EP 212 2 Buck Vaynerchuk

Wines tasted in this episode:

Links mentioned in todays episode.

Today Gary Vaynerchuk attacks the question that has been asked of him over 100 times a month.

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Tags: cabernet, merlot, red wines, review, Video, white wines, wine, wines

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  • mbannon

    Awesome episode Gary. Hilarious. Can’t wait to play it for my neighbor, the Little-Penguin-freak-juice drinker.

    Charles Shaw wines suck!
    Yellow Tail sucks!
    Little Penguin sucks!

    Gimme a $6 Spanish white any day.

  • mbannon

    Awesome episode Gary. Hilarious. Can’t wait to play it for my neighbor, the Little-Penguin-freak-juice drinker.

    Charles Shaw wines suck!
    Yellow Tail sucks!
    Little Penguin sucks!

    Gimme a $6 Spanish white any day.

  • OhioPride

    In the yard with your action figure in your underwear, hey where’s my Big Wheel?
    Open mind yes, I just can’t usually make it through one of those bottles. Terrible.

    QOTD-1999 Chateau St. Michelle Columbia Valley Cab, man that was a nice wine for $13.99

  • OhioPride

    In the yard with your action figure in your underwear, hey where’s my Big Wheel?
    Open mind yes, I just can’t usually make it through one of those bottles. Terrible.

    QOTD-1999 Chateau St. Michelle Columbia Valley Cab, man that was a nice wine for $13.99

  • Dom

    Your expressions were priceless! Great show though I wouldn’t set foot in a Trader Joes since the one near my chateau is disgusting. Actually, since I live in one of the worse “wine states” (MD) I bet our Trader Joes doesn’t even carry wine. Doesn’t matter, I won’t try it.

    QOTD: Best bargain? Looking back probably buying my mint condition ’68 Roadrunner for $800 and selling it for $1100. Of course, the new owner totalled it a day after he had it. 🙁

  • Dom

    Your expressions were priceless! Great show though I wouldn’t set foot in a Trader Joes since the one near my chateau is disgusting. Actually, since I live in one of the worse “wine states” (MD) I bet our Trader Joes doesn’t even carry wine. Doesn’t matter, I won’t try it.

    QOTD: Best bargain? Looking back probably buying my mint condition ’68 Roadrunner for $800 and selling it for $1100. Of course, the new owner totalled it a day after he had it. 🙁

  • dublin

    UNREAL!!! 2 buck chuck, I’m floored! I wouldn’t use that toxic waste to make Sangria. Franzia buys up all the grapes in Central California that is usually used for grape juice (like the kind you got in elementary school lunch line) and makes wine out of it. Ferments it in huge steel casks much like the one’s you see in front of Budwieser breweries. There’s always a business person out there to give American products a bad name. Thanks Franzia. NOT!
    QOTD: Got a bottle of Cheval Blanc 99′ for $80 on WineCommune, it was life changing.

  • dublin

    UNREAL!!! 2 buck chuck, I’m floored! I wouldn’t use that toxic waste to make Sangria. Franzia buys up all the grapes in Central California that is usually used for grape juice (like the kind you got in elementary school lunch line) and makes wine out of it. Ferments it in huge steel casks much like the one’s you see in front of Budwieser breweries. There’s always a business person out there to give American products a bad name. Thanks Franzia. NOT!
    QOTD: Got a bottle of Cheval Blanc 99′ for $80 on WineCommune, it was life changing.

  • glenn

    i stopped 1/2 way thru – YOU DISSED LT??? don’t be coming to Cali with that ‘tude b/c we will throw down.

    in the argument of Greatest Linebacker Ever and YOU DISS HIM???

    sad thing is i KNEW you were going 56 and KNEW you would besmerch the great LT even before the words came out of your filthy pie-hole.

    may you bathe in a tub of CS Gamay Yuck!

