EP 322 Pizza Wine

Today Gary answers a question many want answered, what wine goes with Pizza?

Wines tasted in this episode:

2004 Aminea Greco Di TufoGreco di Tufo
2005 Vesevo Greco Di TufoGreco di Tufo
2006 Hanna Sauvignon BlancSonoma Sauvignon Blanc
2006 Castello De Medina VerdejoOther Spanish White Wine

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Don't think I have had these wines. QOTD-sausage and roasted peppers http://www.winelx.com

Tags: pizza, sauvignon blanc, Video, white, white wines, wine, wines

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  • Matt M

    I am also a cheeseless pizza eater, any canadian wine suggestions. I travel to Montreal frequently. thanks froma former lurker

  • Jeb T

    Homemade, no tomato sauce just chunks of tomato rosemary, with a touch of mozzaella and shitake musrooms ooked in garli and rosemary on thin whole wheat crust.
    An expatriet Jets fanwho still remembers the glory days of Nameth and Emerson Boozer.

  • Jeb T

    Homemade, no tomato sauce just chunks of tomato rosemary, with a touch of mozzaella and shitake musrooms ooked in garli and rosemary on thin whole wheat crust.
    An expatriet Jets fanwho still remembers the glory days of Nameth and Emerson Boozer.

  • Matt Sievert

    Oh man I miss pizza from the North East.
    QOTD: its not what is on it. it’s where it is from..
    Owl’s Nest – Saranac Lake, New York.

    Missouri has crappy pizza they really do.

  • Matt Sievert

    Oh man I miss pizza from the North East.
    QOTD: its not what is on it. it’s where it is from..
    Owl’s Nest – Saranac Lake, New York.

    Missouri has crappy pizza they really do.

  • Karl Laczko

    Verdejo from Rueda is great, you should get hold of a Javier Sanz “Vila Narcissa”. Sauv-Blans is OK, not a big fan, never had a Greco di Tufo.

    QOTD – Hardly ever eat Pizza, but when I do I like it loaded, Pepperoni, extra cheese, garlic, Jalopinos etc.

  • Karl Laczko

    Verdejo from Rueda is great, you should get hold of a Javier Sanz “Vila Narcissa”. Sauv-Blans is OK, not a big fan, never had a Greco di Tufo.

    QOTD – Hardly ever eat Pizza, but when I do I like it loaded, Pepperoni, extra cheese, garlic, Jalopinos etc.

  • bh

    tough question. i really like a simple fresh mozzarella, basil and tomato. but last night, for instance, i did a sausage, onion, garlic and olive that rocked me. i can never just stick with one thing.

  • bh

    tough question. i really like a simple fresh mozzarella, basil and tomato. but last night, for instance, i did a sausage, onion, garlic and olive that rocked me. i can never just stick with one thing.

  • Kevin

    Homemade Pizza Dough with freshly grated buffalo mozzerela,chopped tomatoes soaked in Balsamic vinegar w/pepperoni and sausage topped off with EVOO…..mmmmmmmmmmmmm there is nothing better

  • Kevin

    Homemade Pizza Dough with freshly grated buffalo mozzerela,chopped tomatoes soaked in Balsamic vinegar w/pepperoni and sausage topped off with EVOO…..mmmmmmmmmmmmm there is nothing better

  • Jeff Cleveland

    Man, I gotta learn to break more rules. I ALWAYS think of red wine with pizza. Good episode.

    QOTD: Homemade with minimal, fresh, seasonally appropriate ingredients – preferably on the grill.

  • Jeff Cleveland

    Man, I gotta learn to break more rules. I ALWAYS think of red wine with pizza. Good episode.

    QOTD: Homemade with minimal, fresh, seasonally appropriate ingredients – preferably on the grill.

  • QOTD: Standard traditional pizza Margherita: extremely thin, tomato sauce, cheese, basil.

  • QOTD: Standard traditional pizza Margherita: extremely thin, tomato sauce, cheese, basil.

  • Lawrence Leichtman

    I actually make a foccaccia not pizza with olive oil mushrooms, onion, garlic, and sprinkling of parmesan. This is usually a French white from Loire for me but I will have to try Verdejo.

  • Lawrence Leichtman

    I actually make a foccaccia not pizza with olive oil mushrooms, onion, garlic, and sprinkling of parmesan. This is usually a French white from Loire for me but I will have to try Verdejo.

