EP 212 2 Buck Vaynerchuk

Wines tasted in this episode:

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Today Gary Vaynerchuk attacks the question that has been asked of him over 100 times a month.

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Tags: cabernet, merlot, red wines, review, Video, white wines, wine, wines

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  • Abel

    QOTD: 2000 Groth Cabernet 750ml for $14.99. Of course, it was on sale. πŸ™‚

  • Abel

    QOTD: 2000 Groth Cabernet 750ml for $14.99. Of course, it was on sale. πŸ™‚

  • Dave-from-Katonah

    Brave episode,Gary. 6 out of 7 wines that you would never drink again, incl the worst ever on WLTV.

    QOTD – best bargain must have been from WLTV – 2 Up Shiraz for 10 bucks!!

  • Badger Ann

    Best deal: Walking into Lowe’s a few months ago and getting a $600 gas grill for $250 (end of season clearance!).

    Folks I know who go on and on about 2$C***k seem to also be the ones who say “good wine is lost on me..” Guess what I’ll be serving them at Thanksgiving this year?…

  • Brave episode,Gary. 6 out of 7 wines that you would never drink again, incl the worst ever on WLTV.

    QOTD – best bargain must have been from WLTV – 2 Up Shiraz for 10 bucks!!

  • Badger Ann

    Best deal: Walking into Lowe’s a few months ago and getting a $600 gas grill for $250 (end of season clearance!).

    Folks I know who go on and on about 2$C***k seem to also be the ones who say “good wine is lost on me..” Guess what I’ll be serving them at Thanksgiving this year?…

  • Garret Nagle

    Hi Gary,

    Good choice on the episodes today. One thing I have learned about buying wine in general, is that the “botique” wine stores, or wine specialty stores that aren’t chain grocers seem to have better deals.

    For example, when I go into Trader Joe’s, it seems like the same wines are always there. Further, I have yet to find a great QPR value in the 10-15 dollar range at TJ’s, something I think you should be known for.

    The reason why I think you can find better wines and deals at smaller non-chain wine stores is because the large stores like Trader Joe’s are carrying basically the same inventory at each of the stores, thus limiting the ability to bring in interesting wines not wholesaled by a mass distributor or importer.

    At TJ’s, I can go in and know exactly what I’m going to get, whereas at a wine specialty store, I’m more likely to find great QPR, but most likely that wine isn’t going to be in the inventory 8 weeks later.

    I’d like to hear what others have to say about this, but the wine industry to me seems to be one of the few where little guys can compete with the big boys – I don’t know a lot about the business of wine, WHICH IS WHY I WATCH WLTV! My statements are merly a hypothesis.


    The best deal I have ever gotten was when I bought a 4th generation iPod at Best Buy with a product REPLACEMENT plan, and got 100% in store credit for the comparable 5th generation iPod when the battery died 10 months later.

    Good deals don’t always last, like this one – when I got my free upgrade to the 5th gen., I could only buy into the product Service plan.

  • brooklyni

    hey gary, got the wristband today. thanks man. you’re whole “we’re changing the wine world aren’t we” rings true today more than ever. thanks for the two buck chuck tasting!

  • Garret Nagle

    Hi Gary,

    Good choice on the episodes today. One thing I have learned about buying wine in general, is that the “botique” wine stores, or wine specialty stores that aren’t chain grocers seem to have better deals.

    For example, when I go into Trader Joe’s, it seems like the same wines are always there. Further, I have yet to find a great QPR value in the 10-15 dollar range at TJ’s, something I think you should be known for.

    The reason why I think you can find better wines and deals at smaller non-chain wine stores is because the large stores like Trader Joe’s are carrying basically the same inventory at each of the stores, thus limiting the ability to bring in interesting wines not wholesaled by a mass distributor or importer.

    At TJ’s, I can go in and know exactly what I’m going to get, whereas at a wine specialty store, I’m more likely to find great QPR, but most likely that wine isn’t going to be in the inventory 8 weeks later.

    I’d like to hear what others have to say about this, but the wine industry to me seems to be one of the few where little guys can compete with the big boys – I don’t know a lot about the business of wine, WHICH IS WHY I WATCH WLTV! My statements are merly a hypothesis.


    The best deal I have ever gotten was when I bought a 4th generation iPod at Best Buy with a product REPLACEMENT plan, and got 100% in store credit for the comparable 5th generation iPod when the battery died 10 months later.

    Good deals don’t always last, like this one – when I got my free upgrade to the 5th gen., I could only buy into the product Service plan.

  • brooklyni

    hey gary, got the wristband today. thanks man. you’re whole “we’re changing the wine world aren’t we” rings true today more than ever. thanks for the two buck chuck tasting!

  • brooklyni

    Now here’s a dare: a jug wine tasting? Wait … that might not be fun even as a joke.

  • brooklyni

    Now here’s a dare: a jug wine tasting? Wait … that might not be fun even as a joke.

  • Spacejay

    You put figurines in your underpants?
    QOTD – In Desert Storm when my first child was born. Total bill – I got refunded $175 by the government. Am I in trouble also?

