EP 951 Tasting with Tim Spear from Clos Mimi Part 1

Gary Vaynerchuk sits down to talk with Tim Spear, the winemaker at Clos Mimi. They talk about Tim’s experiences making wine around the world and his run in the 2010 New York Marathon for charity.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2006 Clos Mini Petite Rousse

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


Worst guest ever.
This guy is an absolute nightmare, even if he does has some interesting things to say. Way too serious, way too obsessed with himself, way too blinkered in his own little world…and he’s wearing a hat! That in itself marks him down as someone to avoid. He gives me the impression of the sort of person who would have some very dodgy stuff in his garage – probably a dress made out of human skin or something similar. I could be wrong but my ‘crazy guy’ radar went haywire when watching this episode.

Tags: california, red, review, wine, wines

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  • Oakmon’s BF

    I’m with you this time Doc.

  • Alexandre-CF

    Great guest, He seems to be really passion about gis wines and the cuture.

    Nice episode

  • Oakmon’s BF

    I believe in open mindedness… but there’s a limit mate.

  • Anonymous

    see you for part 2

  • Go Kings

  • Go Kings

  • Anonymous

    Bumper stickers on a Suburu
    Save the whales and no more news
    Next to a pickup with a rebel flag
    Couple rifles and a gunrack
    Behind a soccer mom in a Yukon
    And a busload of deadheads
    The long stretch of highway they’re on
    Their only common thread

    But there they go making the world go round
    Got their hands on the wheel and the windows rolled down
    Just trying to keep in-between the lines, to each his own
    Yeah, it’d be a shame if we walked and we talked
    And we thought the same
    That’s just not what he had in mind
    Know it takes all kinds

  • Jasonbcarey

    Love Tim Spear.. been drinking Petit Rousse for years..

  • lol……….yup

  • Anonymous

    Thank you.

  • Anonymous

    Interesting laid-back show. Refreshing to see a winemaker uninterested in following the flock!

  • sideout

    This guy scares me a little but I’m in for part 2.

    Classic moment: “Is it (indigenous yeast) really expensive?” Man GV you stepped in it there. Might want to stick to selling wine. I guess your right, YOU don’t hear enough about yeast. Great stuff.

  • Anonymous

    Definitely one of the most interesting guests on WLTV. I am not sure what to expect next, but I will certainly watch.

  • Joey

    Biodynamic mysticism is total BS. It’s not hurting the grapes or wine, but it’s totally irrational and there’s absolutely no evidence (besides anecdotes, which don’t count) supporting it. That said, more power to him if he wants to waste his time and brain power figuring out which cow skulls to bury where at each lunar cycle. As long as he makes good wine, who cares?

  • Runner5

    GV..with your passion for web and wine, what’s your opinion of the WS WOTY snafu? A breach or lazy web design?

  • KrayLu

    ya captivating is the word to describe this guy/episode

  • Good stuff. Loved the vintage Kings jersey.
    And Gary is getting almost as much mileage
    out of his shirt, too.

  • Rimarfish

    Well, definitely interesting episode. I’ll wait till tomorrow to give my definitive opinion…

  • flavasauce

    I am enjoying this guy, most of the best wine makers IMO are “eccentric” and passionate, at least the ones I met while working crush in Napa. I prefer a wine making approach that is more like art than science or manufacturing and the personality of the winemaker shows in the wine. As for reincarnation being “irrational” I would say that the dominant “rational” paradigm has brought us atomic weapons,a hyper materialistic society and nihilism. Actually, more people on earth believe in reincarnation than heaven (Hindus, Buddhists and ancient sects of Judeo Cristians. Scientifically, reincarnation makes more sense because energy (matter ie. e=mc2) cannot be created or destroyed. It’s not that far fetched and if you are unafraid to really question things it is of course feasable. Just my 2 cents.

  • Anonymous

    Awesome guest!!!!! Great show.
    Gary you are rockin’ it my man. Thank you.

  • BrianAF

    I totally want to smoke a bowl with this dude.

  • Oakmon’s BF

    So, your argument is that it?s better to recycle imaginary souls than to pile them up at the dump.

  • Smarshall

    wow- at least this TFK (trust fund kid) made something of himself. Most have the crazy and the drug habit without the vineyard.

  • didn’t like the episode that much, I found the guest not very interesting to me….
    hope part 2 could be more appealing…

  • Csherman

    Interesting guy. Check out his web site. I’m going to try his wines.

  • AlexKeyWest

    Best comment, other than the indiginous yeast e you a francowas early on:
    GV: “So are you a francophile?”
    Tim SPEAR(all caps): “I don’t like to discuss politics.”

    For part deux, I’ll just fast forward to your comments on the wine and ignore the trust fund baby aka doofus.

  • AlexKeyWest

    Is there a way to edit a post? Error in first line. Edit out “e you a francowas”

  • Larry

    Eager to hear the rest. I have enjoyed Clos Mimi when I can find it.

  • rwino

    GV, you now seem normal! For someone so out there, he sure seems close minded about wine in general. If he loves France so much, why is he making wine here?


    K-Fed ?

  • Anonymous

    Great show GV, this guy is the cross between Rudolf Steiner, Lance Armstrong and Pierre Perrin! Awesome! The story is great: art, music, wine? Tons of Passion.

  • Anonymous

    Maybe is because land in France is very, very, very expensive. And maybe, he just is inspired by France?s wine, food, regions & lifestyle, like many of us? And is set to make a little piece of France at home?

  • Anonymous

    That was awesome! Kkkkkk…….

