EP 355 Sake Tasting on Wine Library TV

We have waited too long for the Sake episode and finally Gary Vaynerchuk sits down and tastes away and on this day before Thanksgiving.

Wines tasted in this episode:

Tozai Snow Maiden NigoriJapanese Sake
Shadows Of Katano Nigori SakeJapanese Sake

Ginga Shizuku Sake Divine DropletsJapanese Sake
Nanbu Bijin Sake Ancient PillarsJapanese Sake

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M Crumpley

I've been drinking sake longer then I've actually been drinking grape wine. I consider them both wine so I don't want to call them anything different. Sake was the first wine I gave a shot to and before that all I would drink was the occasional fruity cocktail that you couldn't taste or smell the alcohol in. I got the opportunity at a sushi restaurant named TOMO to try a sake sampler which gave us a small shot glass of each type of sake. I don't know label names of what I tried but I could say I loved the high grade sake but my favorite (which is usually the most expensive I can afford is the Nigori sakes. To me I can taste a little bit of rice pudding flavor into it. I haven't focused on labels yet because of Tennessee wine and liquor laws makes some stuff hard to get. I can't even order the wine of the month packs from Gary because of our laws.
Now here's the weird thing drinking sake actually made me appreciate drier wines and weened me off the fruity sweet drinks. I can say my own palette started expanding because of sake. I hope you do more sake shows I haven't finished looking though the archives but this is great.

Tags: Japanese, review, rice, sake, Video, wine, wines

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  • GO JETS!!!!â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦being a Giant fan, there is no way I would be rooting for the Boys.

    QOTD: No favorite Sakeâ?¦.I only had Sake once or twice many years ago. As I remember, it was heated to body temperature and served in real small sake cups. Times and Sake have changed.

    Love those wild labels though.

  • GO JETS!!!!â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦being a Giant fan, there is no way I would be rooting for the Boys.

    QOTD: No favorite Sakeâ?¦.I only had Sake once or twice many years ago. As I remember, it was heated to body temperature and served in real small sake cups. Times and Sake have changed.

    Love those wild labels though.

  • Malphas

    QotD: I’ve had the Ancient Pillars brand of sake! In fact, whenever I go meet my friends in the City, we insist on chipping in for some at our favorite sushi places.

    This is the kind of sake that sneaks up on you and gives you a tender warm bear hug before getting you quite drunk. If my opinion is worth anything here, I recommend that people seek this sake out!

  • Malphas

    QotD: I’ve had the Ancient Pillars brand of sake! In fact, whenever I go meet my friends in the City, we insist on chipping in for some at our favorite sushi places.

    This is the kind of sake that sneaks up on you and gives you a tender warm bear hug before getting you quite drunk. If my opinion is worth anything here, I recommend that people seek this sake out!

  • Happy turkey GV

    I Think Iam turning Japanese (lol)

  • Happy turkey GV

    I Think Iam turning Japanese (lol)

  • Robin C

    QOTD: I would love to try sake although with the 17+% alcohol content it doesn’t sound as though it would be exactly my cup of tea, if I got a good deal on a premium bottle I might try it.
    Go Jets!

  • Robin C

    QOTD: I would love to try sake although with the 17+% alcohol content it doesn’t sound as though it would be exactly my cup of tea, if I got a good deal on a premium bottle I might try it.
    Go Jets!

  • What a great time of year for a sake tasting. There’s nothing better in the winter than a slightly heated (but not long enough to just turn it to sugar) nigorizake. I’ll have to give the Tozai a whirl.
    Also, if you ever have the chance to bring some Kubota into your shop, that’s some of the best sake I’ve ever had. Positively amazing stuff.

  • What a great time of year for a sake tasting. There’s nothing better in the winter than a slightly heated (but not long enough to just turn it to sugar) nigorizake. I’ll have to give the Tozai a whirl.
    Also, if you ever have the chance to bring some Kubota into your shop, that’s some of the best sake I’ve ever had. Positively amazing stuff.

  • I loved this episode most! But then I’m a big sake fan (and owe my unplanned but very loved second daughter to a sake night)…

    Thank you for doing this episode~! Normally, we host a wine tasting at our house every other Friday night with the BF’s … First Friday in December big surprise for them because I am getting all four of tonight’s reviewed sakes to taste!


