EP 669 Gary Vaynerchuk interviews Peter Mondavi – Part I

Peter Mondavi and Gary Vaynerchuk discuss the history of winemaking in California.

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Luca Bercelli


GV behind the camera rather than in front of it. A no no as far as I’m concerned. Pretty interesting interview though.

Tags: Mondavi, review, Video

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  • Zeek27

    Fantastic – the best show to date for me and it’s in Nashville – awesome….

    ….hearing about the development of the wine industry in California – the wines that he enjoys, etc – again – awesome….

    Go Titans….

  • Scud

    Very interesting to hear the history of Charles Krug and the Mondavi family. I am excited to see Part II!

  • Tracy

    Great interview!

  • Tracy

    Great interview!

  • Kevin K

    Loved this “part one”. Peter seems like such a down to earth guy. Really looking forward to tomorrows episode.

  • Kevin K

    Loved this “part one”. Peter seems like such a down to earth guy. Really looking forward to tomorrows episode.

  • BrianAF

    Wow great interview, its funny how more prestigious the guests become, the down to earth they get. Peter seems like a guy that you would love to go have a beer with. Gary, the interview style is great, maybe you could spring for some better audio equipment, I realize you want to keep it real, but having better production couldn’t hurt.

  • BrianAF

    Wow great interview, its funny how more prestigious the guests become, the down to earth they get. Peter seems like a guy that you would love to go have a beer with. Gary, the interview style is great, maybe you could spring for some better audio equipment, I realize you want to keep it real, but having better production couldn’t hurt.

  • Jacob L.

    Like the new interview style. I liked hearing about the American wine revolution from the prospective of someone working on the inside. Way to switch it up and keep us on our toes GV!

  • Jacob L.

    Like the new interview style. I liked hearing about the American wine revolution from the prospective of someone working on the inside. Way to switch it up and keep us on our toes GV!

  • Barry

    Great interview Gary. You gotta do something about the sound. Seems like you’re in an echo chamber.

  • Barry

    Great interview Gary. You gotta do something about the sound. Seems like you’re in an echo chamber.

  • A part of history. The Mondavi and Krug names were most of what I knew about CA wines when I was younger. Good interview. Maybe you could do this as a living.

  • Very interesting character. Great skill on Gary’s part, throwing lots of good questions. Let’s see part 2. One of the best WLTV I think.

  • A part of history. The Mondavi and Krug names were most of what I knew about CA wines when I was younger. Good interview. Maybe you could do this as a living.

  • Very interesting character. Great skill on Gary’s part, throwing lots of good questions. Let’s see part 2. One of the best WLTV I think.

  • cool – will watch later

  • cool – will watch later

  • Paryb

    Holy crap Gary. I mean, something has happened to you…over this whole Nashville thing you have pumped out some unbelievable content. Whatever little instinct told you to pick up the camera and do the first part of this interview style, you need to give a raise. Excellent content, Peter Mondavi has got to be one of the most knowledgeable and probably the most affable guests in WLTV history.

  • Paryb

    Holy crap Gary. I mean, something has happened to you…over this whole Nashville thing you have pumped out some unbelievable content. Whatever little instinct told you to pick up the camera and do the first part of this interview style, you need to give a raise. Excellent content, Peter Mondavi has got to be one of the most knowledgeable and probably the most affable guests in WLTV history.

  • don

    I would have loved to be able to hear this episode.

  • don

    I would have loved to be able to hear this episode.

  • jigger

    Very gracious, very informed. Really enjoyed the family history and background. Always appreciate anytime you have access to someone who can personalize the wine or land where it is produced. Fantastic guest. Peace.

  • jigger

    Very gracious, very informed. Really enjoyed the family history and background. Always appreciate anytime you have access to someone who can personalize the wine or land where it is produced. Fantastic guest. Peace.

  • sam

    Interesting episode!

    A nice, brief history of the Mondavi family.

    Looking forward to part II!


  • sam

    Interesting episode!

    A nice, brief history of the Mondavi family.

    Looking forward to part II!


  • Ryan from brooklyn

    great episode – great guest!

  • Ryan from brooklyn

    great episode – great guest!

  • onekailuaboy

    Props to Peter, the Mondavi Family and Charles Krug! I had a ’95 Krug Cabernet Vintage Selection that I opened last Feburary (2009), and it was outstanding. Mature nose with a hint of bright fruit, bricking on the edge but still very dark in the center, taste still contained ample dark fruits, nice acidity, and a hint of ripe tannins at the end. Was able to have it with a nice steak. Could easily go 2-4 years. Amazing that some CLASSIC CA old-timers are still drinking well!
    Note: I believe that this wine on release was $27.

