EP 70 German wines and the Rieslings that make them.

2004 Von Hovel Qba Riesling

2004 Willi Haag Brauneberger Juffer Riesling Kabinett

2003 Johann Haart Piesporter Goldtropfchen Riesling Spatlese

2004 St.urbans Hof Ockfener Bockstein Auslese Riesling

Today Gary talks about the QMP,QBA and many other things that have to do with German wines. Watch as Gary goes through the wines and gives you his thoughts.

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Great show i truly LOVED it! I think Germany is massively unappreciated

QOTD I tend to like what Stephen Tanzer has to Say and disagree with Parker the most. But that’s just my palate, who knows it might change next year!!!

Tags: germany, review, Riesling, Video, white wines, wine, wines

Episodes >

  • First!!!

  • First!!!

  • joe

    Gary I’m the first repsonder? Loved the comeback


  • top 3.. :))

  • joe

    Gary I’m the first repsonder? Loved the comeback


  • top 3.. :))

  • Jason R.

    4th is o.k. – I will keep trying.

    Are you Anti-Bordeaux now that 05 pricing is out of control? I have made a few suggestions about doing something with giving us an update on 2000 / 2001 / 2002 – where they are at? – Are they closed down yet – are they getting better, awkward, etc… Seems like a logical segment for the continuing education of all..

  • Jason R.

    4th is o.k. – I will keep trying.

    Are you Anti-Bordeaux now that 05 pricing is out of control? I have made a few suggestions about doing something with giving us an update on 2000 / 2001 / 2002 – where they are at? – Are they closed down yet – are they getting better, awkward, etc… Seems like a logical segment for the continuing education of all..

  • joe

    Gary, you said it perfectly: wine is to have fun. Don’t let some grouches who couldn’t have fun with episode 69 keep you and the rest of us from having fun! There is scotch for those guys. Keep having fun Gary. That is why I come here everyday.

    Thanks for the Reisling education.

    My favorite reviewers are:
    * Parker in Bordeaux
    * Meadows in Burgundy
    * anyone but Laube in Napa
    * anyone but Parker in Austraila

  • joe

    Gary, you said it perfectly: wine is to have fun. Don’t let some grouches who couldn’t have fun with episode 69 keep you and the rest of us from having fun! There is scotch for those guys. Keep having fun Gary. That is why I come here everyday.

    Thanks for the Reisling education.

    My favorite reviewers are:
    * Parker in Bordeaux
    * Meadows in Burgundy
    * anyone but Laube in Napa
    * anyone but Parker in Austraila

  • Gary,

    Some people just don’t have a sense of humor. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, though if you ever EVER do that again I’ll leave and go watch those two boring English guys review wine instead. 😉

    My favorite reviewer? Easy – you. I’m not just brown nosing here. You’re the only reviewer that has never recommended a wine that I didn’t like. Robert Parker is generally reliable – at least in a ballpark manner – but sometimes he’s spectacularly off. The various WS reviewers are the same.

    But every wine that you’ve been enthusiastic about has been exactly what you’ve said. Now, I’m holding on to a lot of bottles that you’ve recommended, so we’ll see in a few years when I open them if your batting average stays so high.

    I think you’re going to find that virtually everyone gives the same answer here. Why do you think we watch WLTV? Sure, you’re entertaining and a really likeable personality. But the bottom line is that you know what you’re talking about and make solid recommendations.

  • Gary,

    Some people just don’t have a sense of humor. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, though if you ever EVER do that again I’ll leave and go watch those two boring English guys review wine instead. 😉

    My favorite reviewer? Easy – you. I’m not just brown nosing here. You’re the only reviewer that has never recommended a wine that I didn’t like. Robert Parker is generally reliable – at least in a ballpark manner – but sometimes he’s spectacularly off. The various WS reviewers are the same.

    But every wine that you’ve been enthusiastic about has been exactly what you’ve said. Now, I’m holding on to a lot of bottles that you’ve recommended, so we’ll see in a few years when I open them if your batting average stays so high.

    I think you’re going to find that virtually everyone gives the same answer here. Why do you think we watch WLTV? Sure, you’re entertaining and a really likeable personality. But the bottom line is that you know what you’re talking about and make solid recommendations.

  • Bill T.

    Gary, You da man! …You’re my favorite reviewer. I think your scores are right on!

    Enjoyed the episode on Rieslings but I was really looking forward to the aging episode!

