EP 253 The 95 Point Wine Challenge

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes 4 wines scored 95 points 🙂 he is clearly happy about this, lets see how happy.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2003 DominusNapa Red Meritage
2003 Villacreces Ribera Del DueroRibera Del Duero
2005 Whistling Eagle Eagles Blood ShirazAustralian Shiraz/Syrah
2004 Rolf Binder HanischAustralian Red Meritage

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solid wines.. Too bad the pricepoints now are a bit steeper then they were in 2007

Tags: red meritage, review, Ribera Del Duero, shiraz, Video, wine, wines

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  • Lurkerdog

    GVNC, great job! I would say I am a bomb with a small handful of dirt thrown on it.

  • Dougie Fresh

    QOTD: I’m a Dirty Bomb.

  • Lurkerdog

    GVNC, great job! I would say I am a bomb with a small handful of dirt thrown on it.

  • Dougie Fresh

    QOTD: I’m a Dirty Bomb.

  • I’m a dirty-bombing viticultural terrorist.

  • I’m a dirty-bombing viticultural terrorist.

  • tim

    qotd: BOMB! Mom will tell you, I never did eat my veggies!

  • tim

    qotd: BOMB! Mom will tell you, I never did eat my veggies!

  • Raphael S

    The NSA’s alarms are going off with all this talk of Dirty Bombs! Nonetheless, toss me in the heap with all the Dirty Bombers.

  • Raphael S

    The NSA’s alarms are going off with all this talk of Dirty Bombs! Nonetheless, toss me in the heap with all the Dirty Bombers.

  • MtnCharlie

    QOTD: 15 years ago Bomb. 10 years ago Dirty. Today balance. In general my sweet tooth has dropped way off. Intrigued by complexity. Too much either way gets in the way of the food I’m eating, however some fruit bombs go very well with dirty dark 70-80% cocoa chocolate.

  • MtnCharlie

    QOTD: 15 years ago Bomb. 10 years ago Dirty. Today balance. In general my sweet tooth has dropped way off. Intrigued by complexity. Too much either way gets in the way of the food I’m eating, however some fruit bombs go very well with dirty dark 70-80% cocoa chocolate.

  • Toke-Dawg

    Dirty bomb, but a little more towards the bomby side. Gotta have my strawberry skittles, taste the rainbow, you know.

  • thedom

    QOTD: Good is good 😉 so…dirtybomb it is =)

    I was really excited about your http://www.garyvaynerchukstop500winesofalltimeforeverandeverameniwouldlike tohaveamomentofsilenceforthesearetrulymytop500wineseverserioslyimeanit.com/

    website!…but alas it is not up!

    I can’t wait! Keep up the good work =)

  • Toke-Dawg

    Dirty bomb, but a little more towards the bomby side. Gotta have my strawberry skittles, taste the rainbow, you know.

  • thedom

    QOTD: Good is good 😉 so…dirtybomb it is =)

    I was really excited about your http://www.garyvaynerchukstop500winesofalltimeforeverandeverameniwouldlike tohaveamomentofsilenceforthesearetrulymytop500wineseverserioslyimeanit.com/

    website!…but alas it is not up!

    I can’t wait! Keep up the good work =)

  • wayno da wino


    U daaa Maaaaaan !!! 🙂
    Thanks for doin’ a gazillion episodes in
    one day just to keep us Vayniaks happy !!
    Deems was some good lookin’ Sasperrellas !!

    QOTD: Iz a Dirty Bomb like U. 🙂

  • wayno da wino


    U daaa Maaaaaan !!! 🙂
    Thanks for doin’ a gazillion episodes in
    one day just to keep us Vayniaks happy !!
    Deems was some good lookin’ Sasperrellas !!

    QOTD: Iz a Dirty Bomb like U. 🙂

  • Wimberly Miree

    When I first discovered the latest craze in Australian Shiraz (the 1996-1997 vintages), I fell in love with them. Didn’t then, nor now, have a clue how long they will age, but was enthralled with the massive fruit. I had become at least a partial “Bomb,” having been a “Dirty Bomb” for 20 years prior. After buying way too many of these fruit bombs (about four vintages of them), I came to my senses. Although these wines by themselves are fun to drink, they simply don’t go with food. They cover up even grilled steak. Since I drink 90-95% of my wine with food, I have quit buying them. I already have more than enough (since I won’t drink them with food)in my cellar for my own consumption for life, so have now identified them as a great source of wine to give to charity wine auctions. I don’t feel bad about that because they are well made wines and lots of people love them… yea, even clamor for them….just not me.

  • Wimberly Miree

    When I first discovered the latest craze in Australian Shiraz (the 1996-1997 vintages), I fell in love with them. Didn’t then, nor now, have a clue how long they will age, but was enthralled with the massive fruit. I had become at least a partial “Bomb,” having been a “Dirty Bomb” for 20 years prior. After buying way too many of these fruit bombs (about four vintages of them), I came to my senses. Although these wines by themselves are fun to drink, they simply don’t go with food. They cover up even grilled steak. Since I drink 90-95% of my wine with food, I have quit buying them. I already have more than enough (since I won’t drink them with food)in my cellar for my own consumption for life, so have now identified them as a great source of wine to give to charity wine auctions. I don’t feel bad about that because they are well made wines and lots of people love them… yea, even clamor for them….just not me.

  • A

    Alot dirty
    a little bomb

  • A

    Alot dirty
    a little bomb

  • To answer the question, dirty bomb.

    The old world seems to be hit or miss when it comes to a quality vintage. I’m convinced that old world wine is simply driven by luck.

