EP 470 Pinot Gris Vs Pinot Grigio. A Head To Head.

Same grape, 2 different countries, who wins this showdown?

Wines tasted in this episode:

2004 Binner Pinot GrisAlsace Pinot Gris
2005 Lis Neris Pinot GrigioFriuli Venzia-Giulia IGT

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Qotd:Can’t pick 1 but the Lucien Albrecht Cuvee romanus is a helluva QPR. I’d pay double the price for it

Tags: Pinot Gris, review, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • Paul J

    Never had a Pinot Gris from the Alsace Region, but will look for one this weekend. Sounds perfect for a nice warm Chicago Memorial Day Weekend!

  • Paul J

    Never had a Pinot Gris from the Alsace Region, but will look for one this weekend. Sounds perfect for a nice warm Chicago Memorial Day Weekend!

  • Marc – Irvine

    QOTD: I haven’t tried any pinot gris. I tried ‘bella sera’ pinot grigio, which is a cheap wine. I also tried a Pinot Blanc by Chalone, and it was ok, although I tried it together with a nice Chard that overpowered the pinot blanc.

  • Marc – Irvine

    QOTD: I haven’t tried any pinot gris. I tried ‘bella sera’ pinot grigio, which is a cheap wine. I also tried a Pinot Blanc by Chalone, and it was ok, although I tried it together with a nice Chard that overpowered the pinot blanc.

  • The Ben

    No Pinot Gris that I can say I enjoyed. I haven’t had that many yet, but it’s hard to say which one was your favorite when none of them stood out as good wines. I’m working on it! But the first match at Wrestlemania? You mean Tito Santana vs The Executioner? Yeah, thank God they closed with the Hogan/Mr. T vs Piper/Orndorff tag match.

  • The Ben

    No Pinot Gris that I can say I enjoyed. I haven’t had that many yet, but it’s hard to say which one was your favorite when none of them stood out as good wines. I’m working on it! But the first match at Wrestlemania? You mean Tito Santana vs The Executioner? Yeah, thank God they closed with the Hogan/Mr. T vs Piper/Orndorff tag match.

  • Achilleas in Cyprus

    QOTD: Never had one 🙁

    Why has Gary stopped saying “… whether they like it or not …” this has to come back in 🙂

  • Achilleas in Cyprus

    QOTD: Never had one 🙁

    Why has Gary stopped saying “… whether they like it or not …” this has to come back in 🙂

  • I’m sure I must have had a Pinot Gris at some point, but I can’t think of when. So maybe I’ve never had one.

  • I’m sure I must have had a Pinot Gris at some point, but I can’t think of when. So maybe I’ve never had one.

  • Mike Gigante

    I’ve only had a couple of bottles earlier this year, one a 2007 from Tasmania and the other a 2007 from Central Otago in New Zealand – both produced by The Wine Society (an Australian non-profit wine club). I bought a case of each as an experiment (trying different wines right!). Good refreshing summer wines and (from memory) an alternative to Rieslings in terms of food matchings.

    I might do my own cold-zone head to head – Tassie vs NZ 🙂


  • Mike Gigante

    I’ve only had a couple of bottles earlier this year, one a 2007 from Tasmania and the other a 2007 from Central Otago in New Zealand – both produced by The Wine Society (an Australian non-profit wine club). I bought a case of each as an experiment (trying different wines right!). Good refreshing summer wines and (from memory) an alternative to Rieslings in terms of food matchings.

    I might do my own cold-zone head to head – Tassie vs NZ 🙂


  • KLGraff

    I’ve only had Pinot Grigio — haven’t tried Pinot Gris just yet. Will try in the near future.

  • KLGraff

    I’ve only had Pinot Grigio — haven’t tried Pinot Gris just yet. Will try in the near future.

  • Sylvio

    Pinot Gris used to be called Tokay Pinot Gris in Alsace. But it changed because its name resembled too much to the Hungarian Tokay wine.
    I like it better when it is vendange tardive (late crop) that turns it into a moëlleux (sweet wine), especially the one of the Hugel family heading their business since 1639.
    I’m a happy owner of a 1997 vintage, labeled Tokay Pinot Gris. I keep it preciously to drink with foie gras that can be prepared with a bit of this nectar.

  • Sylvio

    Pinot Gris used to be called Tokay Pinot Gris in Alsace. But it changed because its name resembled too much to the Hungarian Tokay wine.
    I like it better when it is vendange tardive (late crop) that turns it into a moëlleux (sweet wine), especially the one of the Hugel family heading their business since 1639.
    I’m a happy owner of a 1997 vintage, labeled Tokay Pinot Gris. I keep it preciously to drink with foie gras that can be prepared with a bit of this nectar.

