EP 500 Episode 500 Live From SF In Front Of A Huge Audience

Episode 500 features 3 Riojas and was taped on location before an amazing live audience at Crushpad in San Francisco… thank you to everyone who has helped the Thunder Show reach this milestone!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2003 Araco CrianzaRioja
2001 Bodegas Primicia Rioja ReservaRioja
2004 Torre Muga RiojaRioja

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Joel Smith

Was at this taping and I’ll never forget it

Tags: 500 episode, red, review, Rioja, Spain, Video, wine, wines

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  • Reeve

    Wish I could have been there! Next time you’re in town.

    Jets 17 – SF 3

  • I was so excited to watch episode 500 – we’ve been really busy at AW – and I finally was able to talk everyone in to setting a few minutes aside to check out this ep. I have to admit I was disappointed.

    Do you think you could maintain your Wine Library TV personality (or avatar) with OUT being mean? I understand not liking a wine, but totally slamming someone’s life work and dream is HARSH.

  • I was so excited to watch episode 500 – we’ve been really busy at AW – and I finally was able to talk everyone in to setting a few minutes aside to check out this ep. I have to admit I was disappointed.

    Do you think you could maintain your Wine Library TV personality (or avatar) with OUT being mean? I understand not liking a wine, but totally slamming someone’s life work and dream is HARSH.

  • NJ-Vettester

    Great show – too bad I had to wait a day late to see it as your site was totally shut down!

    QOTD: Jets: 17 – Niners: 27

  • NJ-Vettester

    Great show – too bad I had to wait a day late to see it as your site was totally shut down!

    QOTD: Jets: 17 – Niners: 27

  • Bruce

    Demsfightinwords: after the 9rs see this episode (big shout out on numero 500) they’ll be coming big time. 9rs 21 Jets 20.

    Keep ’em coming, GV, because we are here to watch and learn and enjoy.

  • Bruce

    Demsfightinwords: after the 9rs see this episode (big shout out on numero 500) they’ll be coming big time. 9rs 21 Jets 20.

    Keep ’em coming, GV, because we are here to watch and learn and enjoy.

  • Jets 49 – 49ers 48

  • Jets 49 – 49ers 48

  • Ryan

    Congrats on 500!

  • Ryan

    Congrats on 500!

  • Tony

    QOTD: Jets 10, 49ers 6.

    Congrats on #500! Love, love the show. Don’t stop.

  • Tony

    QOTD: Jets 10, 49ers 6.

    Congrats on #500! Love, love the show. Don’t stop.

  • Jason Schermerhorn

    GREAT SHOW. Really well done. Congratulations Gary. You deserve it. Keep up the great work and have fun making the next 500. Hope to be at 1000.

    Semper Fi,

    Jason Schermerhorn

  • Jason Schermerhorn

    GREAT SHOW. Really well done. Congratulations Gary. You deserve it. Keep up the great work and have fun making the next 500. Hope to be at 1000.

    Semper Fi,

    Jason Schermerhorn

  • Jenntorious

    Freakin awesome show man!

  • Jenntorious

    Freakin awesome show man!

  • Jer

    QOTD: Jets 0; Niners 21

    Nice 500th at the pad —

  • Jer

    QOTD: Jets 0; Niners 21

    Nice 500th at the pad —

  • George from NEPA

    Jets: 24 49’ers:10

  • George from NEPA

    Jets: 24 49’ers:10

  • E-Dub

    QOTD: Jets 21 Niners 17

  • E-Dub

    QOTD: Jets 21 Niners 17

  • Paulie D

    Holy Bleep Bleep u were pumped – MORE LIVE SHOWS!!

  • Paulie D

    Holy Bleep Bleep u were pumped – MORE LIVE SHOWS!!

  • Tom P

    QOTD – Maybe there will be some real football on that day LOL – 49ers – 21 Jets – 17.

    Congradulations on 500 and looking forward to 500 more.

  • Tom P

    QOTD – Maybe there will be some real football on that day LOL – 49ers – 21 Jets – 17.

    Congradulations on 500 and looking forward to 500 more.


    after a pathetic OT, Jets 23 Niners 23
    [take a pazzzz on the bleeps, dude]


    after a pathetic OT, Jets 23 Niners 23
    [take a pazzzz on the bleeps, dude]

  • Ron

    Congratulations Gary!! keep going!

    One thing – why spill the first wine? you should have let the audience taste for themselves and either agree its bad or not … trust your own pal right?

    QODD: Jets will win by a field goal.

  • Ron

    Congratulations Gary!! keep going!

    One thing – why spill the first wine? you should have let the audience taste for themselves and either agree its bad or not … trust your own pal right?

    QODD: Jets will win by a field goal.

  • Props for sticking it out for us for 500.

  • Props for sticking it out for us for 500.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    Congrats on #500. QOTD – Jets 55, Niners 3.

  • Jim in Atlanta

    Congrats on #500. QOTD – Jets 55, Niners 3.

  • johnmaki

    Congrats on 500, wish you 500 more….
    Qotd: jets 18 49ers 21

  • johnmaki

    Congrats on 500, wish you 500 more….
    Qotd: jets 18 49ers 21

  • I don’t do sports, sorry Gary, but congrats on 500 shows!

  • I don’t do sports, sorry Gary, but congrats on 500 shows!

  • BW

    Totally out of control ! Wish I could have been there for the party
    May be for another big one, like 700

    Keep up the good work!

  • BW

    Totally out of control ! Wish I could have been there for the party
    May be for another big one, like 700

    Keep up the good work!

  • E-Rock

    9’ers 24 J-E-T-S 0

  • E-Rock

    9’ers 24 J-E-T-S 0

  • Great show, congrats on producing 500 shows, that is amazing. Keep up the great work. Nice breakdown of the wines and what is worth drinking. Interesting price breakdown and how they faired. Wish I could have been at the live show. Maybe someday. Come to Dallas and I think you will find a lot of wine drinkers.

  • Great show, congrats on producing 500 shows, that is amazing. Keep up the great work. Nice breakdown of the wines and what is worth drinking. Interesting price breakdown and how they faired. Wish I could have been at the live show. Maybe someday. Come to Dallas and I think you will find a lot of wine drinkers.

  • Pam

    Great show! Wish I could’ve been there! QOTD Jets 14 49’s 10.

  • Pam

    Great show! Wish I could’ve been there! QOTD Jets 14 49’s 10.

  • gubby

    Thanks Gary and Crushpad for such a great event. I was glad to be a part of it (save for the rude people who were talking quite loudly during the taping). To many more! Cheers.

  • gubby

    Thanks Gary and Crushpad for such a great event. I was glad to be a part of it (save for the rude people who were talking quite loudly during the taping). To many more! Cheers.

  • bundydb

    I’ve had internet problems here lately, but I finally got to see the 500 episode tonight!! It was great!! Hate that I couldn’t make it out for it… Looks like a great time was had by all!

    Jets 17
    49’ers 21

    Sorry, Gary V. Just got a crazy feeling…


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