    By the way, what happens to all those opened bottles of wine? Floor tastings? If so, please let me know next time you sample Amarones and Barolos!

  • Bill T.

    Gary, You da man! …You’re my favorite reviewer. I think your scores are right on!

    Enjoyed the episode on Rieslings but I was really looking forward to the aging episode!

    By the way, what happens to all those opened bottles of wine? Floor tastings? If so, please let me know next time you sample Amarones and Barolos!

  • John Coyne

    I find that my “ratings” closely parallels the ratings from Wine & Spirits magazine. Very reliable.
    I find that The Wine Speculator very unreliable. I used their ratings as a guide for a number of years but quit three years ago.
    And there is a wine critic in the Las Vegas paper who is a shill for a wine and liquor store chain who cannot be trusted at all.
    Not like you Gary.
    Keep up the good work.

  • John Coyne

    I find that my “ratings” closely parallels the ratings from Wine & Spirits magazine. Very reliable.
    I find that The Wine Speculator very unreliable. I used their ratings as a guide for a number of years but quit three years ago.
    And there is a wine critic in the Las Vegas paper who is a shill for a wine and liquor store chain who cannot be trusted at all.
    Not like you Gary.
    Keep up the good work.

  • damon

    Can’t anyone have a little fun. I thought the episode #69 was hillarious. I can take a little joke once in a while. I look forward to the next one.

    I’m a big German riesling fan, so I enjoyed today’s episode today.

    I trust you Gary, who else. I quit paying much attention to mainstream wine reviewers a while ago. I rely on friends and people I have built some kind of relationship at my local wine shops. Any good salesperson surprisingly remembers the kind of wines I like and tend to buy. Those have been some of my best reccomendations.

    Another observation is that if you buy a highly rated wine, based on that alone, and don’t like it, you can almost convince yourself that its good when its really not your cup of tea. This is a horrible rut to be in. Buy what you like and don’t judge other people for buying what they like. Try something different once in a while, you just might like it, even if you hated it before.

  • damon

    Can’t anyone have a little fun. I thought the episode #69 was hillarious. I can take a little joke once in a while. I look forward to the next one.

    I’m a big German riesling fan, so I enjoyed today’s episode today.

    I trust you Gary, who else. I quit paying much attention to mainstream wine reviewers a while ago. I rely on friends and people I have built some kind of relationship at my local wine shops. Any good salesperson surprisingly remembers the kind of wines I like and tend to buy. Those have been some of my best reccomendations.

    Another observation is that if you buy a highly rated wine, based on that alone, and don’t like it, you can almost convince yourself that its good when its really not your cup of tea. This is a horrible rut to be in. Buy what you like and don’t judge other people for buying what they like. Try something different once in a while, you just might like it, even if you hated it before.

  • Rick McQ


    I must say your reviews have always been on target for me!

  • Rick McQ


    I must say your reviews have always been on target for me!

  • Edward H

    Favorite Reviewer: Clive Coates (no offense, Gary, you need another 30+ years of age)

    Least favorite: Rovani.

  • Edward H

    Favorite Reviewer: Clive Coates (no offense, Gary, you need another 30+ years of age)

    Least favorite: Rovani.

  • Are you kidding me? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! This is a free service. Gary….don’t get so serious, it has been a great ride for 68 episodes and I don’t think ANYONE should dictate how you do your show? If they are going to start, then you should have signed the TV deal!

    I miss the light hearted, ram it down your throat Gary!


  • Are you kidding me? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! This is a free service. Gary….don’t get so serious, it has been a great ride for 68 episodes and I don’t think ANYONE should dictate how you do your show? If they are going to start, then you should have signed the TV deal!

    I miss the light hearted, ram it down your throat Gary!


  • Jim J.


    Great stuff, again. I learned a ton today.

    I always thought that appreciation of wine went hand in hand with a sense of humor. Going to have to rethink that one . . .

    Favorite reviewer — you (for presentation — haven’t tasted anything you’ve liked yet); Parker for cabs and merlots; Laube for pinots.

  • Jim J.


    Great stuff, again. I learned a ton today.

    I always thought that appreciation of wine went hand in hand with a sense of humor. Going to have to rethink that one . . .

    Favorite reviewer — you (for presentation — haven’t tasted anything you’ve liked yet); Parker for cabs and merlots; Laube for pinots.

  • K Spengler

    Unbelieveable. I was shocked at the apparent negative reaction to your last episode. How pompous can some people be? Your blog is an educational, fun, enlightening OPTION for people to enjoy or not to enjoy. But to berate you for your style is ludicrous.