  • QOTD: I think the only Pinot Gris I’ve had was the Peller Estates. Didn’t blow me away, but it wasn’t bad. Hoping to try some more over the summer.

  • QOTD: I think the only Pinot Gris I’ve had was the Peller Estates. Didn’t blow me away, but it wasn’t bad. Hoping to try some more over the summer.

  • Tom

    QOTD: I am pretty sure I have had one but I have no idea what it was.

  • Erik Boles

    I cannot ping a favorite. my mother-in-law drinks a lot of Gris, but I have not been a fan enough of it to nail down a fav.


  • Tom

    QOTD: I am pretty sure I have had one but I have no idea what it was.

  • I cannot ping a favorite. my mother-in-law drinks a lot of Gris, but I have not been a fan enough of it to nail down a fav.


  • Chrisfs

    I’m pretty sure I have had a Pinot Grigio, but I can’t remember which one it was.

  • Chrisfs

    I’m pretty sure I have had a Pinot Grigio, but I can’t remember which one it was.

  • QOTD: I have tasted but never had poured any for myself. Back when I never paid attention but I have a couple in my cellar. I will get to them Im sure when the weather warms up.

  • QOTD: I have tasted but never had poured any for myself. Back when I never paid attention but I have a couple in my cellar. I will get to them Im sure when the weather warms up.

  • Clemclone

    QOTD A couple of nice Pinot Gris’

    Mayo Balletto Vineyard Pinot Gris 2006
    J Russian River Valley Pinot Gris 2006

    I like to keep a few in the cellar for the right dish.

  • Clemclone

    QOTD A couple of nice Pinot Gris’

    Mayo Balletto Vineyard Pinot Gris 2006
    J Russian River Valley Pinot Gris 2006

    I like to keep a few in the cellar for the right dish.

  • QOTD: I couldn’t pick which vintage, but I’d have to say Burrowing Owl Vineyards Pinot Gris, from the Okanagan…

  • QOTD: I couldn’t pick which vintage, but I’d have to say Burrowing Owl Vineyards Pinot Gris, from the Okanagan…

  • dafo

    I’ve only tried one, at a winery in Indiana just a few days ago (Oliver Winery). I liked it quite a but, but I had a Traminette right after by my palate blew it out of the water.

  • dafo

    I’ve only tried one, at a winery in Indiana just a few days ago (Oliver Winery). I liked it quite a but, but I had a Traminette right after by my palate blew it out of the water.

  • Chateau_Plonk

    A Zind Humbrecht single vineyard, can’t remember anything other than that but it was outrageous!

  • Chateau_Plonk

    A Zind Humbrecht single vineyard, can’t remember anything other than that but it was outrageous!

  • Phil G

    QOTD – I tried the Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris at a local store tasting that was great – so I got a bottle.

  • Phil G

    QOTD – I tried the Zind-Humbrecht Pinot Gris at a local store tasting that was great – so I got a bottle.

  • David Cole

    I love these wines for the spring and summer, I am going to get outside the box and try a few I have never had before!

    QOTD: Montevina Pinot Gris, it’s widely available and a great value when friends come over.

  • David Cole

    I love these wines for the spring and summer, I am going to get outside the box and try a few I have never had before!

    QOTD: Montevina Pinot Gris, it’s widely available and a great value when friends come over.

  • Matti

    QOTD: Esk Valley Black Label Pinot Gris 2006

  • Matti

    QOTD: Esk Valley Black Label Pinot Gris 2006

  • Nate

    Never had a pinot gris…sad…

  • Nate

    Never had a pinot gris…sad…

  • Afshin

    Never had a Pinot Gris. I’m 21 years old, don’t know much about this wine stuff you blab about.

  • Afshin

    Never had a Pinot Gris. I’m 21 years old, don’t know much about this wine stuff you blab about.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I haven’t had many, but the most recent is Panther Creek 2005 Pinot Gris, Melrose Vineyard, Umpqua Valley, Oregon.

  • YoungDave

    QOTD: I haven’t had many, but the most recent is Panther Creek 2005 Pinot Gris, Melrose Vineyard, Umpqua Valley, Oregon.

  • Gijs

    Another ‘lurker’ comes out to comment! Love your show, although most wines aren’t available for me (I’m from Holland…).
    QOTD: The Italian Pinot Grigio from Tre Monti, 2007. Very nice, a bit more oaky than your average pinot grigio, but that makes it even more interesting…

  • Gijs

    Another ‘lurker’ comes out to comment! Love your show, although most wines aren’t available for me (I’m from Holland…).
    QOTD: The Italian Pinot Grigio from Tre Monti, 2007. Very nice, a bit more oaky than your average pinot grigio, but that makes it even more interesting…

  • sqrm

    imagredi, friuli.

  • sqrm

    imagredi, friuli.


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