EP 238 Summer White Wines

Today Gary makes a Huge announcement and talks about Summer whites that can be drank now and enjoyed!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Domaines Ott Les Domaines RoseOther French Rose Wine
Voga Pinot GrigioNon-Tuscan Pinot Grigio
2005 Domaine Ricard Touraine Blanc Pierre A FeuTouraine
2006 Grosset Riesling Polish HillAustralian Riesling

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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YES! This Voga wine is SO BAD. Drinking my first and last ever glass of it right now. I sincerely wish I had read reviews on it before I bought it. It is the worst wine I have ever consumed. I had to do some research after my first taste because the smell just threw me off so much. At first I thought it must be off, but it’s not.. It’s just a terrible smelling, terrible tasting, sad excuse for a wine. Never again.

Tags: pinot grigio, review, Riesling, rose, Touraine, Video, white wines, wine, wines

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  • Mrhendog

    Sorry guys. I really enjoyed the Voga Pinot. I was lured in by the fancyness of the bottle trying to impress some people and i enjoyed the taste. I usually am not a fan of Pinot. This made me say,”I’ll try it again!”

  • ulu ulu ulu ulu

    Gary, my house-mate has a wine “collection” which is mostly comprised of things you can find at a CVS or corner bodega. I was rifling through it and came across his bottle of Voga and thought I’d see what you thought of it. I’m pretty pleased to watch you h8ing on it.

  • ulu ulu ulu ulu

    Gary, my house-mate has a wine “collection” which is mostly comprised of things you can find at a CVS or corner bodega. I was rifling through it and came across his bottle of Voga and thought I’d see what you thought of it. I’m pretty pleased to watch you h8ing on it.

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  • John__J

    qotd traveling alot hopefully

    Gary, I cant believe anyone would really want you to taste that voga. I wonder if you just put that on as a joke.
    Would be great to tune in and see a vin jaune on your show one of these days

  • John J

    qotd traveling alot hopefully

    Gary, I cant believe anyone would really want you to taste that voga. I wonder if you just put that on as a joke.
    Would be great to tune in and see a vin jaune on your show one of these days

  • Dave

    Greetings from the Great White North !

    OMG This was my first episode of WLTV, and with that I am HOOKED !

    I have often walked by the Voga on my way to pickup a bottle of Santa Marguerita, my personal favorite so far, and thought of trying it… That being said the bottle alone kept me buying it. I figured anyone that put that much effort into the bottle design MUST be compensating for something… Thanks for saving me the 14 canadian bucks ! (least I can do is offer my 2 cents)

    Funny Story… I found your website from a random friend I made in Australia, who posted your CNN appearance on her blog… Talk about power of the internet and social media !!!!

    Look forward to watching many many many more episodes !

  • Dave

    Greetings from the Great White North !

    OMG This was my first episode of WLTV, and with that I am HOOKED !

    I have often walked by the Voga on my way to pickup a bottle of Santa Marguerita, my personal favorite so far, and thought of trying it… That being said the bottle alone kept me buying it. I figured anyone that put that much effort into the bottle design MUST be compensating for something… Thanks for saving me the 14 canadian bucks ! (least I can do is offer my 2 cents)

    Funny Story… I found your website from a random friend I made in Australia, who posted your CNN appearance on her blog… Talk about power of the internet and social media !!!!

    Look forward to watching many many many more episodes !

  • Wayne M.

    Hi all – Just a quick comment: If the Voga is such crap why does Wine Library sell it for $10.99 with the review:

    “Crisp and refreshing, with good fruit intensity up front, all leading into a subtle and soft finish. Great packaging and makes a perfect gift. Get in on the new trend in Pinot Grigio.”


  • Wayne M.

    Hi all – Just a quick comment: If the Voga is such crap why does Wine Library sell it for $10.99 with the review:

    “Crisp and refreshing, with good fruit intensity up front, all leading into a subtle and soft finish. Great packaging and makes a perfect gift. Get in on the new trend in Pinot Grigio.”


  • waibeans

    number T0000000000000000000000oooooooooooooo

  • corkscrew

    These wines are not my cup of tea… http://www.winelx.com

  • You got my dime.

  • Hwade

    YES! This Voga wine is SO BAD. Drinking my first and last ever glass of it right now. I sincerely wish I had read reviews on it before I bought it. It is the worst wine I have ever consumed. I had to do some research after my first taste because the smell just threw me off so much. At first I thought it must be off, but it’s not.. It’s just a terrible smelling, terrible tasting, sad excuse for a wine. Never again.


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