EP 804 2004 and 2006 Alsatian Riesling Tasting

Gary gets back to the Thunder Saddle after a very disappointing Jets loss. He tastes 2 vintages of Riesling from Alsace, a region that is underrepresented in many wine circles.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Schlumberger Riesling Les Princes AbbesAlsace Riesling
2004 Leon Beyer Riesling Escaillers Alsace Riesling

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


line of the day – ‘I reckon one day we’re going to have rock juice, because we want minerality in our bodies’

I actually laughed out loud at 17.21 – let’s face it, Gary is a funny guy

Tags: alsace, France, review, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • Nik_B

    I love wines from Alsace – nice show.

    QOTD – espresso with dark chocolate

  • Nik_B

    Alsace is right on the border of Germany and France – it has changed 'ownership' between the countries a few times. Beautiful place to visit!

  • criana

    I've had German Reislings but have not tried one from Alsace yet. Will have to add it to the shopping list.

    Black current tea with dark chocolate with a hint of mint.

  • Anonymous

    Go Cubs, but GO COLTS

  • Gary. I'm glad to hear that the Colts fans were good to you after the win. I love my fans here in Indy. It was good have you in our city. Hopefully you can make your way back in the future.

    It is great to have you back on after some time off. I really was good to have to show us some dry riesling wines.

    QOTD: My favorite food non-wine beverage probably has more to do with the location that I'm enjoying it rather than the pairing, but there is nothing like an “Old-Style” and a Chicago-style Hot Dog at Wrigley Field. I know that Old-Style is TERRIBLE, but that pairing is like nothing else in that atmosphere!!

  • Oh and 1 more thing,

    I love that you are rocking the same shirt 2 episodes in a row, but the Playoff beard disappears in this episode!! I know Crush It did well and is continuing to sell well…. It's time to expand that wardrobe.

  • jcrazy

    QOTD: Kona coffee and scones.

  • flo

    qotd: earl grey tea and chocolates or cookies… mmm.

  • zHeadless

    QOTD : Cold pizza with an ice cold pepsi. Breakfast of champions!

    Raiders Nation represent! Can we get rid of Al Davis please?

  • richardvinifera

    Future Rock Juice, love it!

    Jean-Remy Haeffelin Riesling, very good.

    QOTD: Swedish julmust (a spice malt based cola like drink) don't get to have it often (it's christmas drink)

  • Cowboys4

    Miller Lite and spicy chicken wings!

  • Nico6821

    Hi Richard, where did you try this JRH Riesling?

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  • Sutcher

    I've had maybe 40 alsatian rieslings, actually drinking one right now. One of my favorite things to drink.

    QOTD: Root Beer Float and a Hot summers day

  • Emilydisstoncoleman

    good shirt, a little color always cheers me up. Good move.

  • Anonymous

    Can’t wait for tomorrow! It’s Friday and I’ll be opening the Leon Beyer with a good friend and some good food!

    SQOTD: Probably 1 or 2

    QOTD: Coffee and chocolate cake

  • Anonymous

    Have only started drinking Riesling over the last yr… http://www.winelx.com

  • Wohhhh Dude. Really spamming the WLTV with your site. Chill.

  • Anonymous

    How do you think WLTV got started? Dude.


  • Not by what you’re doing. Your leaving comments with your website. Make your signature a link to your site. That’s called subtle…People will click….Your comments scream of “I’m here leaving a little comment but I’m really here to dump my website.” That’s not how it got stated. Sorry. With that, I hope you do well.

  • luca bercelli


    line of the day – ‘I reckon one day we’re going to have rock juice, because we want minerality in our bodies’

    I actually laughed out loud at 17.21 – let’s face it, Gary is a funny guy


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