EP 327 Beer Library TV

Today Gary tastes some beer. In a much requested episode, today Gary puts down the wine glass and hoists the beer stein.

Beers tasted in this episode:

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale
Rogue Imperial Ipa
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen

If you’d like additional help with the above beers or would just like to know a little bit more, please email Alec Yankus ( [email protected] ).

Cheese mentioned in todays episode.

If you’d like additional help with the above item or would just like to know a little bit more, please email Justin Novello ( [email protected] ).

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John Reese

Gary. I will pumpkin pie you under the table.

Tags: ale, beer, review, Video

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  • Randall

    NO, you DON'T ALWAYS pour the beer down the middle of the glass, newbie!!!! It depends on the beer and the amount of head that is desired for each type you are enjoying. Many Belgians and other beers would foam all over the table if you followed your “golden rule”. Please don't pass on such tripe to other Vayniacs.

  • John_Kenneth_J

    I was a little weary of a beer episode but that was fun

  • corkscrew

    beerlibraryTV….will have a beer now and then, mostly during summer. http://www.winelx.com

  • Epic double facepalm!

  • Anonymous

    Hey Gary, I brought some Harpoon IPA to Thanksgiving yesterday. Everyone that tried it said it was really good. I’m gonna go watch some more beer episodes now. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. This was an excellent show (as usual!)!

  • Gary. I will pumpkin pie you under the table.


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