EP 381 New Years Eve Wine Tasting With No Champagne

Gary Vaynerchuk has one last episode in 2008 and thanks all of you for the support and for being a part of the Thunder show.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Cartuxa Pera Manca WhiteOther Portuguese White Wine

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Christmas Gifts

Nothing wrong with the article, but that headline– got to be the most depressing thing I’ve read all year. Fortunately, it’ll be over soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Tags: other, Portuguese, review, Video, white, wine, wines

Episodes >

  • Bacchus

    Happy New Year Gary! Wish you the best in ’08!

  • Michael Y

    I enjoyed watching the episodes and learning about the various grape varietals. Keep up with the great episodes!
    Note: on the footnotes, it says one last episode for 2008. At first I thought there’s only going to be 1 more episode left in 2008! LOL
    Happy New Year

  • Michael Y

    I enjoyed watching the episodes and learning about the various grape varietals. Keep up with the great episodes!
    Note: on the footnotes, it says one last episode for 2008. At first I thought there’s only going to be 1 more episode left in 2008! LOL
    Happy New Year

  • Kelly In South Dakota

    Hi Gary I have been on board now for almost a year and it has been great. You have taught me everything I know about wine. I really was not into wine till you got me going. I have a decanter, a 6 bottle wine cellar and a big ass wine glass. Just got back from a cruise where I enjoyed a bottle of pinotage South Africa Pinotage and an Argentina Melbac both excellent. Keep teaching me I am loving it.

  • Kelly In South Dakota

    Hi Gary I have been on board now for almost a year and it has been great. You have taught me everything I know about wine. I really was not into wine till you got me going. I have a decanter, a 6 bottle wine cellar and a big ass wine glass. Just got back from a cruise where I enjoyed a bottle of pinotage South Africa Pinotage and an Argentina Melbac both excellent. Keep teaching me I am loving it.

  • Ken

    Thanks, Gary, for bringing a very fresh and innovative show to the wine world. It’s amazing what a simple camera and an enthusiastic host can do. I especially enjoy the educational aspect of the show, teaching us about the grapes and their history, palette training, decanting and all that sort of thing. Great job, and a happy new year from us up here in British Columbia.

  • Ken

    Thanks, Gary, for bringing a very fresh and innovative show to the wine world. It’s amazing what a simple camera and an enthusiastic host can do. I especially enjoy the educational aspect of the show, teaching us about the grapes and their history, palette training, decanting and all that sort of thing. Great job, and a happy new year from us up here in British Columbia.

  • The thunder show not only teaches me about wine, but sneaks in sports bits. I feel more well rounded every time I watch.

  • The thunder show not only teaches me about wine, but sneaks in sports bits. I feel more well rounded every time I watch.

  • Achilleas in Cyprus

    Hi to all.

    Didn’t start watching WLTV until episode 322, but I am glad that I did.
    Gary’s enthusiasm for wine is the main reason for watching.
    Helping me learn more about something that I have come to like even more because of the shows is just so cool – used to like wines, now I am appreciating more what I drink.

    Happy new year to one and all in the Veyniac World from the sunny island of Cyprus.

    Mott – LINK IT UP !!

  • Achilleas in Cyprus

    Hi to all.

    Didn’t start watching WLTV until episode 322, but I am glad that I did.
    Gary’s enthusiasm for wine is the main reason for watching.
    Helping me learn more about something that I have come to like even more because of the shows is just so cool – used to like wines, now I am appreciating more what I drink.

    Happy new year to one and all in the Veyniac World from the sunny island of Cyprus.

    Mott – LINK IT UP !!

  • GV
    This year has been a big one in wine for me. I went from tasting maybe 25 wines a year to tasting 400+ wines. So my palate has learned a lot this year. Add to that: the Thunder Show. I’ve learned so much watching, and have tried a lot of new wines because of the show. Thanks for all your work, and best wishes to you and your family in the new year.

  • GV
    This year has been a big one in wine for me. I went from tasting maybe 25 wines a year to tasting 400+ wines. So my palate has learned a lot this year. Add to that: the Thunder Show. I’ve learned so much watching, and have tried a lot of new wines because of the show. Thanks for all your work, and best wishes to you and your family in the new year.

  • mikey lennon

    Congratulations Gary and Wine Library for all your sucess in aught 7. Cannot wait for what is in store here for 2008! Thanks for all you guys do.