  • Spacejay

    You put figurines in your underpants?
    QOTD – In Desert Storm when my first child was born. Total bill – I got refunded $175 by the government. Am I in trouble also?

  • KenP

    QOTD: From West Coast Trader Joe’s,… drum roll please…ABRAZO Del Toro! 2005. 80% Garnacha-20% Tempranillo, from Carinena, Espana. Only 13% alc. $3.99. Leather, leather, fruit’s a bit dumb, but the finish saves the day. Screaming qpr.

  • nicely done 2buck vaynerchuk. The Shaw wines vary greatly from year to year. I’ve never bought them but have tasted them here and there. Sometimes there Merlot isn’t half bad. Sometimes its undrinkable. Same goes for the others.

  • KenP

    QOTD: From West Coast Trader Joe’s,… drum roll please…ABRAZO Del Toro! 2005. 80% Garnacha-20% Tempranillo, from Carinena, Espana. Only 13% alc. $3.99. Leather, leather, fruit’s a bit dumb, but the finish saves the day. Screaming qpr.

  • nicely done 2buck vaynerchuk. The Shaw wines vary greatly from year to year. I’ve never bought them but have tasted them here and there. Sometimes there Merlot isn’t half bad. Sometimes its undrinkable. Same goes for the others.

  • DrEdwardo

    Two Buk Vaynerchuck πŸ˜‰

  • DrEdwardo

    Two Buk Vaynerchuck πŸ˜‰

  • dwildman

    Best deal: twin fraternal girls for $100 copay.

    Second best deal: inheriting Lucent for free and selling it in 1999 at $65/share

    Third best deal: 2004 Numanthia Numanthia for 44 bucks/bottle

  • dwildman

    Best deal: twin fraternal girls for $100 copay.

    Second best deal: inheriting Lucent for free and selling it in 1999 at $65/share

    Third best deal: 2004 Numanthia Numanthia for 44 bucks/bottle

  • JulesG

    I enjoyed the episode and now I know what wine to serve to my mother-in-law next Christmas. She normally makes me buy a box of white zin for her, now I can spend the same amount and impress her with the bottle.

    QOTD – It was actually my Dad’s bargain but I was there. It was 1982, I was 15 and looking for my first car in the used car section of the local paper. I wanted a 67 chevelle and was willing to spend $2000.00. I worked all through my sophmore year and the following summer and was ready. I spotted an ad in the paper that stated “67 chevy $900”. I called the lady who happened to live one section over in Levittown and arranged to see the car in an hour. I called my Dad who was an auto mechanic and he drove home to take me over there. Well, that day my Dad bought himself a 67 corvette for $1000. The lady’s son died in Vietnam 12 years priior and the car had been sitting in her garage ever since, it had 6000 miles on it. There was no chance I was getting that beautiful car and though I didn’t understand at the time, I get it now. I did buy a 67 chevelle that year for $500 and totaled it the following year. That was one smart move by my Dad.

  • JulesG

    I enjoyed the episode and now I know what wine to serve to my mother-in-law next Christmas. She normally makes me buy a box of white zin for her, now I can spend the same amount and impress her with the bottle.

    QOTD – It was actually my Dad’s bargain but I was there. It was 1982, I was 15 and looking for my first car in the used car section of the local paper. I wanted a 67 chevelle and was willing to spend $2000.00. I worked all through my sophmore year and the following summer and was ready. I spotted an ad in the paper that stated “67 chevy $900”. I called the lady who happened to live one section over in Levittown and arranged to see the car in an hour. I called my Dad who was an auto mechanic and he drove home to take me over there. Well, that day my Dad bought himself a 67 corvette for $1000. The lady’s son died in Vietnam 12 years priior and the car had been sitting in her garage ever since, it had 6000 miles on it. There was no chance I was getting that beautiful car and though I didn’t understand at the time, I get it now. I did buy a 67 chevelle that year for $500 and totaled it the following year. That was one smart move by my Dad.

  • jprva

    QOTD: in terms of wine, probably $7.49 for the 2004 Kenwood Sauvignon Blanc. This was a fantastic summer wine. I bought 6 bottles before it sold out.

  • jprva

    QOTD: in terms of wine, probably $7.49 for the 2004 Kenwood Sauvignon Blanc. This was a fantastic summer wine. I bought 6 bottles before it sold out.

  • Craig


    Best wine deal – Half case of 1986 Blackwood Canyon Pinnacle (a Trockenbeerenauslese level Riesling) on close out at Fred Meyer. Still have a few bottles left Γ’?ΒΊ

  • Craig


    Best wine deal – Half case of 1986 Blackwood Canyon Pinnacle (a Trockenbeerenauslese level Riesling) on close out at Fred Meyer. Still have a few bottles left Γ’?ΒΊ

  • Matty Van – Tampa,FL

    Two Buck Vaynerchuck….hmmmm lets hope your wife does not call you that.

    QOD – WLTV hands down the best value in the history of the world. Gary thank you for doing the show, it has enriched my life and my wine world….Thank You

  • Matty Van – Tampa,FL

    Two Buck Vaynerchuck….hmmmm lets hope your wife does not call you that.

