EP 682 Recommendation Day: Wine for Relationships

Gary Vaynerchuk recommends two wines to share with a loved one and describes how to assess the ageability of red wine.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Eradus Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2005 Havens BourriquotNapa Red Meritage

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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luca bercelli


One of the very rare episodes that didn’t really do it for me. The guest was a nice guy but knew nothing about wine (this can sometimes work in their favour…not the case here). Also in the mix was Mott trying to second guess GV for the umpteenth time so for once…not for me.

Tags: meritage, red, review, sauvignon blanc, Video, wine, wines

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  • eagleputt

    hmmm. kind of a you scratch my back, I’ll scratch your back show (I saw the show you taped for the guest’s blog as well). The wine seemed more like a prop in this one Gary. Sorry, just a weird vibe for me.

    QOTD – depends. anything from watching the sunset on our deck to lighting our hair on fire and rolling around in dry grass.

  • Gate show!
    QOTD: Getting a babysitter after the kids are asleep and going for a walk around the block!

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: A nice dinner, @ home or out, home for wine and conversation, maybe over a few hands of Quiddler or just reading and sipping. Now that I think about it, it’s been awhile since we had a date night… thanks for the timely reminder, guys!

  • Laurie in VT

    QOTD: A nice dinner, @ home or out, home for wine and conversation, maybe over a few hands of Quiddler or just reading and sipping. Now that I think about it, it’s been awhile since we had a date night… thanks for the timely reminder, guys!

  • Angus

    QOTD: picnic+wine is always a good one. Nothing like a box of goodies, a shady tree, a bottle of white, and a nice companion.

    also, gary, I wrote you an email about this but I thought i’d put it here too because there’s more of a chance you’ll see it. Give us a tour through your cellar for episode 700! but shhhh, make it a surprise!

  • Angus

    QOTD: picnic+wine is always a good one. Nothing like a box of goodies, a shady tree, a bottle of white, and a nice companion.

    also, gary, I wrote you an email about this but I thought i’d put it here too because there’s more of a chance you’ll see it. Give us a tour through your cellar for episode 700! but shhhh, make it a surprise!

  • As always, what a great and informative show. I liked the part . . . “wait, wait, Now! That is how you can tell the tannic structure, how it ‘may’ age . . . ”

    The only drawback I see is our guest is really p-whipped. I’m guessing his SA is drop dead gorgeous and he’s afraid to lose her. 🙂

    QOTD: I wish I had a lady who would take the time to appreciate a nice bottle of wine. Unfortunately, I’m “single” when it comes to wine consumption in da house and in other ways too but that’s for another forum. 🙂

    Cheers to a great show, as always.

  • As always, what a great and informative show. I liked the part . . . “wait, wait, Now! That is how you can tell the tannic structure, how it ‘may’ age . . . ”

    The only drawback I see is our guest is really p-whipped. I’m guessing his SA is drop dead gorgeous and he’s afraid to lose her. 🙂

    QOTD: I wish I had a lady who would take the time to appreciate a nice bottle of wine. Unfortunately, I’m “single” when it comes to wine consumption in da house and in other ways too but that’s for another forum. 🙂

    Cheers to a great show, as always.

  • Awe! How much do I love Gary?!

    Thank you Gary!

  • Anonymous

    Awe! How much do I love Gary?!

    Thank you Gary!

  • Howard

    Gary. You were preaching tonight. Loved it.

  • Howard

    Gary. You were preaching tonight. Loved it.

  • Andy & Edie from MT

    We like to get dressed up (Edie loves her high heels – she has 100s!) and have a nice dinner with a bottle of wine, then go to the coffee place and sip on a frappacino while we do a crossword. Great episode, we’d love to try both of those wines. We got started loving wine on NZ Sav Blancs.

  • Andy & Edie from MT

    We like to get dressed up (Edie loves her high heels – she has 100s!) and have a nice dinner with a bottle of wine, then go to the coffee place and sip on a frappacino while we do a crossword. Great episode, we’d love to try both of those wines. We got started loving wine on NZ Sav Blancs.

  • Miko

    Where’s the love for all the single ladies?!? But seriously, QOTD: you guys said it, good conversation. Comes before or with a bottle of wine.

  • Great show Gary. Interesting topic.

    QOTD: My girl is more into Moscow Mules, or Vodka Tonics than wine, so that leaves more for me! Every once in a while she’ll share a bottle with me if I bring out a Valdez or T-Vine Zin or something of that caliber.

  • Miko

    Where’s the love for all the single ladies?!? But seriously, QOTD: you guys said it, good conversation. Comes before or with a bottle of wine.

  • Great show Gary. Interesting topic.

    QOTD: My girl is more into Moscow Mules, or Vodka Tonics than wine, so that leaves more for me! Every once in a while she’ll share a bottle with me if I bring out a Valdez or T-Vine Zin or something of that caliber.

  • paryb

    Nice guest GV. and I agree on the Havens, it is spec-damn-tacular!
    QOTD: the date starts with the wine, not ends with it in this house.

  • paryb

    Nice guest GV. and I agree on the Havens, it is spec-damn-tacular!
    QOTD: the date starts with the wine, not ends with it in this house.

  • Phil G

    Fun time – I kind of like seeing some wines that you really like from time to time. Otherwise, Roger seems like a nice guy, but I’m not sure if he really added anything to the show.

    QOTD – my girlfriend and I like going to new places and trying new restaurants. The process normally involves me taking way to much time to pick a wine, since we often bring our own wine (can have a $30 bottle for just the corkage fee – in the wine list, it would cost up to $75-90)

  • Phil G

    Fun time – I kind of like seeing some wines that you really like from time to time. Otherwise, Roger seems like a nice guy, but I’m not sure if he really added anything to the show.

