EP 351 Wines To Have On A Birthday With Chocolate Cake

On his 32nd Birthday Gary cracks a few wines with a Special Guest. This has all the makings of a classsssic episode of WLTV! bubbles, sweets and a red wine. Join in today!

Wines tasted in this episode:

Coutier Brut RoseFrench Brut Rose
2006 Rochioli ChardonnaySonoma Chardonnay

Chambers Rosewood MuscatAustralian Dessert Wine

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Austin Green

It’s too bad I was only recently introduced to this show. I love the energy, and of course the wine.

It would have been great to watch while it was still going on.

Gary’s passion originally inspired me to start my own website nononsensefitnesstips.com

Tags: brut, cabernet, dessert wine, red, review, rose, Sauvignon, Video

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  • Kelly S

    Happy belated B-Day or early one for this year. Great show!!! Your dad is a hoot! You have got to have him on more often. I’ve been watching your show since July 4, 2008 and just got around to this one. Not a lurker.
    Q O T D : You both are!!! Your dad is like a dessert wine, very sweet. You are like champagne, bubbly and tickles the fancy.
    P.S. If you really want to be a fan to a really bad football team you can take my Dolphins. TAKE THEM PLEASE!!! Ha Ha.

  • Kelly S

    Happy belated B-Day or early one for this year. Great show!!! Your dad is a hoot! You have got to have him on more often. I’ve been watching your show since July 4, 2008 and just got around to this one. Not a lurker.
    Q O T D : You both are!!! Your dad is like a dessert wine, very sweet. You are like champagne, bubbly and tickles the fancy.
    P.S. If you really want to be a fan to a really bad football team you can take my Dolphins. TAKE THEM PLEASE!!! Ha Ha.

  • A bit late but Happy Birthday!

  • A bit late but Happy Birthday!

  • Slushpuppy

    Happy belated 32nd BD Gary from Walter Payton (Sweetness} Chicago Bears!

  • Slushpuppy

    Happy belated 32nd BD Gary from Walter Payton (Sweetness} Chicago Bears!

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Happy birthday, Gary! With all the hard work you do for your family and us you deserve it. Clearly one of the best WLTV episodes of all time. I smell a co-host in the near future. Your dad is an absolute riot. I really would love to see him make guest appearances in the future. Probably the funniest episode of WLTV so far. QOTD: Sasha… I mean its not even close, really. *nudge*

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Happy birthday, Gary! With all the hard work you do for your family and us you deserve it. Clearly one of the best WLTV episodes of all time. I smell a co-host in the near future. Your dad is an absolute riot. I really would love to see him make guest appearances in the future. Probably the funniest episode of WLTV so far. QOTD: Sasha… I mean its not even close, really. *nudge*

  • Adrian aka AnGkEr

    A Happy Belated Birthday Gary……I know it is 20 months late but better late then never…….don’t worry I won’t be late in 2009…As always loved your dad as a guest….

  • Adrian aka AnGkEr

    A Happy Belated Birthday Gary……I know it is 20 months late but better late then never…….don’t worry I won’t be late in 2009…As always loved your dad as a guest….

  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: I think Sasha and Gary are on the same timeline, just at different points look wise.

  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: I think Sasha and Gary are on the same timeline, just at different points look wise.

  • ulu ulu ulu ulu

    Check out Gary’s dad chugging at 24 minutes

  • ulu ulu ulu ulu

    Check out Gary’s dad chugging at 24 minutes

  • Anonymous

    Birthday 34 is only a month away. I still couldn’t pass up the comment opportunity on this epic episode. I like the Rosewood Muscat more than you do. I don’t think it is one-dimensional, although soleras do tend to smooth things out quite a lot.

    QOTD: Hilarious question. Looks aren’t everything, guys.

  • Phredd

    Birthday 34 is only a month away. I still couldn’t pass up the comment opportunity on this epic episode. I like the Rosewood Muscat more than you do. I don’t think it is one-dimensional, although soleras do tend to smooth things out quite a lot.

    QOTD: Hilarious question. Looks aren’t everything, guys.

  • Cher

    How about Choco Vine, served in chocolate cup.

  • Cher

    How about Choco Vine, served in chocolate cup.

  • Jon


    Yo! I want that building!


  • Matthew L

    Happy..happy…HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARY! I've been away for a while because of a crazy work schedule, but I couldn't miss your birthday show. I love your dad on the show just as much as I did when I met him in the store. He's a great guy, and brought up a great kid. It's clear that he loves you very much, and I'm sure that I am not alone in my envy of you being able to work with your dad.

    I always appreciate being introduced to new sparkling wine, and I can't wait to give the Coutier a try. I, too, have never been a fan of CDB, but I might be willing to try it's cab reserve.

    I hope that you easily surpass 1000 comments because you provide us a gift five days a week and ask very little in return–just comments.

    QOTD: Come on…you know I've gotta say it's a tie. (We all know the easy answer is Sasha.)

    Cheers and long life. Mnohiya lita!

  • tommyb2

    Legendary! What's the earliest episode that Sasha appears on on WLTV? This one is the oldest I have found but if any before this let me know Gary!
    QOTD: I'm a bloke, but I would never say anything bad about Sasha so – Sasha is the best looking (sorry Gary!).
    P.S this is one of my favourite EVER WLTV episodes!!!

  • tommyb2

    Belated happy birthday (2 years and 3 months late!) Sorry, never been one for time keeping.

  • gman802

    Happy belated b-day Gary. Great episode. Just started watching and I am making my way through the old episodes.

  • John_Kenneth

    The episodes where you have Sasha on are always my fav

  • corkscrew

    Not a big Rose fan..the wines were listed wrong..why drink it again..have had some Muscats..has to be the most comments ever on an epiosde. Sasha does his own thing.. http://www.winelx.com

  • Austin Green

    It’s too bad I was only recently introduced to this show. I love the energy, and of course the wine.

    It would have been great to watch while it was still going on.

    Gary’s passion originally inspired me to start my own website nononsensefitnesstips.com


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