EP 610 A Wine From Puglia Made With Negroamaro

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes a value play on the thunder show and talks about the direction of the show!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Tormaresca NepricaCastel del Monte

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – ‘Mott, have you ‘done’ a lot of white pepper in your life…..’

This is a short format, one wine show – I like the longer ones

Tags: italy, Negroamaro, Puglia, red, review, wine, wines

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  • elmattador

    QOTF Yes infact i had and still have the Tormaresca but its 2003. 70% Negroamaro and 30% Cab. Fantastic wine that someone asked us to get into the store. Glad you did an episode on the 06!

  • Brian Barrick

    Haven’t tried any Puglia wines. From your description it doesn’t sound like this Neprica is something I would enjoy, but it might well be worth the small investment to expand my palate. Wines that taste like dirt just don’t generally appeal to me.

    I’m surprised you didn’t even mention that this wine is not aged in oak. The last Italian wine I had that saw no oak was the Bricco del Cucu Dolcetto di Dogliani. It had a strong bitter metallic taste that completely ruined it for me. I’m not a fan of the Oak Monster, but too many Italian winemakers seem to think their only options are 100% new oak or no oak at all. As in so much of life, moderation is the key here.

  • Brian Barrick

    Haven’t tried any Puglia wines. From your description it doesn’t sound like this Neprica is something I would enjoy, but it might well be worth the small investment to expand my palate. Wines that taste like dirt just don’t generally appeal to me.

    I’m surprised you didn’t even mention that this wine is not aged in oak. The last Italian wine I had that saw no oak was the Bricco del Cucu Dolcetto di Dogliani. It had a strong bitter metallic taste that completely ruined it for me. I’m not a fan of the Oak Monster, but too many Italian winemakers seem to think their only options are 100% new oak or no oak at all. As in so much of life, moderation is the key here.

  • jason

    gary, i really like the idea of one bottle per day for a week or 2 then a set of big verticles.

    i would love to see a show of 1st and second wines from bordeaux ie las cases and clos du marquis…. for example. also some village wines with their borgogne counterparts. and maybe some CDP or gigondas with some CDR from the same domaine.
    keep it up

  • gary, i really like the idea of one bottle per day for a week or 2 then a set of big verticles.

    i would love to see a show of 1st and second wines from bordeaux ie las cases and clos du marquis…. for example. also some village wines with their borgogne counterparts. and maybe some CDP or gigondas with some CDR from the same domaine.
    keep it up

  • VinnMann

    Yo Gary
    Thanks for the show. My Grandfather is from Pulia (Lecce). This fall I made Montepulcianno from grapes of Pulia. I have to say, they where the most beautiful wine grapes I ever saw. In fact, my boss (the owner of the winery) is there now buying grapes for this falls crush. I will try the Tormaresca Neprica this weekend. Thanks again

  • VinnMann

    Yo Gary
    Thanks for the show. My Grandfather is from Pulia (Lecce). This fall I made Montepulcianno from grapes of Pulia. I have to say, they where the most beautiful wine grapes I ever saw. In fact, my boss (the owner of the winery) is there now buying grapes for this falls crush. I will try the Tormaresca Neprica this weekend. Thanks again

  • kenny_k

    GV, any format is fine. Try using the single bottle format as an instructional show, history, tasting, etc. QOTD- Primotivo.

  • kenny_k

    GV, any format is fine. Try using the single bottle format as an instructional show, history, tasting, etc. QOTD- Primotivo.

  • Von P

    We need to get you on the Molto Mario Show with for a wine /food combo show. You guys would rock it out!!!

  • Von P

    We need to get you on the Molto Mario Show with for a wine /food combo show. You guys would rock it out!!!

  • ChrisR

    QOTD: Had a really lucky find on Becco’s wine list. A Primitivo from Puglia that was awesome! This was back in the day when I’d only drunk like ten wines in my LIFE, and I think it was a turning point for me.

  • ChrisR

    QOTD: Had a really lucky find on Becco’s wine list. A Primitivo from Puglia that was awesome! This was back in the day when I’d only drunk like ten wines in my LIFE, and I think it was a turning point for me.

  • Sassodoro

    QOTD. Many, many. I find that Negroamaro often has a peppery quality that I especially like with pepperoni pizza. Negroamaro is sometimes made in an “Amarone style,” where the grapes are partially dried before pressing. That gives it a plummy, almost raisony taste.

