EP 607 Double Blind, Other 46 Tasting.

Watch Gary Vaynerchuk try 6 wines double blind from states around the country not known for their wine making ability, watch this one, it gets WILD!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2002 Pontchartrain Rouge Militaire
Dove Valley Cabernet Franc
Pinnacle Ridge Traminette
2006 Heritage Station Estate Syrah
Fieldstone St. Croix
2007 St J Riesling

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Luca Bercelli


two lines of the day – ‘this is like your best friend in the world coming in dressed as the opposite sex!’ and the one that made me laugh out loud: ‘this smells like a garbage truck on fire’

Phenomenal episode. First double blind ever, featuring less well known wine-growing states. All wines panned hard but that’s when the best one liners come out…and this show was full of them. Awesome

Tags: cabernet, franc, red, review, Riesling, St Croix, Syrah, Traminette, Video, wine, wines

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  • yowens

    Really interesting show! QOTD: Rhode Island.

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Boy thats a tough show. I feel bad for these wineries, but what can you do? I mean Chateau St. Michelle is one of the biggest wineries in the country, but Ive tasted wines from them that I thought were absolute crap. QOTD: Rockin from Washington state, baby!

  • Dessert Wine Nerd

    Boy thats a tough show. I feel bad for these wineries, but what can you do? I mean Chateau St. Michelle is one of the biggest wineries in the country, but Ive tasted wines from them that I thought were absolute crap. QOTD: Rockin from Washington state, baby!

  • Don

    Just started watching the Thunder this week and I’m hooked!!! I will definitely be going through the archives and getting caught up. Congrats on the big news!! QOTD: Virginia (and thanks for props as an up and coming state)

  • Don

    Just started watching the Thunder this week and I’m hooked!!! I will definitely be going through the archives and getting caught up. Congrats on the big news!! QOTD: Virginia (and thanks for props as an up and coming state)

  • QOTD – CT You seemed a little harsh on the wines…but you were hilarious to watch. You should try some Connecticut wines – Albeit they are mostly hybrids but pretty darn tasty ones! Congrats to you and the Mrs. on the happy news!

  • QOTD – CT You seemed a little harsh on the wines…but you were hilarious to watch. You should try some Connecticut wines – Albeit they are mostly hybrids but pretty darn tasty ones! Congrats to you and the Mrs. on the happy news!

  • G

    46…that’s how many states I’ve been to. still have montana, idaho and the dakotas to touch. currently CA, via MD, VA and PA. so you got two of my four in the mix of the other 46. this did remind me of my first wine trip to oregon roughly 10 years ago. there was a garage wine that the two brothers were affixing labels to after tasting. could have broken the voga barrier for a sub 46 wine there. and there was another deliverance kind of winery that had an american grape that was just horrendous, something noir…oh man, does that bring back memories of “you know i may get shot if i say what this really tastes like.”

  • G

    46…that’s how many states I’ve been to. still have montana, idaho and the dakotas to touch. currently CA, via MD, VA and PA. so you got two of my four in the mix of the other 46. this did remind me of my first wine trip to oregon roughly 10 years ago. there was a garage wine that the two brothers were affixing labels to after tasting. could have broken the voga barrier for a sub 46 wine there. and there was another deliverance kind of winery that had an american grape that was just horrendous, something noir…oh man, does that bring back memories of “you know i may get shot if i say what this really tastes like.”

  • I’m a lover of football, just wish it was played all year round, thanks for posting such a good article. I’ll be back to read often now.

  • I’m a lover of football, just wish it was played all year round, thanks for posting such a good article. I’ll be back to read often now.

  • sethsethy

    isnt cynthiana and norton two names for the same grape??

  • reppin’ the 305

  • John__J

    Qotd: Maryland, and Gary where in the world are you getting these MD wines from lol? Dove Valley? I dont know anyone in MD who’s ever even heard of that. You also had Basagnani on a while back, I mean c’mon. If you want to do MD, get a Black Ankle wine on the show, you’ll see that MD is capable of really good wines.
    As a side note, I wonder if it’s harder for boutique wineries in the 13 states where shipping is illegal to get the capital to make quality wines?

  • Anonymous

    Might as well drink these blind since you would not buy them otherwise.. QOTD-NJ http://www.winelx.com

  • 94/100

    two lines of the day – ‘this is like your best friend in the world coming in dressed as the opposite sex!’ and the one that made me laugh out loud: ‘this smells like a garbage truck on fire’

    Phenomenal episode. First double blind ever, featuring less well known wine-growing states. All wines panned hard but that’s when the best one liners come out…and this show was full of them. Awesome


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