  • glenn

    i stopped 1/2 way thru – YOU DISSED LT??? don’t be coming to Cali with that ‘tude b/c we will throw down.

    in the argument of Greatest Linebacker Ever and YOU DISS HIM???

    sad thing is i KNEW you were going 56 and KNEW you would besmerch the great LT even before the words came out of your filthy pie-hole.

    may you bathe in a tub of CS Gamay Yuck!

  • Matt B DC

    WOW! I never thought you’d do it, Gary V. This is a top 10 episode just for the wine knowledge you dropped on ol’ chuck.

    Best deal ever? I did get a mega steal on the free shipping two offers ago from WLTV, but I don’t think that’s the best. Probably when I bought my Corolla and went into the dealership with a sheet on every cost that contributes to the car. I informed them what I would pay for, what they would throw in for free, what I didn’t want, what I would deduct from my offer for those things, and then I told them how much profit they would get.

  • Matt B DC

    WOW! I never thought you’d do it, Gary V. This is a top 10 episode just for the wine knowledge you dropped on ol’ chuck.

    Best deal ever? I did get a mega steal on the free shipping two offers ago from WLTV, but I don’t think that’s the best. Probably when I bought my Corolla and went into the dealership with a sheet on every cost that contributes to the car. I informed them what I would pay for, what they would throw in for free, what I didn’t want, what I would deduct from my offer for those things, and then I told them how much profit they would get.

  • Snarf

    Best bargain for a non-sale/clearance wine: 1996 Io Syrah big WS rating and local store had it priced at $20 per bottle. SHould have been $40 per bottle. Obviously an inexperienced person divided by 12 instead of 6 when posting the price (they came in 6 packs).

  • Snarf

    Best bargain for a non-sale/clearance wine: 1996 Io Syrah big WS rating and local store had it priced at $20 per bottle. SHould have been $40 per bottle. Obviously an inexperienced person divided by 12 instead of 6 when posting the price (they came in 6 packs).

  • RonC

    Great episode !!! Over the past 2 years I’ve had quite a bit of the Charles Shaw Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz. I thought the Shiraz was pretty good, the Merlot OK and the Cabernet Sauvignon a last resort. I wonder how many of your readers will acyually admit they drink this ‘wine’ on occasion.

  • RonC

    Great episode !!! Over the past 2 years I’ve had quite a bit of the Charles Shaw Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz. I thought the Shiraz was pretty good, the Merlot OK and the Cabernet Sauvignon a last resort. I wonder how many of your readers will acyually admit they drink this ‘wine’ on occasion.

  • dadobs

    Dirty-gremlin-and-loose-hamster-nose…hahaha…I haven’t laughed that hard in weeks. You killed, GV…and that’s before the great facial expressions.

    So which episode’s been the toughest: the one outside in the blizzard, the one where you ate raw peppers, or this one? Whatever the case, exceptionally entertaining effort. Kudos!

  • dadobs

    Dirty-gremlin-and-loose-hamster-nose…hahaha…I haven’t laughed that hard in weeks. You killed, GV…and that’s before the great facial expressions.

    So which episode’s been the toughest: the one outside in the blizzard, the one where you ate raw peppers, or this one? Whatever the case, exceptionally entertaining effort. Kudos!

  • Kathy

    A trader Joes just opened up by me. Don’t understand the mania. Was scared to try the 3-buck chuck here. Glad I didn’t. Other wines were not a deal. Can get most of them cheaper at Costco.
    I heard that Costco is the #1 wine retailer in the nation. Is that so?? I have found that for buget drinking a wine from there is safe. Just not very exciting.
    Buying a Ford Pinto for 500 bones. Fixing in up, driving it for 4 years and selling it for 250 bones. Those were the good old days.

