EP 814 Bordeaux in Snuax

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes 2 serious wines in NYC during a blizzard.

Wines tasted in this episode:

1995 Pape Clement Pessac Leognan Graves
2001 Chateau Pichon LalandePauillac

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luca bercelli


Stonking episode…GV at his best. What a view from his NY apartment and a glimpse of Micha. But the highlight for me was the surprise at 2.55…I’m still laughing about it now.

Tags: Bordeaux, French, red, review, snow, Video, wine, wines

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  • Gilberto

    Felicidades Gary,
    Good choice of wines……….

    Saludos de Tijuana,Baja California, Mexico


  • Weston3220

    this guy is great, I want to buy his beer and luckly enough for me I think there is some IN Vancouver Canada

    Qotd: No idea because I have yet to have a Brooklyn now if you don't have a wheat beer then well you'll need to make one [but im sure you have one]

  • jmbujz

    Oh Muffy! “Did I just get weird der and pour the Pape-Clement?”


  • DCaragher

    Good to see the snaux!

    QOTD – When it snows the Guinness flows!

  • pawncop

    First and foremost, thank you so much for sharing your child with us. She is a doll.

    I appreciate the wines although it is unlikely I will ever have the opportunity to try them but who knows, stranger things have happened.

    QOTD – Port is always a good choice.

  • slimdogny

    Sad to see you dump so much $ and awesome wine, but such is life. I have no real attachment to it… 🙂

    QOTD: Usually a nice thick porter, but big cabs and riojas (Tondonias) hit the spot too.

  • marcfrontario

    Happy to finally c little Mish, we have to hook her up with Cage!!!!!!!!

  • RobinC

    QOTD: a big red – cab, cab/syrah, bandol, priorat, super tuscan. I think champagne is good too – the bubbles echo the snowflakes.

  • winemonologues

    QOTD: Cabernet Francs. . . in the snow. . . my fave.

  • joakimhirschberg

    I would love to hear what all these different wines presented in wine library TV could be paired with. This could also be interesting to discuss with everybody who's sharing comments:)

    Bordeaux with pre-salted lambs in this episode?;)

    // Joakim Hirschberg

  • Hey Gary

    Great, love the show.

    I'm in New York for the first time ever and I just watched this because it's snowing outside and I'm scarred of facing the weather. Need to get on with it and be a good tourist.

    QOTD: coffee, port and a big Aussie red (not something I'm normally down with too much)


  • AmyNYC

    Loved the home episode and realized that we're neighbors. Also loved seeing Little Misha–adorable! QOTD: hot chocolate with Kahlua or hot spiced cider with rum.

  • Paul_T

    Hey man, this (Bordeux in Snaux) is the first episode I've seen of yours, and I think it's GREAT. A friend sent me a link to it. I love your intensity, and of course, your palette. And, yes, you DID pour the Pape Clement. (I thought I caught that when you did it, but I wasn't sure because I couldn't see the whole label.) And I really relate to that “drinkability” factor, and think you should score it. I can't tell you how many times I've opened a red thinking I'll just have a glass…and then I have to have another…and then….before you know it, the bottle is EMPTY. Drinkability factor. I now look forward to going through the archives here and watching more of your shows. Thanks so much.

  • A dumb Rhein king

    lol. Yeah, had to rewatch the mistaken pour to see you reaction. Cute kid.

    QOTD: Hot chocolate or a Irish coffee.

  • angelatcarlson

    Nice to see you and your family enjoying the snaux.
    Misha's so cute!
    QOTD: In my area we generally don't get snaux near the water, but it can get rather cold.
    (Yes, I am a whimpy Cali gal thank you very much) My preferred drink is a large, double strength European-style Dark Sipping Chocolate or a nice strong black breakfast-style tea.

  • zman15

    Love the snow show and really have to get into Bordeaux. I'm just about a year into my wine “Hobby” and spent a lot of time with domestic wines but are now starting to expand my palette.

    QOTD: any type of alcohol. drink until you're warm.

  • JayZee13

    Nice show! I love Bordeaux and those were indeed two “big boys” from that region. I've got a coupe of bottles of 1999 Pape Clement in my cellar so I am hoping those will show well in a few years.

    QOTD: Definitely red wine, definitely big, perhaps a Cali Zin or Cabernet. We had the 2005 Dominus last Friday with beef filet and it was beautiful and way too young.

  • adrianbryksa

    On cold, sneaux days I like big, rustic old world reds….think CNDP, Barolos etc

  • BrettFavre

    Awesome. This was the first episode I've watched with my newborn. I've probably seen 800 episodes, but this was great because we got to see a rare appearance by Gary's baby too.

  • yapdiver

    Great show with two excellent wines!

    QOTD: Single malt scotch, Cognac, or a robust red wine like a Nero D'Avola, Barolo, Brunello, Ribera del Duero.

  • danigirl1966

    Thanks for another great show! I started watching Wine Library about 2 years ago and not only have I learned a ton from you but discovered a passion for wines and geography that has motivated me to change careers and get into wine sales. I love it!

    I met you in Boston over a year ago and besides your great personality and enthusiasm I was really the most impressed by how genuine and passionate you are, not only about wine but about life. You have inspired me to follow my dreams. I recently accepted a job as a wine sales rep. I am really excited and am currently pouring over books, Wine Library TV, anything I can get my hands on to learn more about wine. I just finished studying Bordeaux so this episode was very interesting.

    Thanks for letting us meet Misha! When I met you last January you and Lizzie were pregnant so it is really nice to see your beautiful daughter! Congratulations! And, thanks Gary for the “Thunder”!


  • jtuck

    im a breakfast all day, (irish) coffee fan. what a delight to finally see misha!

  • RonD

    QOTD: Port, hands down

  • matthewjohnson_78


  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: Gotta be a warming red or cup of tea!

  • cookanomics

    I have tried the second wine of this pichon lalande ( reserve de la comtesse 2001). It was fantastic with only 35 pounds. Havent actaully tried the big boy lalande though. Great job Gary looking to see more of bordeaux testing.

  • sara

    ive seen tons of wine lib tv episodes, but as i was watching this one, i sort of stepped back and imagined a non vayniac seeing this for the first time and being like, “wtf is going on here? this dude is in a blizzard, lookin like a hooligan, on ues, toggling between baby talk and wine lingo, making snowballs.”
    funny stuff.

  • cold episode i see 🙂

  • I love this episode. It was so personal. I think that’s why I love it!

  • Anonymous

    Fun episode… http://www.winelx.com

  • luca bercelli


    Stonking episode…GV at his best. What a view from his NY apartment and a glimpse of Micha. But the highlight for me was the surprise at 2.55…I’m still laughing about it now.


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