EP 991 Blind Tasting of Sauvignon Blancs from Around the World

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes 3 different Sauvignon Blanc wines from around the world with a very interesting conclusion.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2009 Mauroy Gauliez Belair Pouilly FumePouilly Fume
2009 Seresin Sauvignon BlancNew Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
2009 Bevan Cellars Sauvignon BlancNapa Sauvignon Blanc

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luca bercelli


All the brown paper bag episodes are great and this is no exception. A surprise result such as this one makes it all the more enjoyable.

Tags: Pouilly Fume, sauvignon blanc, Video, white, wine, wines

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    …….”is just another palate”. . . . and some dough possibly too… I say. Never trust WS


    They should have stayed at home. Simple as that.

    I can always go. . . . . no one in their right minds would ever abduct me…. 😉



    They should have stayed at home instead. Simple as that.

    I can always go. . . . no one in their right minds would ever abduct me….. 😉

    P.s. FU Disqus

  • never!!!

  • Anonymous

    QOTD: I had one of the angus beef burgers from mc’donalds a while ago. It was really good. I wouldn’t have thought so before.

  • Anonymous

    WOOW # 991!!! Just 9 to GO!! This is amazing Gary, to remember we are this long into this journey! It?s been a great learning experience and huge FUN! Thank you a Lot!

    Great Sauv. Blanc Show, K-Murph picked really well, made up for Cali SB.

  • Anonymous

    Only if you think we belong on the same level as you, your Eminence! 😛

  • Anonymous

    I’ve been wondering how your a Colts fan? You must be a hold over from the old Baltimore days? Now I get it! I never forgave them when they snuck out of Baltimore back in 1984! 😛

  • Really great show!

  • It ain’t easy being humble when you’re this good looking.


    Lookin forward to the guest later in the week, who could it be…. ? Hopefully Oz Clarke, that would be awesome. 🙂

  • Anonymous

    These episodes are giving me white wine withdrawals, come back summer!

    A lot of the biggest pies I’ve eaten lately were sports related: Putting up less than 50 points in my fantasy football championship game, the Canucks losing to the Blackhawks for the second year in a row.

    Single tear

  • Anonymous

    Hmmm….well, perhaps I could lump you all in the ‘and others’ category in
    my missives in order to be exclusionarily inclusive 😉

  • Anonymous

    I sent NWIndianaDan this reply when he mentioned that I was not alone. He
    did, however, address me with the proper reespect calling me ‘your

    Hmmm….well, perhaps I could lump you all in the ‘and others’ category in
    my missives in order to be exclusionarily inclusive 😉

  • Anonymous

    Tasting wine blind is very humbling, I mean even with wine professoinnals wich makes it even more impressive when Gary does it. I am clearly an amateur in the wine world but sometimes I think I had it pegged down before knowing what I’m drinking and a lot of times I’m wrong.

    AnywaysI’ve been contemplating this issue for a while and was wondering what you guys thought of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. I personnaly like it but not as much as people seem to say, and clearly not from every producer. I actually prefer Riesling from Nez Zealand (I love both varietals so it’s not a question of a varietal preference), anyone in with me?
    Austrian whites are the ones really hitting now though, Gruvees and Rieslings, I think the style is just in between new world and old world if that’s possible.

    FYI if anyone wants to check out my new blog and give me their opinion on it in the comments, here it is:

    Thx people

  • Anonymous

    Good show, love SB from most places in the world, not so much from NZ. Yeah!!! glad CA finally showed its SB chops, so many good values that deliver on flavor and depth if one knows where to look and does not mind searching for dimonds in the rough.

    QOTD: I have eaten my words often enough to enjoy the flavor. I am humbled every day realising how much more I have to learn about my job, people, guitar thre list could go on forever. Here is an aerosmith quote I thought of right away when GV asked the QOTD;

    Believe in all the good things
    That money just can’t buy
    Then you won’t get no belly ache
    From eatin’ humble pie
    I believe in rags to riches
    Your inheritence won’t last
    So take your Grey Poupon my friend
    And shove it up your ass!