  • Mike Harris

    QOTD: Thin crust, sliced fresh tomatoes, no sauce; easy on the cheese, not overloaded with toppings (thinly sliced roasted red, bell peppers, caramelized onion, smoky bacon, pepperoni, pick one or two, no more). Made at home, eaten hot out of the oven.


  • Mike Harris

    QOTD: Thin crust, sliced fresh tomatoes, no sauce; easy on the cheese, not overloaded with toppings (thinly sliced roasted red, bell peppers, caramelized onion, smoky bacon, pepperoni, pick one or two, no more). Made at home, eaten hot out of the oven.


  • melanie

    It’s real tough to get good pie,down here in the”Culinary Wasteland” most popularly known as Florida. I grew up in Connecticut, where some of the best pizzas of my life were made by Greek hands.’Beverly Pizza’ in Fairfield,Connecticut in Blackrock has been making pizza the exact same way for forty years.I’m 44 and I ate my first when I was 1 year old. Same guy still owns it.
    Now that’s cool.
    I love plain cheese pizza, crust thin,but not like a matzo, and a little clear orange grease trickling down the center of the slice,as I fold it,’new york style’ to eat.Caramelized cheese, Please !

  • melanie

    It’s real tough to get good pie,down here in the”Culinary Wasteland” most popularly known as Florida. I grew up in Connecticut, where some of the best pizzas of my life were made by Greek hands.’Beverly Pizza’ in Fairfield,Connecticut in Blackrock has been making pizza the exact same way for forty years.I’m 44 and I ate my first when I was 1 year old. Same guy still owns it.
    Now that’s cool.
    I love plain cheese pizza, crust thin,but not like a matzo, and a little clear orange grease trickling down the center of the slice,as I fold it,’new york style’ to eat.Caramelized cheese, Please !

  • sky

    go gnarly head!!!!!! big shout out !!!love it!!!

  • sky

    go gnarly head!!!!!! big shout out !!!love it!!!

  • dz

    Great show Gary, this theme needs to be repeated often since this is probably the western world’s favorite food. I’ve been trying to find a red wine that would complement pizza for the last two decades with dissapointing results until recently and only because a opened bottle of 06 Kim Crawford S.B. was in the fridge did I stumble upon a good pairing. Now, find us a great turkey wine because turkey will destroy nearly all of our most esteemed wines.

  • dz

    Great show Gary, this theme needs to be repeated often since this is probably the western world’s favorite food. I’ve been trying to find a red wine that would complement pizza for the last two decades with dissapointing results until recently and only because a opened bottle of 06 Kim Crawford S.B. was in the fridge did I stumble upon a good pairing. Now, find us a great turkey wine because turkey will destroy nearly all of our most esteemed wines.

  • Aaron J

    I used to drink only reds with my pesto and fresh tomato pizza, but now I’m going to bust out the whites for that affair.

  • Aaron J

    I used to drink only reds with my pesto and fresh tomato pizza, but now I’m going to bust out the whites for that affair.

  • Lar

    Ciao Gary,

    just back from Castellina in Chianti. Had a Marina Cvetic Montepuliciano d’Abruzzo 2003 which went really well with Gorgonzola pizza.


  • Lar

    Ciao Gary,

    just back from Castellina in Chianti. Had a Marina Cvetic Montepuliciano d’Abruzzo 2003 which went really well with Gorgonzola pizza.


  • Cato

    Given the universal love for pizza, grazie mille for this episode. QOTD: As my pseudonym suggests, I’m a devotee of the classics, and my favorite pizza is Pizza Margherita with really fresh mozzarella and basil.

    The virtues of the Vedejo made me wonder about the compatibility of a Vinho Verde. In fact, in light of your penchant for frizzantes and good value, I’d love to see a show on Vinho Verde.

  • Cato

    Given the universal love for pizza, grazie mille for this episode. QOTD: As my pseudonym suggests, I’m a devotee of the classics, and my favorite pizza is Pizza Margherita with really fresh mozzarella and basil.

    The virtues of the Vedejo made me wonder about the compatibility of a Vinho Verde. In fact, in light of your penchant for frizzantes and good value, I’d love to see a show on Vinho Verde.

