EP 630 How to Blend Wine with Peter and Rebecca from Ampelos Cellars

Peter and Rebecca Work stop by to talk about the wine business and blend some Pinot Noir.

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Luca Bercelli


I didn’t really like this episode. (one of the very few that didn’t float my boat) I like to think of wine as a natural, unadulterated product, but here we are shown the manipulation that can sometimes go on. Clones, blending – this is more of a science project than a wine tasting show. I’d rather not know about it and carry on in ignorant bliss! Also, I’m sure both the winemakers are very nice people but I’m always slightly cynical about ex-financial market people going into traditional businesses…and the guy’s voice annoys me. Sorry

Tags: Blend, california, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • guymandude

    Very cool show.like behind the scenes of wine process.

  • guymandude

    Very cool show.like behind the scenes of wine process.

  • Anonymous

    Peter and Rebecca – It is clear that in you, Price Waterhouse lost two fine people. In light of where the world has gone as of late, I hope you are very happy with your decision, and I wish you success in your growth.

    I love wines of the Santa Rita Hills AVA, and especially have been a fiend for Brewer-Clifton. I encountered Sea Smoke only once, when they were introduced to our market, and was instantly impressed, and was confident in it’s price point when putting it in someone’s hands. Best wishes to your son in his endeavors there.

    I’ll look forward to encountering your wines, though I don’t think they are yet in my Ohio market. Looking forward to the rest of the episode tomorrow.

  • Murso

    Peter and Rebecca – It is clear that in you, Price Waterhouse lost two fine people. In light of where the world has gone as of late, I hope you are very happy with your decision, and I wish you success in your growth.

    I love wines of the Santa Rita Hills AVA, and especially have been a fiend for Brewer-Clifton. I encountered Sea Smoke only once, when they were introduced to our market, and was instantly impressed, and was confident in it’s price point when putting it in someone’s hands. Best wishes to your son in his endeavors there.

    I’ll look forward to encountering your wines, though I don’t think they are yet in my Ohio market. Looking forward to the rest of the episode tomorrow.

  • Wow again!

    Another educational 2 part show. Kudos Garu to taking your show in this direction, This is very interesting stuff even for old time wine fans like myself(not that watching you emote about random wines is not interesting…)I have visited that area of CA, it is just wonderful in climate, wines and in people.

  • Wow again!

    Another educational 2 part show. Kudos Garu to taking your show in this direction, This is very interesting stuff even for old time wine fans like myself(not that watching you emote about random wines is not interesting…)I have visited that area of CA, it is just wonderful in climate, wines and in people.

  • hpark

    Great concept! I really love hearing stories of how people fell in love with wine. They seem like great people. I admire them for living out their dream. I’ll definitely try to pay them a visit when I can. I’m really looking forward to Part II!

  • hpark

    Great concept! I really love hearing stories of how people fell in love with wine. They seem like great people. I admire them for living out their dream. I’ll definitely try to pay them a visit when I can. I’m really looking forward to Part II!

  • Love a good blend! Had the opportunity to do some blending in Australia. Can’t wait to see the sequel!

  • Love a good blend! Had the opportunity to do some blending in Australia. Can’t wait to see the sequel!

  • Gary Great episode I cant wait for part 2 these wines seem great and they are cool too 🙂

  • Gary Great episode I cant wait for part 2 these wines seem great and they are cool too 🙂

  • Dr. Dan


  • Dr. Dan


  • sam

    A good start to a 2 part.

    Wine makers can be fun, but it seems that the focus is a little off. We are not hearing much about the wine itself or the blending and hence, the final product. What wines are they making? Are those barrel samples? I get that we are witnessing the tasting of different clones, but are the samples final? Are they blended with each other?

    The show seems a little disjointed up to now.

    I will be watching to see how it concludes.

    Fun guests nonetheless.

  • sam

    A good start to a 2 part.

    Wine makers can be fun, but it seems that the focus is a little off. We are not hearing much about the wine itself or the blending and hence, the final product. What wines are they making? Are those barrel samples? I get that we are witnessing the tasting of different clones, but are the samples final? Are they blended with each other?

    The show seems a little disjointed up to now.

    I will be watching to see how it concludes.

    Fun guests nonetheless.

  • Matthew

    Gary, I really like the show, really do, but if you could not interrupt your guests so often you would get more from your guests. It’s sometimes painful to watch an episode and someone will say “and the interesting thing is….” and you’ll interrupt and go off on a tangent.

    Please don’t take this badly – I think your work is very good – I’m just trying to make a suggestion for how it could be better.

  • Matthew

    Gary, I really like the show, really do, but if you could not interrupt your guests so often you would get more from your guests. It’s sometimes painful to watch an episode and someone will say “and the interesting thing is….” and you’ll interrupt and go off on a tangent.

    Please don’t take this badly – I think your work is very good – I’m just trying to make a suggestion for how it could be better.

  • Harry

    I like the idea of this show so much, I poured a glass of Aum Cellars 2008 White Wine (we’re still coming up with a catchier name) – the first wine I got to help blend! Thanks in large part to you, I’ve been making my dream come true!