  • mikey lennon

    Congratulations Gary and Wine Library for all your sucess in aught 7. Cannot wait for what is in store here for 2008! Thanks for all you guys do.

  • Gary, thanks for a wonderful, winerful 2008! It was great seeing so many familiar faces in this episode: Jason at 11:27, my Dad, Doug at 14:43, and yours truly at 21:57 and 29:30. (I think these 2 jazz songs will be burned in my head forever, after watching all 20 minutes of photos).

    Happy New Year!
    – Brian

  • Gary, thanks for a wonderful, winerful 2008! It was great seeing so many familiar faces in this episode: Jason at 11:27, my Dad, Doug at 14:43, and yours truly at 21:57 and 29:30. (I think these 2 jazz songs will be burned in my head forever, after watching all 20 minutes of photos).

    Happy New Year!
    – Brian

  • And of course, can’t forget Kathleen Lisson at 32:20. The busiest wine/food blogger on MySpace these days.

  • And of course, can’t forget Kathleen Lisson at 32:20. The busiest wine/food blogger on MySpace these days.

  • Anthony L.

    Gary, thanks for a great 2007. I learned so much, I don’t know where to begin. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2008. Happy New Year to you and your family. God Bless.

  • Anthony L.

    Gary, thanks for a great 2007. I learned so much, I don’t know where to begin. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2008. Happy New Year to you and your family. God Bless.

  • Gary, you are the catalyst that brings this all together, and we need you. The year 2007 was my first year listending to your show, and I can’t believe have much you have taught me. You are our point-man for changing the wine world. Keep it up!

    Happy New Year, and many more!

  • Gary, you are the catalyst that brings this all together, and we need you. The year 2007 was my first year listending to your show, and I can’t believe have much you have taught me. You are our point-man for changing the wine world. Keep it up!

    Happy New Year, and many more!

  • Ernest_G

    Great Show! Luv the vayniac pics!

    I walked into this show late, sometime after the Nightline show. I needed something to help ground myself from the overwhelming selection of wines. Gary V, you answered the call. Thanks for the knowledge you pass on to us and the manner in which you describe the wines you taste.

    Bring on some more guests, from the people behind the wine scenes to your Joe Wine drinkers.

  • Ernest_G

    Great Show! Luv the vayniac pics!

    I walked into this show late, sometime after the Nightline show. I needed something to help ground myself from the overwhelming selection of wines. Gary V, you answered the call. Thanks for the knowledge you pass on to us and the manner in which you describe the wines you taste.

    Bring on some more guests, from the people behind the wine scenes to your Joe Wine drinkers.

  • E

    Well done. Have a thunderous new year, and a merry caucus to all.

  • E

    Well done. Have a thunderous new year, and a merry caucus to all.

  • Deano

    Gary great episode. Happy New year to you and the mott. I love the show and watch it everyday ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep up the cool ideas and making the show so interesting i love it.

  • Deano

    Gary great episode. Happy New year to you and the mott. I love the show and watch it everyday ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep up the cool ideas and making the show so interesting i love it.

  • Ferrigno

    bonne anรƒยฉe
    feliz aรƒยฑo nuevo

  • Ferrigno

    bonne anรƒยฉe
    feliz aรƒยฑo nuevo

  • Dave Canada

    QOTD – I love the show…..it pumps me up about wine….gets me to try new things and the best part has been the peeps that I have been conected with. I was out for dinner with someone last night that I never would have met without your show!
    I go to Buffalo every month for tastings now because of your show….i owe you huge buddy!

  • Dave Canada

    QOTD – I love the show…..it pumps me up about wine….gets me to try new things and the best part has been the peeps that I have been conected with. I was out for dinner with someone last night that I never would have met without your show!
    I go to Buffalo every month for tastings now because of your show….i owe you huge buddy!

  • Gary,

    Sweet shout out to all of the vayniacs.

    Looking forward to what WLTV will do in 2008.

    Happy New Year.

  • Gary,

    Sweet shout out to all of the vayniacs.

    Looking forward to what WLTV will do in 2008.

    Happy New Year.

  • The year end statement is this…..

    You rock Gary! Your energy is amazing. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing you this week at the store.

    Thanks for the info. Good luck in 2008…!!!!!