    A very interesting but lesser known grape variety from Puglia is Aleatico. I haven’t had many, but all that I have had have had a really interesting rose petal nose and flavor.

  • Sassodoro

    QOTD. Many, many. I find that Negroamaro often has a peppery quality that I especially like with pepperoni pizza. Negroamaro is sometimes made in an “Amarone style,” where the grapes are partially dried before pressing. That gives it a plummy, almost raisony taste.

    A very interesting but lesser known grape variety from Puglia is Aleatico. I haven’t had many, but all that I have had have had a really interesting rose petal nose and flavor.

  • Emily & James H.

    QOTD: Quite a few. As of late, have been digging the whites from Campania and Basilicata, particularly Ciro and other Greco Bianco-based wines. We’ve also had others from the Tormaresca label, though this one sounds much better.

    Variety is good–can’t wait for the super long marathons!

  • Doug

    I like the shorter, more-educational format. But, honestly, an hour-long show would suit me much more during the summer when the TV season is in reruns and I have more spare time.

    QOTD: negative.

  • Emily & James H.

    QOTD: Quite a few. As of late, have been digging the whites from Campania and Basilicata, particularly Ciro and other Greco Bianco-based wines. We’ve also had others from the Tormaresca label, though this one sounds much better.

    Variety is good–can’t wait for the super long marathons!

  • Doug

    I like the shorter, more-educational format. But, honestly, an hour-long show would suit me much more during the summer when the TV season is in reruns and I have more spare time.

    QOTD: negative.

  • QOTD: Not yet, plan on changing that VERY soon.

  • QOTD: Not yet, plan on changing that VERY soon.

  • MorpheousNeo

    Like longer shows….short ones have less sniffy sniffs.

  • MorpheousNeo

    Like longer shows….short ones have less sniffy sniffs.

  • After spending some time in Apuglia for work, I have been searching these wines out and yes their value is unsurpassed. The Producers I like primarily are Appollonio, who have a wide range including many different Negroamrro’s, I like their “Elfo” a lot, they seem to come and go from the stores at will. Zachy’s carried them for a while. Santa Lucia, with a DOC from Castel del Monte, their Vigna del Melograno is made with 100% Uva di Troia and is terrific. I got this for $12.99 at Garnett in NYC and bought a case immediately.

  • After spending some time in Apuglia for work, I have been searching these wines out and yes their value is unsurpassed. The Producers I like primarily are Appollonio, who have a wide range including many different Negroamrro’s, I like their “Elfo” a lot, they seem to come and go from the stores at will. Zachy’s carried them for a while. Santa Lucia, with a DOC from Castel del Monte, their Vigna del Melograno is made with 100% Uva di Troia and is terrific. I got this for $12.99 at Garnett in NYC and bought a case immediately.

  • Jerry

    Hey Gary. A great idea to change the format but only one wine seems a little “lacking” to me. What about talking about/demonstrating/tasting some foods or cheeses that should go with each? Use ones that others might recommend and use your tastebuds to give it up based on the combination. That still would not lengthen the show dramatically and it would (at least for me who is “food-matching challenged”) add a good dose of increased interest and value. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.

  • Jerry

    Hey Gary. A great idea to change the format but only one wine seems a little “lacking” to me. What about talking about/demonstrating/tasting some foods or cheeses that should go with each? Use ones that others might recommend and use your tastebuds to give it up based on the combination. That still would not lengthen the show dramatically and it would (at least for me who is “food-matching challenged”) add a good dose of increased interest and value. Just a thought. Keep up the good work.

  • BF

    QOTD: I am an Italy ignoramus, except for the baller “B” wines from up north..

  • BF

    QOTD: I am an Italy ignoramus, except for the baller “B” wines from up north..

  • QOTD: Never had one.

    New format seems cool, but I really like contesting wines it great to see comparisons ect.. Thanks THUNDERSHOW. and congradulations to the happy couple.


  • QOTD: Never had one.

    New format seems cool, but I really like contesting wines it great to see comparisons ect.. Thanks THUNDERSHOW. and congradulations to the happy couple.


  • No But I will…

  • No But I will…

  • dturissini

    I have tried this wine and while good, I prefer the pure Negroamaro wine made by Tomaresca. It truly is outstanding.

  • dturissini

    I have tried this wine and while good, I prefer the pure Negroamaro wine made by Tomaresca. It truly is outstanding.

