EP 577 Knitting and Sauvignon Blanc

Gary Vaynerchuk welcomes a guest to show us a little knitting action and he shows her a few Sauvignon Blancs from Chile, New Zealand and California.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Glazebrook Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
Simi Sauvignon BlancSonoma Sauvignon Blanc
2006 Vina Leyda Garuma Sauvignon BlancChilean Sauvignon Blanc

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘I’d eat poop with cheese, that’s how much I like cheese’

Nice laid back guest and show. Solid

Tags: Chilean, New Zealand, review, Sonoma, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • I look forward to trying more New Zealand and Chilean Sauvignon Blanc. Those both sounded delicious. Meanwhile, I’ve become such a fan of Riesling that I’ve got one from Italy chilling in my fridge as we speak.

    QOTD: I am very excited for my country after Election Day! I’m also fascinated by knitting. I’ll have to check out Cat’s podcast.

  • I look forward to trying more New Zealand and Chilean Sauvignon Blanc. Those both sounded delicious. Meanwhile, I’ve become such a fan of Riesling that I’ve got one from Italy chilling in my fridge as we speak.

    QOTD: I am very excited for my country after Election Day! I’m also fascinated by knitting. I’ll have to check out Cat’s podcast.

  • QOTD: YES!!! 1-20-09: The End of an Error

  • QOTD: YES!!! 1-20-09: The End of an Error

  • Robin C

    I used to knit a little, but the last afghan I knitted (zig zag design with shades of blue) took me two years to complete and I swore that I would never knit again.

    What is the story with California sauvignon blancs? Haven’t the winemakers tasted New Zealand Sauvis? Are they deliberately trying to be boring?

    Happy Anniversary.

    QOTD: I am happy and relieved and hopeful.

  • Robin C

    I used to knit a little, but the last afghan I knitted (zig zag design with shades of blue) took me two years to complete and I swore that I would never knit again.

    What is the story with California sauvignon blancs? Haven’t the winemakers tasted New Zealand Sauvis? Are they deliberately trying to be boring?

    Happy Anniversary.

    QOTD: I am happy and relieved and hopeful.

  • Not so psyched since the election, watching the stocks tumble and tumble. Where is the bottom? We will all learn a new meaning to contributing.

  • Not so psyched since the election, watching the stocks tumble and tumble. Where is the bottom? We will all learn a new meaning to contributing.

  • wannaBconnoisseur

    Love sauv blanc!

    Q – If you say so….

  • wannaBconnoisseur

    Love sauv blanc!

    Q – If you say so….

  • JayZee

    Nice show on sauvignon blanc and Cat seems like a really nice lady.

    QOTD: Psyched? No, not exactly. I would be psyched if the stick market started going up on a consistent basis and the economy wasn’t tanking big time. At least the oil prices have fallen. Let’s see what Obama and his group can do when they actually take office.

  • JayZee

    Nice show on sauvignon blanc and Cat seems like a really nice lady.

    QOTD: Psyched? No, not exactly. I would be psyched if the stick market started going up on a consistent basis and the economy wasn’t tanking big time. At least the oil prices have fallen. Let’s see what Obama and his group can do when they actually take office.

  • Dr. Lance

    Hey Gary!

    Why haven’t I received any new Wine Library links since this episode (Episode #577)? I noticed that you are presently on Episode #582. What gives?

  • Dr. Lance

    Hey Gary!

    Why haven’t I received any new Wine Library links since this episode (Episode #577)? I noticed that you are presently on Episode #582. What gives?

  • Joel

    Great episode, great guest!

    QOTD: for sure… now let’s pray

  • Joel

    Great episode, great guest!

    QOTD: for sure… now let’s pray

  • Sarah

    Great show Gary! I LOVED this guest! She was really fun to watch and contributed a lot to the show. I used to knit scarves a lot so it was cool that it was mentioned. I’m really glad that you brought in a couple wines from different countries. I’m hoping to go to Chile next summer so it’s exciting that you chose a wine from there.

  • Sarah

    Great show Gary! I LOVED this guest! She was really fun to watch and contributed a lot to the show. I used to knit scarves a lot so it was cool that it was mentioned. I’m really glad that you brought in a couple wines from different countries. I’m hoping to go to Chile next summer so it’s exciting that you chose a wine from there.

  • I think there are a lot of “closet” knitters out there.

    QOTD: Oh yes, I’m excited! I was up all night watching the returns in France!

  • I think there are a lot of “closet” knitters out there.

    QOTD: Oh yes, I’m excited! I was up all night watching the returns in France!

  • We?ve finally finished our much delayed crossover episode for CAT?s appearance on WLTV episode #577. It’s at:


    I think the Gary wine tasting montage came out quite good, thanks in part to some Vayniacs on the WLTV forum! Thanks everyone!

    We?ve also posted some extra videos. We did an interview with Gary before we shot the WLTV episode. Originally I was going to put clips from it into our show but they eventually got cut, so I posted the entire interview here:


    During the editing I created a timeline with all of my ?behind the scenes? footage laid in sync with the WLTV episode. It was really just an assembly to see what footage I had but it was interesting to watch on its own too, so I uploaded it here:


    I also posted some stills on flickr from the shoot:



  • We?ve finally finished our much delayed crossover episode for CAT?s appearance on WLTV episode #577. It’s at:


    I think the Gary wine tasting montage came out quite good, thanks in part to some Vayniacs on the WLTV forum! Thanks everyone!