  • Kathy

    A trader Joes just opened up by me. Don’t understand the mania. Was scared to try the 3-buck chuck here. Glad I didn’t. Other wines were not a deal. Can get most of them cheaper at Costco.
    I heard that Costco is the #1 wine retailer in the nation. Is that so?? I have found that for buget drinking a wine from there is safe. Just not very exciting.
    Buying a Ford Pinto for 500 bones. Fixing in up, driving it for 4 years and selling it for 250 bones. Those were the good old days.

  • Jer

    Best deal — fee shippin from WL! Nice episode, but I think I’ll pass on the Trader.

  • Jer

    Best deal — fee shippin from WL! Nice episode, but I think I’ll pass on the Trader.

  • Interestingly, I added a Charles Shaw Merlot to blind tasting of random red wines. Everyone thought it was “very drinkable”.

  • Interestingly, I added a Charles Shaw Merlot to blind tasting of random red wines. Everyone thought it was “very drinkable”.

  • H-Why

    Okay, so I’m not running out to TJ’s to get wine. UnFortunately where I live in South Jersey, Trader Joe’s doesn’t carry wines, so I doubt that I will trek out to find event the Syrah. Thanks for taking the bullet for us all.

  • H-Why

    Okay, so I’m not running out to TJ’s to get wine. UnFortunately where I live in South Jersey, Trader Joe’s doesn’t carry wines, so I doubt that I will trek out to find event the Syrah. Thanks for taking the bullet for us all.

  • Bobinnati

    Very entertaining. Your facial expressions are priceless. You don’t even need to speak! I’ve tried some 2 Buck in the distant past – the Merlot, Beaujolais (which was given to me), the Cab and the Shiraz. The only one I thought was worth spit was the Shiraz. Even my unsophisticated and untrained palate could tell that the others were, how to say this politely, “deficient”.

    Speaking of deficient, I was at my local grocery store last night perusing the wine selection. I spent some time in the little temp controlled room where the “good stuff” is kept just drooling over some of what was there, knowing it will probably be a long time before I can ever afford any of it. Then I went out to where the more pedestrian offerings were shelved and looked for what might be a bargain. I picked out a bottle of Pillar Box Red and then found a bottle of Shiraz from a brand from Australia called Fish Eyes. It was only $5.99 which set off some alarm bells for me, but I thought, WWGD – what would Gary do? Well, Gary would be open-minded and not have preconceived notions, so I said, what the heck, I’ll try it. As you mentioned in this episode, it’s hard to screw up a Syrah (or Shiraz) so it ought to be at least tolerable. Well I opened it tonight and I’ll have to tell you, at $5.99, it is WAY overpriced. Ba-a-a-a-a-a-d. No nose to speak of, light bodied, thin, almost no real wine flavor. Stay away, stay far away. There, I was open-minded and got my **s handed to me. Oh well, not an expensive mistake.

    But on the bargain side, there is a Shiraz called Purple Moon that can also be bought at TJ’s for

  • Bobinnati

    Very entertaining. Your facial expressions are priceless. You don’t even need to speak! I’ve tried some 2 Buck in the distant past – the Merlot, Beaujolais (which was given to me), the Cab and the Shiraz. The only one I thought was worth spit was the Shiraz. Even my unsophisticated and untrained palate could tell that the others were, how to say this politely, “deficient”.

    Speaking of deficient, I was at my local grocery store last night perusing the wine selection. I spent some time in the little temp controlled room where the “good stuff” is kept just drooling over some of what was there, knowing it will probably be a long time before I can ever afford any of it. Then I went out to where the more pedestrian offerings were shelved and looked for what might be a bargain. I picked out a bottle of Pillar Box Red and then found a bottle of Shiraz from a brand from Australia called Fish Eyes. It was only $5.99 which set off some alarm bells for me, but I thought, WWGD – what would Gary do? Well, Gary would be open-minded and not have preconceived notions, so I said, what the heck, I’ll try it. As you mentioned in this episode, it’s hard to screw up a Syrah (or Shiraz) so it ought to be at least tolerable. Well I opened it tonight and I’ll have to tell you, at $5.99, it is WAY overpriced. Ba-a-a-a-a-a-d. No nose to speak of, light bodied, thin, almost no real wine flavor. Stay away, stay far away. There, I was open-minded and got my **s handed to me. Oh well, not an expensive mistake.

