EP 818 2008 New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc Tasting with Some Cheese

Gary chooses 3 different Sauvignon Blancs that interested him and gets some cool cheese to pair with the wines.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Coopers Creek Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2008 Mount Nelson Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2008 Lobster Point Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc

Cheese mentioned in todays episode.

If you’d like additional help with the above item or would just like to know a little bit more, please email Justin Novello ( [email protected] ).

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luca bercelli


Sauvignon Blanc is the only wine varietal that I’m bored with so I couldn’t get too pumped about this episode (even though Joe Namath makes an appearance)

Tags: cheese, New Zealand, review, sauvignon blanc, Video, white, wines

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  • Eric Holm

    QOTD: Stilton and German reisling spatleese

  • jsums

    My first white wine love was NZ SB. It doesn't really blow my mind anymore, but I still appreciate the quality and character it brings to the table for very little cash. QOTD – Don't have specifics, but a stinky, barnyardy bleu paired with a funky Vouvray Demi-Sec gets me pretty close to freaking out.

  • teckdeck2008

    I do need to try more New Zealand Sav Blancs. The main reason I don't is that I don't love the vegetable flavor in wines and I also that they extremely overrated.

    Qotd: Well, I don't do gourmet chesse much. I do like to snack on cheese its when i drink….does that count as a pairing lol.

  • SS_Chris

    Damn….that friggin' cheese looks good!!!

  • SB is definitely not my go-to wine, but I will give the Mount Nelson a taste. I agree with the previous commenter about it's nice to see some less expensive wines reviewed. Your comments on the MN are enough to buy some.

    Do you ever toss up one of the reviewed wines as the free shipping special of the day? It seems like that may generate some sales with a fresh review.

    BTW, I don't think Broadway Joe had “golden locks”. 🙂

    QOTD: I like Asiago with a Cabernet. Although looking at that nice soft cheese reminded me I've always had a soft spot for a baked brie. Hmmm . . . looking at GL now. Thanks for the free shipping.

  • michaeldietrich

    I sell wine here in Oregon. I am a big fan of NZ Sauvignon Blanc. I have had both Cooper's Creek and the Mt. Nelson. To me they are both OK. We don't get Lobster Point. Production of Marlborough SB was up bigtime. I think that many show the overcropping. The few 2009's I have tasted are usually better. Two to look for in 2009 vintage are Clifford Bay $10 and Mud House $15. The Mud House has gotten gold medals in 3 of the NZ wine shows and in one, best of show. I do agree that some can be a bit too agressive for some people. Cooper's Creek also makes a less expensive one called Cat's Pee on a Gooseberry Bush.

  • Here's my pick:

    Fixin pinot noir with Valencay goat cheese: http://gourmetlibrary.com/products/5434-Valenca

  • AnthonyManzalji

    Just had the Mt Nelson at a restaurant in Portland. I wasn't that impressed but it had been chilled and perhaps it was opened the day before. Not as aromatic as explained in this episode.

    QOTD: Tempranillo and Manchego.. With a side of Marcona almonds. Bring it to a picnic or just for a midnight snack.

  • Andrew

    Hey Gary!
    It's probably a little late, but QotD –
    It's a bit different, but I love the Ski Queen Gjetost with a Vernaccia Di San Gimignano (Teruzzi & Puthod Terre Di Tufi )

  • Late as well but QOTD: roquefort with a good full bodied red, or with Sauternes. http://gourmetlibrary.com/products/5440-Roquefo


  • DaveyJohnson

    can someone explain how they ship cheese? Will it go bad? It says on checkout that i am shipping a perishable item and i may want to pick quicker shipping?

  • Still working on being 21 but but my favorite variety of cheese is brie, had some amish Limburger last week (smelled like poo) but tasted quite good. And thank you for the free shipping I have been wanting to order somethings off of gourmet library for some time now but was hesitant just because of shipping.

  • GV – Always a fan of the food & wine pairing shows!

    QOTD: A triple cream brie paired with a classic Chablis (unoaked Chardonnay) rocks my world. Here's a nice one to try from GL:


  • They will ship it with dry ice…works great!!

  • Fonzie1568

    QOTD: blue cheese and port, all the way!

  • SourGrapesFC

    I’m a fan of Mediterranean reds with Manchego: Tempranillo, Grenache, Barbera, even Douro. It’s not a super-sharp, stinky cheese, so I wouldn’t put it up against a big Cab or Zin, but it really makes an earthy/spicy red shine (and visa versa).

  • SourGrapesFC

    so say we all

  • plcb

    I liked that, “food and wine my friends, food and wine”. Yes. I agree.

    QOTD: No favorite. I prefer to have the stinkier cheeses away from home and not stinking up my place. From mild to stinky, I love wine and cheese. Our 'go to' is brie since everyone on the planet likes brie. 🙂

    PA carries a Lobster Reef, never tried it. I shy away from critters.

  • plcb

    I like the t-shirt.

  • I made baked brie with fig spread and apples, and had it with a pinto noir. You could pair any wine with this. I'd even do this with a bubbly.

    store bought brie wheel. (sorry I didn't plan ahead, and go with Gourmet TV)
    Fig spread: http://gourmetlibrary.com/products/37019-Dalmat… (BTW, I paid $3 more in the store)
    Brown sugar

    Sprinkle some brown sugar on the bottom of a pan.
    Drop the brie wheel on top of the sugar
    Put as much of that tasty fig spread on top of the brie as you can
    Cover with apple slices and walnuts
    Cook for, uhm, idunno, about 20 minutes. Depends on the size of the brie wheel.

