EP 601 Italian Red Wine Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk tries 3 wines from Italy and tries to talk about the 2008 NY JETS season.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Colosi Nero D’avolaSicilia IGT
2006 La Spinetta Il Nero Di CasanovaTuscan Sangiovese
2006 Gaja Ca’marcanda PromisSuper Tuscan

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘It’s like a bad hairpiece and the guy picks his nose on a first date – you don’t want that guy’

This episode is a lot of fun and features a guest appearance from the Winelibrary wine manager Ian. It’s fascinating to see him and Gary feeding off each other’s informed comments and especially good when they are both dissing two of the wines. Better than the previous circus show!

Tags: Italian, red, review, Sicilia, Super Tuscan, tuscan, Video, wine, wines

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  • I gotta tell you, this was one of the best episodes in a long while. Great to see Ian on the show. Lots of energy between the two of you.

  • mikek

    Ian…knocked it out of the park! Congrats on your 1st born! May health and happiness bless you and your family! That said; say good-bye to a full nights sleep for ohhh about 6-8 months,(if you’re lucky)! Thanks for all your help at the store.(BTW)

    Gary – give Ian a raise…he’s got another mouth to feed and he now has “celeb” status! LOL!!

    QOTD: my wife, Erin. She inspires me to be better than I really am! (my 2 boys come in a close second though)! I’ll lift a glass to your son tonight Ian! Cheers!

  • mikek

    Ian…knocked it out of the park! Congrats on your 1st born! May health and happiness bless you and your family! That said; say good-bye to a full nights sleep for ohhh about 6-8 months,(if you’re lucky)! Thanks for all your help at the store.(BTW)

    Gary – give Ian a raise…he’s got another mouth to feed and he now has “celeb” status! LOL!!

    QOTD: my wife, Erin. She inspires me to be better than I really am! (my 2 boys come in a close second though)! I’ll lift a glass to your son tonight Ian! Cheers!

  • Jayhitek

    QOTD: I make me, me.
    And how much gel does Ian use in that spike fest?

  • Jayhitek

    QOTD: I make me, me.
    And how much gel does Ian use in that spike fest?

  • Daniel Schlossberg

    Mangina needed to go. I liked him and supported him UNTIL the seattle game when he didnt let feely try from 50 and i quote “bc he didnt want to give up good position if he missed (at the 50 ish yard line)” but then went for it on 4th and long at the 25+ yard line, but wasnt worried about/didnt care about giving up good position!!!???? i mean come on. you have no idea what you are doing if that is your reasoning!!! BRING ON COWHER!!!

  • Daniel Schlossberg

    Mangina needed to go. I liked him and supported him UNTIL the seattle game when he didnt let feely try from 50 and i quote “bc he didnt want to give up good position if he missed (at the 50 ish yard line)” but then went for it on 4th and long at the 25+ yard line, but wasnt worried about/didnt care about giving up good position!!!???? i mean come on. you have no idea what you are doing if that is your reasoning!!! BRING ON COWHER!!!

  • Cameron W

    Great episode. Love learning more about Italian wine.

    QOTD: My wife and children.

  • Cameron W

    Great episode. Love learning more about Italian wine.

    QOTD: My wife and children.

  • I love guest episodes!

    QOTD: My mentors help shape me into the person I am today, my dad, my business partners, my friends, and family, I try to learn something from everyone in my life.

  • I love guest episodes!

    QOTD: My mentors help shape me into the person I am today, my dad, my business partners, my friends, and family, I try to learn something from everyone in my life.

  • wayno da wino

    Yo G & Ian, GRRRRRREAAAAAAAT Episode, der Vinos, maybe not so much….

    QOTD: I do it on ME own, no help required….

  • Tim

    Loved the Thunder Show today – lots of craziness and ‘keepin it real’ throughout. Great stuff!

    QOTD – Definitely my parents!

  • wayno da wino

    Yo G & Ian, GRRRRRREAAAAAAAT Episode, der Vinos, maybe not so much….

    QOTD: I do it on ME own, no help required….

  • Tim

    Loved the Thunder Show today – lots of craziness and ‘keepin it real’ throughout. Great stuff!

    QOTD – Definitely my parents!

  • nelsonmaud

    was a fun episode to watch!

  • nelsonmaud

    was a fun episode to watch!

  • Colleen

    I’m excited to try the 2007 Colosi Nero D?avola, have put it on my wishlist. I’m getting bored with the new wines, the beaujolais that I trained on when I first started drinking reds.(I’m a sparkling wine person for the most part).

    QOTD: I grew up around a lot of racism and intolerance and in my freshmen year of H.S. required readings was, To Kill A Mockingbird, it changed my life. So I would have to say Harper Lee.