    But on the bargain side, there is a Shiraz called Purple Moon that can also be bought at TJ’s for

  • Susan

    Surprising effort by you!
    Can’t believe you did an ep on these wines!
    You are truely creative!!!

  • Susan

    Surprising effort by you!
    Can’t believe you did an ep on these wines!
    You are truely creative!!!

  • Bobinnati

    Hmmm. Must be a limit on the length of a comment. What I was trying to say was Purple Moon Shiraz is far superior to Shaw Shiraz and is only around $5 per bottle. Not life changing, but great QPR and quite pleasant.

  • Bobinnati

    Hmmm. Must be a limit on the length of a comment. What I was trying to say was Purple Moon Shiraz is far superior to Shaw Shiraz and is only around $5 per bottle. Not life changing, but great QPR and quite pleasant.

  • Capt M

    Hey Gary, this has got to be the FUNNIEST WLTV episode EVER, bar non! I laughed from start to end. Your face when looking at the pale chard was to die laughing. This episode is worth a lot not just for the experience (that we don’t need to go through), but for the laughter it inspired. Do be careful with law suits, even though you were not trying to be funny, but were as sincere as ever. Good job. Again, I pay money for a good laughter if I have to. Time well spent.

  • Capt M

    Hey Gary, this has got to be the FUNNIEST WLTV episode EVER, bar non! I laughed from start to end. Your face when looking at the pale chard was to die laughing. This episode is worth a lot not just for the experience (that we don’t need to go through), but for the laughter it inspired. Do be careful with law suits, even though you were not trying to be funny, but were as sincere as ever. Good job. Again, I pay money for a good laughter if I have to. Time well spent.

  • GottaGoDrink

    QOTD- Best bargain. In 2002, we get invited to a birthday party in the incredible isle of St. John, USVI, my buddy gets the villa for a week for the wife’s birthday, all of us stay for free, the following weekend at a benefit golf tournament, I win the raffle drawing…two free airline tix anywhere in the US or (you guessed it) USVI. Sweet! The buddy stocked the house with Turley, Dominus, and Heitz, and we rocked out into the night.

    Gary- Great episode. You are the man of the people.

  • GottaGoDrink

    QOTD- Best bargain. In 2002, we get invited to a birthday party in the incredible isle of St. John, USVI, my buddy gets the villa for a week for the wife’s birthday, all of us stay for free, the following weekend at a benefit golf tournament, I win the raffle drawing…two free airline tix anywhere in the US or (you guessed it) USVI. Sweet! The buddy stocked the house with Turley, Dominus, and Heitz, and we rocked out into the night.

    Gary- Great episode. You are the man of the people.

  • jason carey

    best wine deal,,, 4 bottles 1982 Gruad Larosse in 1992 for 50 dollars a bottle.

  • jason carey

    best wine deal,,, 4 bottles 1982 Gruad Larosse in 1992 for 50 dollars a bottle.

  • ecola

    We started buying Two Buck since we could afford to buy a case at a time (recovering beer drinkers, sorry!)

    Now it’s been regulated to what we give our friends after the bar closes, since A.) they’re not wine drinkers & B.) they’re too hammered to tell that it’s crap, even though they don’t drink wine.

    9 bottles left to get rid of, I think I may start using it for cooking.

    ecola’s lady

    QOOD: My WL wristband! I didn’t even know it was coming!

  • ecola

    We started buying Two Buck since we could afford to buy a case at a time (recovering beer drinkers, sorry!)

    Now it’s been regulated to what we give our friends after the bar closes, since A.) they’re not wine drinkers & B.) they’re too hammered to tell that it’s crap, even though they don’t drink wine.