  • QOTD: Being from MN you were born to hate any, ANY Packer player….point in case Brett Farve. After loathing him for years, he became one of the Vikings. That is a huge plate of crow!! We even drove to Mississippi and visited his home town before going to New Orleans and the NFC Championship game last year. Humble pie can taste soooo good!!

  • Anonymous

    Give it up to Cali. My palate has for SB has come back around to Napa. Cade has been my favorite over the past year or so. New Zealand SB has gone way too far over the top. QOTD: I can’t think of any humbling experience recently mainly because I lead a pretty boring life. I think Charlie Sheen will probably be having some humble pie pretty soon.

  • I dig it dude!

  • Anonymous

    Thanks man! Prost!




  • Neil McNamara

    QOTD: When I declared, “only dumb people drink Smart Water,” only to find out my daughter drank it once…….she didn’t think the joke was too funny.

    When is Charlie Sheen coming on WLTV for an interview?

  • Anonymous

    Hey man, no worries; the place was a zoo, you seemed tied up with important tasks. We were well tended to.
    I was impressed as always with the wines: The Aix was showing great, so vibrant but rich too, as was the Rousanne – can’t wait till summer for that ine. I think the Estate Blanc is always such a huge winner. It was fun to try the Grand Ciel Syrah as well, though I couldn’t quite justify the extra outlay on that one. The lady and I will be back before too long. Good luck with your current ‘pursuits’!

  • Anonymous

    QOTD – I hosted a wine tasting a few weeks ago and I hadn’t tasted 7 of the 8 wines. My friend’s asked me to predict which would show well and which wouldn’t since I guess I’m the resident wine nerd. About the only one I got right was the one I had had previously.

    Alright I have to say I’m not a SB fan. But I had one recently that blew me away. BLEW ME AWAY I tell you! It’s called Illumination. It’s from CA and I believe Quintessa makes it. It is the very best I’ve ever had. Try that one Gary V and see how it compares and if it further changes your thoughts on CA Sauvignon Blanc.

    My dude, fantastic, fantastic show again! You’re bringing it brother, great job!



  • John__J

    qotd: Can’t remember, but I know I’ve had a lot of it.

    Overall I’m no fan of Sauv Blanc in California either, but a wineries like Spottswoode certainly prove it can be done

  • John__J

    You try that Romanian chard yet? I’m curious what you thought of it.

  • Wow , SUPRISE from NAPA!!
    Great Great Show, thx GV

    I luv them blind bags
    You’re on a Roll….
    Where’s the Book? Pump it Up!
    Get er Done

    Watch Out Amazon, The Vaniac Nation is Coming

  • I eat humble pie everyday, I’m in the mortgage business….lol 🙂 Great episode!

  • QOTD: I talked up a possible shipment of $50,000 in wine to China. After coordinating a meeting with the winery I went to the meeting with a distributor to China who was ready to ship, only to find out that the deal was nowhere near complete. The distributor was not happy to be part of an uneventful meeting. It was a very un-fun drive back home.

    I serve a lot of Cakebread SB, and unless peeps are swayed by the producer and like it more than they would if it was an unheard of SB, it always gets a nod.

  • Anonymous

    Loved the show GV,

    The poor people of NZ are getting a beating!!! First the earth quake now GV dissing on their wines. Who knows whats next, maybe Australia beats them right on full time at this years rugby world cup. LOL

  • Gary, The name of the fruit drink you’ve looking for I belive is kompot (that’s polish word, pronunced com-pot), and it’s kind of fruit (apples, berries, etc.) cooked with sugar i water, then cooled, and drink cool. Am I right? ‘coz there is also french dessert called Compote, based on fruits mixed and served like tomate juice but that’s something else, and Kompot is popular drink in eastern Europe

  • Hey, Gary I am a new to wine making from kits. If I sent you a bottle of my wine would you be willing to give me your thoughts on it. Thank you.

  • Leatherpalate

    Last Bears/Packers game. Still hurts :_(

  • Anonymous

    Ya Gary – Really brought the Thunder. I liked the duration and descriptors this time, also a round of applause, what more can you ask for.