  • Colleen

    I’m excited to try the 2007 Colosi Nero D?avola, have put it on my wishlist. I’m getting bored with the new wines, the beaujolais that I trained on when I first started drinking reds.(I’m a sparkling wine person for the most part).

    QOTD: I grew up around a lot of racism and intolerance and in my freshmen year of H.S. required readings was, To Kill A Mockingbird, it changed my life. So I would have to say Harper Lee.

  • Omallley

    QOTD: My wife, hands down.

  • Omallley

    QOTD: My wife, hands down.

  • jjmabaseb

    QOTD: My parents.

    Also, if Mangina got fired, Shannahan should be toast too I don’t care if the Donkeys have 7 running backs on the injured reserve, the their collapse was probably one of the worst in NFL history.

  • jjmabaseb

    QOTD: My parents.

    Also, if Mangina got fired, Shannahan should be toast too I don’t care if the Donkeys have 7 running backs on the injured reserve, the their collapse was probably one of the worst in NFL history.

  • Gary:

    A couple of points: 1. Great show, love Ian. 2. Mangini was too young for NY. 3. Bring in the CHIN and #11. 4. Where have the BLIND shows gone???

    QOTD: My backbone and structure come from my wife and my fellow artists.

  • Gary:

    A couple of points: 1. Great show, love Ian. 2. Mangini was too young for NY. 3. Bring in the CHIN and #11. 4. Where have the BLIND shows gone???

    QOTD: My backbone and structure come from my wife and my fellow artists.

  • the2urbs

    wow… I was hoping to see something big from Gaja & get me a bottle.

    I do like the honesty… nice to know price does not dictate quality.

    qofd… man… hum… i work with a bunch of women…

  • the2urbs

    wow… I was hoping to see something big from Gaja & get me a bottle.

    I do like the honesty… nice to know price does not dictate quality.

    qofd… man… hum… i work with a bunch of women…

  • the2urbs


  • the2urbs


  • Sarno

    Cya Man-gina! Go Phins!

    Great show as always, liked the play back and forth with you and Ian. Nice to see someone else bringing the knowledge!

    QOTD: My wife 100 Billion% !

  • Gary,
    That was a great episode. I was introduced to the Colosi Nero by Chris Zimmerman who I believe is the National Sales Rep for Vias Imports. Might be a good guest, he is extremely passionate about Italian wines. The fact that your wine director is so comfortable giving his opinion around you says a lot about the kind of guy your are. A very good attribute. Nice little piece on how us retailers view the press. Keep up the good work!

  • Sarno

    Cya Man-gina! Go Phins!

    Great show as always, liked the play back and forth with you and Ian. Nice to see someone else bringing the knowledge!

    QOTD: My wife 100 Billion% !

  • Gary,
    That was a great episode. I was introduced to the Colosi Nero by Chris Zimmerman who I believe is the National Sales Rep for Vias Imports. Might be a good guest, he is extremely passionate about Italian wines. The fact that your wine director is so comfortable giving his opinion around you says a lot about the kind of guy your are. A very good attribute. Nice little piece on how us retailers view the press. Keep up the good work!

  • ex-lurkdawg

    qotd: If I have to choose one I will always say my girlfriend. She supports me and challenges me in just the right ways. Without my parents and a certain few friends I would also not be the person I am today.

    Thanks for another great episode. It was good to see Ian on the show again.

  • ex-lurkdawg

    qotd: If I have to choose one I will always say my girlfriend. She supports me and challenges me in just the right ways. Without my parents and a certain few friends I would also not be the person I am today.

    Thanks for another great episode. It was good to see Ian on the show again.

  • That Syrah/Pinot Noir blend isn’t imaginary. Penner-Ash Rubeo is a 23% Syrah, 77% Pinot Noir. I personally don’t think it’s a successful wine, but it’s interesting…

    Haha… awesome. I was typing this as I was watching, and I had already typed this before I heard your review: I scored the 2005 La Spinetta Il Nero Di Casanova 81 points… really didn’t care for it. Interestingly, I’m like the only one on cellartracker that didn’t like it! Nice that you agree…

    9/14/2007 rated 81 points: Popped and drank between 1 and 6 hours open. Definitely very tight on the nose, and I’m sure it will open up a bit with a few more years, but I’m not sure what it will reveal will be worth the wait. Nose is a bit awkward with just a hint of dark fruit. Full mouth feel, but has virtually no distinguishing characteristics… just tannins. Never really enjoyed this wine throughout the bottle… kept hoping it’d get better, but never did. Saved one glass for the next day, and it was definitely worse. Major thumbs down for the price.

