EP 481 Value Wines From All Over The World

Gary comes back from his trip to explore different wines that are priced right and value driven.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Fado RedOther Portuguese Red Wine
2003 Pellegrini East End MerlotNew York Merlot
2004 Dancing Coyote TangoOther California Red Meritage
2005 Bangin’ Napa Valley RedNapa Red Meritage

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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qotd: I dont remember but I probably smiled at some point during this episode, so that would be the most recent

Tags: california, meritage, merlot, napa, New York, Portuguese, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Cabrilla, very clever last paragraph! Use to visit a Freak Show each summer’s Fair when I was a kid. I remember both graphics!

  • Cabrilla, very clever last paragraph! Use to visit a Freak Show each summer’s Fair when I was a kid. I remember both graphics!

  • TxBigD

    It was great seeing you in Houston last week. I also appreciate the explanation of the blind cab tasting. You took the “top shelf” approach in handling it and as a long time Vayniac, that’s what I would expect. Let’s move on and “Bring Some More Thunder!”

    QOTD – Meeting You and getting my book signed at Vino 100 on Saturday.

  • TxBigD

    It was great seeing you in Houston last week. I also appreciate the explanation of the blind cab tasting. You took the “top shelf” approach in handling it and as a long time Vayniac, that’s what I would expect. Let’s move on and “Bring Some More Thunder!”

    QOTD – Meeting You and getting my book signed at Vino 100 on Saturday.

  • CBone

    QOTD: My trip to Sri Lanka was great, and many smiles were had, but after a 30 hour series of flights and layovers, my shower and my indescribably comfortable bed made me smile.

  • CBone

    QOTD: My trip to Sri Lanka was great, and many smiles were had, but after a 30 hour series of flights and layovers, my shower and my indescribably comfortable bed made me smile.

  • AMM3RD

    I would guess…Green Groves Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. I’ve heard this is decent from my brother-in-law. I’m not sure it’s a house brand, but that’s what I think. What do you all think? AMM

  • Travis O
  • AMM3RD

    I would guess…Green Groves Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon 2005. I’ve heard this is decent from my brother-in-law. I’m not sure it’s a house brand, but that’s what I think. What do you all think? AMM

  • Travis O
  • Adam A

    Gary V,

    I love the show and have a huge amount of respect for what you do. I also think many of the responses to your explanation are extremely out of line and disrespectful, especially since you do this show for free.
    That being said,I find your choice not to show the wines and your explanation to be a big time let down because it is so inconsistent to what I think makes this show so great: unapologetic, enthusiastic and most importantly honest wine appreciation.

  • Adam A

    Gary V,

    I love the show and have a huge amount of respect for what you do. I also think many of the responses to your explanation are extremely out of line and disrespectful, especially since you do this show for free.
    That being said,I find your choice not to show the wines and your explanation to be a big time let down because it is so inconsistent to what I think makes this show so great: unapologetic, enthusiastic and most importantly honest wine appreciation.

  • luvgrapesqueezings

    QOTD: A cute dirty joke.

  • luvgrapesqueezings

    QOTD: A cute dirty joke.

  • Melissa J UCD

    QOTD: Corn nuts!

  • Melissa J UCD

    QOTD: Corn nuts!

  • chalz

    After looking at both sides of whether WL’s Cab won my take is; since you said it won you have an obligation, to keep your presitne reputation, to air the entire show. We’ll see it won and your integrity is upheld. Don’t show it and WL’s Cab lost and your not proud of that. You could edit out certain parts but that choice speaks for it-self.

  • chalz

    After looking at both sides of whether WL’s Cab won my take is; since you said it won you have an obligation, to keep your presitne reputation, to air the entire show. We’ll see it won and your integrity is upheld. Don’t show it and WL’s Cab lost and your not proud of that. You could edit out certain parts but that choice speaks for it-self.

  • kmack

    Love the show, just caught up with them so I wanted to leave a comment so I would no longer be a lurker. I am a geek for JJ Abrams Tv shows, so the last thing that made me smile is probably the lost season 4 finale because it was awesome.

