EP 987 Willamette Pinot Noir Tasting

Gary Vaynerchuk focuses in on Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. He tries 3 Pinots from different producers and talks about the value coming from this region.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Benton Lane Pinot NoirWillamette Pinot Noir
2009 Adelsheim Pinot NoirWillamette Pinot Noir
2008 Lemelson Thea’s Pinot NoirWillamette Pinot Noir

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luca bercelli


Line of the day – ‘A bit of love handle action, like I’ve got now…I’ll have to start working out.’

Solid show

Tags: oregon, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, Willamette Valley, wine, wines

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  • Anonymous

    Gary V! Great show. I have to say Adelsheim Pinot Noir was one of the first wines I had that I was like, “Wow – this is good!” So, Willamette Pinot has a special place in my heart & my palate. My heart palate? Yeah. My heart pal. So there you go. New favorite of W-Valley might just be Lange – great Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc !!! & a really good un-oaked Chard.

    QOTD: I recently saw Guster live – their new album is awesome. But their opener was Good Old War. Really good stuff. So here’s a few links. Although, I’ld be lying if I didn’t tell you I’ve had to youtube JET for that Beatles sounding song – Look What You’ve Done….now it’s all out there.

    Guster: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svugXFeZQnA
    Good Old War: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLNZc1tMuXE
    Jet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjPb2HJl0Co

  • Good show once again. Back to fondamentals
    QOTD: I had to bring some good french rock and roll. Tell me what you think

  • Anonymous

    QOTD=Bright Eyes “The Peoples Key” came out yesterday

  • Anonymous

    QOTD- Bright Eyes “The Peoples Key” just came out yesterday

  • Alexandre-CF

    Great show Gary,

    QOTD : SILVERCHAIR , aways lots of silverchair

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous

    Wine deal alert!

    Discovered a great qpr wine last night.
    MF (Matthew Fritz) Pinot Noir 2009 Carneros.

    $10. I know. $10 pinot is generally relabeled welch’s cranberry cocktail….. This is a bargain on a quality made wine though. 87% Napa pinot sourced directly from Clos du Val, remainder from sonoma.

    Solid pinot. Floral, crisp, medium-light body. Definitely fits the area profile, and has some very pleasant subtleties. Very comparable (and similar) to a lot of $20-$30 Cali PNs imo.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the heads up. Always looking for those little gems and a PN at that, wooo hooo!
    I posted yesterday on the last ep a Rioja for $10. Absolutely a knockout at that qpr, Bodegas Lan Rioja Crianza 2006. SWEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Anonymous

    I brought this exact episode up a few eps back. When I first saw this I couldn’t stop laughing. Waaaaay Funnny! πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    Love Willamette Pinot, Domain Droghin (sp?) is a tasty one. Music: The Decemberist’s new album “The King is Dead”

  • Anonymous

    I’m pretty sure it’s the Burgunder from Bottega del vino. Awesome!

  • Andre Aaspere

    QOTD: I redescoveredlatelely one artist. This music should move inside something for sure (this is for everybody who wants to find something talented and hided): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsFhrICBl20
    and other hint also : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTlISg0Oyv8
    Music from 1979 and made 22 years old and it is made by estonian in deep Soviet Union times. Unbelievable music. Enjoy it responsibly πŸ™‚

  • Anonymous

    I happen to live in the Portland area, like pinot almost as much as the Bordeaux varietals, and have tasted all three of the wines on this episode, but not side by side. Again, I have to concur with your palate (plate?), albeit my preference is more towards the Lemelson.

    I like “fat boy” juice as much as the better balanced/nuanced stuff such as the 1990 DRC/LaTache (now going for up to $4,000 bones/bottle) which at the time would have gotten a consensus 92+ in our blind tasting dinner we had four years ago against some top OR & CA examples. We were trying to see how some of the better US pinots would hold up against one of thee best Burgundy’s made in the last 30 years. Well, A Rochioli East , West Block or Little Hill won the night-can’t remember which (will have to check w/Brad, who keeps a book on whatever notes taken at our now less frequent blind blow-outs/wine orgies).

    Who knows, maybe the DRC (in excellent condition/provenance by the way) would now be judged the winner but for my $-$$$ give me an ’07 Rochioli or a dozen or more top wines from Oregon (such as Ken Wright/McCrone, most Patti Greens or a Vidon) any day or night, with or without food.

    I’ve not tasted the ’07 or ’09 Adelsheim Elizabeth’s Rsv but have really enjoyed the ’03-’06 & ’08, which by the way ages fairly well, at least for a couple three years. And yes Oregon makes some kick-ass juice at almost all price points and in many varietals, witness Chehalem 2008 INOX Chardonnay or the past vintages of Ian’s reserve that I’d compare favorably to a well made Bienvenues-BΓ’tard-Montrachet.

