EP 986 Puligny Montrachet Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk talks about his love of White Burgundies, specifically the wines of Puligny-Montrachet. He tastes 3 different Pulignys and shares his thoughts on them.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Dujac Fils Pere Puligny MontrachetPuligny Montrachet
2008 Larue Le Trezin Puligny MontrachetPuligny Montrachet
2008 Paul Pernot Puligny Montrachet Les PucellesPuligny Montrachet

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luca bercelli


Line of the day – ‘I could literally sit here and sniffy sniff this wine all night long.

I really enjoyed this episode as GV got a little serious as well as exploding with his normal enthusiasm.

Tags: burgundy, French, Puligny Montrachet, review, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • Charlotte K. Jensen

    He he.

  • Charlotte K. Jensen

    Sorry, having BIG troubles with Disqus. The “He he” was meant for your KMurph comment, but somehow its just multiplies when I try to delete. Anyway, liked your KMurph comment 🙂

  • 95+
    Where can I get that just to taste?
    36th anniversary that’s good. My folks are approaching no 53
    QOTD: had the Range Geyserville 2006 a few weeks ago and that actually got me back to US wine a bit. So much wine so small wallet and so little time is a big problem 🙂

  • 95+
    Where can I get that just to taste?
    36th anniversary that’s good. My folks are approaching no 53
    QOTD: had the Range Geyserville 2006 a few weeks ago and that actually got me back to US wine a bit. So much wine so small wallet and so little time is a big problem 🙂

  • Question? If ICONIC is 95+ what is a 96? or a 99 or 100?

  • some critic said so?

  • Anonymous

    Gee Gary I hope all these massages are above board and none of the champagne hand shake variety

  • Anonymous

    I’ve been away a long time. Back in the day, folk never used to comment on comments. This is cool. Seems I also missed a Cru Beaujolais tasting Gary did a couple of months back. What’s amazed me about these wines is the great quality even right through the price range. And I like the fact that they seem happy to be young and of their own style – not trying to be what they’re not.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: My grandmother passing away has made me rethink my feelings about my mothers side of the family. I always judged them harshly but spending more time with them on the day of my grandmothers funeral got me to see a different side of them… and without going into too much detail it made me regret feeling the way I did about them for so long. So I have actually been spending more time with them. When I heard your question of the day I immedately had an answer. This is how strongly I felt about all of this, and it had been weighing heavily on my mind and I am glad I follow your shows. And it reminds me how wonderful things such as wine are able to bring people together remind us of all that is good in life.

  • Anonymous

    200 years….????? Is there a credible source for this, or is it just hearsay? I figure it would be a MASSIVE thing to investors if this could be documented….

  • Anonymous

    Hey yeh. Thanks for the link. I didn’t realise Mr Suckling was doing the video thing as well these days. I really am out of the loop. Seems GV also addressed Cru Beaujolais in ep 949. I wanna watch it now but I gotta work. Take it easy.

  • Anonymous

    Loved this show GV and am going to try and find Les Pucelles (shouldn’t be too hard in France I hope!)

    QOTD: Riesling! It’s sad how little I have had given that this wine has so much to offer!

  • Anonymous

    Big shot wines to taste, so why not take a burgundy glass?

    QOTD: Lately I had a white! Tempranillo (Ad Libitum Tempranillo Blanco 2009, Bodegas Juan Carlos Sancha, D.O.Ca. Rioja), which is a naturally developed mutant of the red grape. That wine wine made me buy more single bottles instead of whole cases to knowingly try more different styles and varietals.

  • Anonymous

    Very good show GV, CONGRATS to Sasha and your mom for their anniversary, next Sunday me and my wife will celebrate our first one, we are pretty excited!!

    QOTD: I?ve always been a red wine guy, always loved port and dessert wines, but last Saturday?s lunch at my parents was a great wine & food experience that I want to repeat as much as possible. First we had 3 whites from different countries, then with the lamb rib dish, 2 Spanish reds, a Mencia and a Tempranillo. To wrap it up, with my sister?s delicious deserts, we had a Sauternes. That whole experience was awesome. Family + wine + food = Delight.

  • Hey Anders. Did you see my links for you? Plastic sons indeed. 😛 Yer funny.

