EP 212 2 Buck Vaynerchuk

Wines tasted in this episode:

Links mentioned in todays episode.

Today Gary Vaynerchuk attacks the question that has been asked of him over 100 times a month.

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Tags: cabernet, merlot, red wines, review, Video, white wines, wine, wines

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  • ken

    After listening to your reviews of the TRADER JOEâ??S from THE BRONCO WINE COMPANY, CHARLES SHAW BLEND wines, Iâ??m not quite sure that I would even use them for cooking. The possible exception might be the Syrah. Quite frankly, I am a little surprised that the camera lens did not end up with wine all over it after you tasted the Gamay and the Cab. When are people going to learn that you canâ??t make Cab that is drinkable and sell it for â??$2, $3 or $4, depending what market you are inâ??

    QOTD: Best bargain that I ever got was a pair of brand new Atomic skis and bindings that I paid $300 for when they would normally retail for about $800. I wondered whether they were hot but I see that the guy I bought them from is still in business. Best wine bargain I ever got was actually from Trader Joeâ??s. Two years ago Trader Joeâ??s was selling Rosemount Estate GSM for $10. A steal!

  • ken

    After listening to your reviews of the TRADER JOEâ??S from THE BRONCO WINE COMPANY, CHARLES SHAW BLEND wines, Iâ??m not quite sure that I would even use them for cooking. The possible exception might be the Syrah. Quite frankly, I am a little surprised that the camera lens did not end up with wine all over it after you tasted the Gamay and the Cab. When are people going to learn that you canâ??t make Cab that is drinkable and sell it for â??$2, $3 or $4, depending what market you are inâ??

    QOTD: Best bargain that I ever got was a pair of brand new Atomic skis and bindings that I paid $300 for when they would normally retail for about $800. I wondered whether they were hot but I see that the guy I bought them from is still in business. Best wine bargain I ever got was actually from Trader Joeâ??s. Two years ago Trader Joeâ??s was selling Rosemount Estate GSM for $10. A steal!

  • boyd

    Great episode. Gave me some good descriptors to tell my bro why I don’t like this juice at all. His wine “collection” is predominantly 2 buck chuck.

    QOTD: Best bargain Pinot I’ve ever had is the Freja right here from WineLibrary. Great stuff.

  • boyd

    Great episode. Gave me some good descriptors to tell my bro why I don’t like this juice at all. His wine “collection” is predominantly 2 buck chuck.

    QOTD: Best bargain Pinot I’ve ever had is the Freja right here from WineLibrary. Great stuff.

  • Gman

    I think this was a profound episode. Thank you, thank you thank you for taking it for the team. I have tried “TRADER JOEâ??S from THE BRONCO WINE COMPANY, CHARLES SHAW BLEND wines” once and was at a loss for words how to describe the wine other than, wet, Red, and vague-ly alchoholy.

    Best bargain was when my local and beloved wiine shop (who hasn’t gotten nearly enough of my buisiness since I found WL) had some 10+ year old Chateau Picque Calliou (sp?) on offer for $10.00/btl. I bought like a case and half and went back for more, but they said it was no longer good. What a great place.

    Man, those were the days. Aged Bordeaux at soda pop prices.


  • Gman

    I think this was a profound episode. Thank you, thank you thank you for taking it for the team. I have tried “TRADER JOEâ??S from THE BRONCO WINE COMPANY, CHARLES SHAW BLEND wines” once and was at a loss for words how to describe the wine other than, wet, Red, and vague-ly alchoholy.

    Best bargain was when my local and beloved wiine shop (who hasn’t gotten nearly enough of my buisiness since I found WL) had some 10+ year old Chateau Picque Calliou (sp?) on offer for $10.00/btl. I bought like a case and half and went back for more, but they said it was no longer good. What a great place.

    Man, those were the days. Aged Bordeaux at soda pop prices.


  • Bought a couple of polaroid 690’s for $125 a piece and sold them on ebay for over $800 per.


  • Bought a couple of polaroid 690’s for $125 a piece and sold them on ebay for over $800 per.


  • big mitch

    great episode on the shaw wines. I was very curious how you felt, I wont even cook with them

  • big mitch

    great episode on the shaw wines. I was very curious how you felt, I wont even cook with them

  • GregL

    Don’t give that Shiraz too good a score had a bottle the other day and it smelled & tasted like rotten lettuce!

  • GregL

    Don’t give that Shiraz too good a score had a bottle the other day and it smelled & tasted like rotten lettuce!

  • J Crazy

    Best deal? A free three days in Thailand cuz the tour guide went AWOL and left me and my girl to fend for ourselves. I called the tour agency and gave them some interesting and quite novel ways of inserting their head in different bodily orifices. The hotel and the flight was comped. 2 buck Chizzy is definately a good deal. Like buying a Yugo for 38 cents or a trip to Fresno, Cali for a roll of toilet paper. I was surprise once at how good the Chuck was. Much love to Trader Joe’s. They have great business ethic and are doing good things.