    Keep up the good work Gary, keep shilling for some of the very best wines in world/at all price points, especially those “Made in the USA”. Who the hell would/should pay $500-3,500 for a first growth Bordeaux when you can dance all night at the table with a $100 2007 Schrader, a $45 Carlisle Papa’s Block/Syrah, a 2004 Pingus,Flor de Pingus/Rib Del Duero (only $47 boners off the shelf incl. WA tax), any Altamura Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley, or, going back a few years, some of the Saintsbury Rsv Chardonnays for $30 (remember those Mr. Vey-Ner-Chuck ?), unless of course you’re a Chinese Kapitalist/sweat-shop owner with a hard-on for prestige recognition and big bank balance and you want to impress the world at some of the recent Hong Kong auctions.

    Hell, on a bad night I’ve easily gotten by with some recent vintages of $12 Louis Martini cabernet, Ch. Ste. Michelle Canoe Ridge cab, or almost any cheap risling from Washington or Oregon, not to mention those $23 bubbly’s from Argyle.

  • Andre Aaspere

    Thank You very much! Nice!


    Ohhh, and Jethro Tull, the Classic Aqualung album, Always rotating on the record player….. YEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!


  • John__J

    Awesome song. Love Iggy. (and the Stooges too of course)

  • Anonymous

    Settle down dude or you may be labeled an over commenter! Tull rocked but we must move away from the seventies!


    I agree let’s go back to the sixties, or maybe even further back ? πŸ˜›

    Over commenter, I think that ‘s too late now………. :))))

  • Anonymous

    Good show Gary, and interesting to hear about Willamette/Oregon Pinot..

    Would be great if you could make a Burgundy show with a wine from Gevrey Chambertin, up against a wine from Vosne Romanee, and maybe Chambolle og Nuits St. George.. focus on the difference in taste, soil, colour and style…

  • Andre Aaspere

    Thanks really for good clip !

  • Andre Aaspere

    Solid band !

  • Anonymous

    I’m listening a lot of old stuff: police, ramones, clash…

  • Oregon pinot rocks! A few of my favorites from 08:

    Sineann – Schindler, Resonance, and Wyeast Vnyds
    Arterberry Maresh Juliard Vnyd
    Black Cap
    Westerly Justice Vynd

    Muse and Radiohead all day.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: The Civil Wars- Poison And Wine

  • Yes! Willamette Valley. I am super biased because that is where I make wine but I truly believe that the WV is the best location in the world to grow Pinot noir.


    QOTD: Listening to Feelin Alright by Rebelution

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous

    its late in the game, but better late than never.
    im listening to Firecracker- The Aggrolites. A reggae/rock band under Tim Armstrongs (Rancid) label Hellcat Records. If ur into punk, ska or reggae, great roster of bands!
    I would also URGE you to check out old Avett Bros. Very different from their new and popular album but lyrically similar, in some ways. Incredible music those guys are capable of! (if u can get into the twang)

  • QOTD: I am a lover of old metal school, get never tired of them…Metallica and Blind Guardian above all…
    To me Metallica are like good powerful Zins and BG more like complex and flavourful Rieslings, hope you like this wine/music analogy

  • Anonymous

    She sure was πŸ˜€

  • Michael C in MKE

    What a wild variety of tastes out there. WLTV fans have diversity.
    QOTD: the new Decemberists.

  • Anonymous

    Darkness on the Edge of Town (album).

    Would that be characterised as old school?

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for another great show!
    QOTD: Sixteen Shades of Black and Blue by Fujiya & Miyagi. Here’s their creepy video:


  • qotd: “angel echoes” by four tet

  • Anonymous

    Like all the pacific NW shows…thanks for the education.

    qotd: lots of http://www.porcupinetree.com/

  • Move from the Bay Area to the Willamette Vally, been here for six years now and definitely feel pampered with all the great wine available. Love these short formats by the why, perfect for those of us with little time to spare.

    QOTD: Exodus’04 by Utada Hikaru (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmXwcuMN-WY)

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Wilco/The Black Keys

  • Anonymous

    Blythesville in Arkansas?

  • Anonymous

    Very interesting album – still “digesting” it.

  • Anonymous

    Wow. No. Though cool… there is actually a place called this. It was the name of the house I grew up in in Trinidad & Tobago.

  • “I can tell your love is waning” by Slobberbone. Check it out. Great show today. Come to St. Louis and I cook for you at The Crossing.

  • Anonymous

    Gary, the 2008 Adelsheim PN is absolutly amazing…

  • Anonymous

    Great show, Gary. To me, this is classic WLTV. Three wines, ~12 minutes, good stuff. Thanks!

    QOTD: I have rather eclectic taste, so I am listening to the Beatles, ELO, David Grey, 10,000 Maniacs and Sarah McLachlan’s latest album. So I’m old. But I am listening to them on my iPhone. πŸ˜‰

  • Anonymous

    QOTD – Moment’s Notice – John Coltrain

  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous

    Great ep!
    Thank you!
    QOTD: LOLOL Rammstein Das Model! LOL Been in Belgium with new friends..loving some new heavy stuff. πŸ™‚ (You should note, just before this was listening to Ray LaMontagne LOL)

  • QOTD: You have to support a local Jersey girl with soul. Nicole Atkins just released her second LP, Mondo Amore. Cry Cry Cry is the single. You should have her on the show!


  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Bach’s Invention No. 15 in B minor played by Glenn Gould.

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Rihanna. Great show.


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