    QOTD: This past weekend I bet my girlfriend’s father 20 bones that a 10K distance run is approximately 6.4 miles, being a 5ker myself I unjustly doubled my 3.2 miles and challenged his 6.2 mile assertion. We looked it up and 10 kilometers converts to 6.25 miles so we rounded up to 6.3 miles and had a double serving of humble pie!

  • QOTD: good question GV. Last time was in 2005, after a mishap at one of the hangars where the pilot’s club meets- long story short: I was schooled in Mooney Airplane history.

  • Anonymous

    Great Show…I must say even though you slammed the New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc..it is a favorite of mine. Kim Crawford make a fantasic one. I would love to try the Sauvignon Blanc from Napa. But Like I tell people you never know with wine until you actually taste it…Each one is different…So you may owe Calfornia an apology now:)
    [email protected]

  • Anonymous

    Nice SB show. I knew K-Murph would do that to you. She probably worked hard to find a California SB that got a great rating to see what you would say. Awesome. 😉

    QOTD: Last year at our fantasy baseball draft, I noted that the new guy in our league had a horrible draft and would finish in the bottom three in the league. I, of course, thought I had a really good team. He finished 3rd and I finished 9th out of 12 teams. Crow – yum!

  • meh

    QOTD: Never

  • Anonymous

    I’m liking these 3fer brown bag shows and your tight descriptions lately.
    QOTD: Alright…I’m the wine department manager at a small cooperative grocery store and I’m fortunate to have complete autonomy over selections in our wine department. Late last summer I sampled the 2009 Hot to Trot Red from Columbia Crest and immediately gave it a huge pazzzzzzzzz. It was a disaster…sweet, awkward, and severely out of balance. Over the next several months I had at least a dozen requests from my customers to carry this wine because “it was delicious”. Much to my chagrine, I relented, and found a slot on the shelf for this “wine”. Yes it sells, though not because of my recommendations.

  • Gary: Thanks for recognizing that some excellent SB’s are made in California. Russell Bevan worked his SB magic in 2009 with grapes from my Kick Ranch vineyard in Sonoma County (not Napa!). Kick Ranch is farmed by Glenn Alexander of Bacchus Vineyard Mgmt, one of Sonoma’s best. Russell is on a roll making great wines, and I am proud his SB comes from Kick Ranch. Dick Keenan

  • MJ

    TOKYO 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Althogh I seldom part with more than $20 per btl., I’m intrigued by Bevan Cellars so I’ll seek it out. Also I’ll look for Arneis to see what’s up with that.
    Re: QOTD: With only about a year and a half of really getting interested in wine, I’m a relative newbie in the wine world. Last year at our camp, I was touting how good this 2001 Chard was. Everyone else hated it. I later was told it was badly corked and I hadn’t realized it. I didn’t really know what corked wine tastes like. It doesn’t go well with much of anything except humble pie.

  • Charlotte K. Jensen

    U are so right, what spring?

  • steve

    QOTD: I’m married, so pretty much every day.

  • Charlotte K. Jensen

    Why would U dis sauvignon blanc? Big fan- esp. from France, yes sancerre, but also from other places like Languedoc for instance.

  • Well, this was my birthday episode, March first, what what. Now I am really craving some sauvignon blanc.

    QOTD: humble pie, last night I was playing billiards and I was talking a lot of trash because amongst friends that’s what you do. I was quiet at the start, I lost a little, I won one, lost one, then I started to win a little, I beat a couple of my better friends. I started talking a little trash and then I got served a big slice of humble pie by someone who rarely plays. The table was cleared and I had to eat it up… it still stings.

  • Anonymous

    I’m glad to see that even GV can be proven wrong about wine. QOTD – I think I eat humble pie almost every day. Many things I think are true are shown to be wrong or at least not as black and white as I thought.

  • Anonymous

    When the Aussies beat the Kiwis in the Ruggers World Cup, they could eat humble pie!
    Although both our nations have copped a tragic beating this year, so I say this in a caring way.
    Hey, we do produce some great S B’s in Oz too Gary. Check them out.

  • Well was drinking some Sancerre and realized it goes great with dark chocolate.

    Humble pie : every day – should introduce you my wife

  • Don Simpson

    Ohhhh SWEET IRONY 🙂

    QOTD: Hmm, a LOT at work this past year!!!


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