    9 bottles left to get rid of, I think I may start using it for cooking.

    ecola’s lady

    QOOD: My WL wristband! I didn’t even know it was coming!

  • Brookhouser

    Good episode…I’ll pass on the 2.00 wine and just eat the captain crunch!

  • Brookhouser

    Good episode…I’ll pass on the 2.00 wine and just eat the captain crunch!

  • Thanks Gary!

    My wine class did a Blind Tasting, and the Charles Shaw Cab was one of the ones we tasted. We all thought we were drinking Zinfandel, and at first, we liked it. But, as soon as we let the wine breathe, it turned into pretty much what you just tasted on your show. My suggestion to anyone still intent on drinking their cab, Do it really fast. You might even want to think about drinking directly from the bottle. 🙂

  • Thanks Gary!

    My wine class did a Blind Tasting, and the Charles Shaw Cab was one of the ones we tasted. We all thought we were drinking Zinfandel, and at first, we liked it. But, as soon as we let the wine breathe, it turned into pretty much what you just tasted on your show. My suggestion to anyone still intent on drinking their cab, Do it really fast. You might even want to think about drinking directly from the bottle. 🙂

  • johnmaki

    owned Chalone stock 100 shares for many years – did nothing $8-10.
    Offer by Constellation Wines to buy at~ $12 and while selling for that price a $1 share wine credit
    was offered with the buyout. I bought 900 more shares to get the wine credits knowing I would get my money back in a few months on the sale. Several weeks later, Diageo made an offer at ~#14 still including the wine credit. Also a fifteen year wine club offer was made for discount pricing and free tastings at the ~8 Chalone wineries. As it turned out with the Diageo sale, BV and Sterling were added to the wine club list. This year they’ve added a $.50 wine credit/share as a bonus.
    In Summary, got $1500 of wine credits (worth 50% of wine club price) and the stock appreciation to pay for it all; i.e. ~$3500 of free wine!

  • johnmaki

    owned Chalone stock 100 shares for many years – did nothing $8-10.
    Offer by Constellation Wines to buy at~ $12 and while selling for that price a $1 share wine credit
    was offered with the buyout. I bought 900 more shares to get the wine credits knowing I would get my money back in a few months on the sale. Several weeks later, Diageo made an offer at ~#14 still including the wine credit. Also a fifteen year wine club offer was made for discount pricing and free tastings at the ~8 Chalone wineries. As it turned out with the Diageo sale, BV and Sterling were added to the wine club list. This year they’ve added a $.50 wine credit/share as a bonus.
    In Summary, got $1500 of wine credits (worth 50% of wine club price) and the stock appreciation to pay for it all; i.e. ~$3500 of free wine!

  • Autumnfox

    You poor man…how strong willed you must be to continue on to the next bottle.
    QOTD: Not really a shopper but getting items at 80% with an added 30% off…who could resist?

  • Autumnfox

    You poor man…how strong willed you must be to continue on to the next bottle.
    QOTD: Not really a shopper but getting items at 80% with an added 30% off…who could resist?

  • The Smartest Girl in San Franc

    WoW! What an opening shot! And there’s the little wristband! I feel like the wristband is like an easter egg — somewhere in every show, there should be a wristband…

    I’m digging the hair today too! Nice and spiky. Sorta Wolverine-y.

    LOL – I love it when you try to get the taste out of your mouth as you’re pouring the wine out. And I love it when you taste wines that you hate. It’s fun!

    QOTD: Two free kitties.

  • The Smartest Girl in San Francisco

    WoW! What an opening shot! And there’s the little wristband! I feel like the wristband is like an easter egg — somewhere in every show, there should be a wristband…

    I’m digging the hair today too! Nice and spiky. Sorta Wolverine-y.

    LOL – I love it when you try to get the taste out of your mouth as you’re pouring the wine out. And I love it when you taste wines that you hate. It’s fun!

    QOTD: Two free kitties.


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