EP 999 Tasting with the Vayniacs: Part 4

Gary Vaynerchuk concludes the week of Vayniac tastings with Winestein, GlassRunnethEmpty, and Julius. They taste a special rose from Washington State and move on to three high end reds from the US and Italy.

Wines tasted in this episode:

Kaella Rose
2007 Leonetti ReserveWalla Walla Red Blend
2006 Robert Foley ClaretNapa Red Meritage
2006 Antinori SolaiaSuper Tuscan

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Tags: Blend, meritage, red, rose, Super Tuscan, Video, washington state, wine, wines

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  • Anonymous

    With all this talk about the WL Forums for the past four shows, the only link to the forums (that I can see) is the small little text waaaay down at the bottom of the WLTV page. Shouldn’t there be a larger, more prominent link somewhere on the WLTV page for those that want to join and or continue the discussions in a forum format?

  • Anonymous

    As always, fun show and great selection of wines. Given some of the sometimes heated discussions on the Boards of new world vs. old world, would have liked some more in depth background/discussion about Antinori as a super Tuscan and its use of cabernet sauvignon and franc in combination with Sangiovese. Maybe a future show talking about modern versus traditional techniques and varietals in a particular region would be a lot of fun, informative and probably stir up some comment. Appreciate what you guys do…

  • I liked them all though if I was forced to pick a favorite it would be 998. So cool to put faces to long known names. Very cool to see people who are even bigger wine nerds than me :). I am not alone!! Have to say, though, I did start wondering why there weren’t some women in the mix (no disrespect to KMurph but she wasn’t at the table!). I guess online wine forums aren’t the diverse scene all the marketing material says they are ;).

    Yes at least a piece.
    2006 L’Ecole No 41 and before that was Amavi. Good juice to be had in WA.

  • Have you found another interesting online environment?

  • Don’t worry Gary will write it off ;).

  • And we even had a spot at our table for Pete.

  • Here I was hoping you were going to be on 1k man! Guess Gary still has a soft spot for those old viewers even though some of us surface dwellers have been watching for quite some time. Watched an older episode the other day. Forgot about the reading of the comments from a piece of paper.

  • On the 50 yard line of Jets stadium?

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous


    Thanks Joshua !!!!

    You should go leave a comment on my episode and you wil be the 750th comment. That has to be a record….no?

  • NY Pete

    I like the way you think Zach.

  • NY Pete

    bummer Joel … all are welcome to the clubhouse … even BLou.

  • Anonymous

    998 ftw!

  • Anonymous

    It’s funny, I was sitting there while this show was being taped and it was still fun to watch. Great job, gents and a huge thanks again to GV for getting us all together and making it happen.

  • Anonymous

    Won’t lie, it can tend to get a little clique-y and full of inside jokes and what have you. But at the end of the day it’s a bunch of nerds really passionate about wine that discuss it til they’re blue in the face. You should stop on by again.

  • Hey Zach, its on the top right under Wl Network.

    Best episode for me (and I liked all of them, the concept, the gustes, everything) but since I am asked, 998 was my favority, people just seemes to come together the most and if was fun.
    I think Gary will not stop until he is at least part owner so no doubt will the Jets
    Never had washington wine, so I’m happy to get some suggestions from otthers’ comments.

  • Anonymous

    Not a huge rose drinker, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. Kudos to Dave on a great wine.

  • Anonymous

    Oh, QOTD’s:

    1: Sure.
    2: 998. Duh.
    3: Robert Karl Reserve Cab. Stood up to some real cult Cali cab producers at a WLTV offline and was really quite good.

  • Anonymous

    Agreed, I’m just saying not many of the folks active on the old CW comment section have that high of a post count in the WLTV forums if they weren’t on both before the move. I (David T on the forum) would be a prime example.

