EP 355 Sake Tasting on Wine Library TV

We have waited too long for the Sake episode and finally Gary Vaynerchuk sits down and tastes away and on this day before Thanksgiving.

Wines tasted in this episode:

Tozai Snow Maiden NigoriJapanese Sake
Shadows Of Katano Nigori SakeJapanese Sake

Ginga Shizuku Sake Divine DropletsJapanese Sake
Nanbu Bijin Sake Ancient PillarsJapanese Sake

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M Crumpley

I've been drinking sake longer then I've actually been drinking grape wine. I consider them both wine so I don't want to call them anything different. Sake was the first wine I gave a shot to and before that all I would drink was the occasional fruity cocktail that you couldn't taste or smell the alcohol in. I got the opportunity at a sushi restaurant named TOMO to try a sake sampler which gave us a small shot glass of each type of sake. I don't know label names of what I tried but I could say I loved the high grade sake but my favorite (which is usually the most expensive I can afford is the Nigori sakes. To me I can taste a little bit of rice pudding flavor into it. I haven't focused on labels yet because of Tennessee wine and liquor laws makes some stuff hard to get. I can't even order the wine of the month packs from Gary because of our laws.
Now here's the weird thing drinking sake actually made me appreciate drier wines and weened me off the fruity sweet drinks. I can say my own palette started expanding because of sake. I hope you do more sake shows I haven't finished looking though the archives but this is great.

Tags: Japanese, review, rice, sake, Video, wine, wines

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  • portland guy

    This was an excellent episode, GV. But you missed a ‘teaching moment’ by not discussing desired serving temps for sake, storage issues, longevity, etc., and perhaps some food matching beyond sushi.

    I will ALWAYS pull for the team facing the Cowgirls — but with the incentive you thru out, and with that Duck at QB, it will be a big double pull. But careful, GV, if the Jets win, that #1 pick is slippin away (but seems Miami has that locked up anyway).

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your fam. Enjoy the day!

  • portland guy

    This was an excellent episode, GV. But you missed a ‘teaching moment’ by not discussing desired serving temps for sake, storage issues, longevity, etc., and perhaps some food matching beyond sushi.

    I will ALWAYS pull for the team facing the Cowgirls — but with the incentive you thru out, and with that Duck at QB, it will be a big double pull. But careful, GV, if the Jets win, that #1 pick is slippin away (but seems Miami has that locked up anyway).

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your fam. Enjoy the day!

  • Mark Antonio

    Yes Sake can be aged and sometimes the Sake makers age it themselves. Whereas Sake in Japanese is referred to as “nihon-shu”, aged sake is referred to as “ko-shu”. Aging is normally applied to only the purest types of sake made from rice that has has it’s outer casing ground away in order to erradicate impurities and increase the smoothness. You will see a % on labels sometimes eg. 50%, 60% most commonly. This is the % remaining after the grinding process. So basically, the lower the % remaining, the more age-worthy the sake 🙂 However, this is not the whole story. Sake is complicated..

  • Mark Antonio

    Yes Sake can be aged and sometimes the Sake makers age it themselves. Whereas Sake in Japanese is referred to as “nihon-shu”, aged sake is referred to as “ko-shu”. Aging is normally applied to only the purest types of sake made from rice that has has it’s outer casing ground away in order to erradicate impurities and increase the smoothness. You will see a % on labels sometimes eg. 50%, 60% most commonly. This is the % remaining after the grinding process. So basically, the lower the % remaining, the more age-worthy the sake 🙂 However, this is not the whole story. Sake is complicated..

  • Timothy Burke

    Loved the Sake episode, I’ve been looking to get into Sake for awhile now (Huge fan of Japan and all it offers) so seeing this episode helped push me in the right direction. I will be ordering some Sake soon, hopefully within the next week.

    Gary keep up the great work, I cant wait to see the Thanksgiving Episode!

  • Timothy Burke

    Loved the Sake episode, I’ve been looking to get into Sake for awhile now (Huge fan of Japan and all it offers) so seeing this episode helped push me in the right direction. I will be ordering some Sake soon, hopefully within the next week.

    Gary keep up the great work, I cant wait to see the Thanksgiving Episode!

  • KC Dan

    good ep G very interesting . Qotd : never had a sake but will have to now !!! Thanks G and have a great turkey day .

  • KC Dan

    good ep G very interesting . Qotd : never had a sake but will have to now !!! Thanks G and have a great turkey day .

  • What a show! I MUST try serious Sake now! Now way to do it not. Thx for that visual experience!

  • What a show! I MUST try serious Sake now! Now way to do it not. Thx for that visual experience!

