EP 162 Wine Labels for Personal Use?

Wines tasted in this episode:

Wine labels, do you collect them? Do you want to have a special, personalized or custom label? Today Gary talks about wine labels and the wines behind them.

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Jets when further than most would have expected that year, get over it. Have not had any of these other than the Hentley Farms, always wanted to try Red Car but the pricepoint stopped me. http://www.winelx.com

Tags: chardonnay, New Zealand, red wines, review, sauvignon blanc, Video, white wines, wine, wines

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  • Robert F

    This is an interesting episode for me because my bias is usually that if it has a funny or creative wine label, then the wine must suck and they’re trying to compensate the terrible junk in the bottle i.e. yellowtail (cute label) versus ridge (the wine speaks for itself).

  • Jaye

    Gary, I was so happy to see you back to being yourself today. I just did a marathon session of watching the last 7 WLTV episodes (have been so busy didn’t have time to watch).

    Love that Ian picked today’s wines. I met Ian in person yesterday, really terrific guy! I’m looking forward to his Burgundy picks for me.

    One very, very rare negative comment I have to make Gary . . . can’t believe you gave into peer pressure and are not tasting from the tasting glass you wanted to do “all future tastings with”. One of the things I love about you and WLTV is that you don’t care what other say or think, and you march to your own drum. I was saddened to see you let the haters out there dictate your glass choice.

    Really loved having you “back” today!!!

  • FTBoomer

    Actually, I tagged all the Silver Oak Cabs

  • FTBoomer

    Actually, I tagged all the Silver Oak Cabs

  • Jon E

    Taggy Vaynerchuk, Great show but I’m afraid of technology. Its like La Befana, if you don’t tag enough you get coal in your stocking. I’m not down with tagging, I’ve tagged before but I didn’t inhale. And one time I had a pregnancy scare because I tagged without protection. But still you guys have fun and tag at will, yah know its your life to live. and some day when your in your eighties and you have grand kids you can tell’em about the good old days when you used to tag cat piss all over New Zealand.

    Welcome back Cotter!

    PS: Catchy wine label of the century -Meeker Handprint Merlot-you know what I’m talkin’ about ladies

  • Jon E

    Taggy Vaynerchuk, Great show but I’m afraid of technology. Its like La Befana, if you don’t tag enough you get coal in your stocking. I’m not down with tagging, I’ve tagged before but I didn’t inhale. And one time I had a pregnancy scare because I tagged without protection. But still you guys have fun and tag at will, yah know its your life to live. and some day when your in your eighties and you have grand kids you can tell’em about the good old days when you used to tag cat piss all over New Zealand.

    Welcome back Cotter!

    PS: Catchy wine label of the century -Meeker Handprint Merlot-you know what I’m talkin’ about ladies

  • Rob M.

    You said it was going to be featured in more episodes, and you asked us to remind you- bring on the CHEESE!

  • Rob M.

    You said it was going to be featured in more episodes, and you asked us to remind you- bring on the CHEESE!

  • Victoria

    OH my gosh Gary!!!!!! So much nicer to see you happy! I dragged my hubbie in the computer room and made him watch!!

  • Joyce

    Ah, the world is once again spinning correctly on it’s axis. Whew, was worried there for a while. Now if we can just get some snow in NJ, I’ll put aside those global warming issues. Welcome back, Gary, we missed ‘ya man!

  • Victoria

    OH my gosh Gary!!!!!! So much nicer to see you happy! I dragged my hubbie in the computer room and made him watch!!

  • Joyce

    Ah, the world is once again spinning correctly on it’s axis. Whew, was worried there for a while. Now if we can just get some snow in NJ, I’ll put aside those global warming issues. Welcome back, Gary, we missed ‘ya man!

  • Herm

    I tried to tag a wine label and leave a comment but it wouldn’t work….Cavit pinot grigio….the wine is good but I love the label…..

  • Herm

    I tried to tag a wine label and leave a comment but it wouldn’t work….Cavit pinot grigio….the wine is good but I love the label…..

  • Kai


    You look and sound a lot better than yesterday. I am glad.

    Still watching everyday from Hong Kong

  • Kai


    You look and sound a lot better than yesterday. I am glad.

