EP 682 Recommendation Day: Wine for Relationships

Gary Vaynerchuk recommends two wines to share with a loved one and describes how to assess the ageability of red wine.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Eradus Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2005 Havens BourriquotNapa Red Meritage

Links mentioned in today’s episode.

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luca bercelli


One of the very rare episodes that didn’t really do it for me. The guest was a nice guy but knew nothing about wine (this can sometimes work in their favour…not the case here). Also in the mix was Mott trying to second guess GV for the umpteenth time so for once…not for me.

Tags: meritage, red, review, sauvignon blanc, Video, wine, wines

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  • The Havens is much closer to what the guest described- Would have to try this decanted- cause I wasnt wowed initially either

  • The Havens is much closer to what the guest described- Would have to try this decanted- cause I wasnt wowed initially either

  • Actually Derek Coleman did work out you putz as he powered the nets to the playoffs for a few years when they were a dismal team- When Drazen died there was no leader to keep Derek and Kenny in check-

    Coleman though he didnt live up to his potential as he as much talent as any bigman- could dribble, shoot the three and play center

  • Actually Derek Coleman did work out you putz as he powered the nets to the playoffs for a few years when they were a dismal team- When Drazen died there was no leader to keep Derek and Kenny in check-

    Coleman though he didnt live up to his potential as he as much talent as any bigman- could dribble, shoot the three and play center

  • qotd: stay home, DVD, no driving required after…and much closer to the bedroom 😉

  • qotd: stay home, DVD, no driving required after…and much closer to the bedroom 😉

  • urbwes

    Very nice show. I loved your explination on ageability in wine it’s just too bad when the bottle is already open.

    QOTD: I can’t give you an answer here. No significant other.

  • urbwes

    Very nice show. I loved your explination on ageability in wine it’s just too bad when the bottle is already open.

    QOTD: I can’t give you an answer here. No significant other.

  • QOTD: What is our date like before popping wine?

    First foreplay-
    (Husband in kitchen zoom in) “Did you pick a wine?(says to wife on couch)
    (Wife lashes back)”F-U go pick the wine”
    (placing scallops in skillet husband says)”F-U I am cooking”
    (Follow wife as she stomps away)”Well what the F do you want”
    (Husband adds butter to pan)”I dont f-ing care anything”
    (clink clunk up the stairs the wife comes)
    (Zoom in on bottle-Husband snorts) “Molly Fing Dooker Carnival of Love-with fish- what the F is wrong with you F-ing Dumb ass!”
    (Zoom in on husbands gut -wife says) “Well F- You fat ass I asked you want you wanted”
    (husband dunks bread in melted butter)”Well I expected you to use your f-ing head”
    (wife plops bottle on counter)”Go F yourself and pick what you want”
    (Husband defeated) “F it just open it”
    (Husband finishes cooking 5 course meal and serves wife) (Zoom in on bottle as husband pours a glass) “WTF you a-hole you drank 3/4 of the bottle and I didnt even have a glass”
    (close up on wife putting an epty glass down) “Ladies first you jackwad besides me getting drunk is the only way you are getting lucky”
    (Husband shakes head, takes a sip)”Lucky by you passing out and me getting to watch porn)

    Both mumble and finish dinner(fade out of scene)

  • QOTD: What is our date like before popping wine?

    First foreplay-
    (Husband in kitchen zoom in) “Did you pick a wine?(says to wife on couch)
    (Wife lashes back)”F-U go pick the wine”
    (placing scallops in skillet husband says)”F-U I am cooking”
    (Follow wife as she stomps away)”Well what the F do you want”
    (Husband adds butter to pan)”I dont f-ing care anything”
    (clink clunk up the stairs the wife comes)
    (Zoom in on bottle-Husband snorts) “Molly Fing Dooker Carnival of Love-with fish- what the F is wrong with you F-ing Dumb ass!”
    (Zoom in on husbands gut -wife says) “Well F- You fat ass I asked you want you wanted”
    (husband dunks bread in melted butter)”Well I expected you to use your f-ing head”
    (wife plops bottle on counter)”Go F yourself and pick what you want”
    (Husband defeated) “F it just open it”
    (Husband finishes cooking 5 course meal and serves wife) (Zoom in on bottle as husband pours a glass) “WTF you a-hole you drank 3/4 of the bottle and I didnt even have a glass”
    (close up on wife putting an epty glass down) “Ladies first you jackwad besides me getting drunk is the only way you are getting lucky”
    (Husband shakes head, takes a sip)”Lucky by you passing out and me getting to watch porn)

