EP 601 Italian Red Wine Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk tries 3 wines from Italy and tries to talk about the 2008 NY JETS season.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Colosi Nero D’avolaSicilia IGT
2006 La Spinetta Il Nero Di CasanovaTuscan Sangiovese
2006 Gaja Ca’marcanda PromisSuper Tuscan

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘It’s like a bad hairpiece and the guy picks his nose on a first date – you don’t want that guy’

This episode is a lot of fun and features a guest appearance from the Winelibrary wine manager Ian. It’s fascinating to see him and Gary feeding off each other’s informed comments and especially good when they are both dissing two of the wines. Better than the previous circus show!

Tags: Italian, red, review, Sicilia, Super Tuscan, tuscan, Video, wine, wines

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  • gubby

    Congrats to Ian on the young one! The great person behind me is JC.

  • J Crazy

    My Dad is the awesomeness behind me and has been since day one. And my mom, too. My brother and my wife and sister as well. Oh, and my friends Matt, Paul, Norm, etc.

  • J Crazy

    My Dad is the awesomeness behind me and has been since day one. And my mom, too. My brother and my wife and sister as well. Oh, and my friends Matt, Paul, Norm, etc.

  • Kirk (aka:slave2thevine)

    QOTD: Absolutely one of the top five questions from a guest…to date. The person behind me is my father. He’s my father, best friend, guide, guest, and the person who my life would not be the same without.

  • Kirk (aka:slave2thevine)

    QOTD: Absolutely one of the top five questions from a guest…to date. The person behind me is my father. He’s my father, best friend, guide, guest, and the person who my life would not be the same without.

  • ChrisV

    Nice ep, always nice to see some Italian reds on the table. I just wish more of them made it out to Oz…

    QOTD: Not sure I could name any one person… I don’t have a partner so that’s not an option, and my friends and family are all equally awesome.

  • ChrisV

    Nice ep, always nice to see some Italian reds on the table. I just wish more of them made it out to Oz…

    QOTD: Not sure I could name any one person… I don’t have a partner so that’s not an option, and my friends and family are all equally awesome.

  • Johnnyutah

    I like your wild card theory. Heres my official Super Bowl Prediction: San Diego vs Philly…score Eagles 35 Chargers 31

  • Johnnyutah

    I like your wild card theory. Heres my official Super Bowl Prediction: San Diego vs Philly…score Eagles 35 Chargers 31

  • Robin C

    I love Italian wines, especially Super Tuscans. Thanks for doing a show on them.
    You’re too soft hearted to be a Jets owner.
    Show pictures of Logan.
    QOTD: Who made me what I am? What a complicated and philosophical question. Especially since I think I’m a different person with different people. I’m sure my parents had a lot to do with me being what I am, but there’s something else, maybe it’s genetics, or experiences, or everyone I’ve ever known, or a jumble of the aforementioned.

  • Robin C

    I love Italian wines, especially Super Tuscans. Thanks for doing a show on them.
    You’re too soft hearted to be a Jets owner.
    Show pictures of Logan.
    QOTD: Who made me what I am? What a complicated and philosophical question. Especially since I think I’m a different person with different people. I’m sure my parents had a lot to do with me being what I am, but there’s something else, maybe it’s genetics, or experiences, or everyone I’ve ever known, or a jumble of the aforementioned.

  • JJ

    I love Italian wines ever since I took a trip to Tuscany this Fall. Thanks for doing an episode to highlight the great wines of this part of the world.

    QOTD: My amazingly hot wife.

  • JJ

    I love Italian wines ever since I took a trip to Tuscany this Fall. Thanks for doing an episode to highlight the great wines of this part of the world.

    QOTD: My amazingly hot wife.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: My parents & fiancee

  • David T

    QOTD: My parents & fiancee

  • Rowland

    IM TOO TIRED, ILL FINISH UP LATER… never leave us Gary, never leave us.

  • Rowland

    IM TOO TIRED, ILL FINISH UP LATER… never leave us Gary, never leave us.

  • Anonymous

    I love Nero D’avola! I introduce this varietal to peeps who say “I like white” Seems to win them over….. 🙂
    Did Ian say he put a little wine under his baby’s nose?! LOLOL (When i was a baby and was teething, my father used to put Sambuca on his finger and put it on my gums! <-I hear this worked! TMI? LOL Guess there wasnt orajel?) Congrats Ian!

    QOTD: Aunt Sally (Matriarch & Living Legend)


  • GARY!!!
    I love Nero D’avola! I introduce this varietal to peeps who say “I like white” Seems to win them over….. 🙂
    Did Ian say he put a little wine under his baby’s nose?! LOLOL (When i was a baby and was teething, my father used to put Sambuca on his finger and put it on my gums! <-I hear this worked! TMI? LOL Guess there wasnt orajel?) Congrats Ian!

    QOTD: Aunt Sally (Matriarch & Living Legend)


  • manonthemoon

    Meh way to get into the week. Great call about the 4 wildcard teams as I think the 4 division winners are not really up to snuff, not even my beloved Phins, but someone had to win that division.