    Still watching everyday from Hong Kong

  • dave from Osaka

    back on top and rockin’ it!….weebles wobble but they don’t fall down…(remember THAT?)

  • dave from Osaka

    back on top and rockin’ it!….weebles wobble but they don’t fall down…(remember THAT?)

  • OKH

    huhuhuh – Beavis, what’s “frisante”?

  • OKH

    huhuhuh – Beavis, what’s “frisante”?

  • Suzanne

    I knew he’d snap out of it.

  • Suzanne

    I knew he’d snap out of it.

  • Jbunny

    Personally I’m gald to see you’re back, my boyfriend however, feels it’s necessary to mention (true Patriots fan)that the 2004 Rafael Cambra Dos label looks like the Jets unraveling like a ball of string!!! SORRY VAY-NER-CHUCK….. Go Pats!!

  • Jbunny

    Personally I’m gald to see you’re back, my boyfriend however, feels it’s necessary to mention (true Patriots fan)that the 2004 Rafael Cambra Dos label looks like the Jets unraveling like a ball of string!!! SORRY VAY-NER-CHUCK….. Go Pats!!

  • Dave-from-Katonah

    Sorry I’m late, but I had to watch Steve Jobs at the Apple keynote address introduce the new Apple iPhone. Way cool technology.
    Anyway, glad to see you’ve recovered Gary! Way to snap out of it you snapperhead!

  • Sorry I’m late, but I had to watch Steve Jobs at the Apple keynote address introduce the new Apple iPhone. Way cool technology.
    Anyway, glad to see you’ve recovered Gary! Way to snap out of it you snapperhead!

  • cpd

    Heading over to tag now….

  • Darlene O.

    Hey, Gary, we love you any way we can get you! Great show! Tried ‘tagging’…put in the word ‘red’…wow!!! What fun! I’m a red wine lover and found reds never knew existed!! Thanks!!

  • cpd

    Heading over to tag now….

  • Darlene O.

    Hey, Gary, we love you any way we can get you! Great show! Tried ‘tagging’…put in the word ‘red’…wow!!! What fun! I’m a red wine lover and found reds never knew existed!! Thanks!!

  • glenn

    glad you’re back! Go Chargers was subtle.

    you can’t keep referring to it as “the label”. i do this around my Napa wine professional g-friend and she and her friends always correct me – it is “the package”: bottle, cork and label they consider en masse.

    i’ll try to get her to send you a book she reps called “Icon” – lots of cool label stories.

  • glenn

    glad you’re back! Go Chargers was subtle.

    you can’t keep referring to it as “the label”. i do this around my Napa wine professional g-friend and she and her friends always correct me – it is “the package”: bottle, cork and label they consider en masse.

    i’ll try to get her to send you a book she reps called “Icon” – lots of cool label stories.

  • chito

    Welcome back Gary. By the way, my pets recovered. Need to order wine, gotta go.

  • chito

    Welcome back Gary. By the way, my pets recovered. Need to order wine, gotta go.

  • Chad M

    Gary, thanks for getting back to my gmail address about the instant aging wine machine and the screwcaps… Tag on!!! HAHAHA

  • Chad M

    Gary, thanks for getting back to my gmail address about the instant aging wine machine and the screwcaps… Tag on!!! HAHAHA

  • Dave-from-Katonah

    Tags? I don’t really think I’d use it day in and day out. But whatever floats your boat…
    BTW – G R E A T show. Heeeeeee’s baaaaackkk…

  • Tags? I don’t really think I’d use it day in and day out. But whatever floats your boat…
    BTW – G R E A T show. Heeeeeee’s baaaaackkk…

  • StanVH

    I Knew you would bounce back. Good wine improves every mood.

    About tags – they could be very useful. I’ll start checking some out.

    But I’ve got a question about labels. You mentioned that some people collect them. I don’t exactly collect them, but I like to get them off and write notes about nose, taste, price, etc. This is usually easy to do with “most” European labels. However, the glue on US and some Aussie labels defies easy extraction. I’ve tried acid, ammonia, steam, scotch tape and a knife blade and I usually end up with a soggy, sticky mess. I suppose I could take a picture and then print out a facsimile, but I certainly would like to find an easy way to remove and save them. Any suggestions?

  • StanVH

    I Knew you would bounce back. Good wine improves every mood.