    Both mumble and finish dinner(fade out of scene)

  • Raul Matos (Portugal)

    Great Show!Where is cellular phone? In the “SPECIAL DAY”, you must try (and drin all) Vale de Meão(2004 or 2005)or Quinta do Crasto Maria Teresa 2005 or Barca Velha 2000. Special wine for a SPECIAL DAY! Best of LUCK!

  • Raul Matos (Portugal)

    Great Show!Where is cellular phone? In the “SPECIAL DAY”, you must try (and drin all) Vale de Meão(2004 or 2005)or Quinta do Crasto Maria Teresa 2005 or Barca Velha 2000. Special wine for a SPECIAL DAY! Best of LUCK!

  • J Crazy

    My wife and I love watching DVDs at home and we both love to cook. Date night is whenever she doesn’t have to work the bar at her hotel. We rent a couple DVDs, cook up some good food together, open a bottle, crackers and cheese and the rest is history.

  • J Crazy

    My wife and I love watching DVDs at home and we both love to cook. Date night is whenever she doesn’t have to work the bar at her hotel. We rent a couple DVDs, cook up some good food together, open a bottle, crackers and cheese and the rest is history.

  • Jay

    Guest was like the wines — somewhat hit or miss. But a decent episode none the less. 🙂

  • Jay

    Guest was like the wines — somewhat hit or miss. But a decent episode none the less. 🙂

  • Good show. Definitely into “relationship wines”, as am getting married in less than six months and my fiance is getting into wine and we’re planning a honeymoon in Sonoma. Keep hearing about the NZ Sauvignon Blancs, but still have yet to have more than one or two. Also glad to see the Cinderella wine on!

    I may have missed it because I was multi-tasking while watching, but how did the wines in the episode compare to when you had them before Gary? Same? Better? Worse?

  • Good show. Definitely into “relationship wines”, as am getting married in less than six months and my fiance is getting into wine and we’re planning a honeymoon in Sonoma. Keep hearing about the NZ Sauvignon Blancs, but still have yet to have more than one or two. Also glad to see the Cinderella wine on!

    I may have missed it because I was multi-tasking while watching, but how did the wines in the episode compare to when you had them before Gary? Same? Better? Worse?

  • gomestar

    while guests of this nature can be hit or miss, I really enjoyed this episode and thought the concept was great.

    QOTD: nap!

  • gomestar

    while guests of this nature can be hit or miss, I really enjoyed this episode and thought the concept was great.

    QOTD: nap!

  • amgryger

    Wow! Classic Kahuna comment below.

  • amgryger

    Wow! Classic Kahuna comment below.

  • Robin C

    QOTD: Before we pop a bottle I guess I have to make dinner. Takes a little of the romance out of it.

  • Robin C

    QOTD: Before we pop a bottle I guess I have to make dinner. Takes a little of the romance out of it.

  • Because of the Pink & White shirt the colour changed into a beautiful warm red-violet colour as the wine thinned-out from twirling it in the glass.

  • Because of the Pink & White shirt the colour changed into a beautiful warm red-violet colour as the wine thinned-out from twirling it in the glass.

  • I am inclining to try the Havens Bourriquot but not the NZ Sauvignon Blanc, I find them too specific in taste and balance, I like more nuances than just peach,lemon,lime. I think your guest was comfortable in his seat and his opinions. (nice plug BTW)

    Good Show.

  • I am inclining to try the Havens Bourriquot but not the NZ Sauvignon Blanc, I find them too specific in taste and balance, I like more nuances than just peach,lemon,lime. I think your guest was comfortable in his seat and his opinions. (nice plug BTW)

    Good Show.

  • Anonymous

    Roger you’ve given me some ideas, and I don’t even have a SO. Good guest. Keep up the hustle boys. I’m looking back, now that I’ve kinda figured out how to watch a bunch of the older eps. Quite the history of ratings from years ago. GV you’ll be a grandad before we know it.