    We?ve also posted some extra videos. We did an interview with Gary before we shot the WLTV episode. Originally I was going to put clips from it into our show but they eventually got cut, so I posted the entire interview here:


    During the editing I created a timeline with all of my ?behind the scenes? footage laid in sync with the WLTV episode. It was really just an assembly to see what footage I had but it was interesting to watch on its own too, so I uploaded it here:


    I also posted some stills on flickr from the shoot:



  • AaronB

    QOTD: Not exactly. Timinspokane made some very good points. Not that I was a big McCain fan; I’m an independent, and would have voted for Bob Barr if he’d had a chance in h@$% of winning. Anyway, Obama’s cabinet choices so far have been pretty centrist, so the next 4 years may not be quite as bad as I feared. If he can reverse some of the fascist BS implemented by the current administration (e.g. the “Patriot” act), then we might be ok.

  • AaronB

    QOTD: Not exactly. Timinspokane made some very good points. Not that I was a big McCain fan; I’m an independent, and would have voted for Bob Barr if he’d had a chance in h@$% of winning. Anyway, Obama’s cabinet choices so far have been pretty centrist, so the next 4 years may not be quite as bad as I feared. If he can reverse some of the fascist BS implemented by the current administration (e.g. the “Patriot” act), then we might be ok.

  • I discovered this podcast through this episode, as I am an avid knitter and have been doing it for a few years now. I am always the youngest knitter I know, at 39, because you when anyone thinks of it, they think of their grandma! I have been a huge wine fan for a several years now and have even gone to a few real tastings in Sonoma. I have watched all the old episodes through itunes that I can get my hands on because this is so much like me. I am sure most people watch this to learn something about wine and think “How can I make more money so I can afford great wines?” and my thought is “How can I turn this into a job?” I know I have to get out of the midwest because there is not much going on here in the way of wine!

  • I discovered this podcast through this episode, as I am an avid knitter and have been doing it for a few years now. I am always the youngest knitter I know, at 39, because you when anyone thinks of it, they think of their grandma! I have been a huge wine fan for a several years now and have even gone to a few real tastings in Sonoma. I have watched all the old episodes through itunes that I can get my hands on because this is so much like me. I am sure most people watch this to learn something about wine and think “How can I make more money so I can afford great wines?” and my thought is “How can I turn this into a job?” I know I have to get out of the midwest because there is not much going on here in the way of wine!

  • yowens

    QOTD: I’m optimistic.

  • yowens

    QOTD: I’m optimistic.

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Kat really brought it today! Another person to give you a run for your money, Gary ;). QOTD: Im excited because we didnt give into the fear and propaganda from a few who didnt want Obama president. Its of course too early to know what will happen but the fact that we we able to come together and look past color really shows that this nation is changing and hopefully moving in the right direction.

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Kat really brought it today! Another person to give you a run for your money, Gary ;). QOTD: Im excited because we didnt give into the fear and propaganda from a few who didnt want Obama president. Its of course too early to know what will happen but the fact that we we able to come together and look past color really shows that this nation is changing and hopefully moving in the right direction.

  • CBone

    Good show!

    QOTD: I am STILL excited, and it is now February. I love Obama, and I went to the inauguration. Plus, Obama is a huge wine drinker. The guy keeps getting better and better!

  • CBone

    Good show!

    QOTD: I am STILL excited, and it is now February. I love Obama, and I went to the inauguration. Plus, Obama is a huge wine drinker. The guy keeps getting better and better!

  • Kat brought the thunder, she’s great. She’s got an Ally Sheedy
    thing going on. Like her a lot.

  • Kat brought the thunder, she’s great. She’s got an Ally Sheedy
    thing going on. Like her a lot.

  • I’ve been interested in taxes for longer then I care to admit, both on the individualized side (all my working life!!) and from a legal viewpoint since passing the bar and pursuing tax law. I’ve provided a lot of advice and rectified a lot of wrongs, and I must say that what you’ve posted makes perfect sense. Please uphold the good work – the more individuals know the better they’ll be equipped to comprehend with the tax man, and that’s what it’s all about.

  • I’ve been interested in taxes for longer then I care to admit, both on the individualized side (all my working life!!) and from a legal viewpoint since passing the bar and pursuing tax law. I’ve provided a lot of advice and rectified a lot of wrongs, and I must say that what you’ve posted makes perfect sense. Please uphold the good work – the more individuals know the better they’ll be equipped to comprehend with the tax man, and that’s what it’s all about.

  • John__J

    qotd: I don’t really get psyched about politics of any kind in this day and age.

  • Anonymous

    Have had the Simi before.. QOTD-funny to read all those who bought into the hype…how different would those comments be if asked now… http://www.winlx.com

  • 90/100

    line of the day – ‘I’d eat poop with cheese, that’s how much I like cheese’

    Nice laid back guest and show. Solid


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