EP 564 Randall Grahm of Bonny Doon Visits the Thunder Show – Part II

And now for the exciting conclusion of yesterday’s cliff hanger!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Bien Nacido Syrah
2007 Le Vol Des Anges

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I realize this was recorded 5 years ago but, I hope to God GV has learned to STFU since then (and lay off the caffeine) when a guest, especially one of Randall’s caliber, is invited to an episode. I was hoping things would change for episode 2 with Randall, but it became painfully tiresome, annoying, and embarrassing to be honest, to have Randall continuously interrupted, and worse yet, to then have GV drone on about some tangent, then finally remember to shut up and get back to the interview.
2 things I live by:
– You can not learn anything new when you are doing the talking.
– A conversation between 2 people is NOT waiting for the other one to finish so you can say what you want to say (much less interrupting them constantly).

Tags: california, dessert, Randall Grahm, red, review, Syrah, Video, wine, wines

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  • stephen

    Randall Graham is truly a marketing genius, but I think we could define bonny doon as follows, serious wine, made unpretensiously for un-serious people. Whimsical yet serious with obvious passion.
    Nice show

  • stephen

    Randall Graham is truly a marketing genius, but I think we could define bonny doon as follows, serious wine, made unpretensiously for un-serious people. Whimsical yet serious with obvious passion.
    Nice show

  • QOTD: To be honest, I think i was confusing Bonny Dune with Boone’s farm. All I knew was that it was cheap wine. But see in my book, that’s not really a bad thing, I don’t knock anything till I’ve tried it! And expensive wine, I know I’m not gonna try at all. So cheap wine just means wine to try out =). I try not to let marketing sway me. It’s not really a good indicator of how much Im gonna like the wine.

  • QOTD: To be honest, I think i was confusing Bonny Dune with Boone’s farm. All I knew was that it was cheap wine. But see in my book, that’s not really a bad thing, I don’t knock anything till I’ve tried it! And expensive wine, I know I’m not gonna try at all. So cheap wine just means wine to try out =). I try not to let marketing sway me. It’s not really a good indicator of how much Im gonna like the wine.

  • QOTD: Not familiar with this wine…. so I guess I’ll have to get some.

    Which ain’t a bad thing …. lol

  • QOTD: Not familiar with this wine…. so I guess I’ll have to get some.

    Which ain’t a bad thing …. lol

  • Phil G

    Nice show…

    QOTD – For me, I don’t usually pay too much attention to the hype/branding of wines as I am more interested in tasting and trying myself – often because of a recommendation (in store, at a restaurant, or a good review). I had Big House Red years ago, but wasn’t aware of the connection to BD. As for BD, my first exposure came a few years ago when I started getting into Rhone varietals. Since then, I have thought of BD as a well regarded GSM/Syrah producer from California. Seeing this show, I am glad to hear about your renewed focus, and look forward to trying more BD wines.

  • Phil G

    Nice show…

    QOTD – For me, I don’t usually pay too much attention to the hype/branding of wines as I am more interested in tasting and trying myself – often because of a recommendation (in store, at a restaurant, or a good review). I had Big House Red years ago, but wasn’t aware of the connection to BD. As for BD, my first exposure came a few years ago when I started getting into Rhone varietals. Since then, I have thought of BD as a well regarded GSM/Syrah producer from California. Seeing this show, I am glad to hear about your renewed focus, and look forward to trying more BD wines.

  • Jayhitek

    QOTD: Yes.

  • Jayhitek

    QOTD: Yes.

  • stewart l

    I have met Randall previously when he came to a local restaurant about 10 years ago. He is definitely avant-garde. He is very creative in his branding. I take his wines seriously and have always enjoyed his bottling and names of wines. Keep up the good work.
    It is always fun to hear what winemakers like to drink

  • stewart l

    I have met Randall previously when he came to a local restaurant about 10 years ago. He is definitely avant-garde. He is very creative in his branding. I take his wines seriously and have always enjoyed his bottling and names of wines. Keep up the good work.
    It is always fun to hear what winemakers like to drink

  • Jess

    Danny C
    I don’t know if anyone answered your question, but I could not find a Bonny Doon ad in my October issue of Wine Spectator, so I guess we should look for it in the November issue.
    I really enjoy your interviews with guests, it’s nice to see the perspective of wine makers.
    QOTD: I am new to the wine world as well, and now that I am aware of Bonny Doon, I look forward to trying the Syrah you had on the show.