    QOD – WLTV hands down the best value in the history of the world. Gary thank you for doing the show, it has enriched my life and my wine world….Thank You

  • Kent I

    NICE episode!

    I didn’t even know Charles Shaw did Shiraz. Now I feel like I have to try it just to appease my own curiosity, but for god’s sake, I’m not made of money!

  • Kent I

    NICE episode!

    I didn’t even know Charles Shaw did Shiraz. Now I feel like I have to try it just to appease my own curiosity, but for god’s sake, I’m not made of money!

  • 56- cuz you hate Lawrence Taylor? Your getting cut…I’m going to send in a bloody Pat O’Brien jersey, along w/ a badly burned Broadway Joe picture to show you how much I loathe the little green pukies. Don’t talk trash in my town- Brandon Jacobs will split you in half!

  • 56- cuz you hate Lawrence Taylor? Your getting cut…I’m going to send in a bloody Pat O’Brien jersey, along w/ a badly burned Broadway Joe picture to show you how much I loathe the little green pukies. Don’t talk trash in my town- Brandon Jacobs will split you in half!

  • Herm

    Thanks for the episode….I will try some of the 2 buck wines….Qotd, if these wines pan out it could be the best deal ever….

  • Herm

    Thanks for the episode….I will try some of the 2 buck wines….Qotd, if these wines pan out it could be the best deal ever….

  • TheDumbPhase

    I loved the returning the Shaq figures bit. Charles Shaw isn’t wine, it’s Kool Aid w/ alcohol. BUT, if it gets people interested in wine that wouldn’t normally have been, it’s a good thing.
    QOTD- Best recent wine bargain was ’03 Don Melchor for $37.99 at a shop in Aberdeen. Cheapest other places is close to double that since the WS Top 100.

  • TheDumbPhase

    I loved the returning the Shaq figures bit. Charles Shaw isn’t wine, it’s Kool Aid w/ alcohol. BUT, if it gets people interested in wine that wouldn’t normally have been, it’s a good thing.
    QOTD- Best recent wine bargain was ’03 Don Melchor for $37.99 at a shop in Aberdeen. Cheapest other places is close to double that since the WS Top 100.

  • jonochicago

    QOTD: It’s gotta be Australian Shiraz, right?

  • jonochicago

    QOTD: It’s gotta be Australian Shiraz, right?

  • QOTD: Now we all know why K-Mart filed for bankruptcy! For me, I would say anything I buy at Costco.

    Love the episode. Especially because I have 3 bottles of the Shiraz and 3 bottles of the Sav. Blanc in my “cellar.” Both of those grapes can make good wine makers out of nearly anyone, so they are the ones that I get of the 2 buck Chuck.

    Thanks Wine Guy for takin’ one for the team.

  • QOTD: Now we all know why K-Mart filed for bankruptcy! For me, I would say anything I buy at Costco.

    Love the episode. Especially because I have 3 bottles of the Shiraz and 3 bottles of the Sav. Blanc in my “cellar.” Both of those grapes can make good wine makers out of nearly anyone, so they are the ones that I get of the 2 buck Chuck.

    Thanks Wine Guy for takin’ one for the team.

  • cdavis

    QOTD: It was the summer of 1998 and there was a gas station selling 87 unleaded for 92 cents a gallon. At the time I didn’t know it but that was the best bargain I have ever had. =)

  • cdavis

    QOTD: It was the summer of 1998 and there was a gas station selling 87 unleaded for 92 cents a gallon. At the time I didn’t know it but that was the best bargain I have ever had. =)

  • Dave Canada

    Never tried those….by the sounds of your ratings though not such a huge deal. I’ll give them a try though for kicks sometime when I get down south.
    QOTD – My wife….not idea how I scored that one?

  • Dave Canada

    Never tried those….by the sounds of your ratings though not such a huge deal. I’ll give them a try though for kicks sometime when I get down south.
    QOTD – My wife….not idea how I scored that one?

  • mas

    I never had 2-3-4 Buck Chuck and now I know not to let my curiosity get the better of me. I wonder why the bother creating vintage wines – it seems to me they would be much better off blending across vintages – I can’t imagine them getting passable excess juice in every vintage …

    QOTD: ’98 Vieux Donjon CdP for $19.99.

  • SoCal

    I almost threw up watching you!
    Having grown up around the corner for TJ’s I can tell you Charles Shaw is horrible.
    There you could of asked me and saved your pallet! πŸ™‚
    QOTD: When I bought a mixed case of SLV from 1985-1987 for $80 per bottle two years ago.

  • mas

    I never had 2-3-4 Buck Chuck and now I know not to let my curiosity get the better of me. I wonder why the bother creating vintage wines – it seems to me they would be much better off blending across vintages – I can’t imagine them getting passable excess juice in every vintage …

    QOTD: ’98 Vieux Donjon CdP for $19.99.

  • SoCal

    I almost threw up watching you!
    Having grown up around the corner for TJ’s I can tell you Charles Shaw is horrible.
    There you could of asked me and saved your pallet! πŸ™‚
    QOTD: When I bought a mixed case of SLV from 1985-1987 for $80 per bottle two years ago.


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