    Lighten up people. Gary hit the nail on the head. Wine and it’s experiences are to be unique and fun….shut up and enjoy.

  • K Spengler

    Unbelieveable. I was shocked at the apparent negative reaction to your last episode. How pompous can some people be? Your blog is an educational, fun, enlightening OPTION for people to enjoy or not to enjoy. But to berate you for your style is ludicrous.

    Lighten up people. Gary hit the nail on the head. Wine and it’s experiences are to be unique and fun….shut up and enjoy.

  • K Spengler

    ….by the way..your the best reviewer ever…honest…

  • K Spengler

    ….by the way..your the best reviewer ever…honest…

  • johnb

    i just want to say that i thought episode #69 was funny.

    this episode was very informative and definitely cleared up some things as far as classifications go. thank you.

  • johnb

    i just want to say that i thought episode #69 was funny.

    this episode was very informative and definitely cleared up some things as far as classifications go. thank you.


    Thanks a lot for the insight into these wines.
    This helps me a lot!

    Don’t worry about the bad comments of the last show.
    This only shows how much they enjoy to watch you tasting wine! 🙂

    Best reviewer? The guy who seems to have no plants in his working room.


    Thanks a lot for the insight into these wines.
    This helps me a lot!

    Don’t worry about the bad comments of the last show.
    This only shows how much they enjoy to watch you tasting wine! 🙂

    Best reviewer? The guy who seems to have no plants in his working room.

  • Jaye

    Hi Gary,

    Did I think episode 69 was your finest hour? No. Did I still “get it” and understand you were trying to be light-hearted and just have fun with your WLTV family? Yes. Poo poos to all those people who took the wind out of your sails. I would love to see happy Gary back tomorrow!

    Anyway, German Riesling rocks (as one might gather from my 82 bottles of various varieties in my cellar). Love, love, love it. And will now have 88 bottles since I just bought 6 of the Kabinetts you reviewed. $10.99 is an AMAZING price! I know that wine retails at $20.

    As far as reviews go, I like James Suckling for Italian wines and Bordeaux. And I have been very satisfied with your picks. I stay very far away from any Parker 90 point picks under $25, I have just been so dissatisfied. I usually look for “consensus” when I buy wines on futures, and otherwise I listen to what you suggest, as well as a few other key local wine merchants.

    Stay strong Gary — there are so many out there who love what you do!


  • Jaye

    By the way — awful pronunciation (I’m german). If you ever need help with those german pronunciations, let me know. Good try though!

  • Jaye

    Hi Gary,

    Did I think episode 69 was your finest hour? No. Did I still “get it” and understand you were trying to be light-hearted and just have fun with your WLTV family? Yes. Poo poos to all those people who took the wind out of your sails. I would love to see happy Gary back tomorrow!

    Anyway, German Riesling rocks (as one might gather from my 82 bottles of various varieties in my cellar). Love, love, love it. And will now have 88 bottles since I just bought 6 of the Kabinetts you reviewed. $10.99 is an AMAZING price! I know that wine retails at $20.

    As far as reviews go, I like James Suckling for Italian wines and Bordeaux. And I have been very satisfied with your picks. I stay very far away from any Parker 90 point picks under $25, I have just been so dissatisfied. I usually look for “consensus” when I buy wines on futures, and otherwise I listen to what you suggest, as well as a few other key local wine merchants.

    Stay strong Gary — there are so many out there who love what you do!


  • Jaye

    By the way — awful pronunciation (I’m german). If you ever need help with those german pronunciations, let me know. Good try though!

  • Karen

    i enjoy your approach, i enjoy reading zraly’s stuff on wine. both are educators, i ignore the number systems, they seem to be relatively meaningless. and for both you and zraly the message seems to be “try it for yourself and enjoy”. anyone who can make me think about wines using such original and frank communication has my vote, so as glib as it will sound, that makes you my favourite. where else can i ignore the number and still come away with the crazy taste metaphors that always surprise me when i find that you were right?

    i enjoyed friday’s vid. truly, i laughed out loud. curmudgeons are everywhere. this is a public vlog afterall…when you start making us pay for this service then they may have a right to complain.

    and i enjoyed today’s vid. i’m learning a lot still. i’m confident that you’re finding your voice. it’s perfect to start us off easy with broad terms about how riesling is categorized. later you can get more specific. one suggestion: you’re a teacher now gary so you have to start organizing your growing curriculum so we have easy reference back or a starting point for someone new who comes in and needs some background when you do get into specifics…..so maybe your web page maintenance person/custodian could come up with a new category search rather than this ever sprawling mess to the left of this comment?