  • Jess

    Danny C
    I don’t know if anyone answered your question, but I could not find a Bonny Doon ad in my October issue of Wine Spectator, so I guess we should look for it in the November issue.
    I really enjoy your interviews with guests, it’s nice to see the perspective of wine makers.
    QOTD: I am new to the wine world as well, and now that I am aware of Bonny Doon, I look forward to trying the Syrah you had on the show.

  • Great 2 parter, G. I will seek these out soon to give a try.
    Being the wine~newbie I am…I am not familiar with the Boony Doon history, I do however like what R has to say about the direction of wine. great eps.

  • Great 2 parter, G. I will seek these out soon to give a try.
    Being the wine~newbie I am…I am not familiar with the Boony Doon history, I do however like what R has to say about the direction of wine. great eps.

  • wayno da wino

    Yo Randall, Thank You for entertaining us with all that interesting &
    informative Bonny Doon Paraphernalia!! Haven’t had any of your wines
    in awhile, but definitely gonna pick some up next time I see ’em!!

  • wayno da wino

    Yo Randall, Thank You for entertaining us with all that interesting &
    informative Bonny Doon Paraphernalia!! Haven’t had any of your wines
    in awhile, but definitely gonna pick some up next time I see ’em!!

  • I never knew wine could be so entertaining! Thanks Gary

  • I never knew wine could be so entertaining! Thanks Gary

  • Kodi

    Thank you, thank you….Great show and am glad you extended it to 2 shows so we could enjoy as much as was available! GV – don’t take this negatively as I am a huge fan (often lurker) and evangalist of what you are doing… but I do have to agree with a few posters from part 1 that you did interupt Randal a few too many times when he was headed into an interesting subject. But still a great show!

    QOTD – BD tasting room used to be the closest one to our home and would visit it whenever we had visitors – we even gave our wedding party magnums of the Cigar so it is very special to us. Always thought they have great wine but had placed a glass ceiling over their own head with the marketing. By that I mean people could not take them as serious as their wines really were because of the marketing. Unfortunately this industry is perception driven and could be why their best scores where from their early vintage. So am glad to see a change and possible reigning in of the showbiz side of the wine and am very interested in seeing what they has done with the Bien Nacido fruit and can’t wait to try the Albarino. Hopefully this new focus will shatter the ceiling!

    How about targeting another great pioneer, Richard Sanford to get on the show? I think he would be equally interesting and is also doing great stuff with his new brand.

  • Kodi

    Thank you, thank you….Great show and am glad you extended it to 2 shows so we could enjoy as much as was available! GV – don’t take this negatively as I am a huge fan (often lurker) and evangalist of what you are doing… but I do have to agree with a few posters from part 1 that you did interupt Randal a few too many times when he was headed into an interesting subject. But still a great show!

    QOTD – BD tasting room used to be the closest one to our home and would visit it whenever we had visitors – we even gave our wedding party magnums of the Cigar so it is very special to us. Always thought they have great wine but had placed a glass ceiling over their own head with the marketing. By that I mean people could not take them as serious as their wines really were because of the marketing. Unfortunately this industry is perception driven and could be why their best scores where from their early vintage. So am glad to see a change and possible reigning in of the showbiz side of the wine and am very interested in seeing what they has done with the Bien Nacido fruit and can’t wait to try the Albarino. Hopefully this new focus will shatter the ceiling!

    How about targeting another great pioneer, Richard Sanford to get on the show? I think he would be equally interesting and is also doing great stuff with his new brand.