    QOTD – my girlfriend and I like going to new places and trying new restaurants. The process normally involves me taking way to much time to pick a wine, since we often bring our own wine (can have a $30 bottle for just the corkage fee – in the wine list, it would cost up to $75-90)

  • Nice show. What’s funny is that family is the KEY to any and ALL success you have in life. Without my family I’m toast…PERIOD!!

    QOTD: Hanging on the couch, surprising the lovely wife with something that we did when we FIRST started dating. It’s the KEY TO LIFE!!

  • Nice show. What’s funny is that family is the KEY to any and ALL success you have in life. Without my family I’m toast…PERIOD!!

    QOTD: Hanging on the couch, surprising the lovely wife with something that we did when we FIRST started dating. It’s the KEY TO LIFE!!

  • Does today’s guest live in a van down by the river?

    That’s how I like to envision family counselors.

  • Does today’s guest live in a van down by the river?

    That’s how I like to envision family counselors.

  • Kelly

    Got a problem Gary. My little wine storage unit is know full of wines that should age a few years! The 2005 Havens Bourriquot just took the last spot.I got a idea we will open it next Feb 20th when you come back to Sioux City and see how it is doing.

    QOTD A nice bike ride talking spent talking with my wife.

    Kelly in South Dakota

  • Kelly

    Got a problem Gary. My little wine storage unit is know full of wines that should age a few years! The 2005 Havens Bourriquot just took the last spot.I got a idea we will open it next Feb 20th when you come back to Sioux City and see how it is doing.

    QOTD A nice bike ride talking spent talking with my wife.

    Kelly in South Dakota

  • Thanks for the good feedback & critiques, peeps. Gary is a real guy & very transparent about what he does/says. I didn’t have to get “clinical” at all to get him talking. Had a lot of fun doing the show.

    Plug Time:
    Watch Gary talk about how he & Lizzie make their relationship work around his HECTIC schedule:

    SAM: when Gary said that I TOTALLY thought the same thing you did, LOL

  • Thanks for the good feedback & critiques, peeps. Gary is a real guy & very transparent about what he does/says. I didn’t have to get “clinical” at all to get him talking. Had a lot of fun doing the show.

    Plug Time:
    Watch Gary talk about how he & Lizzie make their relationship work around his HECTIC schedule:

    SAM: when Gary said that I TOTALLY thought the same thing you did, LOL

  • kyle

    Kind of a strange guest there Mr. V. We could have done without him and the “pizza” wine guest. However, you did a jolly fine job as usual. Again, thanks for doing this day after day. I sincerely appreciate the work you do and your show significantly helps me in the world of wine.

  • kyle

    Kind of a strange guest there Mr. V. We could have done without him and the “pizza” wine guest. However, you did a jolly fine job as usual. Again, thanks for doing this day after day. I sincerely appreciate the work you do and your show significantly helps me in the world of wine.

  • GV:
    Nice to see the public connection come back to the show lately. I really enjoy seeing the fan base on the show. The teaching moment when you counted off the taste to recognize the tannins was excellent. Nice job. Where’s your phone?

    QOTD: Dinner out…wine in….then…

  • GV:
    Nice to see the public connection come back to the show lately. I really enjoy seeing the fan base on the show. The teaching moment when you counted off the taste to recognize the tannins was excellent. Nice job. Where’s your phone?

    QOTD: Dinner out…wine in….then…

  • Doug from New Orleans

    Great show! Thank

  • Doug from New Orleans

    Great show! Thank

  • david w henion

    i think a good idea for a show would be to demonstrate how the flavor in a bottle or glass can change over time. as in the way a bottle of pinto noir can evolve over an hour or two; or a more tannic bottle smouths out over a day or two; or the way a young bottle can have tannins become more pronounced as they overcome the fruit. thanx for your great work i always enjoy what you have to offer. you will be a great dad. david

  • david w henion

    i think a good idea for a show would be to demonstrate how the flavor in a bottle or glass can change over time. as in the way a bottle of pinto noir can evolve over an hour or two; or a more tannic bottle smouths out over a day or two; or the way a young bottle can have tannins become more pronounced as they overcome the fruit. thanx for your great work i always enjoy what you have to offer. you will be a great dad. david

  • hmm… is it me or did this show feel like a little less about wine?

  • hmm… is it me or did this show feel like a little less about wine?

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: Depends on what mood we’re in- usually either go out to eat or we’ll stay in, I’ll cook a nice meal & we’ll snuggle up & watch a movie.

  • David T (@ONUMello)

    QOTD: Depends on what mood we’re in- usually either go out to eat or we’ll stay in, I’ll cook a nice meal & we’ll snuggle up & watch a movie.

  • I like Sutter Home

    This guy thinks that talking too much and too fast will cover the fact that He has no palate.

  • I like Sutter Home

    This guy thinks that talking too much and too fast will cover the fact that He has no palate.

  • Don

    QOTD: Date night is either a wine bar in DC (where I live) or Philly (where my girlfriend lives), or dinner with wine and movie. If we stay in and make dinner we’ll drink a bottle of wine too. Safe bet it will involve food and wine 🙂

  • Don

    QOTD: Date night is either a wine bar in DC (where I live) or Philly (where my girlfriend lives), or dinner with wine and movie. If we stay in and make dinner we’ll drink a bottle of wine too. Safe bet it will involve food and wine 🙂

  • Mott is certainly the Whitest guy!

  • Mott is certainly the Whitest guy!

  • Hey what do I bring going to dinner with the Goomah

  • Hey what do I bring going to dinner with the Goomah


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