  • leonard

    Yes. Layer Cake Primativo. Wasn’t sure why they had “Zinvandel” under the “Primativo”, but you explained it .

    This wine is really smooth and tasty.

  • leonard

    Yes. Layer Cake Primativo. Wasn’t sure why they had “Zinvandel” under the “Primativo”, but you explained it .

    This wine is really smooth and tasty.

  • jr

    Puglia – Yes ! Conserva Aglianico ’05 and Conserva Annachiara ’05. Made with Organic Grapes. Enjoyable wines.

  • jr

    Puglia – Yes ! Conserva Aglianico ’05 and Conserva Annachiara ’05. Made with Organic Grapes. Enjoyable wines.

  • George Masiello

    Have not tried any from the heel but from how you described it, sounds like my kind of stuff. Is it similar to an Argentine Malbec?

  • George Masiello

    Have not tried any from the heel but from how you described it, sounds like my kind of stuff. Is it similar to an Argentine Malbec?

  • innA

    I have got to say I always find the one wine format a little lacking – not that I am complaining, as I absolutely love the show and it is fantastic that you have kept it going free of charge. Having just one wine seems to really limit the discussion and appraisal, whereas having multiple wines really helps get a great idea of the area or grape.

    QOTD – I’ve only had a few from Puglia.. unfortunately the one that sticks in my mind is a cheap (and horrible) Primitivo. Have never tried the negroamaro grape.

  • innA

    I have got to say I always find the one wine format a little lacking – not that I am complaining, as I absolutely love the show and it is fantastic that you have kept it going free of charge. Having just one wine seems to really limit the discussion and appraisal, whereas having multiple wines really helps get a great idea of the area or grape.

    QOTD – I’ve only had a few from Puglia.. unfortunately the one that sticks in my mind is a cheap (and horrible) Primitivo. Have never tried the negroamaro grape.

  • Rick

    First time comment but I’ve followed your show for about 6 months.
    Italian wines are hot but in the south my customers have not warmed up
    to the “strange” labels yet.I’ll work on that.
    I want to see a road trip to the south sometime in the future.
    It’s ok to keep your shoes on the entire time!

  • First time comment but I’ve followed your show for about 6 months.
    Italian wines are hot but in the south my customers have not warmed up
    to the “strange” labels yet.I’ll work on that.
    I want to see a road trip to the south sometime in the future.
    It’s ok to keep your shoes on the entire time!

  • CBone

    Nice show. Short and sweet. Good idea, mixing it up. A one hour show about Zins would be fantastic as well!

    QOTD: No. I have been to Sicily though, and had homemade wine from the grandmother of someone I met while traveling. We poured it right from the barrel into a 1 gallon milk jug. The town was called Misterbianco, in the shadow of Etna, which actually was erupting while I was there in 2001. We had to watch out for the police (the garage doors opened directly onto the street), because what we were doing could have gotten us thrown in jail, or stuck with needing to offer a bribe we couldn’t have afforded! It was fun, and the wine was not what I would call good, but it was more about the experience.

  • CBone

    Nice show. Short and sweet. Good idea, mixing it up. A one hour show about Zins would be fantastic as well!

    QOTD: No. I have been to Sicily though, and had homemade wine from the grandmother of someone I met while traveling. We poured it right from the barrel into a 1 gallon milk jug. The town was called Misterbianco, in the shadow of Etna, which actually was erupting while I was there in 2001. We had to watch out for the police (the garage doors opened directly onto the street), because what we were doing could have gotten us thrown in jail, or stuck with needing to offer a bribe we couldn’t have afforded! It was fun, and the wine was not what I would call good, but it was more about the experience.

  • AT

    I am not a fan of the 1 wine format – unless it is a wine of particular note. I prefer to learn as much as possible about as much as possible in the short time. MORE BLIND TASTINGS!

  • AT

    I am not a fan of the 1 wine format – unless it is a wine of particular note. I prefer to learn as much as possible about as much as possible in the short time. MORE BLIND TASTINGS!

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: YES! I have had a couple of Negroamaro blends with Mascarello and Greco Nero from this area, as well as many Primitivo di Manduria on the “heel.” I’m ALL about the Aglianico from over the border in Campania, and lately I’ve dabbled with a few wines from Calabria a bit south.

    I hope Cynthia said yes!!!

    P.S.- Shout out to discovering, and being blown away by, REAL meatballs!


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