EP 694 The Sake Education Show – Part 2
Beau Timken continues teaching Gary Vaynerchuk about Sake while they taste 3 different kinds.
Wines tasted in this episode:
Joto Chikurin Fukamari JunmaiJapanese Sake |
Tsukinokatsura Yanagi ?Willow Tree? |
Taiheizan Tenko “Heavenly Grace” |
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luca bercelli
lines of the day – Guest, ‘I don’t drink with my nose’, GV ‘I do’. Also, Guest ‘your anus on the backend?’
Winelibrarytv launches into hyperspace with this episode. Two superfast brains shadowboxing for nearly an hour (both episodes). In my opinion a show that will remain my favourite, and how ironic that my best episode of winelibrarytv is about Sake and not wine… a drink that I’ve never had but am now desperate to try.