    Glen….aka…. G. Francis

  • The year end statement is this…..

    You rock Gary! Your energy is amazing. Keep it up and I look forward to seeing you this week at the store.

    Thanks for the info. Good luck in 2008…!!!!!

    Glen….aka…. G. Francis

  • diego de la p…

    garry great episode!! nice wine!, i think it was a great year for the show, its constantly growing and evolving and thats a great thing!! wish you the best for you and family for thisyear!!
    and thank you for the show man!!

  • diego de la p…

    garry great episode!! nice wine!, i think it was a great year for the show, its constantly growing and evolving and thats a great thing!! wish you the best for you and family for thisyear!!
    and thank you for the show man!!

  • Min 17:23! My sweetheart ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Min 17:23! My sweetheart ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Anyone know a good wine shop in or near San Bernardino Ca??????

  • Anyone know a good wine shop in or near San Bernardino Ca??????

  • Thoughts on WLTV – I’ve not been viewing as long as a year, but since going back and watching the earlier episodes I’m impressed by the energy you still put into the show. Keep that going and I’ll stick around, because it’s refreshing to see someone so into what they do and not trying to change it too much with unecessary gimicks or flash marketing (you can keep that for the TV appearances!).

    Move forward by staying as you are ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nice touch on the Wrist-band slide-show, although you kept me hanging on ’til 32:36 before mine, I thought you’d missed me out! (& I see Paul got about half a dozen of his in!!).

  • Thoughts on WLTV – I’ve not been viewing as long as a year, but since going back and watching the earlier episodes I’m impressed by the energy you still put into the show. Keep that going and I’ll stick around, because it’s refreshing to see someone so into what they do and not trying to change it too much with unecessary gimicks or flash marketing (you can keep that for the TV appearances!).

    Move forward by staying as you are ๐Ÿ™‚

    Nice touch on the Wrist-band slide-show, although you kept me hanging on ’til 32:36 before mine, I thought you’d missed me out! (& I see Paul got about half a dozen of his in!!).

  • Interestingly enough, Oz Clarke says Antao Vaz makes mostly bland wines… based on quick googling, looks like they still haven’t tracked origins of the varietal, but it’s been around for a very long time. Cool.

    QOTD: Just starting watching in November-ish, digging the show. I’ve always enjoyed good wine, but this year was the perfect storm for me – met a couple of folks that I work with that are into wines, reconnected with a great friend of mine that is a certified somm, and found the Thunder Show! It was always a somewhat intimidating world, but GV and the crew at WL have done a great job in producing this show and showing folks that it’s not about the WS or RPs of the world telling us what to drink, but spending some time learning what you like and getting edumacated. I dig it – way to go GV and crew keep up the great work. When can we buy schwag here in Canada?!

  • Interestingly enough, Oz Clarke says Antao Vaz makes mostly bland wines… based on quick googling, looks like they still haven’t tracked origins of the varietal, but it’s been around for a very long time. Cool.

    QOTD: Just starting watching in November-ish, digging the show. I’ve always enjoyed good wine, but this year was the perfect storm for me – met a couple of folks that I work with that are into wines, reconnected with a great friend of mine that is a certified somm, and found the Thunder Show! It was always a somewhat intimidating world, but GV and the crew at WL have done a great job in producing this show and showing folks that it’s not about the WS or RPs of the world telling us what to drink, but spending some time learning what you like and getting edumacated. I dig it – way to go GV and crew keep up the great work. When can we buy schwag here in Canada?!

  • Bill in Dublin OH

    QOTD — I discovered WLTV in late October, and it’s a lot of fun. Your passion for wine, coupled with candor and keen insights from the tastings, keep me coming back for more. Gary, you rock. Best wishes in the new year.

  • Bill in Dublin OH

    QOTD — I discovered WLTV in late October, and it’s a lot of fun. Your passion for wine, coupled with candor and keen insights from the tastings, keep me coming back for more. Gary, you rock. Best wishes in the new year.

  • Great episode! Congrats on your 2007 success.

    I am the guy who left the WLTV request on your Facebook asking for a Wine of the month club/WLTV tie in.

    What do you think people? Can we get Gary to start a wine of the month club where we subscribe and get two or three wines a month and then a week later, those are the wines he features on the show?

    I want to be able to play along!!



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