  • J Crazy

    Best deal? A free three days in Thailand cuz the tour guide went AWOL and left me and my girl to fend for ourselves. I called the tour agency and gave them some interesting and quite novel ways of inserting their head in different bodily orifices. The hotel and the flight was comped. 2 buck Chizzy is definately a good deal. Like buying a Yugo for 38 cents or a trip to Fresno, Cali for a roll of toilet paper. I was surprise once at how good the Chuck was. Much love to Trader Joe’s. They have great business ethic and are doing good things.

  • Bobinnati

    Boo-boo in comment 89. Fish Eye is from Cali not Australia. Sorry, but it is still nasty no matter where it comes from.

  • Bobinnati

    Boo-boo in comment 89. Fish Eye is from Cali not Australia. Sorry, but it is still nasty no matter where it comes from.

  • Gary, my friend, you took one for the team on this episode.

  • Gary, my friend, you took one for the team on this episode.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    While I have not had 2 buck chuck recently, a lot of people at work who are new to wine enjoy it. So thank you for reviewing these wines. It is interesting that one new wine drinker at work said he liked the Shiraz the best of the red wines. So even new wine drinkers can tell which wines are better. We will plan to watch this episode again at work. Good job.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    While I have not had 2 buck chuck recently, a lot of people at work who are new to wine enjoy it. So thank you for reviewing these wines. It is interesting that one new wine drinker at work said he liked the Shiraz the best of the red wines. So even new wine drinkers can tell which wines are better. We will plan to watch this episode again at work. Good job.

  • Ross

    So it doesn’t even taste like wine, but it gets 56 points? What? How the hell does that work?

  • Ross

    So it doesn’t even taste like wine, but it gets 56 points? What? How the hell does that work?

  • Best bargain: a book I bought for 18,99. I gave twenty, they gave back on 50. I only saw when I ws at home … .
    Still a whole lot of these 2-3 EUR wines out here, that put up the same show. Gruesome. Ever tried Liebfraumilch? U know then …

  • Best bargain: a book I bought for 18,99. I gave twenty, they gave back on 50. I only saw when I ws at home … .
    Still a whole lot of these 2-3 EUR wines out here, that put up the same show. Gruesome. Ever tried Liebfraumilch? U know then …

  • GeneV

    Great episode. I’ve also found that vineyards in less well known areas, and vineyards with less than stellar track records seem to be able to produce a drinkable syrah or sauvignon blanc. I often find that to be the case with local wineries. So far, I have not tried a Charles Shaw that was better than the jug wines at the same price, but TJ’s does get kudos for offering a wide selection of inexpensive wines.

  • GeneV

    Great episode. I’ve also found that vineyards in less well known areas, and vineyards with less than stellar track records seem to be able to produce a drinkable syrah or sauvignon blanc. I often find that to be the case with local wineries. So far, I have not tried a Charles Shaw that was better than the jug wines at the same price, but TJ’s does get kudos for offering a wide selection of inexpensive wines.

  • Rink Man

    Great Show! I love that you did this. I sent the link to my brother who still brings over this lousy wine to my house and tries to convince me that it is good. ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!!

    QTD – My best bargain lately is getting great advice on wine from WLTV and getting great wines…love the Cava sparklers, the Menage a Trois (better than Conundrum!)and many others Thanks!

    My other great bargain was buying a 2001 740 IL from a 70 year old lady who did not like the car. Best car I have ever had and I bought if for her asking price!

  • Rink Man

    Great Show! I love that you did this. I sent the link to my brother who still brings over this lousy wine to my house and tries to convince me that it is good. ARRRRRRRRRRRGH!!

    QTD – My best bargain lately is getting great advice on wine from WLTV and getting great wines…love the Cava sparklers, the Menage a Trois (better than Conundrum!)and many others Thanks!

    My other great bargain was buying a 2001 740 IL from a 70 year old lady who did not like the car. Best car I have ever had and I bought if for her asking price!

  • SoCalDaveBandito

    This may have been my all time favorite episode.

    Watching Gary sweat through those tastings was too much… and the title was classic “2 Buck Vaynerchuck”. Fantastic.

  • SoCalDaveBandito

    This may have been my all time favorite episode.

    Watching Gary sweat through those tastings was too much… and the title was classic “2 Buck Vaynerchuck”. Fantastic.

  • Michael Goldberg

    You drank my wines! Yeah!

    We are in the $3 Market. Out West is the $2 market.

    Garry, I am laughing so hard right now other people in the law library are staring at me.

    QotD: Spending $18 to make Gary Vaynerchuk take the 2 Buck Chuck Challenge.