  • QOTD: In the last 6 months, this includes christmas so I would have to say I had two wines that really changed my perspective. I had a Californian Gewurztraminer from Gundlasch Bundschu that blew my socks off. I want to drink more gewurztraminer. I also had a 2002 Family Reserve Peller estates merlot. wow that was good too. To say the least, wine wise, my Christmas vacation was great.
    I know I had to choose one but last night I went to this restaurant around the street and had Kimchi and now, I really want to eat more of it. It looks like I am going to be stomping on more korean places.

  • *tear* miss him. 🙁

  • MattB

    Guys – I agree with the comments above from John_J et al. Try some 2009 Cru Beaujolais – IT ROCKS! If you don’t like it fair enough but at least try it. I have been lucky enough to have a few bottles now and they are DELICIOUS!

  • MattB

    Gary – great show. Quality Burgundy is an expensive habit but “the nose Knows…” Montrachet is simply liquid gold that is perfect for special occasions and special meals. Interesting to see that the Dujac village Puligny did so well – proof that wine maker is key when navigating the complexity of Burgundy. Delicious – are you going to do a quality red burg update episode as well??

    QOTD – the most mind altering wine I have had recently was a simple bottle of 2009 Pierre-Marie Chermette Cuvee Tradionelle Beaujolais. Cost only $15 but the quality, freshness and deliciousness of the wine was breathtaking. I know that the 2009 Beaujolais is getting a lot of air time already, but a message to the Vayner Nation – if you have any $$$ to spare GO AND FIND SOME before it runs out. There isn’t a better quality / value wine out there 🙂


  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    “The nose knows” always reminds me of one of my favorite Red Foxx stand-up routines….lol

  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    Probably Ridge…lol.

  • Randall

    No… because Weather Report and Return To Forever simply Rule that category.

  • QOTD: lately I had a Riesling which I didn’t like that much when first tasted, and this time I found it really inspiring and make me think about exploring much more the Riesling world.
    I’ll begin with the Alsace

  • Anonymous

    Come on Gary!! hey great show!! love the passion and of course the wine is tops. my fav besides red burgundy. nice white paper play. holding the glass in the air doesn’t work for revealing the color. where can i snag a bottle of the Les Pucelles?

  • Anonymous

    Nice to see you back the WLTV groove!

    QOTD: LOL! I had a very similar experience. My back continued to get worse over 2010. Did a stint in physical therapy just to get back to about 60% mobility. For 2011, my only goal is to hit the gym and get back in shape and strengthen my back.

  • Dude is fine, though the “D” stands for something else 😉

    Thanks for the recs. I recall GV liked the Cab from Amavi, but now I have a few more candidates on my “to buy” list.

  • Anonymous

    Come on down next weekend and lets do some tastings!!!!!!!!! Drive down..forget the limo. We’ll have an early dinner and you can go back or stay over there are a lot of places…. The Fairmont in Sonnoma is nice.

  • Good show. I really need to grab more whites when I go to the bottle shop, I’ll have to check out some White Burgundy.

    QOTD: Need/want to go flying more. Took a few short discovery flights and that definitely rekindled my desire to finally get my private pilot license.

  • Anonymous

    Pulling out the Puligny – nice. I tasted Bouchard’s Meursault just before watching this – both experiences confirmed my Puligny tendencies…

    QOTD: Burgundy all the way – I’ve been mixing up what I taste for a while – but Pinot and Cote d’Or Chard are too good to ignore. Such delicious wines.

  • Anonymous

    Hi Gary,

    this is the real thunder show…
    QOTD: Recently we had a German sparkling wine from a premium producer. And compared to some the last few Champagnes we had it was much much better. So I will buy a case of this stuff and in general turn more towards German premium Sekt.

    Take care!

  • There’s nothing like those old school wines. But how about the new school always innovating new tools? Better wines or are they never going to compete with that “minerality” you praise so highly.


  • Anonymous

    QOTD: just a week or so ago I was spending some time in the book of Nehemiah from the Bible. Great story, but the thing that just completely blew me away was the passion, love, and character this man had! I knew after reading that a couple times that I’ve been off, lazy, and not doing what I need to to be the man I should be. I’ve devoted myself to more discipline, particularly spiritual discipline, and I’m trying to become a far better man of character.

    Maybe I was wrong yesterday on the time factor of the show. This was a little longer than you’ve had for a while, but it kicked some tail! Outstanding info and I loved the 84-16% breakdown on the bouquet of the first wine!

    Fantastic job my dude. Thank you so very much!