    QOTD: hmmm…


  • That Syrah/Pinot Noir blend isn’t imaginary. Penner-Ash Rubeo is a 23% Syrah, 77% Pinot Noir. I personally don’t think it’s a successful wine, but it’s interesting…

    Haha… awesome. I was typing this as I was watching, and I had already typed this before I heard your review: I scored the 2005 La Spinetta Il Nero Di Casanova 81 points… really didn’t care for it. Interestingly, I’m like the only one on cellartracker that didn’t like it! Nice that you agree…

    9/14/2007 rated 81 points: Popped and drank between 1 and 6 hours open. Definitely very tight on the nose, and I’m sure it will open up a bit with a few more years, but I’m not sure what it will reveal will be worth the wait. Nose is a bit awkward with just a hint of dark fruit. Full mouth feel, but has virtually no distinguishing characteristics… just tannins. Never really enjoyed this wine throughout the bottle… kept hoping it’d get better, but never did. Saved one glass for the next day, and it was definitely worse. Major thumbs down for the price.

    QOTD: hmmm…


  • Good show G.V. and Ian. Think you have something here and you stumbled upon it. Whenever I have done shows it has always been the best when I had a certain person to play off of. G.V yes you are the star but I would like to see this format with Ian more often…3 times a week.

    I love Sicilian wines…Great food wines in my mind.

    Happy New Year to everyone!!!! Oh it’s going to be a great one.

    Keith Miller….Denverwineguy.com

  • Good show G.V. and Ian. Think you have something here and you stumbled upon it. Whenever I have done shows it has always been the best when I had a certain person to play off of. G.V yes you are the star but I would like to see this format with Ian more often…3 times a week.

    I love Sicilian wines…Great food wines in my mind.

    Happy New Year to everyone!!!! Oh it’s going to be a great one.

    Keith Miller….Denverwineguy.com

  • Oh sure, rub it in about the Pats, Gary. Boo Hoo.

  • Oh sure, rub it in about the Pats, Gary. Boo Hoo.

  • digital dean the packer fan

    QOTD: Easily that one is my wife, Karen. Very pragmatic, but shows how one can extend themselves (like finishing her degree after putting it on hold to raise our 3 kids plus overcome MS).

    Second would be my friend and bus. assoc. Dave B. He has been a fount of business knowledge plus type of friend you’d want to go to bat for you.

    Great show again. Disagree with Ian on Malbec. Though I’m a newbie, I love Malbecs.

    So, Gary, Favre or NO Favre in 2009, that is the question? (now you’ll see what fellow Packer fans like me had to endure the past 4-5 years!)

  • digital dean the packer fan

    QOTD: Easily that one is my wife, Karen. Very pragmatic, but shows how one can extend themselves (like finishing her degree after putting it on hold to raise our 3 kids plus overcome MS).

    Second would be my friend and bus. assoc. Dave B. He has been a fount of business knowledge plus type of friend you’d want to go to bat for you.

    Great show again. Disagree with Ian on Malbec. Though I’m a newbie, I love Malbecs.

    So, Gary, Favre or NO Favre in 2009, that is the question? (now you’ll see what fellow Packer fans like me had to endure the past 4-5 years!)

  • Rowland

    Hey, Yea, why IS Ian such a scorewhore? WHHHHHHHHHY?

    qotd; nobody, she left me 🙁

    hey im hoping for a birthday shout out! January 1st.

  • Kathy Hughes

    QOTD: My husband of 40+ years.

    Great to see Logan’s Dad. Superlative interplay between two wine greats. Needless to say, I’ll make my pitch for a free ship of another of Ian’s great champagne/cava values. Loved the Vega Barcelona. Peace, Health and Happiness to you and yours in the New Year, Naples Kathy aka Champagne Lady

  • Rowland

    Hey, Yea, why IS Ian such a scorewhore? WHHHHHHHHHY?

    qotd; nobody, she left me 🙁

    hey im hoping for a birthday shout out! January 1st.

  • QOTD: My husband of 40+ years.

    Great to see Logan’s Dad. Superlative interplay between two wine greats. Needless to say, I’ll make my pitch for a free ship of another of Ian’s great champagne/cava values. Loved the Vega Barcelona. Peace, Health and Happiness to you and yours in the New Year, Naples Kathy aka Champagne Lady

  • M

    For not liking the wine, Ian drank every last drop.

  • M

    For not liking the wine, Ian drank every last drop.

  • QOTD: The Family. If I had to name one person?my dad.

    Decent show. Seemed like Ian was sucking up a little much.


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