EP 596 Wines from the island of Cyprus

Achilleas Georgiou a great friend of the Thunder Show sends Gary some wines and he tries them live on the Thunder Show!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Tsangarides Xinisteri
2006 Tsangarides Cabernet Sauvignon
2006 Tsangarides Mataro

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘I’m shockingly handsome and outrageously humourous’

Includes a minor rant about trying new things (which is always a winner with me). Great to see an oddball wine producing country given airtime

Tags: cabernet, Cyprus, Mataro, red, review, Video, white, wine, wines, Xinisteri

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  • gary i don’t know how you can pronounce the names of some of these wineries…

    QOTD: Island.

    and who DOESN’T love mott?

  • gary i don’t know how you can pronounce the names of some of these wineries…

    QOTD: Island.

    and who DOESN’T love mott?

  • suzanne

    QOTD: Cyprus –> creepy dudes in bars

  • suzanne

    QOTD: Cyprus –> creepy dudes in bars

  • chukhead-ted

    the tree!

  • chukhead-ted

    the tree!

  • Derek F

    Very interesting!!

    QOTD: Cyprus Hill = insane in the membrane..insane in the brain

  • Derek F

    Very interesting!!

    QOTD: Cyprus Hill = insane in the membrane..insane in the brain

  • C-Lo

    Hey GV, miss the show dude. Life keeps getting in the way of me sitting down with you for 12-35 min every day! Lively show today, I liked it. QOTD: Hill. Is that way too predictable? All of a sudden I want to rock out to “Insane in the Membrane.” Hope the weekend was great. Keep it real.

  • C-Lo

    Hey GV, miss the show dude. Life keeps getting in the way of me sitting down with you for 12-35 min every day! Lively show today, I liked it. QOTD: Hill. Is that way too predictable? All of a sudden I want to rock out to “Insane in the Membrane.” Hope the weekend was great. Keep it real.

  • Tom

    QOTD: Cypress…Gardens (FL theme park)

  • Tom

    QOTD: Cypress…Gardens (FL theme park)

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I tried to think of something else, but for true, first reaction word association-

    Cypress: Hill

  • YoungDave

    QOTD: I tried to think of something else, but for true, first reaction word association-

    Cypress: Hill

  • Slushpuppy

    Fat-Ass Favre almost lost another games with his wild picks, and lucky for you the Bill’s QB was the best player on your team!
    Smell it first. TR

  • Slushpuppy

    Fat-Ass Favre almost lost another games with his wild picks, and lucky for you the Bill’s QB was the best player on your team!
    Smell it first. TR

  • Little Jonny

    Interesting format and interesting subjects. Would love to see you do a desert wine show in the near future (maybe including an effort from Cyprus?).

    QOTD: Tennis star Marcos Baghdatis

  • Little Jonny

    Interesting format and interesting subjects. Would love to see you do a desert wine show in the near future (maybe including an effort from Cyprus?).

    QOTD: Tennis star Marcos Baghdatis

  • sam

    Good show!

    Too bad the reds weren’t inspiring. Now I need an atlas to find out where the hell Cyprus is. Gary teaches geography as well as wine appreciation. That is awesome.

    QOTD: Psy-press…

  • sam

    Good show!

    Too bad the reds weren’t inspiring. Now I need an atlas to find out where the hell Cyprus is. Gary teaches geography as well as wine appreciation. That is awesome.

    QOTD: Psy-press…

  • vinoBlue

    qotd: the first thing that came to mind was “cypress tree”

    Interesting show…anything special planned for the big show #600? It’s only two weeks away (assuming 5 shows / week)…I’m just curious based on what went down from episode .5k

  • vinoBlue

    qotd: the first thing that came to mind was “cypress tree”

    Interesting show…anything special planned for the big show #600? It’s only two weeks away (assuming 5 shows / week)…I’m just curious based on what went down from episode .5k

  • toni

    QOTD: Halloumi
    Majestic – never the same taste twice – cheese, that has as many faces as spanish Hamon or Histrian Ombolo. This represents a foodgroup.

  • toni

    QOTD: Halloumi
    Majestic – never the same taste twice – cheese, that has as many faces as spanish Hamon or Histrian Ombolo. This represents a foodgroup.


    Hey Gary,

    Interesting show…..good to see something a little bit different.

    qotd…Olive trees


    Hey Gary,

    Interesting show…..good to see something a little bit different.

    qotd…Olive trees

  • Weston

    qotd: And Island in the Mediterranean thats about it hah

  • Weston

    qotd: And Island in the Mediterranean thats about it hah

  • Travis

    QOTD: HILL! But maybe I’m just ‘insane in the brain’…

  • Travis

    QOTD: HILL! But maybe I’m just ‘insane in the brain’…


    Going through the past episodes I came up with your proposal for a drinking game, and I’m sure there have been a lot of suggestions, so here are mine:

    ONE.- every time you say “BUT/HOWEVER”
    TWO.- every time you use the word “action” after a wine description.
    THREE.- every time you tell Mot to “smell this”.

    I can think of more but that’ll do for today.