  • Neophyte

    QOTD1: up to him
    QOTD2: hard to choose
    QOTD3: Kung Fu girl reisling. Wasn’t all that impressed

  • Anonymous

    give it a chance Joel. It truly is a great group of people. Do one offline and you will see what I mean

  • Anonymous

    The only thing that I thought was wrong with all of our segments was the fact that everything was a pop and pour. I actually brought up the need to give everything another sniffy sniff at the end of our segment. Gary appeared to just want to gloss over this. Unfortunately some very good (if young) wines were panned due to the pop and pour nature of the show.

  • Anonymous

    Great show, Cayuse En Chamberlin 2004 was the last wine I had. Best show was this one. Own the Jets, anything is possible.

  • Anonymous

    I agree, Foley is a monster wine and does use new oak, but that wine needs 3-4 hours to allow the rest of the wines aroma and flavor components to unfurl when its a new vintage.

  • Anonymous

    I see….kind of. Thanks. One has to click on WL Network to get the link. IMO, I think it should be more prominent. However, I don’t think I’ll lose any sleep tonight …LOL 🙂

  • Anonymous

    As a matter of fact, I am connecting with local folks. Internet chatting,
    forums etc can be so opinionated and pointless at times. I have been around
    WL for years, watching GV shows. They were kind of energetic at first but
    much of it is about selling WL wines, proof of point the endless emails.

  • Anonymous

    NY Pete, exactly my point. I don’t know BLou and could care less. I find it
    funny that the people invited to those shows were there because of the
    number of posts the had. Wow, how ridiculous is that. Many posts in the
    Valley forum are pointless.

  • Anonymous

    I live 31/2 hrs away. Kind of hard for an offline. Anyway, thanks for
    sharing, but I have been around WL for years and those shows only validated
    my feelings about this environment. I met Gary at the track in Saratoga
    about three years ago I believe, and got a few seconds, and I mean a few
    seconds to say hello and an autograph. I suggested a couple of ideas about
    some shows and he said sure. Nothing ever cam of it even after sending a few
    emails back and forth from someone named Ian. Nothing after happened. Now of
    course if I had 10,000 posts maybe something would have got done. I realize
    Gary is a busy guy but don’t send me emails making me believe something is
    going to happen etc etc. Please. Anyhow, I have been a loyal watcher of the
    shows, for the most part, since about show 100. Will stop in from time to
    time but thats it. Have fun with your offlines. Respectfully, Joel

  • Anonymous

    I have yet to go to a local wine shop and have the owner dis his or her own wines that are sitting on the shelf, as Gary regularly does. It wouldn’t help their sales to do that, I would guess.
    As with most websites it’s easy enough to unsubscribe from WL emails and/or select only those you wish to receive…

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the spelling lesson on the word clique-y, even though you didn’t
    intend it. I am glad you guys are passionate about wine, as am I. However, I
    don’t base my expertise on the quantity of my posts, as so many who post in
    the Valley forum do. This does necessarily mean any of the people on the
    show. Respectfully Joel

  • Anonymous

    No login possible all week. It does not seem to be pop-up blocker.
    Disqus kills dumb non-techies, like me.


  • Anonymous

    hey! I got it, through the fb login. Accidentally. Even though that puzzles my brain.

  • yeah true. pretty generous gesture

  • Anonymous

    Anyways, I think GV, you carried that assessment very well, on Mr. Foley’s (and many of the cult/ high tier) wines w/ lots of hubbub this past decade. So many of these delicious wines, high end , or not, will sadly, see crazy, and premature evolutions, and rather unnatural deteriorations, some, in well under than 10 years. while I don’t think that’s the case w/ Bob Foley’s wines in particular – I’ve had several of them even over 12, that were glorious. But I’d heard talk , on occasion, of several of the new big guns’ wines falling apart very quickly, partly due to overenthusiastic ripeness levels, extraction, and crazy amounts of new (American, especially) Oak. I get bummed out that people who buy these wines, and want to hold them for years, thinking they’ll improve – spending all that time, waiting, and then having their ‘dreams’ dashed. They are actually doing it to themselves. I recommend that if your (extreme) wine does not have the track record of a Gaja, classified growth , or grand Cru Burg, you’re probably better off finding a way to enjoy in within the next few years, or for general purposes, around 8 years from vintage ( you know what i’m talking’ about – the fashionable, newer, trendy wines…)