  • I loved this episode most! But then I’m a big sake fan (and owe my unplanned but very loved second daughter to a sake night)…

    Thank you for doing this episode~! Normally, we host a wine tasting at our house every other Friday night with the BF’s … First Friday in December big surprise for them because I am getting all four of tonight’s reviewed sakes to taste!


  • CindyW

    Thanks for this fun sake-tasting episode. Now I’m craving some of the good stuff (may have to run to my neighborhood Japanese store and pick up a nice bottle for tonight). QOTD: I like trying lots of different sakes, and I don’t have a specific bottle that’s a favorite. However, I do tend to prefer the Junmai Daiginjo type. Its become a bit of a Christmas Eve tradition for me.

  • CindyW

    Thanks for this fun sake-tasting episode. Now I’m craving some of the good stuff (may have to run to my neighborhood Japanese store and pick up a nice bottle for tonight). QOTD: I like trying lots of different sakes, and I don’t have a specific bottle that’s a favorite. However, I do tend to prefer the Junmai Daiginjo type. Its become a bit of a Christmas Eve tradition for me.

  • Lukas B

    Great episode Gary,
    I think sake bottles look pretty cool,
    but who’s to say wine bottles can’t look like that?
    does a wine bottle have to look like a wine bottle?

    I remember when i was younger, i found a bottle of sake in my parents drinks cabinet, and i thought “wow, this is cool” and i tried it, and it was disgusting.
    Although i probably did that with most drinks in there.
    Oh how things have changed.
    I don’t think i’ve actually had sake since.
    Maybe i will soon.

  • Lukas B

    Great episode Gary,
    I think sake bottles look pretty cool,
    but who’s to say wine bottles can’t look like that?
    does a wine bottle have to look like a wine bottle?

    I remember when i was younger, i found a bottle of sake in my parents drinks cabinet, and i thought “wow, this is cool” and i tried it, and it was disgusting.
    Although i probably did that with most drinks in there.
    Oh how things have changed.
    I don’t think i’ve actually had sake since.
    Maybe i will soon.

  • Neil

    QOTD: Favorite Sake – can’t remember the name but it has a stylized picture of a crazy man with double eyes in black/yellow/red. Love Sake with Sukiyaki & sushi.

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • Neil

    QOTD: Favorite Sake – can’t remember the name but it has a stylized picture of a crazy man with double eyes in black/yellow/red. Love Sake with Sukiyaki & sushi.

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • MikeH

    Great Show. If, by some miracle, the jets win, I’ll order a bottle or 2. Too bad that’s not going to happen. Go ‘Boys.

  • MikeH

    Great Show. If, by some miracle, the jets win, I’ll order a bottle or 2. Too bad that’s not going to happen. Go ‘Boys.

  • Kev and Ams

    QOTD: Sake One in Oregon makes some great stuff.

  • Kev and Ams

    QOTD: Sake One in Oregon makes some great stuff.

  • amgryger

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    QOTD: So I stuck with you until the end eventhough my sake-obsessed, both American and Japanese, have had me try a lot of different sakes and I haven’t liked any of them. Like you said, its an acquired taste, and it may be one that I will never acquire.

  • amgryger

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    QOTD: So I stuck with you until the end eventhough my sake-obsessed, both American and Japanese, have had me try a lot of different sakes and I haven’t liked any of them. Like you said, its an acquired taste, and it may be one that I will never acquire.

  • mike m

    Sake! WTF??????? What have you done with Vaynerchuck??

  • mike m

    Sake! WTF??????? What have you done with Vaynerchuck??

  • GO JETS, not that my cowboy fan dad will appreciate that, but what the heck,
    I lived in Ibaraki prefecture for awhile, and the home team sake was Hitori Musume (first cousin?) – so I’ll give it favorite from my vague remembrance of it.

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • GO JETS, not that my cowboy fan dad will appreciate that, but what the heck,
    I lived in Ibaraki prefecture for awhile, and the home team sake was Hitori Musume (first cousin?) – so I’ll give it favorite from my vague remembrance of it.