  • M

    QOTD: I had no impression of Bonny Doon and Randall Grahm. Now I have a positive impression. I will visit their website and look for the wines locally (PA/DE).

  • M

    QOTD: I had no impression of Bonny Doon and Randall Grahm. Now I have a positive impression. I will visit their website and look for the wines locally (PA/DE).

  • Eric G

    Great show…one of my first really memorable wine experiences was with a Vin Gris de Cigare (a good Rose is still under-appreciated in the US). I was probably 17 years old and it was a hot summer day. A perfect match. Since then, I’ve had a perception of Bonny Doon as a serious wine producer that marches to the beat of its own drum. Now, at 32, I enjoy nothing more than trying interesting and exciting wines that might be a little out of the mainstream. I am happy to see that, despite time and a lot of changes, Bonny Doon is still producing those wines. Looking forward to trying the Syrah!

  • Eric G

    Great show…one of my first really memorable wine experiences was with a Vin Gris de Cigare (a good Rose is still under-appreciated in the US). I was probably 17 years old and it was a hot summer day. A perfect match. Since then, I’ve had a perception of Bonny Doon as a serious wine producer that marches to the beat of its own drum. Now, at 32, I enjoy nothing more than trying interesting and exciting wines that might be a little out of the mainstream. I am happy to see that, despite time and a lot of changes, Bonny Doon is still producing those wines. Looking forward to trying the Syrah!

  • Scottie P

    Great show! Thanks guys! Breaking into 2 parts didn’t bother me at all. In fact I enjoyed Randall?s information and wanted to hear more. I would actually like to hear in greater detail how wine is made, what wine masters do to develop certain flavors and themes, what issues they battle, etc…

    QOTD: As we say in Marketing all news is good news. Don’t sweat it, Randall. Good products will ALWAYS bring demand no matter what the PR.

  • Scottie P

    Great show! Thanks guys! Breaking into 2 parts didn’t bother me at all. In fact I enjoyed Randall?s information and wanted to hear more. I would actually like to hear in greater detail how wine is made, what wine masters do to develop certain flavors and themes, what issues they battle, etc…

    QOTD: As we say in Marketing all news is good news. Don’t sweat it, Randall. Good products will ALWAYS bring demand no matter what the PR.

  • Randall Graham is not only an icon in the wine world, but also a cultural revolutionary who inspires many to think outside the box in their exploration of aesthetic values.

    His contribution to the American wine culture isn?t fully appreciated by many, but future generations will look back on him as a trend setter, innovator and provocateur against the machine.


    Erik Wait
    ?Adventures in Wine Tasting?

  • Randall Graham is not only an icon in the wine world, but also a cultural revolutionary who inspires many to think outside the box in their exploration of aesthetic values.

    His contribution to the American wine culture isn?t fully appreciated by many, but future generations will look back on him as a trend setter, innovator and provocateur against the machine.


    Erik Wait
    ?Adventures in Wine Tasting?

  • terry

    Gary really enjoyed Randall, looking forward to more guests who have a history to tell. Waynestreet

  • terry

    Gary really enjoyed Randall, looking forward to more guests who have a history to tell. Waynestreet

  • pawncop

    My first and only Bonny Doon was a 2005 Pacific Rim Reisling, that was very good. Of the new world Reisling’s I’ve tried, it topped the list.

    This was a absolute stunning pair of episodes and I want you to continue with this level of education. Thank as always for what you do. Thank you Robert for your wonderful efforts.

  • pawncop

    My first and only Bonny Doon was a 2005 Pacific Rim Reisling, that was very good. Of the new world Reisling’s I’ve tried, it topped the list.

    This was a absolute stunning pair of episodes and I want you to continue with this level of education. Thank as always for what you do. Thank you Robert for your wonderful efforts.

  • Great interview. Going long once in a while is fine with me. Thanks for the knowledge.

  • Great interview. Going long once in a while is fine with me. Thanks for the knowledge.