  • Anonymous

    Man do I love White Burgundy. Might be my favorite wine to drink. Glad you have entered the fray.

    QOTD: Hasn’t inspired me to drink more, but my recent experiences with Spanish wines have been disappointing. It has inspired me to drink less of it. I just feel like the stalwarts that I was so happy drinking for $8-15 have stopped delivering.

  • Anonymous

    Great Show Gary! I was really feeling this show, Major “Thunder”! The “Thunder” doesn’t necessarily have to be Fun, Hilarious, Over-the-Top, etc. Your letting us know at the beginning that this was going to be a serious show, giving the wines respect as you said. You brought it G! I truly loved this show. A lot of information and you really brought us into what you were trying to convey. These are the types of show I can actually say I like the best. Good length, enough to get the message across. Information just rocked! You brought Mott into the game to get another perspective. Super! Super! Super! Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    The “Cuse” was in the hizzie!

  • Anonymous

    I will!

  • Anonymous

    You’ve got to get here first.

  • Anonymous

    I actually have the opposite reaction than most people, when I have a wine that surprises me it makes me want to continue trying new varietals. New Zealand Sauvignon blancs and Rieslings have touched me in a big way recently butI have to go back to my first love, red burgundy as for what I was reminded that I don’t drink enough of. Had a 20$ 2009 Nicolas Potel 2 days ago and I just thought to myself, why do I even drink anything else that red burgundy. The next day however I wanted something different, I just think curiosity and the surprise I get from a wine that over delivers on what I was expecting is the best feeling.

  • Wicked score by Vaynerchuk! Powerful show! Thanks Gary. Made me remember Sir Gary Vaynerchuk. We want HIM back. QOTD: I’m kind of in the same wavelength as you are, but with white wines in general (not only Chards). Concepcion and I were offered a spectacular white burgundy in December that almost made me cry, it was so perfect and artistic. We have made a pledge to go for whites much more in 2011, and we’re complying pretty well.

  • I am with you on reconsidering whites in general. I suppose urges go round in circles. I have my red moments and my white moments. definetly white at the mo’
    I wonder what Freud would have to say about this…

  • Anonymous

    The Amavi Cellars Rock! I’m just say’n!

  • philoxera

    Proper wines….Proper show

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I opened my first bottle from Spain, a $10 bottle of Bodegas Lan Rioja Crianza 2006 last night. It blew my mind. This was rated #44 by Wine Spectator Top 100. I was so surprised that I am going to have to reevaluate my thinking on Spanish wines. Well balanced on the palate, very nice tannins, tastes of cherries, spice, with a good smokiness and lasts very long. 100% Tempranillo

  • Anonymous

    Rieslings, I drank a few riesling twenty or so years ago. They were not for me. Then this summer I decided to try some again. I found that they were not a I remembered. We have three or four bottles last summer. They are now something I look for in the wine store.

  • Anonymous

    A couple months back I went out for dessert with my girlfriend, and I had a Madeira for what I think is the first time (the Boston Baul from the rare wine co.) As we cried on the table, I had to think about the ‘madeira’ cooking wine that was sitting in my kitchen, and I resolved to go for more of the ‘classic’ dessert wines, madeira, port, sherry, etc.

    A couple weeks ago I was on a trip to Vancouver, and went out with friends to the sort of steakhouse where black and white tailored waiters and tresses bring the food on cutting boards, and there was a gooey mozzarella course. Confession time, I’ve never liked cheese. I had some early childhood trauma with boursin on noodles that sat on the counter for a couple days and the gag reflex has stayed with me for twenty years. Since I was lactose intolerant, I never really had to explain it to anyone, but as I got more into wine, I started thinking I should give cheese a second look. This mozzarella clinched it with it’s high wonderflonium content. This sort of doubles up the food and life parts, because my aversion to cheese counts as a fairly substantial part of my life.

  • MattB

    Thanks Ray – always makes me smile too 🙂 Cheers!

  • Anonymous

    Their studio stuff can be pretty stoic, not so traditional, but I’ve seen them live a number of times and they kick ass. Tom Schumann is one of the best keyboard players I’ve heard. If you get a chance, listen to their Road Scholars CD, obviously recorded on the road.


  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the “silent” shout out GV.

  • Fabulous show….QOTD: Inspired to try different wines, different varietals; get out of my cab and merlot box. In addition, take that glass of wine, sit down and read a great book! I want to read more in 2011.


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