  • J Sake daisukeezy

    QOTD: First of all thanks for doing the show…but yo, where’s the shout out for all the vayniacs in Japan? Am I the only one?? C’mon! Give us some sushi love, homie. Best sake, Tsukinoi Junmai Daiginjyo. It’s floral, elegant, perfume, rich, seductive, powwerful, flirtaceous…everything you could ever look for in a premium sipping sake. For the next sake show try them out of Riedel’s Sake Sommelier series glass. Happy Thanksgiving.

  • J Sake daisukeezy

    QOTD: First of all thanks for doing the show…but yo, where’s the shout out for all the vayniacs in Japan? Am I the only one?? C’mon! Give us some sushi love, homie. Best sake, Tsukinoi Junmai Daiginjyo. It’s floral, elegant, perfume, rich, seductive, powwerful, flirtaceous…everything you could ever look for in a premium sipping sake. For the next sake show try them out of Riedel’s Sake Sommelier series glass. Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Andy Drinkard

    Great show, Gary! If your Jets can pull one over the Cowboys, maybe my homeboys the Falcons can do the same to the Colts. Aaaahhhh, Thanksgiving football…

  • Andy Drinkard

    Great show, Gary! If your Jets can pull one over the Cowboys, maybe my homeboys the Falcons can do the same to the Colts. Aaaahhhh, Thanksgiving football…

  • Andy Drinkard

    By the way, were you drinking those at room temperature? Is that typical?

  • Andy Drinkard

    By the way, were you drinking those at room temperature? Is that typical?

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I’ve only had a couple, so I guess I’d have to say Daiku; a creamy, orange-flavored sake that I usually pair with a yellowtail hamachi dish at the restaurant where I work.

  • YoungDave

    QOTD: I’ve only had a couple, so I guess I’d have to say Daiku; a creamy, orange-flavored sake that I usually pair with a yellowtail hamachi dish at the restaurant where I work.

  • fatdoi

    i never liked sake in a sense that every time i had it, it’s served hot, hot…… they just taste like boiled alcohol, any subtlties you mentioned just ain’t there….. maybe next time i’ll drink it room temp…….

  • fatdoi

    i never liked sake in a sense that every time i had it, it’s served hot, hot…… they just taste like boiled alcohol, any subtlties you mentioned just ain’t there….. maybe next time i’ll drink it room temp…….

  • TROC

    I think you’re going to have to put some of that Sake in the Jets waterbottles in order to beat Dallas, but I’m thinking an upset is due, 34-13 Jets.

  • TROC

    I think you’re going to have to put some of that Sake in the Jets waterbottles in order to beat Dallas, but I’m thinking an upset is due, 34-13 Jets.

  • Derek

    I was never a big fan of Sake, dont people drink that heated up???

  • Derek

    I was never a big fan of Sake, dont people drink that heated up???

  • eyeguy

    I think you became mellower because you weren’t really spitting that sake……:>
    Happy Turkey Day!

  • eyeguy

    I think you became mellower because you weren’t really spitting that sake……:>
    Happy Turkey Day!

  • BigBob

    Sake served hot is the cheap sake. If they offer you hot sake it is like going to a restaurant and drinking out of a bag-in-the-box. Good sake should be served room temp or cool. Nigori sake is dessert sake. The rice is in the bottom of the bottle and you need to shake it up.

    90% of the sake sold in the USA is NOT from Japan. Know what you are buying… Sake has terroir and the best ones come from Japan are are made with water from a specific area and the highest grade of rice that is highly polished.

    The difference in quality of sake is the level of polishing of the rice. The outer husk is bitter and impure. When you polish it close to the core you get a more pure, quality sake.

  • BigBob

    Sake served hot is the cheap sake. If they offer you hot sake it is like going to a restaurant and drinking out of a bag-in-the-box. Good sake should be served room temp or cool. Nigori sake is dessert sake. The rice is in the bottom of the bottle and you need to shake it up.

    90% of the sake sold in the USA is NOT from Japan. Know what you are buying… Sake has terroir and the best ones come from Japan are are made with water from a specific area and the highest grade of rice that is highly polished.

    The difference in quality of sake is the level of polishing of the rice. The outer husk is bitter and impure. When you polish it close to the core you get a more pure, quality sake.

  • Christopher J

    QOTD: Never, because I can’t read the bottles.

  • Christopher J

    QOTD: Never, because I can’t read the bottles.

  • Sonnenuhr

    Interesting show. I’ve only had sake in Tokyo and it didn’t leave much of an impression. Obviously need to try some higher end stuff.