  • kmack

    Love the show, just caught up with them so I wanted to leave a comment so I would no longer be a lurker. I am a geek for JJ Abrams Tv shows, so the last thing that made me smile is probably the lost season 4 finale because it was awesome.

  • KVolk

    QOTD: My son

    GV should have come back with a new blind tasting….I’m just saying. Thanks for the middle america awarness as well from a card carrying member of a fly over state…

  • KVolk

    QOTD: My son

    GV should have come back with a new blind tasting….I’m just saying. Thanks for the middle america awarness as well from a card carrying member of a fly over state…

  • Pete G

    BOOO!!! That’s a lame assed explanation! You can stand in judgement of everyone elses wine but not the Wine Library wine? C’mon. It was a blind tasting. Let the chips fall where they may. If your wine sucks it sucks if it kicks ass all the better. As for those naysayers who would have said it was a set up – F them! They don’t like you anyway. Myself and the other Vaniacs know you ride straight and speak the truth. If you blindly pick your wine as the best than it is what it is whether they like it or not!

  • Pete G

    BOOO!!! That’s a lame assed explanation! You can stand in judgement of everyone elses wine but not the Wine Library wine? C’mon. It was a blind tasting. Let the chips fall where they may. If your wine sucks it sucks if it kicks ass all the better. As for those naysayers who would have said it was a set up – F them! They don’t like you anyway. Myself and the other Vaniacs know you ride straight and speak the truth. If you blindly pick your wine as the best than it is what it is whether they like it or not!

  • dAve

    The explanation was over my head. Don’t get it. Actually, don’t care. YOU really should do the other wines again soon, so we can see what sucks. I really like cab’s and like cheaper prices, so please do a make up on cheap cabs. please. IMHO, you were being too politically correct when no one cares. but it’s ok.

    Love the action figures. Thundercats and Wrestlers! what a mix. Please don’t do MY Little Pony or others, keep it macho. ugh? hahahaha.

    When is the next secret pack? or did you stop doing them?

    QOTD: a Jeff Dunham act

  • dAve

    The explanation was over my head. Don’t get it. Actually, don’t care. YOU really should do the other wines again soon, so we can see what sucks. I really like cab’s and like cheaper prices, so please do a make up on cheap cabs. please. IMHO, you were being too politically correct when no one cares. but it’s ok.

    Love the action figures. Thundercats and Wrestlers! what a mix. Please don’t do MY Little Pony or others, keep it macho. ugh? hahahaha.

    When is the next secret pack? or did you stop doing them?

    QOTD: a Jeff Dunham act

  • playasanchas

    totally agree with Pete G. You should still air the show, who cares if you picked your own wine. It would make sense actually.

    Keep up the good work Gary!

  • playasanchas

    totally agree with Pete G. You should still air the show, who cares if you picked your own wine. It would make sense actually.

    Keep up the good work Gary!

  • LauraG,

    My mistake if Mr Parker does not reviews Beaux Freres. Thank you for the correction.

    I have been thinking about this all thing a lot, not because I am a freak, but more because there is something fascinating (and deadly important) about journalistic honesty. I know, Gary is not a journalist, but he is a serious influencer (but this might be different). So GV, what do you say, are you a retailer with a blog or a journalist?

    I have been thinking for a long time about reviewing wines on my blog but I elected against it because I thought that was just not right – I make wine, so I cannot review wine – I find it interesting to chat about the same dilemna with GV.

    Long live democratie


  • LauraG,

    My mistake if Mr Parker does not reviews Beaux Freres. Thank you for the correction.

    I have been thinking about this all thing a lot, not because I am a freak, but more because there is something fascinating (and deadly important) about journalistic honesty. I know, Gary is not a journalist, but he is a serious influencer (but this might be different). So GV, what do you say, are you a retailer with a blog or a journalist?

    I have been thinking for a long time about reviewing wines on my blog but I elected against it because I thought that was just not right – I make wine, so I cannot review wine – I find it interesting to chat about the same dilemna with GV.

    Long live democratie


  • Tom Cihil

    Just air the rest of the value Cab show. We’ll understand whatever the reason.

  • Tom Cihil

    Just air the rest of the value Cab show. We’ll understand whatever the reason.