  • Jim

    QOTD – California Pizza Kitchen… Pepperoni… Sauvignon Blanc. Where it’s at.

  • Jim

    QOTD – California Pizza Kitchen… Pepperoni… Sauvignon Blanc. Where it’s at.

  • Phil

    Love Verdeho…should try Cassamaro, best I have tasted.

  • Phil

    Love Verdeho…should try Cassamaro, best I have tasted.

  • I’m sorry, but I was raised on good Pizza in Long Island, NY.
    I never get why people take the cheese off.

    I SOOOO miss good NY Pizza in Southern Cal (although NYPD in Corona is damn good)

    QOTD: I LOVE Sicilian pizza. And Sfingoni slices. I can never remember what’s on it, but Fra Amichi Pizza in Massapequa, NY used to serve it and it was amazing.

    But there’s little better in this world to me, than a good, crisp, thin crust NY style pizza, beer and a football or baseball game.

  • I’m sorry, but I was raised on good Pizza in Long Island, NY.
    I never get why people take the cheese off.

    I SOOOO miss good NY Pizza in Southern Cal (although NYPD in Corona is damn good)

    QOTD: I LOVE Sicilian pizza. And Sfingoni slices. I can never remember what’s on it, but Fra Amichi Pizza in Massapequa, NY used to serve it and it was amazing.

    But there’s little better in this world to me, than a good, crisp, thin crust NY style pizza, beer and a football or baseball game.

  • lhwinelady

    I have tried pizza in a variety of restaurants (from hawaii to NJ). My favorite pizza remains the pizza at DeLorenzo’s Tomato Pies in Chambersburg (Trenton), NJ. They only sell pizza and soda. It’s BYOB so maybe I will bring one of these recommended wines with me the next time I go.

  • lhwinelady

    I have tried pizza in a variety of restaurants (from hawaii to NJ). My favorite pizza remains the pizza at DeLorenzo’s Tomato Pies in Chambersburg (Trenton), NJ. They only sell pizza and soda. It’s BYOB so maybe I will bring one of these recommended wines with me the next time I go.

  • Russ J

    QOTD: Peppers & mushrooms rule on pizza! Don’t eat a lot of “real” pizza these days due to the huge fat content, but I make a nice approximation using a whole wheat pita as a crust. Not bad. I’ll give the whites a try next time.

  • Russ J

    QOTD: Peppers & mushrooms rule on pizza! Don’t eat a lot of “real” pizza these days due to the huge fat content, but I make a nice approximation using a whole wheat pita as a crust. Not bad. I’ll give the whites a try next time.

  • SoCal

    QOTD: Mushroom & olive….eat it all

  • SoCal

    QOTD: Mushroom & olive….eat it all

  • What about a big Monte for the spicy pizza’s, or Valpolicella, hmmm, I can taste the match up right now!

    If you are ever in Minnesota and want to try the best authentic pizza this side of Naples, check out Punch Neapolitan Pizza. And if you’re nice I might even set you up with some awesome wine…

    Love the work GV! Keep going strong!

  • What about a big Monte for the spicy pizza’s, or Valpolicella, hmmm, I can taste the match up right now!

    If you are ever in Minnesota and want to try the best authentic pizza this side of Naples, check out Punch Neapolitan Pizza. And if you’re nice I might even set you up with some awesome wine…

    Love the work GV! Keep going strong!

  • QOTD: My favorite is ham and pineapple

  • QOTD: My favorite is ham and pineapple

  • Mason

    Interesting wines today, Gary. I really never thought about pairing pizza with a white wine, but I will definitely try it!

    QOTD: I like Italian meats on my pizza with some pepperoncini peppers.

  • Mason

    Interesting wines today, Gary. I really never thought about pairing pizza with a white wine, but I will definitely try it!

    QOTD: I like Italian meats on my pizza with some pepperoncini peppers.

  • J Crazy

    Dude, you must try Japanese super shrimp mayonaise bingo bacon german potato sausage cream sauce pizza. Oh, and there’s some corn on it which I HAAATE ON MY PIZZA. Why does this country insist on putting corn in EVERYTHING that’s “western” food????!?!?!! Enough with the corn, make some biodiesel out of it for christ’s sake. I mean honestly. But take the corn off and it’s amazing.


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