  • Andy and Edie Hanson

    Excellent episode that only seemed to last a few minutes instead of 50! It was great to hear from Mr. Graham and to learn about what he’s done and has been doing. You do such a great job finding these terrific guests Gary and have fun with them while also making the show educational. Today’s show was perfectly balanced as many of them are.

  • Andy and Edie Hanson

    Excellent episode that only seemed to last a few minutes instead of 50! It was great to hear from Mr. Graham and to learn about what he’s done and has been doing. You do such a great job finding these terrific guests Gary and have fun with them while also making the show educational. Today’s show was perfectly balanced as many of them are.

  • hugh

    GV-You’ve never BBQ’d peaches???? Dude-EXPAND YOUR PALATE!!!
    They’re awesome……

  • hugh

    GV-You’ve never BBQ’d peaches???? Dude-EXPAND YOUR PALATE!!!
    They’re awesome……

  • Great show. Its great to see an American wine maker doing what Americans are famous for, being unconventional. Unfortunately in the Cali wine world there are just too many followers who claim to be doing something new, but are just doing the same thing with the same grapes.
    QOTD: I always new BD was on the cutting edge, esp with bringing different varietals and blend to the market. I love the marketing campaign of the past because it shows that the company isnt just another arrogant winery or a silly animal wine. BD has always been clever and fun, the way wine should be. Like smarter beer.

  • Great show. Its great to see an American wine maker doing what Americans are famous for, being unconventional. Unfortunately in the Cali wine world there are just too many followers who claim to be doing something new, but are just doing the same thing with the same grapes.
    QOTD: I always new BD was on the cutting edge, esp with bringing different varietals and blend to the market. I love the marketing campaign of the past because it shows that the company isnt just another arrogant winery or a silly animal wine. BD has always been clever and fun, the way wine should be. Like smarter beer.

  • Prior to this two-parter and prior to the two-page spread in Wine Spectator that I read last week, I’d have said Bonny Doon was a marketing play wine, decent, but more show than taste. After all of this, I’m very interested to see where it’s going and taste anew.

  • Prior to this two-parter and prior to the two-page spread in Wine Spectator that I read last week, I’d have said Bonny Doon was a marketing play wine, decent, but more show than taste. After all of this, I’m very interested to see where it’s going and taste anew.

  • Stephanie from So CA

    Thanks Gary for having Mr. Graham on. I was privileged to sell his wine in So CA many year’s ago. What great story, what great fun! Nice to see evolution and caught the two pager in Wine Spectator that is pure “Doon”. Still keep Vin Gris in the fridge although it does not last long. Keep these great stories on your show!

    QOTD: Keep doing what you’re doing – just remind us once in a while you out there making some amazing wines for a nice price.

  • Thanks Gary for having Mr. Graham on. I was privileged to sell his wine in So CA many year’s ago. What great story, what great fun! Nice to see evolution and caught the two pager in Wine Spectator that is pure “Doon”. Still keep Vin Gris in the fridge although it does not last long. Keep these great stories on your show!

    QOTD: Keep doing what you’re doing – just remind us once in a while you out there making some amazing wines for a nice price.

  • Maggie J

    QOTD: I have to admit that the Cardinal Zin/Pacific Rim Riesling have confused me re: Bonny Doon. After watching the show, I now understand, but I think the mass production wines change what I think when I hear Bonny Doon. Just driving to the tasting room in Santa Cruz is an experience- I was disappointed to hear it would be moving to the city of Santa Cruz. Your small production wine, though, show the TLC you give them.

  • Maggie J

    QOTD: I have to admit that the Cardinal Zin/Pacific Rim Riesling have confused me re: Bonny Doon. After watching the show, I now understand, but I think the mass production wines change what I think when I hear Bonny Doon. Just driving to the tasting room in Santa Cruz is an experience- I was disappointed to hear it would be moving to the city of Santa Cruz. Your small production wine, though, show the TLC you give them.

  • Dominus

    Hoping for some Laid Back Friday action!

  • Dominus

    Hoping for some Laid Back Friday action!


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