    Also, thanks for the wristband. Awesome. You’ll get the picture, don’t worry.

  • Michael Goldberg

    You drank my wines! Yeah!

    We are in the $3 Market. Out West is the $2 market.

    Garry, I am laughing so hard right now other people in the law library are staring at me.

    QotD: Spending $18 to make Gary Vaynerchuk take the 2 Buck Chuck Challenge.

    Also, thanks for the wristband. Awesome. You’ll get the picture, don’t worry.

  • Randy B

    First and foremost, where are my writbands? I was like the third person to request them.

    Best bargain, as a kid it had to be paying $.50 to swim at the local high school’s “Swim Center.” If you were careful enough and didn’t wash the stamp off of your hand, you could swim there three days.

    As an adult, best bargin was three bottles of 2000 Giscours Margaux for $29.99 apiece. I bought the stuff in a Texas “wine shop” what can I say? At least the store had air conditioning.


  • Randy B

    First and foremost, where are my writbands? I was like the third person to request them.

    Best bargain, as a kid it had to be paying $.50 to swim at the local high school’s “Swim Center.” If you were careful enough and didn’t wash the stamp off of your hand, you could swim there three days.

    As an adult, best bargin was three bottles of 2000 Giscours Margaux for $29.99 apiece. I bought the stuff in a Texas “wine shop” what can I say? At least the store had air conditioning.


  • Winodontist

    About pissed myself when you asked for another glass after tasting the Beaujolais.
    Who needs Saturday Night Live when you could watch these videos on your own time?

  • Winodontist

    About pissed myself when you asked for another glass after tasting the Beaujolais.
    Who needs Saturday Night Live when you could watch these videos on your own time?

  • zny

    They don’t sell this wine in NJ, but bronco sells “Crane Lake” and its starting to pop up at all the stores lately for 2-3.99. The cab is good but the syrah, merlot… disgisting! For the extra three bucks you can get a decent yellowtail!

  • zny

    They don’t sell this wine in NJ, but bronco sells “Crane Lake” and its starting to pop up at all the stores lately for 2-3.99. The cab is good but the syrah, merlot… disgisting! For the extra three bucks you can get a decent yellowtail!

  • John P

    Gary, did you know that TJ’s wine makes a good drain cleaner.
    Yep, and it’s cheap too. I believe in spending twice as much
    and drinking half as much. A bottle of Chat Pavie 2000 will
    get me a sip, but what a sip.
    You’re still my destination Wine Shoppeee….

  • John P

    Gary, did you know that TJ’s wine makes a good drain cleaner.
    Yep, and it’s cheap too. I believe in spending twice as much
    and drinking half as much. A bottle of Chat Pavie 2000 will
    get me a sip, but what a sip.
    You’re still my destination Wine Shoppeee….

  • stebs1

    I’ve had 2 buck chuck 2004 and 2005. I can tell you the 2005 merlot is much better than the 2004. Perhaps they had better results in 2005 vintage as your tasting might suggest. It seems like the shiraz and merlot are the only ones to consider. Thanks for doing the tASTING.

  • stebs1

    I’ve had 2 buck chuck 2004 and 2005. I can tell you the 2005 merlot is much better than the 2004. Perhaps they had better results in 2005 vintage as your tasting might suggest. It seems like the shiraz and merlot are the only ones to consider. Thanks for doing the tASTING.

  • Best bargain, everything else, other than the Charles Shaw, that Trader Joe’s sells.

  • Best bargain, everything else, other than the Charles Shaw, that Trader Joe’s sells.

  • Great episode…gremlins? hamsters??? only Gary would come up with that to describe the aroma!!

    If you wanna taste really bad wines try a Jepson Chardonnay (CA) and a Little Pengiun White Shiraz (Australia). They are soooo bad!

    Best bargains? Chilean wines…they are so cheap, but so great!

  • Great episode…gremlins? hamsters??? only Gary would come up with that to describe the aroma!!

    If you wanna taste really bad wines try a Jepson Chardonnay (CA) and a Little Pengiun White Shiraz (Australia). They are soooo bad!

    Best bargains? Chilean wines…they are so cheap, but so great!

  • Matt B DC

    Best Bargin? Probably Bombay Saphire. *rimshot*

  • Matt B DC

    Best Bargin? Probably Bombay Saphire. *rimshot*

  • desmaic

    ouch!… why would you do it to yourself?

    you know i could probably hook you up with some thunderbird or night train… maybe some boones farm apple wine product, i hear those are tasting well this vintage… sorry but it needed to be said.

  • desmaic

    ouch!… why would you do it to yourself?

    you know i could probably hook you up with some thunderbird or night train… maybe some boones farm apple wine product, i hear those are tasting well this vintage… sorry but it needed to be said.


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