EP 930 US vs. NZ Sauvignon Blanc

Gary Vaynerchuk starts a few head to head blind tastings, trying US wines versus international competitors. He tastes two Sauvignon Blancs and gives his unbiased thoughts!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Mt Difficulty Sauvignon Blanc OtagoNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2008 Matanzas Creek Sauvignon BlancSonoma Sauvignon Blanc

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luca bercelli


line of the day – ‘I literally feel like a lawnmower went up my nose and is doing my nosehair’

Both of the wines looked like water, and according to GV, one of them tasted like it too. Sauvignon Blanc is the only variety I can’t drink anymore…think I had too much of it at one stage.

Tags: review, sauvignon blanc, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • NY Pete

    hey hey

  • NY Pete

    Lars is in da house!

  • Mad Hatter

    I think it was episode 295 that Lars made his first appearance.

  • NY Pete

    28-14 JETS

  • Mad Hatter

    QOTD: I think that Sauv Blanc has become much like pinot in that price has increased while quality has dropped to meet demand.

  • Mark E.

    Lars came out in Episode 148, but he was removed from the opening of the episode after Mott re-editied it.

  • NY Pete

    Who’s Tim F?

  • Anonymous

    Neat episode. I’m not sure what episodes Lars was in. All I can say is that I’ve seen the episodes from about 550 onward, so it hasn’t been in a while!!!

  • Cdnatvig

    Moss is back!

  • MacSteveH

    I’ve gotten bored with Sauv Blanc. The WLTV episodes have helped me to expand my palate and I will pick something else when looking for an inexpensive white – torrontes or albarino most frequently.

  • Kylemittskus

    Chargers lost = I am HORRIBLY UPSET.

    And I have been down on SB for a year or so. Just nothing exciting going on. It seems like it’s either grass and grapefruit or melon and soft. Ablarino FTW!

  • scott

    Vikings 27, Jets 17…Peterson runs all over the jets for 127 yds:)

  • Anonymous

    Mott trips you up for a double prediction, at least you were consistent with Vikes only getting 13…

    I say Jets 35 – Vikes 31

    QOTD: Sauv Blanc’s popularity has sky rocketed as an “the alternative” white wine request (ABC) and is thus played out… producers need to rethink their cellar strategies and start throwing some of the SB juice in 2 – 3 years old barrels, add some color and prestige – but still pump out the pazzable stainless ice cube wine.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XVb4LcZcU0 Mad Hatter got it!

    Great pace to the show. Love the sports play, how about the LIONS! WHOA BUDDY!
    Lets not talk about the bolts from SD, or… switching gears, the DUCKS of Anaheim. This will be a long season for my ducks. : (

    QOTD: Well, Sauvignon Blanc is battling the excitement of Albriño and other white varietals. There are some interesting plays in the Sauvignon Blanc market and after the demise of the latest fad–Pinot Gris/grigio–there will be more refocused interest in better quality whites like SB.

  • NY Pete

    good SB’s cost too much …
    average SB’s are a dime a dozen and weak …
    Go Jets!
    that is all.

  • Alexandre-CF

    nice show, keep this format Gary.

    QOTD: SB is really unfocused this days, the r making poor wine for the masses. don´t know whats happening. 🙁

  • QOTD: State of SB for my palate is in welcoming place. I usually break into one when I’m doing seafood. Which seems to be pretty often. I like the SB’s with good acid; like the bordeaux that keeps coming up on Cindy. I can’t recall its name at the moment however.

  • I don’t know GaryV, I was over in Rutherford for the Dust tasting this year and had some kick ass SBs Round Pond, was phenomenal. Just sayin. Also, you should (you’ll have to come out to Cali for it) get on some of Jennifer & Kevin Kelley / Hardy Wallace’s NPA SB.

    Jets over Vikes


  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I’m still diggin’ on the SB’s, and definitely Sancerre’s. Refreshing, crisp, and a great primer for foods and/or a pleasant conversation wine… it was an SB that made me reconsider whites in general. Haven’t had a super long history with them, so I can’t say if they’ve fallen off or not, but its initial impressions have left me pretty positive and pumped about ’em.

  • Gary,

    I think that too many people are trying to imitate NZ Sauv Blanc and that the large production NZ Sauv Blanc are going for an ever sweeter and more goose berry style. I am a bit passed that style now. Love to go back to Sancerre and steely SB. Not enough of those wines out there.

  • Docteurdedroit

    Hi Gary,

    nice show. Had a lot of fun watching it.
    QOTD: I used to be into SB and I guess I still am. I really appreciate a nice Sancerre or Puilly Fumé.
    I don´t like new world SB that much, especially as they seem a bit costly in Europe.
    Recently I had a vin de pays (100% SB) for 6 Euro that probably would have been a tough challenge to the 18 USD wines on your show today. So I really do not see a price issue with the SB.

    Take care

  • Anonymous

    LOL — a Sauvignon Blanc face off–can’t think of a ‘major’ grape I care less about, although I’m sure I’m in the minority on that. But great to see the fab Lars!

    QOTD — never felt much for any SB, sorry. And hey, 3 years in the forum and commenting every episode but one or two here since then as well!

  • Anonymous

    2 score predictions! and I’ll add mine I’ll take Gary’s extra 3 points and give them to the vikings for his gusto. Jets 24 Vikings 16

    QOD: State of the Sauv Blanc. Starting to get a little past its prime so it will now be the new cheap white (sorry Turning Leaf Chard) mass appeal and will lose its respect. WHich is totally sad because its a great fun grape.