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • Go Big Blue

    Wines at cost. Free shipping. Cowboys Lose. Well, alright. Go J-E-T-S!

  • Go Big Blue

    Wines at cost. Free shipping. Cowboys Lose. Well, alright. Go J-E-T-S!

  • mrzitro

    Ripped from today’s headlines: “Security screeners at the Newark airport could almost open a department store with all the banned items including nine bottles of wine…”
    For the love of Pete, how could you let them take your wine?

  • mrzitro

    Ripped from today’s headlines: “Security screeners at the Newark airport could almost open a department store with all the banned items including nine bottles of wine…”
    For the love of Pete, how could you let them take your wine?

  • Withnail

    Not a sake guy at all but this was very interesting. Thanks.

  • Withnail

    Not a sake guy at all but this was very interesting. Thanks.

  • KingLurker

    Never been into the sake thing, but you mad me want to be. Great episode..

    QOTD: I think it was Skaburo? is that even one or is that the beer? not sure

  • KingLurker

    Never been into the sake thing, but you mad me want to be. Great episode..

    QOTD: I think it was Skaburo? is that even one or is that the beer? not sure

  • whipple

    QOTD: Whatever sake is cheapest, so usually Geikkekan. Hey, I’m sorry! I’ll try to find the divine droplets and keep watching comments for other suggestions. Meanwhile, how can I get invited to Roxy’s tasting (and what’s the safe word)?

  • whipple

    QOTD: Whatever sake is cheapest, so usually Geikkekan. Hey, I’m sorry! I’ll try to find the divine droplets and keep watching comments for other suggestions. Meanwhile, how can I get invited to Roxy’s tasting (and what’s the safe word)?

  • I have 2 favorite sakes, both around $30-$40 a bottle. One is called Wandering Poet and the other I have written down, but not with me right now. I adore sake. Absolutely perfect slightly chilled with sushi. Also, I have ripped through 3 bottles Divine Droplets. Used to love it, but now I get too much anise on the palate and like it less.

  • I have 2 favorite sakes, both around $30-$40 a bottle. One is called Wandering Poet and the other I have written down, but not with me right now. I adore sake. Absolutely perfect slightly chilled with sushi. Also, I have ripped through 3 bottles Divine Droplets. Used to love it, but now I get too much anise on the palate and like it less.

  • QOTD: I’ve never really thought about sake before so I can’t remember what I’ve had.

  • QOTD: I’ve never really thought about sake before so I can’t remember what I’ve had.

  • Jbunny

    Go JETS…JETS…JETS…JETS. Will I get a Mott squeeze?

  • Jbunny

    Go JETS…JETS…JETS…JETS. Will I get a Mott squeeze?

  • TommyBoBo of Wi

    QOTD: When I get into saki,,, I don’t remember anything!! I love it!! 😉

    Go Jets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t think of anything better than you guys beating the hell out of the Cowgirls for us. Can you take Romo and TO out and put them on the injured list? tks I owe you GV.

    Go PACK!! Grasshopper? where are ya man?

  • TommyBoBo of Wi

    QOTD: When I get into saki,,, I don’t remember anything!! I love it!! 😉

    Go Jets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t think of anything better than you guys beating the hell out of the Cowgirls for us. Can you take Romo and TO out and put them on the injured list? tks I owe you GV.

    Go PACK!! Grasshopper? where are ya man?

  • Ryan M.

    Gary, I’m a big fan of sake and I just love this episode! I hope you can keep doing random gourmet foods and drink tastings in the future.

  • Ryan M.

    Gary, I’m a big fan of sake and I just love this episode! I hope you can keep doing random gourmet foods and drink tastings in the future.

  • JoeD.

    Way to switch gears! I have been look for some good sakeâ??s. Very interesting episode. By the way I’m a Giants fan….but what the hell for cost price on 92+ wines…J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS JETS!!!!!!!!!!!

  • JoeD.

    Way to switch gears! I have been look for some good sakeâ??s. Very interesting episode. By the way I’m a Giants fan….but what the hell for cost price on 92+ wines…J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS JETS!!!!!!!!!!!


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