EP 669 Gary Vaynerchuk interviews Peter Mondavi – Part I

Peter Mondavi and Gary Vaynerchuk discuss the history of winemaking in California.

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Luca Bercelli


GV behind the camera rather than in front of it. A no no as far as I’m concerned. Pretty interesting interview though.

Tags: Mondavi, review, Video

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  • Excellent show. Bravo you let Peter answer your short, insightful questions — a technique which always makes interviewer appear intelligent. Looking forward for more such restraint. Early on, very happy to see you move flip cam closer to get better picture and, particularly, better sound.

  • Gus Clemens

    Excellent show. Bravo you let Peter answer your short, insightful questions — a technique which always makes interviewer appear intelligent. Looking forward for more such restraint. Early on, very happy to see you move flip cam closer to get better picture and, particularly, better sound.

  • AprilTwoCats

    Gary, you did much better with not interrupting him while you were playing interviewer. Good boy!

  • AprilTwoCats

    Gary, you did much better with not interrupting him while you were playing interviewer. Good boy!

  • Adam J

    Gary, you are really getting good at interviewing. That was superb.

  • Adam J

    Gary, you are really getting good at interviewing. That was superb.

  • Larry L

    My absolute favorite wine is the Charles Krug Cab, and my favorite vintage is 2004. Great interview.

  • Larry L

    My absolute favorite wine is the Charles Krug Cab, and my favorite vintage is 2004. Great interview.

  • Annie S

    Love this – My father-in-law, an imigrant from Italy, made his own wine – When he came to this country he also purchased land and developed it as a home builder in upstate NY – he purchased the grapes (grew a few) his wine, however, was delicious – those were the days… Gary nice interview!

  • Annie S

    Love this – My father-in-law, an imigrant from Italy, made his own wine – When he came to this country he also purchased land and developed it as a home builder in upstate NY – he purchased the grapes (grew a few) his wine, however, was delicious – those were the days… Gary nice interview!

  • bt86

    great show, great guy….leaves me wanting more, though! I can’t wait a day to see the next ep! 🙂

  • bt86

    great show, great guy….leaves me wanting more, though! I can’t wait a day to see the next ep! 🙂

  • Great show so far, I just got back from a tasting with 200 wines and the Krug Family Reserve was one of my favs tonight. Coffee and chocolate on the nose starts off vegital, then plenty of fruit follows and very balanced 91 for me.
    The story about Krug was great:-)

  • Great show so far, I just got back from a tasting with 200 wines and the Krug Family Reserve was one of my favs tonight. Coffee and chocolate on the nose starts off vegital, then plenty of fruit follows and very balanced 91 for me.
    The story about Krug was great:-)

  • M

    Fun!! I’ve read the history of Charles Krug Winery but it was more interesting hearing it from a Mondavi. Thanks Peter!! Thanks Gary V!! I’m here to learn.

  • M

    Fun!! I’ve read the history of Charles Krug Winery but it was more interesting hearing it from a Mondavi. Thanks Peter!! Thanks Gary V!! I’m here to learn.

  • Awesome start to the show, but the cliffhangers need to go! Feed me the content 🙂

  • Awesome start to the show, but the cliffhangers need to go! Feed me the content 🙂

  • joe mannino

    Awesome, awesome interview. Can not wait for the second half.

  • wow – two more minutes and you could have sold it as a half-hour wine show on the Food Network. I love this format – great guest, great episode – and another F1 fan in the US: gotta love it. Keep this up: I can’t wait to see the tasting part. Seriously, you’re getting there on the interviewing skills.

    A lurker no more – Dan Brien

    The only downside to these two-parters is that there isn’t a QOTD…

  • joe mannino

    Awesome, awesome interview. Can not wait for the second half.

  • wow – two more minutes and you could have sold it as a half-hour wine show on the Food Network. I love this format – great guest, great episode – and another F1 fan in the US: gotta love it. Keep this up: I can’t wait to see the tasting part. Seriously, you’re getting there on the interviewing skills.

    A lurker no more – Dan Brien

    The only downside to these two-parters is that there isn’t a QOTD…

  • Stuart Burke

    Interesting stories! Great interview!! Way to mix it up Gary.

  • Stuart Burke

    Interesting stories! Great interview!! Way to mix it up Gary.

