EP 816 2009 Torrontes Taste Off

Gary tastes 3 new arrivals from Argentina of Torrontes, a cool grape that makes interesting white wines from south of the Equator.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2009 Urban TorrontesArgentine Torrontes
2009 La Yunta Torrontes Stelvin ClosureArgentine Torrontes
2009 Crios De Susana Balbo TorrontesArgentine Torrontes

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


lines of the day – ‘literally you are about to laugh your ass off’, ‘Mott, I’m hoping you can come through for the Vaynernation …for once in your life’ and ‘I can see a lot of people screwing by the pool…err with screwtops by the pool’

GV back in the groove

Tags: Argentina, review, Torrontes, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • Dawn9850

    QOTD: Yikes! Years out of high school! Old, old, old….

  • alienrelic

    “20 year old dude stoner's room”? Oh man, you gave yourself away there. Burn one for me, dude. And for family. You are dead on there. NOTHING is more important.

  • Sonoma M@

    YES! Quote of the day: “screwing and hanging out by the pool” @ 09:30 on the ticker.

  • Schoonology

    I think of work. It's a reasonable median age for a lot of engineers, so it makes me think of programming.

  • Anonymous

    Thank you so much for your comment.

    I am going through one of the hardest times of my life now, and perhaps
    I was focusing to much energy on just why I can enjoy my life so much now.

    Perhaps I was too harsh and condescending in my attitude. Now I think so.

    Thank you for being my only sounding board.

    I thank you for your comment; it was full of respect and character,
    which it didn’t half to be, but it was(by the way, you seem to me to be
    an exceptional writer).

    I did have too much attitude, and I apologize for that. I love every
    person of every age and respect everyone at any age all the time –
    except perhaps, at the time I wrote that comment – it was a little too

    Thank you again for your thoughts – they mean more to me than you think
    – I mean that I am really seriously thinking about this!

    I thank you again.


    Glenn Chojnacki – TheErieWineGuy

  • It was the age I was when I met my wife. Can't wait to be able to celebrate 35 years together (28 to go!)

    Love the white wine show, especially directed at different grapes that I am not as knowledgeable about. Keep it coming.

  • YoungDave

    Torrontes! I have had a couple of decent efforts (including the 2007 La Yunta which I thought was only ok). Almost all are extremely aromatic, but some can taste a little soapy…odd.

    QOTD: The number 35 makes me think of how old my parents were when they had me… and the age I will be when my career is stable enough to have my first child (or hopefully a few years sooner!) Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. V.!!

  • p_edwards

    Gary – big props for the video (chest bump had me on the floor) and bigger props for donating the proceeds.

    QOTD – The age I caught the wine bug (two years ago).

  • Nik_B

    This was a great episode – in many ways I think it is the perfect episode to send on to people who haven't seen the show before.

    The comments section makes so much more sense now – improved immeasurably since you changed it to DISQUS.

  • Nik_B

    Australia and France are way too insular with their wine – the UK and USA seem to be the most flexible and open-minded.

  • JeffyJeff

    Good show – we always keep at least a half case of the Crios around for everyday drinking (tired of the chardonnay/viognier/sauv blanc all the time). Goes great with tilapia fish tacos!

  • jsums

    Got a love/hate thing going on with torrontes. Sometimes it gets so perfumy I can't handle it. However, when those aromas are in balance, it's hard to beat as a summer wine. QOTD – hmm, nothing comes to mind. Sorry.

  • LOL that was such a great laugh “screwing and hanging out by the pool”….

    Great sentiments to your parents., BTW

    QOTD: An age, yah I know boring answer.

  • alijabath

    This wine shows typical lemon-yellow color that is characteristic of Torrontes. Gardenia and fresh aromas of honeysuckle, roses and hints of…
    Celebrity Teeth Whitening

  • Anonymous

    You are very welcome. Many of the tings you said in your comment were true, I do believe that in many ways life is wasted on youth. However, the variability of living ones life is intensely personal. Therefore it is difficult to define how one should live their lives regardless of age. I see individuals my age, including myself, squandering what little time they have on pointless pastimes and ill conceived notions of living. But hey, we have to figure it out somehow, perhaps that is one way of going about it.

  • Jimmy Garrison

    Once AGAIN you have given an excellent value driven varietal. This will be my next adventure!

  • mikebest

    Hey guys, have to say the part where you said “sorry that made no sense at all” is one for the compilation best of.

    QOTD: When you say 35 I think of being 35 and that's scary, I need to make sure I get everything in I need to by then, 15 years to go!

  • DaveyJohnson

    The La Yunta is sold out! I wanted to give it a whirl.

    QOTD: Frank Thomas

  • conviviumwine



  • Another great show, I'm going to forward this one on…

  • pawncop

    Another interesting episode and another interesting varietal for me to find and try.

    I so very much appreciated your testiment to your mother and father. The love for your family has always been very evident. I encourage you to continue. We need this on a daily basis. So many times we are bombarded by those that do not respect the family as you do. I believe it is important to lift up the family values you have and I am thankful for your committment.

    QOTD – I do not have a particular importance for that number.

  • Vineares

    That was quite a plug for Crush It Gary…lol

    QOTD : I don't have anything clever to say so I'm just going to leave a comment here. HELLO!

  • TommyB

    I'm no lurker……..
    QOTD: 3 years time – I'll be 35 years old then. Damn – that's not too far away..

  • Haha ya I caught that too 😉

  • “URBAN wine library tv” (look at the bug in the lower right for the second half of the show 🙂

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  • DCaragher

    GV – Another good one!

  • your sweet thankyou for your genuine reply you dont know how much that means to me

  • Allan

    Thnx.no problem. Where are you from?

  • hello, im from tolland connecticut near the university of connecticut in storrs . east coast in betwixt boston and nyc, and you who are you and what do you do where are you from> here isanother email [email protected] this one i frequent more. see you within wine library commentary bye—————– Original Message —————–From: To: Sherry jadeanchobot ([email protected])Date: Mar 17, 2010 7:04 PMSubject: [wltv] Re: 2009 Torrontes Taste Off ? Episode #816Waits wrote, in response to gyfooma the dotcomgal:Thnx.no problem. Where are you from?Link to comment: http://tv.winelibrary.com/2010/02/15/2009-torrontes-taste-off-episode-816/#comment-40247240—–Options: Respond in the body to post a reply comment.To turn off notifications, go to: http://disqus.com/account/notifications/

  • Therese

    I think you'll find the 2005, and 2006 Torrontes is the fav. I love the Quara: flowers up front, lovely dry mid flavors, fab finish NO bite. Yes!!! Also love the Alta Vista 🙂

  • John__J

    qotd: I think of the beginning of being middle aged, but that may be 40 nowadays.

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  • Anonymous

    Like wines from Argentina.. http://www.winelx.com

  • Anonymous

    la yunta seems to taste like the low end of what argentinan torontes can produce… this wine is terrible! Dont waste the money on it!

  • luca bercelli


    lines of the day – ‘literally you are about to laugh your ass off’, ‘Mott, I’m hoping you can come through for the Vaynernation …for once in your life’ and ‘I can see a lot of people screwing by the pool…err with screwtops by the pool’

    GV back in the groove


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