    We had this with some really thin black pepper crackers which added another component that was out of this world. They may have even been this exact cracker here: http://gourmetlibrary.com/products/8185-Cracker… I could eat this alone, or the crackers, being that they're so thin, don't get in the way and OH MY GOD, I'm starting to drool now remember this.

    Regardless, enjoy it with friends. And trust me, you whip this up, you'll have plenty of friends.

    Good food, good wine, good friends!

  • Hey, Fonz, that's one of the best ever! Ever do blue cheese on a grape? I thought it was odd, until I tried it. Yum.

  • Tempranillo and Manchego is perfect for a picnic, midnight snack, main course, breakfast, whenever! It also showcases food pairing 101; the local food pairs with the local food! Beef Burgundy will do well with a Burgundy!

  • AmyNYC

    QOTD: Epoisses and white burgundy. Cut the top off the cheese and eat it with a spoon! Does anyone have any suggestions on what to drink with a 15-year-old cheddar?

  • Eirik P Martinsen

    QOTD: A nebbiolo wine and parmesan

  • dbell032

    Gary, good show on the SB's, I've been watching for about a month now and a SB i had about a year ago hooked me on wine, the complexity paired with an amazing spinach ravioli just blew me away. So i had to get into the comments with this show.

    QOTD: The best pairing I've had so far, keeping in mind I'm a grad. student at the moment is my homemade Cabernet Sauvignon paired with a $10 sharp cheddar but I think part of the awesomeness of it was the fact I had made the wine. But other than that I'd say Parmesan cheese paired with Benton Lane 2008 Pinot Gris

  • leif

    nice shows…
    last time i had a nice solid recioto di soave docg 07
    (little young/already cellared 3 bottles)
    with some gorgonzola d.o.p. from the supermarket around the corner
    it was a very nice evening and all in all it wasnt that expensive
    the wine was like 7 euro and the cheese was 1.60euro/100g here in europe!
    both the wine and the cheese went better through the combo
    keep pairing food and wine thats what its all about….
    nice nice greetings from germany

  • CBone

    Strange as this is to say, I've never had a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc! The carbon footprint just seems too much to justify drinking a wine I've never cared for all that much from other countries.

    QOTD: I love a nice port with Maytag Blue from Iowa, instead of the usual Stilton, which is also great.

  • pawncop

    I am a huge fan of the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc's from the Marlborugh region. Thank you for highlighting three additional examples. They do tend be somewhat repetative but I love the crispness, the tartness, and the price points.

    QOTD – A new area for me, and I am just learning. Had a very good English White Cheddar with an Alexander Valley Cab a while back.

    But still learning.

  • JeffH

    I have had many NZ SVs. An interesting one is Cottesbrook SV, grass clippings meets grapefruit juice. About US12.00 I love all kinds of cheese, but a fine Rioja with aged manchego is wonderful, as is an earthy Rhone like CDP with smoky Idiazabal, or, Cabrales(span. blue) with an oloroso sherry(not dry)

  • I like NZ sauv blanc, easy drinking and usually tasty we like Matua, Wild Rock, Kim Crawford, Oyster Bay, Nautilus, or maybe Cloudy Bay. I would say it would pair lovely with abbaye de belloc, coupole or wabash cannonball

    qotd: pairings I personally love: pierre robert or nettle meadow kunik with champagne, affidelice with chablis, pont l'eveque with calvados, forme d'ambert with sauternes, ibores with rioja, gruyere with zin, roomano with cab, robiola bosina with moscato d'asti…

    check out artisanalcheese.com you can find a plethora of info on pairings and buy cheeses as well. bon appetite ! xo

  • DaveyJohnson

    just got my order, waiting to try the cheese on Friday wine with a Cabernet Franc I have been wanting to give a whirl. Went with the Petit Frere Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics

  • Weston3220

    qotd: well Classic Sauternes andBlue Cheese

    But Im on a Comte kick mmm grassy

  • boughtrecords

    I wonder if the cheese might not have raised the scores on the other two….. I love a bargain (as most of the country does right now). For everyday have a glass or two and lose the rest $5-8 bottles of wine are attractive. Once in a while you will find a gem. I have found $5 bottles that taste better than $30 bottles. Wine is kind of like guitars in this aspect. There are amazing cheap guitars and crappy expensive guitars but the ratio is what makes the difference. With a $3000 guitar there may be one in a thousand that is crappy and with the $150 guitar there may be one in 10,000 that is amazing. I kind of like to find gems in both areas.

  • Clint Hall

    Maybe Coopers Creek has a bottle variation problem. The one bottle of it I've had was grassy but there was lots more going on — as I recall, minerals and citrus fruits.

  • wannabconnoisseur

    Love NZ Sauvignon Blanc!

  • DCaragher

    GV – GO CHEESE! You gotta try the Merry Edwards SB. AMAZING!

  • John__J

    qotd: comte cheese & a Chateau-Chalon (yellow wine or vin jaune) from Jura

  • Anonymous

    Love cheese, Beemster or goat cheese…not a huge NZ wine fan, too many hit or miss for me. http://www.winelx.com

  • Reid Bandremer

    My fav at the moment is cabernet and Crotonese – http://www.pennmac.com/items/237//.

  • luca bercelli


    Sauvignon Blanc is the only wine varietal that I’m bored with so I couldn’t get too pumped about this episode (even though Joe Namath makes an appearance)


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