  • Jay

    That cut-in by the Vikings dude was awesome 🙂

  • Miatee

    I definitely prefer California SB’s over New Zealand. I used to be excited about the NZ’s but they just have not been doing it for me lately. My favorite SB is Frog’s Leap. That said, SB prices have gone up considerably over that last year. I used to be able to get a decent SB for $12 but not anymore. I love this wine with appetizers.

    As for the Jets, they better beat the Vikings. I predict 24 – 17, Jet to win.

  • Jay

    GV: 1,000th show should be live from the Super Bowl when the Jets crush it.

  • Love the Brown Bags… keep ’em coming!

    QOTD: 4 couples did a Napa/Sonoma Sauv Blanc and Merlot tasting Saturday night… SB winner was Cakebread… always consistant, although at over $20 (usually $23.99 here in SoCal) pushes it a little…

  • Anonymous

    Lars Episode 148 Dec 15, 2006

  • QOTD: State of the union, nice way of putting it… I think they are good wines,(for me at least) they are not my go-to wines, we usually use them as conversation starters and general before-meal drinking.

  • NeilMc

    I don’t go for the grassy grapefruity Sauvignon Blancs from New Zealand. Of course Sancerre wins out. Regarding California, there are a lot without much depth in the 10-12 dollar range but there are some good ones but they’re pricey: Duckhorn, Hartwell, Chimney Rock, Rochiolli, etc. I see Gary’s point that the QPR for Napa/Sonoma Sauvignon Blancs is way too much. There’s just so many quaffable white juice from other regions. That said, I wouldn’t turn down a glass of Rochiolli at a get-together…

  • Bearsfan

    Peterson’s gonna give the Jets a hard time. Vikings21 Jets 14

  • NY Pete

    now that is a great idea!

  • Go Vikings. I just gotta lay that down but believe that the Jets are going to roll the Vikes tonights.

  • Alex T

    QOTD: To be honest, I ignore the existence of SB’s during the colder months. The last time I really enjoyed one was with sushi in august. That’s not to say I like it chilled (only if it’s really bad), but it doesn’t feel substantial enough to drink.

    It’s hard to say this as a Michigan grad, but I think Santonio Holmes plays an extremely important part in the outcome of tonight’s game, since I do think it will be a closer game than 24-13.

  • Anonymous

    very excited for the Jets game…hopefully rain doesn’t interfer.
    QOTD: I am still searching for that qpr sauvignon blanc that can bring the thunder.

  • Lars

    QOTD: I loved SB and it was the first variety that really got me into wines. I consider it my starter wine, but I do still like it from time-to-time. My theory…because many people, I’m guessing, started with SBs, wine makers have begun to treat it as such. It doesn’t take much craft to put it into a steel tank. However, you still need good grapes. I know chardonnays are more prevalent, but SBs seem to give a young palette that “ah-ha” moment by delivering something different that a char.

    Clips of “Lars'” appearances in chronological order (no episode numbers, sorry…):
    1.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BOOU2LAv5U
    2.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02ZQ51Woh_Y
    3.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XVb4LcZcU0
    4.) Today’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcSZ2XQGqmM

    Enjoy…I hope 🙂

  • WineWoman

    Hope the Jets Win on your first prediction 24-13.

    QOTD: I always chose Sauvignon Blanc before Chardonnay for a very long time. It seemed at least in the US that it was a wineries afterthought and least expensive wine. Now it costs nearly the same as Chardonnay, but many well-known producers are making some nice SB’s. Sancerre pricing is attempting to close the gap on some low-end white burgs. You used to be able to buy Sancerre in the 12-15 dollar range, now they’re easily over $20.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Love SB esp. from France (not only from Sancerre even though they are very good). Just had an amazing SB from Austria last Friday, 2007 Wohlmuth Sauvignon Blanc Elite. Very very good.

  • MTmax

    you never mentioned that you were reppin’ big howard green’s jersey…that being said–i got the vikes 28-10.
    we need red wines from campania–ESPECIALLY TAURASI!!!

  • Anonymous

    America vs. the World = Awesome idea

    Jets 24 – Vikings 17. As a Bears fan I know, you have to watch out for AP.

  • Anonymous

    Drink riesling!

  • Vermeer

    QOTD: The problem with domestic SB is that wineries treat the varietal as a cash-cow varietal, something to turn and burn. I think today the wines selected for you were very sub-par and the scores showed this. How about a Lis Neris or Venica SB vs Grgich Hills or Kalin Cellars. At least these producers treat the varietal with distinction.

  • Jets 24 – Vikings 20

    I not sure when Lars was first on WineLibraryTV but I am positive I saw him this weekend at NYComic Con dressed as Thor. 😛

  • Laury Grimes

    Episode #295

  • Anonymous

    SB are still drinking well from all over,some get too light sometimes but, most are a refreshing beverage.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you for the thoughtful e-mail. I appreciate what you do for us and that you take time to write even though you have a million things going on in your life. As a life long Packers fan I do not like the Vikings or their traitor of a quaterback. But Lars is funny. Not funny enough to change my feelings about the Vikings, so I am rooting for the Jets tonight. I still can find good values in Sauvignon Blanc. They may be getting a little pricey, but they generally beat Chardonnays for value. Yet, there are other interesting whites from around the world to keep it interesting.

  • such optimism on the Jets 😉

  • Cath

    Lars had an Irish-y brogue. 🙂

  • Oakmon’s BF

    Episode 148

  • Oakmon’s BF

    You are right and you beat me to it. It was the intro to the famous palate training episode. The proof is in the comments for 148 “Lars, that was H I S T E R I C A L!!!! I have to pick my self up off the floor after that one! Are you a comedian? Geez, worth watching today just to catch that. “


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