    If the Jets win… Gosh Gary, if the Jets win you should be giving wine away, because they will NEVER beat the ‘Boys! Y’all have a Happy Turkey Day 🙂

  • Sonnenuhr

    Interesting show. I’ve only had sake in Tokyo and it didn’t leave much of an impression. Obviously need to try some higher end stuff.

    If the Jets win… Gosh Gary, if the Jets win you should be giving wine away, because they will NEVER beat the ‘Boys! Y’all have a Happy Turkey Day 🙂

  • Pok Yue Weng

    Excellent ep Gary. I have been a big sake drinker for the longest time. Seems like the best kept secret around.

  • Pok Yue Weng

    Excellent ep Gary. I have been a big sake drinker for the longest time. Seems like the best kept secret around.

  • Matty H

    I am not high on sake…suppose I never understood the point of ‘shooting’ rice wine. My experiences have been below average to average drinking it. Until this episode I can truly say that I’ve never seen a person smell the bouquet and make an effort to savor. Maybe we dont understand the culture, history and many options behind the beverage. Or, maybe more accurately, sake hasnt had the backing of a good ‘ol American marketing push

  • Matty H

    I am not high on sake…suppose I never understood the point of ‘shooting’ rice wine. My experiences have been below average to average drinking it. Until this episode I can truly say that I’ve never seen a person smell the bouquet and make an effort to savor. Maybe we dont understand the culture, history and many options behind the beverage. Or, maybe more accurately, sake hasnt had the backing of a good ‘ol American marketing push

  • Pastafari Pirate

    I think you’d had a little Sake before you started taping…. yes? 😉

  • Pastafari Pirate

    I think you’d had a little Sake before you started taping…. yes? 😉

  • Jon B.

    Awesome show loved it. I’ve never had Saki but I will for sure give it a try now.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTSSSSS!!!(What am I saying????).Thanks Gary and WLTV crew Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Jon B.

    Awesome show loved it. I’ve never had Saki but I will for sure give it a try now.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTSSSSS!!!(What am I saying????).Thanks Gary and WLTV crew Happy Thanksgiving.

  • David M Roberts

    Not a sake fun, but liked the show for variety’s sake (or, sake, as the case may be…)

    The Jets are going to get clobbered, but really, it’s all about the Packers.

  • David M Roberts

    Not a sake fun, but liked the show for variety’s sake (or, sake, as the case may be…)

    The Jets are going to get clobbered, but really, it’s all about the Packers.


    Great show Gary !

    Sake as you said is an acquired taste but once you find that fine bottle of sake you seem not to get enough of, ohh woow when combined with fresh delicate fish or sushi, home made or take out, just yummm. Here in Montreal we have snow, so during winter I tend to go for the hot sake. I don’t remember the brand name as I am not too experienced in this field. If you do however do do another show on sake, you should do one on hot sake and combine it with either desert or whatever idea comes to mind, that be awsome ! 😀 Thanks for this show Gary, really liked it.


    Great show Gary !

    Sake as you said is an acquired taste but once you find that fine bottle of sake you seem not to get enough of, ohh woow when combined with fresh delicate fish or sushi, home made or take out, just yummm. Here in Montreal we have snow, so during winter I tend to go for the hot sake. I don’t remember the brand name as I am not too experienced in this field. If you do however do do another show on sake, you should do one on hot sake and combine it with either desert or whatever idea comes to mind, that be awsome ! 😀 Thanks for this show Gary, really liked it.

  • orie0704

    QOTD: Homare and Dewazakura are my favorite breweries. Hard to pick a single sake amongst them. Sometimes I prefer a futushu (non special-designation sakes) over anything else, especially Homare’s.

  • orie0704

    QOTD: Homare and Dewazakura are my favorite breweries. Hard to pick a single sake amongst them. Sometimes I prefer a futushu (non special-designation sakes) over anything else, especially Homare’s.

  • Sassodoro

    Very interesting show, Gary. I haven’t had much Sake, and certainly none of the high end stuff. I’ll have to give it a try.

  • Sassodoro

    Very interesting show, Gary. I haven’t had much Sake, and certainly none of the high end stuff. I’ll have to give it a try.

  • Kristen

    Nice episode GV.

    QOTD: I’ve had some of the really low end sakes, like Geikkan so I can’t say that I’ve liked those, but my Japanese friends did bring some from home and it was excellent. Can’t quite remember the name though, seeing as I don’t read katakana script!

  • Kristen

    Nice episode GV.

    QOTD: I’ve had some of the really low end sakes, like Geikkan so I can’t say that I’ve liked those, but my Japanese friends did bring some from home and it was excellent. Can’t quite remember the name though, seeing as I don’t read katakana script!


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