  • onekailuaboy

    Props to Peter, the Mondavi Family and Charles Krug! I had a ’95 Krug Cabernet Vintage Selection that I opened last Feburary (2009), and it was outstanding. Mature nose with a hint of bright fruit, bricking on the edge but still very dark in the center, taste still contained ample dark fruits, nice acidity, and a hint of ripe tannins at the end. Was able to have it with a nice steak. Could easily go 2-4 years. Amazing that some CLASSIC CA old-timers are still drinking well!
    Note: I believe that this wine on release was $27.

  • Cameron J

    Cool episode. Love the history lesson. Peter seems very cool as well, would be a nice guy to have a glass with. Good interview.

  • Cameron J

    Cool episode. Love the history lesson. Peter seems very cool as well, would be a nice guy to have a glass with. Good interview.

  • guymandude

    Wow, you found a way to interview where you don’t interrupt every 2 seconds. Very good and informative, great questions too.

  • Drew Matich

    Gary…you are on fire. Great shows, engaging and knowledgeable guests, and of course, the Flip Cam. And your interviewing skills have taken a quantum leap from even a few weeks ago.

    Thanks, and keep it up.


  • guymandude

    Wow, you found a way to interview where you don’t interrupt every 2 seconds. Very good and informative, great questions too.

  • Drew Matich

    Gary…you are on fire. Great shows, engaging and knowledgeable guests, and of course, the Flip Cam. And your interviewing skills have taken a quantum leap from even a few weeks ago.

    Thanks, and keep it up.


  • TimBoDo

    Really cool episode. As a consumer in the midwest, it’s easy to dismiss the Cali wines because of their reputation for out-of-whack QPR but a little bit of history like this is always interesting and makes me want to seek out some Charles Krug. Look forward to the tasting and sequel of this episode.

  • TimBoDo

    Really cool episode. As a consumer in the midwest, it’s easy to dismiss the Cali wines because of their reputation for out-of-whack QPR but a little bit of history like this is always interesting and makes me want to seek out some Charles Krug. Look forward to the tasting and sequel of this episode.

  • Dominus

    Great interview on your part with insightful personal questions. Looking forward to Part II.

    Everyone interested in the Mondavi family should read “The House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine Dynasty.” Your guest’s Dad was quite the character but it seems he is quite the gentleman.

    Cheers to Robert!

  • Dominus

    Great interview on your part with insightful personal questions. Looking forward to Part II.

    Everyone interested in the Mondavi family should read “The House of Mondavi: The Rise and Fall of an American Wine Dynasty.” Your guest’s Dad was quite the character but it seems he is quite the gentleman.

    Cheers to Robert!

  • Sasha M.

    great show and interview.. recently finished reading House of Mondavi.. interesting & great read!

  • Sasha M.

    great show and interview.. recently finished reading House of Mondavi.. interesting & great read!

  • SurfCityJay

    Awesome.. Great… SUPERB…!!!

    What a down to earth person… and your interview style has only enriched the episode…

    Hope you can show him some of the comments before you part ways as he has already been one of the best guests on WLTV ever.. and we still get more with PART 2!!!

  • SurfCityJay

    Awesome.. Great… SUPERB…!!!

    What a down to earth person… and your interview style has only enriched the episode…

    Hope you can show him some of the comments before you part ways as he has already been one of the best guests on WLTV ever.. and we still get more with PART 2!!!

  • Derek F.

    Really loving this interview, looking forward to part 2 🙂

  • Derek F.

    Really loving this interview, looking forward to part 2 🙂

  • Derek S

    Great episode! Very interesting family story. I noticed a few books written about their history too.

  • Can’t wait to see part 2.

    They make a delicious dry rose. I always look forward to stopping by there on hot summer days and picking some up for a BBQ. I can see the top of their carriage house from the back porch.

    However, I cannot see Russia from my house.

  • Derek S

    Great episode! Very interesting family story. I noticed a few books written about their history too.

  • Can’t wait to see part 2.

    They make a delicious dry rose. I always look forward to stopping by there on hot summer days and picking some up for a BBQ. I can see the top of their carriage house from the back porch.

    However, I cannot see Russia from my house.


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