  • To answer the question, dirty bomb.

    The old world seems to be hit or miss when it comes to a quality vintage. I’m convinced that old world wine is simply driven by luck.

  • Mike

    QOTD: Neutral for sure. Dirty Bomb all the way. Definitely going to try to get some of the Villacreces Ribero Del Duero. At 32 USD, for a 93++ wine, it seems like a total bargain. Looking forward to trying it.

  • Mike

    QOTD: Neutral for sure. Dirty Bomb all the way. Definitely going to try to get some of the Villacreces Ribero Del Duero. At 32 USD, for a 93++ wine, it seems like a total bargain. Looking forward to trying it.

  • eatapc

    PhilB, I agree when you wrote, “Some of my favorite Spanish values are like 91 pts in my book and in Parkerâ??s, and WS thinks they’re worth 84 points. The guy just doesnâ??t seem to be on the same planet as everybody elseâ?¦”

    I just bought a mixed case a Spanish reds last weekend at the Winelibrary (including the Villacreces and some Torremilanos Cyclo). I’m happy that some scores are out of whack with my taste buds — more good wine (and cheaper) for me and you.

  • eatapc

    PhilB, I agree when you wrote, “Some of my favorite Spanish values are like 91 pts in my book and in Parkerâ??s, and WS thinks they’re worth 84 points. The guy just doesnâ??t seem to be on the same planet as everybody elseâ?¦”

    I just bought a mixed case a Spanish reds last weekend at the Winelibrary (including the Villacreces and some Torremilanos Cyclo). I’m happy that some scores are out of whack with my taste buds — more good wine (and cheaper) for me and you.

  • Susan

    Gary-Super Ep! Love your schwag!!!!
    OK Energizer Man –
    you are STILL going strong!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!
    Dirty, Dirty –
    Seriously Dirty!!!
    The ONLY
    time I drink a
    bomb is maybe
    a dessert wine.

  • Susan

    Gary-Super Ep! Love your schwag!!!!
    OK Energizer Man –
    you are STILL going strong!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!
    Dirty, Dirty –
    Seriously Dirty!!!
    The ONLY
    time I drink a
    bomb is maybe
    a dessert wine.

  • Gary, it’s great to see you treating yourself to some goodies as the taping marathon comes down the home stretch… you deserve it! Safe travels.

    QOTD: dirty bomb — but usually I’m *strongly* in the mood for one style or the other.

  • Gary, it’s great to see you treating yourself to some goodies as the taping marathon comes down the home stretch… you deserve it! Safe travels.

    QOTD: dirty bomb — but usually I’m *strongly* in the mood for one style or the other.

  • ChadD.

    Let’s go with a dirty cherry bomb. New favorite quote “the oak monster is riding my little pony through candy land”. Brilliant.

  • ChadD.

    Let’s go with a dirty cherry bomb. New favorite quote “the oak monster is riding my little pony through candy land”. Brilliant.

  • Shad

    I have to go with dirty bomb. I really think that it you drink what you are in the mood for…old or new, its fun regardless. Amazing run of shows in one day, Gary!! This is why the Legion of Vayniacs is growing!!

  • Shad

    I have to go with dirty bomb. I really think that it you drink what you are in the mood for…old or new, its fun regardless. Amazing run of shows in one day, Gary!! This is why the Legion of Vayniacs is growing!!

  • Dom

    Dirty…….but a nice shot of fruit at the beginning is nice!

  • Dom

    Dirty…….but a nice shot of fruit at the beginning is nice!

  • More dirty than bomb for me. Never could get the video to play. Audio was fine but the message came up that the video was no longer avaiable, Wassup with that?

  • More dirty than bomb for me. Never could get the video to play. Audio was fine but the message came up that the video was no longer avaiable, Wassup with that?

  • Dusty

    Bomb….but becoming dirtier the more i drink different wines. and i reckon i’ll get even dirtier once i try what you did in the training your palate episode.

  • Dusty

    Bomb….but becoming dirtier the more i drink different wines. and i reckon i’ll get even dirtier once i try what you did in the training your palate episode.

  • LeatherPalate

    dirty bombs

  • LeatherPalate

    dirty bombs

  • MrTC

    QOTD: Dirty, but that’s just through upbringing. When you live in Western Europe, those are the wines you drink on special occasions and learn to appreciate. I’m out on a quest to become a dirty bomb though 😉 (found a nearby shop that sells Amon-Ra 2004 and am seriously tempted).

  • Chris G

    A big pile of dirt with a fire cracker in it suits me fine but if it’s good it’s good. Never say never (confusing saying that if you think about it too hard)

  • MrTC

    QOTD: Dirty, but that’s just through upbringing. When you live in Western Europe, those are the wines you drink on special occasions and learn to appreciate. I’m out on a quest to become a dirty bomb though 😉 (found a nearby shop that sells Amon-Ra 2004 and am seriously tempted).

  • Chris G

    A big pile of dirt with a fire cracker in it suits me fine but if it’s good it’s good. Never say never (confusing saying that if you think about it too hard)

  • Johan Alexandersson

    I’m so dirty man!
    Hard to find serious wine-food-combinations with da bombs.

  • Serge Laporte

    Hiya Garry 🙂

    OOps, I looked up Wine Spectator and the Villacreces 2003 only got 84 pts.
    I respect your taste and passion totally, but where did this large point discrepancy come about?
    Ok, I see it was a jay Miller rating …
    Anyway, always fun to csatch ya 🙂 Cheers


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