  • Anonymous

    I mean – I’m talkin’ stuff that’s up to a couple hundred $ a bottle. wine pros can see the diff., even smell it. And it’s not really all Parker’s fault, at all. His true love IS Bordeaux. that he is able to enjoy this other end of the spectrum of wines, is ,at least, a more than partial testament to the fact that they are/can be good, very goood, and/or excellent. I agree with that. I just hate to see them die, along with ‘supposed wine lover’s’ hopes for them to be some kind of holy grail wine, some ‘tomorrow’, when they most likely won’t. ( I must confess, though, to being an ‘anti’ -collector, purely, because I haven’t the money to make the proper investment at such a level. I do keep a small par of everyday, investigative, and some ageing classified growths, and better wines, but I like to ‘find’ the purpose to enjoy these , typically $50 and under wines, on the short term plan of +/- 12 months (except the best ones, to get older.).
    Diamond Creek, and many others are TIGHT, tannic, ungenerous, and closed, when they were released. That is structure. And longevity. the candy store wines, not so much.

  • Anonymous

    Yeah, that comment was not one of my best moments. And yes I can unsubscribe, but it would be counter productive because I do order from WL from time to time. Gary is not only about selling wine. He does do a good job on the QPR side of things, also. And if you are reading Gary, I would like to state that overall, your shows are good. And as a fellow Jets fan, I do apologize for my rant about the endless emails and selling wines.

  • Anonymous

    no need to worry anymore; as post counts are no longer maintained

  • Anonymous

    The Foley Claret was shown no mercy with a pop and pour approach. Two weeks prior to our wltv extravaganza we ordered a bottle of the Claret at an offline at Morrells. Once again it was a pop and pour, although there was significantly more glass decant time. Over the course of a 1/2 hour or so in the glass it definitely opened up to reveal its character. I have also in the past, had more than a few properly decanted bottles of this, so the GV pan does not really hold much weight in this instance

  • Anonymous

    Q1 – Gary will prob. be at least a part owner ofthe Jets, in not too many years.
    Q2 – only watched this one, so far. plenty of good wines across the board.
    Q3 – last one was Soos Creek Commander Comet Syrah, last month.

  • Anonymous

    Oh really. Interesting. I wonder why.

  • Great show….congrats on 999…This was a spit fest.

  • Anonymous

    Excellent idea, tasting with the Vayniacs. *up*

  • Anonymous

    Don’t think it’s a coincidence that post counts are gone. I for one like that we’ve gotten rid of them. Though there’s a very high correlation between top 50 posters and “most dedicated Vayniacs”, as it happens, so it’s not the worst way to invite people to the show.

  • Anonymous

    A lot of people are watching and have much knowledge about wine, but do not like posting. It doesn’t mean they are not engaged with building the wine world. I like the fact that posts are not tallied any longer, my question is, why is it a coincidence that posts are no longer counted?

  • Anonymous

    Whew! I’m glad you got all that off your chest! Now we can move on. 😛

  • Anonymous

    At last- I’ve caught up watching the March shows- these last four were a hoot!
    Working around some health challenges with my Mom, hope I can see #1,000 on the day it’s posted!
    QOTD1: Yup. QOTD2: Each of them for different reasons (if I tell you, I’ll have to kill you) 😉 QOTD3: It wasn’t Chateau Ste. Michelle, & it wasn’t Columbia Valley, & while I recall enjoying it very much, that’s about all I can remember.

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the support. A post like yours is exactly what I am referring to, useless. Mind your won business.

  • DaveAll

    another good show. solid!
    qotD: no
    QotD: Kahuna
    qotD: ugh? not sure. Washington makes wine? hahaha. kidding. Just haven’t focused on their wines yet. will now that it’s in my face. thanks! smile.

  • Illuminati plot?

    Nice to see you posting here Joel. 🙂

  • @D-Rod – I trust my fellow non-celebratory sparking wine drinker. 😉


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