  • castello

    Roger you’ve given me some ideas, and I don’t even have a SO. Good guest. Keep up the hustle boys. I’m looking back, now that I’ve kinda figured out how to watch a bunch of the older eps. Quite the history of ratings from years ago. GV you’ll be a grandad before we know it.

  • Steve E

    Just checked the calendar… it’s not the second week in February – good to know.

    QOTD: We did it on Memorial Day; took a 3 mile walk into town on a beautiful day, grabbed a light bite and then watched a movie. Afterwards we went for appetizers and drinks and then walked to another of our favorite spots, through a beautiful park, to have “one for the road”. We proceeded to have a nice walk home, getting back about 8 hours after we left. Perfect

  • Steve E

    Just checked the calendar… it’s not the second week in February – good to know.

    QOTD: We did it on Memorial Day; took a 3 mile walk into town on a beautiful day, grabbed a light bite and then watched a movie. Afterwards we went for appetizers and drinks and then walked to another of our favorite spots, through a beautiful park, to have “one for the road”. We proceeded to have a nice walk home, getting back about 8 hours after we left. Perfect

  • AnthonyfromSocal


    Did you go to the “hot in the back” comment? Wow. Didnt see that coming.

    Winding down my 40th Bday with a little Gary and a little vino talk. Whats going on with the baby?

    QOTD_ The wife and I usually hit the local wine bar-Twisted Vine-in Fullerton and then head out for a little dinner.

  • AnthonyfromSocal


    Did you go to the “hot in the back” comment? Wow. Didnt see that coming.

    Winding down my 40th Bday with a little Gary and a little vino talk. Whats going on with the baby?

    QOTD_ The wife and I usually hit the local wine bar-Twisted Vine-in Fullerton and then head out for a little dinner.

  • pawncop

    I think this is one of your better episodes, as you articulate the very best the wine world has to offer.

    Good guest, it is nice to see one who is evolving as I am.

    QOTD – We like baseball, just got back from watching the Texas Rangers (the good guys) beat the Yankee’s 7-3. I just wish she enjoyed wine as I do.

  • pawncop

    I think this is one of your better episodes, as you articulate the very best the wine world has to offer.

    Good guest, it is nice to see one who is evolving as I am.

    QOTD – We like baseball, just got back from watching the Texas Rangers (the good guys) beat the Yankee’s 7-3. I just wish she enjoyed wine as I do.

  • castello

    Kahuna,,,,,,u betta be pillapino. Best comment EVER! My S.O. doen’t even exist yet, and she is all over that.
    Bring Sasha(gramps)on for a couple shows.. He know some frikkin wine.
    Hope all is well in the dirty JERZZZ.

  • Anonymous

    Kahuna,,,,,,u betta be pillapino. Best comment EVER! My S.O. doen’t even exist yet, and she is all over that.
    Bring Sasha(gramps)on for a couple shows.. He know some frikkin wine.
    Hope all is well in the dirty JERZZZ.

  • Richie

    QOTD: Staying at home mostly. Maybe watch a movie or something.

  • Richie

    QOTD: Staying at home mostly. Maybe watch a movie or something.

  • Anonymous

    I heard a descriptive this weekend while we were opening some Red Tail Ale.
    “It smells like the color Red”. I couldn’t believe my ears, coming from a genuine draft buddy. But he was correctomundo!

  • castello

    I heard a descriptive this weekend while we were opening some Red Tail Ale.
    “It smells like the color Red”. I couldn’t believe my ears, coming from a genuine draft buddy. But he was correctomundo!

  • California Cab Lover

    Speaking of family….. what birth year wine will you buy for baby V?

  • California Cab Lover

    Speaking of family….. what birth year wine will you buy for baby V?

  • hugh


    No I-Phone by your side today???

  • hugh


    No I-Phone by your side today???

  • MaRc

    Hey Gv, how’s the lil one coming along?

  • MaRc

    Hey Gv, how’s the lil one coming along?

  • jigger

    She’s home power-washing the deck! Nuff said. Thank you New Jersey, we love you, good night!

  • jigger

    She’s home power-washing the deck! Nuff said. Thank you New Jersey, we love you, good night!


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