  • Globex

    the interview lost me at “I fathered her in a previous life” followed by “I was a winemaker in the 1800’s in France in a previous life”. HOWEVER, I’m not saying I wasn’t enjoying the interview, it’s just that I started watching this while the market is still open (and slow) so I still have my Wall Street game face on and perhaps wasn’t in the right mind set. So I’m going to come back later after having a glass of wine (on tap for today is Marques De Caceres Crianza Rioja 2006 or Mapema Mendoza Malbec 2006) and watch this again while enjoying the 2nd glass.

  • Natalie

    Until you watch Part 2 where he explicitly states that he’s making wines for Parker so he can become a ‘celebrity winemaker’
    Uninterested……I don’t think so!

  • jaredlevy

    I’ve never thought I’d be this disrespectful on the WLTV post, but this guy’s a dick.

  • Cabfrancophile

    Dominant rational paradigm has also brought us pasteurization, antibiotics, computers (on which you type your message . . . .), electricity, traffic lights. You can’t just pick and choose with this. Either you take it all, or you leave it all.

    Reincarnation is fine, but it is odd he is convinced that he was the DRC winemaker. Very egotistical view of reincarnation.

  • Cabfrancophile

    Yep, right on. Seems more egotistical with his pricing and fame obsession.

  • Bobbiudy

    Can’t wait for part deux. btw. If you get the chance, try his Shell Creek Syrah and his tiny production late harvest Grenache- both are stunning.

  • Anon

    My goodness what a douche this guy is. Gary you totally sold out. This guy’s wines represent everything that you are supposedly against in winemaking and you sat there quietly and let him blabber about his past live as a vigneron in DRC. Sheesh.

  • Anonymous

    Enjoyed the first half and I am certainly entertained by all the controversy in the comments!

  • flavasauce

    Well if people were truly honest you’d find they believe a lot of wacky stuff, like God is an old man with a big white beard etc… I guess I just appreciate people who are willing to risk sounding crazy by speaking their truth. Maybe he is a douche i don’t really care. 😉
    Yes, modern life has brought us some cool stuff but i don’t think they have ultimately made us happier or more peaceful as a species on the whole.

  • flavasauce

    Hahaha nice way to frame it. Well not sure i’d use the word soul but, yeah nature recycles because it’s all biodegradable unless you have a plastic soul then you are screwed.

  • Anonymous

    Not a bad start to this two-parter, but I have definitely gotten more entertainment from reading the comments than from watching this guest episode! To be both as fair to the guest and as honest as possible, I’ll simply say that I COMPLETELY appreciate this guest’s passion, but that he expresses many of the pretentious qualities (famous winemakers who he’s met, mentioning all of his traveling and worldly experiences as if merely part of casual conversation, the self-endowed status and authority through perceived “previous life” experiences, etc.) that simply rubs me the wrong way when I meet people in the wine and restaurant business. SO, I can’t WAIT to see the rest of the episode, for better or for worse. I actually am pulling for this guest to end with favorable reviews.

  • Oakmon’s BF

    I?d be just as put off if somebody came on and talked about heaven. I should be more respectful and not start religious/philosophical debates on a wine show comment page. In truth Tim did not come on the show pitching reincarnation. He simply gave a sincere answer to Gary?s questions about how and why he got started. I did not like this episode but I shouldn?t criticize Tim.

  • Anonymous

    Well, at least he likes Riesling!

  • Anonymous

    I’d discovered Petite Rousse to the muted fanfare of one of my colleagues, in 2004. Prob. the 2002 vintage, three bottles of which I’d found hidden behind some careless shelf facing. I took one home, on his recommendation, and found it well made, but was fooled by an apparent modest profile, vs. the screaming enthusiasm the well respected friend’s experienced opinions normally carried. It was actually more like MY interpretation of what was implied. In the following years, after yearly encounters, and long-anticipated arrival of the always-too-small alotment (the max that the distributor could spread to my account, a good, but single location), which would be out of the door in a matter of a couple of days, I came to understand the superior , meticulous efforts Tim undertakes, just in this, his ‘little’ wine.
    This was great exposure to a great winemaker. I was at rapt attention the entire ep. I’d be willing to bet that most of the critical ‘opinions’ are coming from sectors who’d never bought (or tasted) Lynch-Bages, nor know who this ‘Chave’ fellow, of which he speaks is. I’d met Jean Louis twice, now, and it is a serious league, and top echelon of the wine world into which Mr. Spear had attained statuss and success. His history, experience, serious dedication to things such as his family, craft, and culture, are clearly demonstrated on his website, and in the bottles he produces.
    I’m sure that when any of you complete the New York Marathon (or any achievement of such a level), you’ll be braying to the world, and popping Veuve, provided you’re willing to pay for it. Stay classy like that.

  • Anonymous

    And yes, I ended that with facetious, sardonic vitriol. I’d rarely (since Helen) seen such an embarassing amount of uncalled for disrespect from the comments board, and it was dissappointing, to say the least.
    Though I profess that there’s “no bad Champagne in Champagne”, I hate to pick on the ‘Poor Widow’, and there are a number of the Grand Marques which I favor much more than those marketed for the mindless, it is ‘Growers’, all the way, for me , in Champagne! Cuz I’M classy like that.

  • John__J

    Can’t say I’m surprised by the different array of comments this episode has gotten

  • Funnyside

    My god – the guy is self-indulgent, self-satisfied, self-important a**hole. “I must have been her father in a previous lifetime”. “I was a DRC vigneron in a previous lifetime, which of course explains how I was her father”.

    Biggest proof il est idiot – getting excited about 16% Burgundy, and holding his glass with two hands to smell? Sorry – gotta call it like I see it. Not Gary’s issue at all, this guy’s a certified moron.


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