    Going through the past episodes I came up with your proposal for a drinking game, and I’m sure there have been a lot of suggestions, so here are mine:

    ONE.- every time you say “BUT/HOWEVER”
    TWO.- every time you use the word “action” after a wine description.
    THREE.- every time you tell Mot to “smell this”.

    I can think of more but that’ll do for today.

  • Grapedigger

    Cool show…Cyprus = beach to me.
    Since you’re in that area, it’d be timely to do another episode on wines from Lebanon, especially since your book featured two of them. Cheers

  • Grapedigger

    Cool show…Cyprus = beach to me.
    Since you’re in that area, it’d be timely to do another episode on wines from Lebanon, especially since your book featured two of them. Cheers

  • Anonymous

    QotD – Cyprus: Most unfortunately, the Greek/Turkish divide. Am I to understand that indigenous autonomy, or some sort of self governing is/has been granted for the present, or near future? Let us hope there is an end to their problem.

    I spent several days on nearby Crete, and was amazed to walk such an ancient and historical land. The Palace at Knossos, seat of the myth of King Minos, Perseus, and the Minotaur was a real mind blowing experience,as was the fact that I was walking grounds that were the confluence of Greek/Western, Byzantine, and Islamic, among other cultures. Not a Mcdonald’s to be found ANYWHERE. I was in heaven, and it was one of my most fascinating travels ever.

    In rthe early 90’s, I became aquainted, and enjoyed the red Othello wine from KEO. It was soft, fruity, not unlike beaujolais.

  • Murso

    QotD – Cyprus: Most unfortunately, the Greek/Turkish divide. Am I to understand that indigenous autonomy, or some sort of self governing is/has been granted for the present, or near future? Let us hope there is an end to their problem.

    I spent several days on nearby Crete, and was amazed to walk such an ancient and historical land. The Palace at Knossos, seat of the myth of King Minos, Perseus, and the Minotaur was a real mind blowing experience,as was the fact that I was walking grounds that were the confluence of Greek/Western, Byzantine, and Islamic, among other cultures. Not a Mcdonald’s to be found ANYWHERE. I was in heaven, and it was one of my most fascinating travels ever.

    In rthe early 90’s, I became aquainted, and enjoyed the red Othello wine from KEO. It was soft, fruity, not unlike beaujolais.

  • See Gary…the JETS WON!!!
    Have a little faith will ya’.

  • See Gary…the JETS WON!!!
    Have a little faith will ya’.

  • Lawrence Leichtman

    Sickest I ever got in my life on Cyprus. Had wine all over the island and thought none of the reds were worth drinking. Several whites were OK but I wouldn’t go to Cyprus for the wine.

  • Lawrence Leichtman

    Sickest I ever got in my life on Cyprus. Had wine all over the island and thought none of the reds were worth drinking. Several whites were OK but I wouldn’t go to Cyprus for the wine.

  • chito

    Great Jets victory!!!!!. Hey since when did I become a Jets fan? Anyway, Boyz won tonight. Sorry bout the G-Men. Catching up with the episodes. Long on-call weekend but all patients survived. Great shows, lets me realize what really matters in life. Keep up the great work.

  • chito

    Great Jets victory!!!!!. Hey since when did I become a Jets fan? Anyway, Boyz won tonight. Sorry bout the G-Men. Catching up with the episodes. Long on-call weekend but all patients survived. Great shows, lets me realize what really matters in life. Keep up the great work.

  • Brandon S

    QOTD: Kurds being hated on. Imagine that.

    Anyway, great episode. I’ve been high on Greek wine for a few weeks now. I had to comment on this though– I googled a specific wine I liked and was directed here for episode 12. Times have certainly changed, my friend. The show has really blossomed. Congrats and keep it up!

    I have a couple of humble requests for show topics:
    -New Zealand Pinot Noir
    -New Zealand Vinifera wines other than PN and SB (I hear tell of some solid Syrah).
    -South African Pinot Noir

    Thanks again, my good man.

  • Brandon S

    QOTD: Kurds being hated on. Imagine that.

    Anyway, great episode. I’ve been high on Greek wine for a few weeks now. I had to comment on this though– I googled a specific wine I liked and was directed here for episode 12. Times have certainly changed, my friend. The show has really blossomed. Congrats and keep it up!

    I have a couple of humble requests for show topics:
    -New Zealand Pinot Noir
    -New Zealand Vinifera wines other than PN and SB (I hear tell of some solid Syrah).
    -South African Pinot Noir

    Thanks again, my good man.

  • Phil G

    I know the spelling is different, but Cypress Hill…

  • Phil G

    I know the spelling is different, but Cypress Hill…

  • italianwinelover

    thanks for bringing something different…I finally was able to get a bottle of Pecorino took awhile but can’t wait to taste it and it was cuz of U that I was a seeker!!

    QOTD: FL

  • italianwinelover

    thanks for bringing something different…I finally was able to get a bottle of Pecorino took awhile but can’t wait to taste it and it was cuz of U that I was a seeker!!

    QOTD: FL

  • QOTD: embarrasingly enough Hill, but in the context of the country, then I guess island.

    and Mott Rocks!!

  • QOTD: embarrasingly enough Hill, but in the context of the country, then I guess island.

    and Mott Rocks!!


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