EP 669 Gary Vaynerchuk interviews Peter Mondavi – Part I

Peter Mondavi and Gary Vaynerchuk discuss the history of winemaking in California.

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Luca Bercelli


GV behind the camera rather than in front of it. A no no as far as I’m concerned. Pretty interesting interview though.

Tags: Mondavi, review, Video

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  • mrpat56

    Loved this episode. Peter is a great guest. I can’t wait for part II. Responding to John from Boston. I wish he could expand his palate of knowledge. The history of Napa is what made it what it is today. Thats why he can buy the great wines available from california. I think Garys audience is diverse, and some of us ARE interested in some high end wines,, along with the value plays. Expand your palate, include a little of everything, then decide which suites you best. Gary V. is the best.

  • mrpat56

    Loved this episode. Peter is a great guest. I can’t wait for part II. Responding to John from Boston. I wish he could expand his palate of knowledge. The history of Napa is what made it what it is today. Thats why he can buy the great wines available from california. I think Garys audience is diverse, and some of us ARE interested in some high end wines,, along with the value plays. Expand your palate, include a little of everything, then decide which suites you best. Gary V. is the best.

  • Xènia Blanco

    LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GARY,you are BIG!!!!!I can´t miss your episodes!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!GOOD JOB!!and tones of fun for all of us!

  • Xènia Blanco

    LOVED THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GARY,you are BIG!!!!!I can´t miss your episodes!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!GOOD JOB!!and tones of fun for all of us!

  • Love the guest shows, and love the historical guest shows like these the best. The Janice, Jolay, Mondavi shows are gems to be saved in a DVD collection. Consider a guest show DVD box set of episodes? I’d buy that.

    I also enjoy the shows where familiar internet hosts guest on the show, they’re fun: Kevin Rose is a great guy.

    I really enjoyed the video format, you really let Peter have the floor which I’m not used to seeing from you, you overbearing bastard. Just kidding, love always.

  • PS, I tried the Citarella soups you showcased on an old show when you were sick, and I have to say the 5 mushroom soup, the split pea, and the Ginger Bisque was legendary.

  • Love the guest shows, and love the historical guest shows like these the best. The Janice, Jolay, Mondavi shows are gems to be saved in a DVD collection. Consider a guest show DVD box set of episodes? I’d buy that.

    I also enjoy the shows where familiar internet hosts guest on the show, they’re fun: Kevin Rose is a great guy.

    I really enjoyed the video format, you really let Peter have the floor which I’m not used to seeing from you, you overbearing bastard. Just kidding, love always.

  • PS, I tried the Citarella soups you showcased on an old show when you were sick, and I have to say the 5 mushroom soup, the split pea, and the Ginger Bisque was legendary.

  • RJurman

    Excellent episode Gary. You still need to let Peter answer before you ask the next question but overall, it was a thousand times better than usual.
    Peter clearly has a world of knowledge and experience and I really enjoyed the format. Looking forward to part II

  • RJurman

    Excellent episode Gary. You still need to let Peter answer before you ask the next question but overall, it was a thousand times better than usual.
    Peter clearly has a world of knowledge and experience and I really enjoyed the format. Looking forward to part II

  • bygdawg1996

    Hey Gary,
    First time I have commented in a while. I loved the interview style and the great overview of Napa history. I look forward to part 2. I thought it was awesome to hear about the featured guest’s personal story and then move on to the wine tasting. Maybe more of the interviews could be 2 parts.


  • bygdawg1996

    Hey Gary,
    First time I have commented in a while. I loved the interview style and the great overview of Napa history. I look forward to part 2. I thought it was awesome to hear about the featured guest’s personal story and then move on to the wine tasting. Maybe more of the interviews could be 2 parts.


  • Heather W

    Very informative. Interview style works for you.

  • Heather W

    Very informative. Interview style works for you.

  • Bubbac2u2

    Outstanding interview. I would love to see more in this style. So much wine and not enough time to drink it all.

    Looking forward to the wine taste.

  • Bubbac2u2

    Outstanding interview. I would love to see more in this style. So much wine and not enough time to drink it all.

    Looking forward to the wine taste.

  • Chalz

    GV: This format works for you!! Can’t wait to see if you tatse with one one the legends of the wine world…hope you do!

  • Chalz

    GV: This format works for you!! Can’t wait to see if you tatse with one one the legends of the wine world…hope you do!

  • John Stiddman

    Fantastic interview!

    I have a ’69 Krug Vintage Select Cabernet in my cellar I plan to open for my wife’s 40th. No ullage! Any advice on how to pour it?

  • John Stiddman

    Fantastic interview!

    I have a ’69 Krug Vintage Select Cabernet in my cellar I plan to open for my wife’s 40th. No ullage! Any advice on how to pour it?