  • Keith Brown

    Who is that interviewer and what did he do with Gary?? I think you’ve been hanging out a lot with Samantha and that’s a good thing. Good questions, and for the most part, you let him talk! Fascinating stuff. I frequented Napa back in the late 80’s and the changes since then alone have been drastic. Interesting then to hear the history going all the way back to the 19th century. Wow.

  • Keith Brown

    Who is that interviewer and what did he do with Gary?? I think you’ve been hanging out a lot with Samantha and that’s a good thing. Good questions, and for the most part, you let him talk! Fascinating stuff. I frequented Napa back in the late 80’s and the changes since then alone have been drastic. Interesting then to hear the history going all the way back to the 19th century. Wow.

  • */^_^*

    excellent stuff….kudos, GV.

  • */^_^\*

    excellent stuff….kudos, GV.

  • AaronB

    The interview format is a good thing. Much less interrupting that way!

  • AaronB

    The interview format is a good thing. Much less interrupting that way!

  • Paul

    GV you rocked this episode. Peter told a great story. Interesting and historical, with lots of human interest. You two made a great team.
    Keep up the good work, looking forward to the second part.

  • Paul

    GV you rocked this episode. Peter told a great story. Interesting and historical, with lots of human interest. You two made a great team.
    Keep up the good work, looking forward to the second part.

  • RobtheComic

    Great episode, truly interesting. I love when you have mondavi’s or the raymond family members on because you get to here some great wine history first hand. Awesome episode can’t wait for part two.

  • RobtheComic

    Great episode, truly interesting. I love when you have mondavi’s or the raymond family members on because you get to here some great wine history first hand. Awesome episode can’t wait for part two.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    Very nice interview. You let Peter do the talking and you got a lot out of him that kept me interested. Looking forward to part 2.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    Very nice interview. You let Peter do the talking and you got a lot out of him that kept me interested. Looking forward to part 2.

  • melbourne rob

    great interview gary
    loved the format. he seems like a great guy – loved hearing about the krug history
    looking forward to the tasting

  • melbourne rob

    great interview gary
    loved the format. he seems like a great guy – loved hearing about the krug history
    looking forward to the tasting

  • Robin C

    I love the wine world culture. Charming interview.

  • Robin C

    I love the wine world culture. Charming interview.

  • pete C

    Good job, Gary. Nice interview. It was nice to hear the history of Charles Krug from one who would know. It would be interesting to hear Peter’s take on the legendary fall out between his father and uncle.

  • pete C

    Good job, Gary. Nice interview. It was nice to hear the history of Charles Krug from one who would know. It would be interesting to hear Peter’s take on the legendary fall out between his father and uncle.

  • Chris V


    What a great speaker who has just a wealth of knowledge and stories.

    I think the set up worked really well with Peter but would have been a disaster with certain other guests.

  • Chris V


    What a great speaker who has just a wealth of knowledge and stories.

    I think the set up worked really well with Peter but would have been a disaster with certain other guests.

  • Miko

    Really nice interview, very interesting and good questions – but hey! don’t forget about the QOTD!

  • Miko

    Really nice interview, very interesting and good questions – but hey! don’t forget about the QOTD!

  • Ian Leong

    Awesome ep! Great to hear such an in depth history of the family and of Napa as well. Things have definitely changed quite abit. It would seem that in the early days of wine promotion through grassroots, as opposed to a handful of critics, would actually help to develop one’s own palate ‘cos you’re drinking what you like. Part 2, here we go!

  • Ian Leong

    Awesome ep! Great to hear such an in depth history of the family and of Napa as well. Things have definitely changed quite abit. It would seem that in the early days of wine promotion through grassroots, as opposed to a handful of critics, would actually help to develop one’s own palate ‘cos you’re drinking what you like. Part 2, here we go!

  • Mike D’Ag

    That was, by far, the best interview I’ve heard on WLTV. Great subject, great interviewee and your pacing was perfect. It’s probably a little easier to interview someone who does press semi-professionally, but this was spot on.

  • Mike D’Ag

    That was, by far, the best interview I’ve heard on WLTV. Great subject, great interviewee and your pacing was perfect. It’s probably a little easier to interview someone who does press semi-professionally, but this was spot on.


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