  • Karen

    i enjoy your approach, i enjoy reading zraly’s stuff on wine. both are educators, i ignore the number systems, they seem to be relatively meaningless. and for both you and zraly the message seems to be “try it for yourself and enjoy”. anyone who can make me think about wines using such original and frank communication has my vote, so as glib as it will sound, that makes you my favourite. where else can i ignore the number and still come away with the crazy taste metaphors that always surprise me when i find that you were right?

    i enjoyed friday’s vid. truly, i laughed out loud. curmudgeons are everywhere. this is a public vlog afterall…when you start making us pay for this service then they may have a right to complain.

    and i enjoyed today’s vid. i’m learning a lot still. i’m confident that you’re finding your voice. it’s perfect to start us off easy with broad terms about how riesling is categorized. later you can get more specific. one suggestion: you’re a teacher now gary so you have to start organizing your growing curriculum so we have easy reference back or a starting point for someone new who comes in and needs some background when you do get into specifics…..so maybe your web page maintenance person/custodian could come up with a new category search rather than this ever sprawling mess to the left of this comment?

  • Rich S


    Definitely don’t take people’s comments so seriously. Even though I was a little disappointed, I still thought it was pretty funny.

    I loved the Riesling episode as Riesling is by far my favorite white varietal. Good stuff!!!

  • Rich S


    Definitely don’t take people’s comments so seriously. Even though I was a little disappointed, I still thought it was pretty funny.

    I loved the Riesling episode as Riesling is by far my favorite white varietal. Good stuff!!!

  • zerokreap (kw)

    wow, you sounded bummed today….sorry you received so much negativity over the weekend….cheer up buddy! as far as my favorite reviewer it would have to be gary vaynerchuk….not to blow smoke up your butt….just really, i think you like the same styles and tastes that i do, so i find that when you rate something well, i tend to like it….i don’t know many other reviewers, but tanzer seems good for my tastes as well…
    like i said, keep you head up…great episode, but honestly….too somber! cheer up, get loose again….thanks gary for what you are doing!

  • zerokreap (kw)

    wow, you sounded bummed today….sorry you received so much negativity over the weekend….cheer up buddy! as far as my favorite reviewer it would have to be gary vaynerchuk….not to blow smoke up your butt….just really, i think you like the same styles and tastes that i do, so i find that when you rate something well, i tend to like it….i don’t know many other reviewers, but tanzer seems good for my tastes as well…
    like i said, keep you head up…great episode, but honestly….too somber! cheer up, get loose again….thanks gary for what you are doing!

  • elron

    Yeah Gar, don’t take the last episode comments to heart. I think some people were ribbing you back for clowning on Friday(although, it might be hard to tell when it’s written). Like some suggested, be yourself. Still love the show!

  • elron

    Yeah Gar, don’t take the last episode comments to heart. I think some people were ribbing you back for clowning on Friday(although, it might be hard to tell when it’s written). Like some suggested, be yourself. Still love the show!

  • TimF

    Gary – Great episode. Great job educating us on German wine today. My favorite reviewer of wine is myself. I read as much as I can but put little stock in what other people like and dislike. I very, very rarely have a bottle of wine I don’t like. The reason I do like to read what reviewers have to say is that it pushes me in different directions, pulling me out of a rut now and again. I’ve been buying Chilean Sauvignon Blancs like crazy this summer because of a WSJ article a couple of months ago. I would never have tried a Chilean SB if it weren’t for them.

  • TimF

    Gary – Great episode. Great job educating us on German wine today. My favorite reviewer of wine is myself. I read as much as I can but put little stock in what other people like and dislike. I very, very rarely have a bottle of wine I don’t like. The reason I do like to read what reviewers have to say is that it pushes me in different directions, pulling me out of a rut now and again. I’ve been buying Chilean Sauvignon Blancs like crazy this summer because of a WSJ article a couple of months ago. I would never have tried a Chilean SB if it weren’t for them.

  • Chris Coffey

    Great episode!

    Favorite critic – Rovani
    Least Favorite – J. Robinson for California

  • Chris Coffey

    Great episode!

    Favorite critic – Rovani
    Least Favorite – J. Robinson for California


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