  • ChezJim

    GV – I have to agree with most of the comments. This was an outstanding interview. I would love to see more of these in the future. Great stuff. Looking forward to the wines.

  • ChezJim

    GV – I have to agree with most of the comments. This was an outstanding interview. I would love to see more of these in the future. Great stuff. Looking forward to the wines.

  • shawnandlu

    I love the interview style. When you get wine legends on it is great to get an opportunity to find out what they have to say about the wine biz.

  • shawnandlu

    I love the interview style. When you get wine legends on it is great to get an opportunity to find out what they have to say about the wine biz.

  • VioletRuby

    You found a winner Gary! Great guest, great interview. Kept me interested. Can’t wait until you actually drink the wines!

  • VioletRuby

    You found a winner Gary! Great guest, great interview. Kept me interested. Can’t wait until you actually drink the wines!

  • Phil G

    That was interesting – looking forward to part 2…

  • Phil G

    That was interesting – looking forward to part 2…

  • Anonymous

    If we’re going to change the wine world, we’ve got to get away from the Parker is King thing. Gary, lead the way.
    Almost all of your emails quote him or the WS. How about a list of best selling wines under and over 20 bones.

  • castello

    If we’re going to change the wine world, we’ve got to get away from the Parker is King thing. Gary, lead the way.
    Almost all of your emails quote him or the WS. How about a list of best selling wines under and over 20 bones.

  • ZJK

    love love love….cant wait till part two sry i gota do homework now byyyye

  • ZJK

    love love love….cant wait till part two sry i gota do homework now byyyye

  • Props to Peter Mondavi for not watching television…why would he when the most passionate programming is on the internet! I can definitely see you taking us on winery visits in the future, hooking us up with more heavy hitters.
    Mondavi wines have been a regular at family meals forever and are still one of my grandfather’s favorites at age 92…he’d love to get in on that old timers club in Napa.

  • BurroBoy

    Props to Peter Mondavi for not watching television…why would he when the most passionate programming is on the internet! I can definitely see you taking us on winery visits in the future, hooking us up with more heavy hitters.
    Mondavi wines have been a regular at family meals forever and are still one of my grandfather’s favorites at age 92…he’d love to get in on that old timers club in Napa.

  • Pittsburgh Alex

    Good job on the new interview style. Can’t wait to see the next part.

  • Pittsburgh Alex

    Good job on the new interview style. Can’t wait to see the next part.

  • Any books on Charles Krug. i have read the house of mondavi. If no book exists ask Peter to commission me to write it. I am a ghostwriter as well. Al.

  • Any books on Charles Krug. i have read the house of mondavi. If no book exists ask Peter to commission me to write it. I am a ghostwriter as well. Al.

  • JimH

    Great interview Gary – Mr. Mondavi seems like a very approachable guy, and certainly has a fascinating story.

  • JimH

    Great interview Gary – Mr. Mondavi seems like a very approachable guy, and certainly has a fascinating story.

  • roy josephson

    that was a great interview. you finally let your guest finish a sentence. keep up the good work.

  • roy josephson

    that was a great interview. you finally let your guest finish a sentence. keep up the good work.

  • Hurray for another Formula1 fan! Peter so needs to get a shout out from the speed TV crew.

  • Hurray for another Formula1 fan! Peter so needs to get a shout out from the speed TV crew.

  • Great story and history of the company, thanks! Ooooh another race fan, nice to know.

  • Great story and history of the company, thanks! Ooooh another race fan, nice to know.

  • Sonia

    Good job! We’re getting to know him, can’t wait for the part 2!

  • Sonia

    Good job! We’re getting to know him, can’t wait for the part 2!

  • Lisa

    #1 – Mr. Mondavi – a real quality guest. Great family history! Thanks for sharing!

    #2 – Gary – you finally learned to stop interuppting the guest (almost completely) Awesome job today!!!

    2 Part episodes are a great idea for you. Like this, the guest was not rushed at all through the questions and answers while trying to sniffy and sippy.

    Gary, you know you are the ultimate multi-tasker!

    Hope to see more epi’s like this one.

    P.S. I bought your book a century ago and still haven’t received a sniffy sniff wristband. (hint hint)

  • Lisa

    #1 – Mr. Mondavi – a real quality guest. Great family history! Thanks for sharing!

    #2 – Gary – you finally learned to stop interuppting the guest (almost completely) Awesome job today!!!

    2 Part episodes are a great idea for you. Like this, the guest was not rushed at all through the questions and answers while trying to sniffy and sippy.

    Gary, you know you are the ultimate multi-tasker!

    Hope to see more epi’s like this one.

    P.S. I bought your book a century ago and still haven’t received a sniffy sniff wristband. (hint hint)


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