    About tags – they could be very useful. I’ll start checking some out.

    But I’ve got a question about labels. You mentioned that some people collect them. I don’t exactly collect them, but I like to get them off and write notes about nose, taste, price, etc. This is usually easy to do with “most” European labels. However, the glue on US and some Aussie labels defies easy extraction. I’ve tried acid, ammonia, steam, scotch tape and a knife blade and I usually end up with a soggy, sticky mess. I suppose I could take a picture and then print out a facsimile, but I certainly would like to find an easy way to remove and save them. Any suggestions?

  • hinrgman


    Your Simpsons cup is up to $2575

    You can buy lots of wine for that price

  • hinrgman


    Your Simpsons cup is up to $2575

    You can buy lots of wine for that price

  • I like the labels idea… this is cool and smart!

    we should suggest tag conventions, maybe funny ones: “overrated”, “underrated”, “steal”, “VaynerPAZZZZ”

    GREAT GREAT episode, Gary!

  • I like the labels idea… this is cool and smart!

    we should suggest tag conventions, maybe funny ones: “overrated”, “underrated”, “steal”, “VaynerPAZZZZ”

    GREAT GREAT episode, Gary!

  • damnitgigi

    Damnit I love you Gary! I’d like to hear more about the screw tops! I’m a huge fan of them, and I’m awaiting the revolution.

  • damnitgigi

    Damnit I love you Gary! I’d like to hear more about the screw tops! I’m a huge fan of them, and I’m awaiting the revolution.

  • Michael

    I like the idea of labels. You should allow people to browse through labels randomly or in categories (cab, shiraz, merlot, etc).

  • Michael

    I like the idea of labels. You should allow people to browse through labels randomly or in categories (cab, shiraz, merlot, etc).

  • Clever move Gary (but, where the heck is Hulk? Did not survive your sorrow on the Jets’ loss?)!
    Anyway, the tags, good idea as brand marketing is not even just a new world thing. In Europe most labels are boring and made without any imagination. All these supposed ‘chateaux’ on these labels … I even do not look at them anymore, except for Lagrange St. Julien of course, but I think it’s just because this is my favourite Bordeaux. Yet, maybe … there is something intriguing with the label: the diagonal created because of the sole tower of chateau Lagrange grasps your attention right away. It is one of the only Bordeaux bottles that begs for attention when lined up on a shelf with some others (and Haut-Brion also of course, but that’s because of the bottle). Everything is the difference … .
    Anyway, the wines I already tagged (I will tag some more, if I have the time): Kanonkop Estate Pinotage and Longo’s Cacc’E Mmite di Lucera. Why? Because I think both wines are really undervalued, mainly because of their underestimated core varietal. Why not doing an episode on Nero di Troia (Longo’s Cacc’E Mmite and Le Cruste, Torre Quarto’s Bottacio, Santa Lucia’s Le More Castel del Monte Riserva)? Or some pinotages to get rid of those stupid prejudices about bitterness (poor wine making) or Brett (something wrong with that?)?

  • Clever move Gary (but, where the heck is Hulk? Did not survive your sorrow on the Jets’ loss?)!
    Anyway, the tags, good idea as brand marketing is not even just a new world thing. In Europe most labels are boring and made without any imagination. All these supposed ‘chateaux’ on these labels … I even do not look at them anymore, except for Lagrange St. Julien of course, but I think it’s just because this is my favourite Bordeaux. Yet, maybe … there is something intriguing with the label: the diagonal created because of the sole tower of chateau Lagrange grasps your attention right away. It is one of the only Bordeaux bottles that begs for attention when lined up on a shelf with some others (and Haut-Brion also of course, but that’s because of the bottle). Everything is the difference … .
    Anyway, the wines I already tagged (I will tag some more, if I have the time): Kanonkop Estate Pinotage and Longo’s Cacc’E Mmite di Lucera. Why? Because I think both wines are really undervalued, mainly because of their underestimated core varietal. Why not doing an episode on Nero di Troia (Longo’s Cacc’E Mmite and Le Cruste, Torre Quarto’s Bottacio, Santa Lucia’s Le More Castel del Monte Riserva)? Or some pinotages to get rid of those stupid prejudices about bitterness (poor wine making) or Brett (something wrong with that?)?


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