  • manonthemoon

    Meh way to get into the week. Great call about the 4 wildcard teams as I think the 4 division winners are not really up to snuff, not even my beloved Phins, but someone had to win that division.

  • MrJCG1

    QOTD; My Dad.

    Ian performed well on the hotseat and it gave me an idea…how about an episode where you tour the store and introduce us to some of the characters. I make a trip at least twice a month to the Lib but many viewers don’t even know what the store looks like…just a thought.

  • MrJCG1

    QOTD; My Dad.

    Ian performed well on the hotseat and it gave me an idea…how about an episode where you tour the store and introduce us to some of the characters. I make a trip at least twice a month to the Lib but many viewers don’t even know what the store looks like…just a thought.

  • joel kriske

    great episode! More Italian! Would love to see you taste some recent Aglianico.

  • joel kriske

    great episode! More Italian! Would love to see you taste some recent Aglianico.

  • jaredlevy

    Fun little episode for a somber day in Jetsville.

    Congrats on the 10-week old baby. Remember, patience will come in handy.

    QOTD: Easily, my fiancée Patrice is the great person behind me. She inspires me in all that I do.

  • jaredlevy

    Fun little episode for a somber day in Jetsville.

    Congrats on the 10-week old baby. Remember, patience will come in handy.

    QOTD: Easily, my fiancée Patrice is the great person behind me. She inspires me in all that I do.

  • Hartfiel

    I have never had Nero, but will be on the lookout for it.
    My Grandmother taught me the values that shapes me into who I am!
    I am her number one fan.

    PS. Eagles are going down!!! Go Viks!

  • Hartfiel

    I have never had Nero, but will be on the lookout for it.
    My Grandmother taught me the values that shapes me into who I am!
    I am her number one fan.

    PS. Eagles are going down!!! Go Viks!

  • Sally

    QOTD: Definitely my sisters.

    Also, I love it when you have guests drop in from around the shop.

  • Sally

    QOTD: Definitely my sisters.

    Also, I love it when you have guests drop in from around the shop.

  • Fun, relaxing ep. Ian was good.

  • Fun, relaxing ep. Ian was good.

  • Phil M’Glassup

    Yet another big fan of Ian. I agree with the earlier commenters. He’s knowledgable, personable, percepotive and should be a regular on the show.
    Plus I’ve dealt with him as a customer and think he’s a stand-up guy.
    You’re lucky to have staff like him and it’s one more reason I’m a Wine LIbrary loyalist.
    Keep it up and all the best to Gary, Ian, the hard-working guys in shipping and the entire WL family and crew for a healthful, peaceful, prosperous and happy 09

  • Phil M’Glassup

    Yet another big fan of Ian. I agree with the earlier commenters. He’s knowledgable, personable, percepotive and should be a regular on the show.
    Plus I’ve dealt with him as a customer and think he’s a stand-up guy.
    You’re lucky to have staff like him and it’s one more reason I’m a Wine LIbrary loyalist.
    Keep it up and all the best to Gary, Ian, the hard-working guys in shipping and the entire WL family and crew for a healthful, peaceful, prosperous and happy 09

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Who’s behind me? Well, day-in, day-out, the kindness I try to give to others and the friendship I dole out to those close to me comes DIRECTLY from the selflessness of my mother. 100%. I’ve never met a more selfless, compassionate, loyal, kind person in my life than the woman who raised me; the lovely and radiant JOAN ALFANO.

  • YoungDave

    QOTD: Who’s behind me? Well, day-in, day-out, the kindness I try to give to others and the friendship I dole out to those close to me comes DIRECTLY from the selflessness of my mother. 100%. I’ve never met a more selfless, compassionate, loyal, kind person in my life than the woman who raised me; the lovely and radiant JOAN ALFANO.

  • BobbyTiger

    QOTD…………….My Dad (dec’d. 02/07).
    In too many ways to list……….he was the best.
    Cheers to him.

  • BobbyTiger

    QOTD…………….My Dad (dec’d. 02/07).
    In too many ways to list……….he was the best.
    Cheers to him.

  • QOTD: I dunno that’s a tough call, my bf Gil and my parents are all very supportive.

  • QOTD: I dunno that’s a tough call, my bf Gil and my parents are all very supportive.

  • torquey

    QOTD: My lovely wife.

  • torquey

    QOTD: My lovely wife.

  • bob murnane

    My wife, Joanne, and son, Patrick.

  • bob murnane

    My wife, Joanne, and son, Patrick.

  • Nathan

    Chad Pennington.

  • Nathan

    Chad Pennington.

  • Rick D

    Great to see Ian on the show. A second palate, a second opinion. You should include more of your staff members in the shows. I just bought a bottle of the Colosi and now I can’t wait to try it.

    QOTD: My mom (who has passed) and now my wife.

  • Rick D

    Great to see Ian on the show. A second palate, a second opinion. You should include more of your staff members in the shows. I just bought a bottle of the Colosi and now I can’t wait to try it.

    QOTD: My mom (who has passed) and now my wife.

  • I gotta tell you, this was one of the best episodes in a long while. Great to see Ian on the show. Lots of energy between the two of you.


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