said in comment 80 I’d check back on some of the BDMs I had in the past. While I know I had a number over the years I was only able to find a record for one. Here’s an indication of what’s happened over the years: Silvio Nardi Cavaliere del Lavoro, 1974: $8.99/bottle bought in 1981 in NYC, drunk in 1985. My rather simple tasting notes, printed on the back of the label which I still have, say: “Clear, deep red color – like a good Chianti Classico Riserva. Pleasant, abundant bouquet w/some woodiness. Elegant, smooth taste; good wood and tannins, not overbearing, but apparent. Much smoother and more subtle than a Ch. Classico. I think ready to drink but should last and improve for a while.”
    I also found a record of a 1995 Casnova di Neri – that was a gift.
    I did buy two bottles of the Pinini today – at $60/bot I hope they live up to their billing, esp.
    in light of what a decent bottle cost back in 1981!
    BTW – WL cheese shop is currently out of the Robiola Piedmont cheese – they may get more later in the week.

  • NickP

    OK, I said in comment 80 I’d check back on some of the BDMs I had in the past. While I know I had a number over the years I was only able to find a record for one. Here’s an indication of what’s happened over the years: Silvio Nardi Cavaliere del Lavoro, 1974: $8.99/bottle bought in 1981 in NYC, drunk in 1985. My rather simple tasting notes, printed on the back of the label which I still have, say: “Clear, deep red color – like a good Chianti Classico Riserva. Pleasant, abundant bouquet w/some woodiness. Elegant, smooth taste; good wood and tannins, not overbearing, but apparent. Much smoother and more subtle than a Ch. Classico. I think ready to drink but should last and improve for a while.”
    I also found a record of a 1995 Casnova di Neri – that was a gift.
    I did buy two bottles of the Pinini today – at $60/bot I hope they live up to their billing, esp.
    in light of what a decent bottle cost back in 1981!
    BTW – WL cheese shop is currently out of the Robiola Piedmont cheese – they may get more later in the week.

  • Rob M.


  • Rob M.


  • Where’s this HUUUUGE announcement?

  • Where’s this HUUUUGE announcement?


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