  • Harry

    I like the idea of this show so much, I poured a glass of Aum Cellars 2008 White Wine (we’re still coming up with a catchier name) – the first wine I got to help blend! Thanks in large part to you, I’ve been making my dream come true!

  • Cool. I like the apothecary bottles they are using for testing the blends.

    I am keen to Pinot Noir but have not had a bottle of it in about six months, maybe it’s time to buy more pinot huh?

  • Cool. I like the apothecary bottles they are using for testing the blends.

    I am keen to Pinot Noir but have not had a bottle of it in about six months, maybe it’s time to buy more pinot huh?

  • J Crazy

    Fantastico! I like this little science experiment.

  • J Crazy

    Fantastico! I like this little science experiment.

  • Great life – when he is homesick he can go to Solvang

  • Great life – when he is homesick he can go to Solvang

  • For some reason I really want to try more German and Italian pinot. I don’t know why.

  • For some reason I really want to try more German and Italian pinot. I don’t know why.

  • rowland

    nice. good ep. informative, now i got a lot more crap to think about though. Gary will you help me pick out varietals and clones for my vineyard? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

  • rowland

    nice. good ep. informative, now i got a lot more crap to think about though. Gary will you help me pick out varietals and clones for my vineyard? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?

  • pawncop

    Another good 2 parter. I love how you get into the fundementals of the growing and creating the wines.

  • Anonymous

    So there’s no QOTD- you can still leave comments, Vayniaks!
    I thought this was also a good learning episode- but different from the last 2 days. More wine-business in regards to pricing/press. Looking forward to the actual blending tomorrow.

  • pawncop

    Another good 2 parter. I love how you get into the fundementals of the growing and creating the wines.

  • David T

    So there’s no QOTD- you can still leave comments, Vayniaks!
    I thought this was also a good learning episode- but different from the last 2 days. More wine-business in regards to pricing/press. Looking forward to the actual blending tomorrow.

  • A dumb Rhine king

    Very interesting.

  • A dumb Rhine king

    Very interesting.

  • my2cents

    Interesting story behind the starting of the guests winery.

    Not sure I like having to refer to vines as clones. Almost makes it feel like the ingredients are not good alone and need to be blended. although this is not always true as Gary just noted really liking the “777” on it’s own.

    Big swing from the previous guest’s approach of growing the flavor of the wine on the vine. “like a difficult child”.

  • my2cents

    Interesting story behind the starting of the guests winery.

    Not sure I like having to refer to vines as clones. Almost makes it feel like the ingredients are not good alone and need to be blended. although this is not always true as Gary just noted really liking the “777” on it’s own.

    Big swing from the previous guest’s approach of growing the flavor of the wine on the vine. “like a difficult child”.

  • Anonymous

    Love Seasmoke!
    And you know, the movie Sideways may have made its Hollywood mark on the wine industry…and created a popular trend…but I really loved that movie!

    Great ep…
    Thanks Gary!

  • GARY!!
    Love Seasmoke!
    And you know, the movie Sideways may have made its Hollywood mark on the wine industry…and created a popular trend…but I really loved that movie!

    Great ep…
    Thanks Gary!

  • SteveW – Colorado

    Anyone else see any irony between the Nicolas Joly piece and this one? What I mean is, what would Joly think of this ‘wine making’? What would he think of all of this effort that goes on in the lab after the vines have done what they do best? Would he see any of this as adding a cosmetic element to the wine? I’d like to here anyone’s comments on this.

  • SteveW – Colorado

    Anyone else see any irony between the Nicolas Joly piece and this one? What I mean is, what would Joly think of this ‘wine making’? What would he think of all of this effort that goes on in the lab after the vines have done what they do best? Would he see any of this as adding a cosmetic element to the wine? I’d like to here anyone’s comments on this.

  • LIttle Jonny

    Really interesting stuff. I’ve always wondered about clone types, and the significance in the vineyard, and now I have a feel for the importance in making wine!

    Amped up for part 2!

  • LIttle Jonny

    Really interesting stuff. I’ve always wondered about clone types, and the significance in the vineyard, and now I have a feel for the importance in making wine!

    Amped up for part 2!

  • I thought this whole week was going to be on biodynamics (is this clone stuff biodynamics?).

    It was still a cool episode though.

  • I thought this whole week was going to be on biodynamics (is this clone stuff biodynamics?).

    It was still a cool episode though.

  • DAveA

    good guests. Nice to see how IT geeks become wine nerds. smile. Good for them!

  • DAveA

    good guests. Nice to see how IT geeks become wine nerds. smile. Good for them!

  • Thanks for covering this topic, I’ve been wondering about this for a while now. I think of it like tuning a guitar, some wineries can or have to grow the “strings” and some wineries are able to grow the whole damn guitar. You do what you want or have to do. That’s my comment for SteveW up above.

  • Thanks for covering this topic, I’ve been wondering about this for a while now. I think of it like tuning a guitar, some wineries can or have to grow the “strings” and some wineries are able to grow the whole damn guitar. You do what you want or have to do. That’s my comment for SteveW up above.


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