  • NickyB85

    QOTD: The last time I had a huge stinking smile on my face was after I dropped GV off at his hotel down in Houston, what a great night!

  • NickyB85

    QOTD: The last time I had a huge stinking smile on my face was after I dropped GV off at his hotel down in Houston, what a great night!

  • QOTD: My girl.

  • QOTD: My girl.

  • Ron

    What is wrong with you people ??!! GV is (and has been for a while now) putting his heart and sole into this show – for FREE. Trust your insticts (and have some loyalty while you are at it) — Either you beleive the GV is for real or you don’t, in which case you should have stopped watching by now anyway.

    GV: keep it up! this stuff happens. I would just show the episode to put an end to this fiasco – and so that we can see the other value wines… 😉

  • Ron

    What is wrong with you people ??!! GV is (and has been for a while now) putting his heart and sole into this show – for FREE. Trust your insticts (and have some loyalty while you are at it) — Either you beleive the GV is for real or you don’t, in which case you should have stopped watching by now anyway.

    GV: keep it up! this stuff happens. I would just show the episode to put an end to this fiasco – and so that we can see the other value wines… 😉

  • RickD

    QOTD: tough day at work – but nice dinner at home, wine on the deck watching the sunset, then watched Knocked Up – which was good for a few laughs.

  • RickD

    QOTD: tough day at work – but nice dinner at home, wine on the deck watching the sunset, then watched Knocked Up – which was good for a few laughs.

  • BobbyTiger

    The disclaimer is done with. Now it’s time to re-run the show. Quite frankly I don’t give a big squat whether it was your label or not, as I completely trust what your show is all about. QOTD- Yesterday, before the storms rolled in, we were pushing 100…………..again. Could not wait to pour a glass of cool Chard when I got home. Big smile. Actually, I smiled 3 times, once for each glass full.

  • BobbyTiger

    The disclaimer is done with. Now it’s time to re-run the show. Quite frankly I don’t give a big squat whether it was your label or not, as I completely trust what your show is all about. QOTD- Yesterday, before the storms rolled in, we were pushing 100…………..again. Could not wait to pour a glass of cool Chard when I got home. Big smile. Actually, I smiled 3 times, once for each glass full.

  • Nik

    Very weird explanation Gary – seemed so unlike you! Why bother to tell us such a long-winded reason about not showing, but then tell us your own brand won the tasting?

  • Nik

    Very weird explanation Gary – seemed so unlike you! Why bother to tell us such a long-winded reason about not showing, but then tell us your own brand won the tasting?

  • Gary I appreciate your transparency and integrity. Don’t worry about the naysayers

  • Gary I appreciate your transparency and integrity. Don’t worry about the naysayers

  • Norm from Edmonton Canada

    I absolutely support your decision not to show the ending. There is an old quote about Ceasars wife not simply being above reproach, but being seen to be demonstably above reproach. I do not understand why people would give you flak for having too much integrity, that is an oxymoron.

    By the way FADO is pronounced with a soft A, it is the national performing art of portugal. It is a unique style of singing about all the men who have died at sea, lost loves or any great tragedy. Sort of like their version of a country and western “hurtin song”. You know the kind, “I lost my job, I lost my wife, I lost a leg in an accident and even my dog died”.

  • Norm from Edmonton Canada

    I absolutely support your decision not to show the ending. There is an old quote about Ceasars wife not simply being above reproach, but being seen to be demonstably above reproach. I do not understand why people would give you flak for having too much integrity, that is an oxymoron.

    By the way FADO is pronounced with a soft A, it is the national performing art of portugal. It is a unique style of singing about all the men who have died at sea, lost loves or any great tragedy. Sort of like their version of a country and western “hurtin song”. You know the kind, “I lost my job, I lost my wife, I lost a leg in an accident and even my dog died”.

  • Ken F

    Gary – BS on the explanation. If that is the case then pull your private label out of the runnning and rate/identify the rest of the wines. We are all interested!!!! KTF

  • Ken F

    Gary – BS on the explanation. If that is the case then pull your private label out of the runnning and rate/identify the rest of the wines. We are all interested!!!! KTF


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