EP 302 The Secret is Dolcetto

Gary Vaynerchuk tastes 4 wines made from the Dolcetto grape from 2 different places.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Pecchenino Dolcetto San LuigiDolcetto di Dogliani
2005 Altare Dolcetto D’albaDolcetto d’Alba
2005 Chionetti Dolcetto Di Dogliani BriccoleroDolcetto di Dogliani
2005 Roagna Dolcetto D AlbaDolcetto d’Alba

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Have had the Pecchenino and some from California, were good for something different. http://www.winelx.com

Tags: Dolcetto, Italian, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • canadapete

    QOTD. Never had dolcetto.
    You get your empire bigger so you can ship to Canada – and I will have one.

  • canadapete

    QOTD. Never had dolcetto.
    You get your empire bigger so you can ship to Canada – and I will have one.

  • Orion Slayer

    “…largest Thundercats collection in the human world.” It’s a good thing you clarified that. In the feline world, there is a Minx cat in Japan that has the biggest collection on Earth! 😉

    Great episode. You constantly pique my interest and push me to try different stuff. Thanks!

    QOTD: I have had a Barbera from Alba but not a Delcetto. One of the favorite dishes my wife cooks is spaghetti and meatballs. It’s a spicy one made with bay leaves and cloves. I’d love to try a Delcetto with this meal!

  • Orion Slayer

    “…largest Thundercats collection in the human world.” It’s a good thing you clarified that. In the feline world, there is a Minx cat in Japan that has the biggest collection on Earth! 😉

    Great episode. You constantly pique my interest and push me to try different stuff. Thanks!

    QOTD: I have had a Barbera from Alba but not a Delcetto. One of the favorite dishes my wife cooks is spaghetti and meatballs. It’s a spicy one made with bay leaves and cloves. I’d love to try a Delcetto with this meal!

  • Awesome! We here at the Witherspoon house love Dolcetto. I have to say that it is a recent occurrence, starting about the end of June when we went to Piemonte. Dolcetto is great, and you think it is cheap here, take out the cost of distribution and it is ridiculous. AND GOOD!!!

    Now knowing about Dolcetto, I do see it menus under the Italian wine section and it is always the best value, which is great. I would have completely overlooked it over 3 months ago. ALthough I have to admit I would have overlooked other Piemonte wines 4-5 months ago because I did not really know that much about Barolo and Barberesco, except the fact that they are made from Nebbiolo. Both Dolcetto and Barbera are great values from Piemonte.

    QOTD: Don’t have any favorites, haven’t had one we didn’t like. Both Rizzi and Rivetto make great ones.

    J DUB

  • Awesome! We here at the Witherspoon house love Dolcetto. I have to say that it is a recent occurrence, starting about the end of June when we went to Piemonte. Dolcetto is great, and you think it is cheap here, take out the cost of distribution and it is ridiculous. AND GOOD!!!

    Now knowing about Dolcetto, I do see it menus under the Italian wine section and it is always the best value, which is great. I would have completely overlooked it over 3 months ago. ALthough I have to admit I would have overlooked other Piemonte wines 4-5 months ago because I did not really know that much about Barolo and Barberesco, except the fact that they are made from Nebbiolo. Both Dolcetto and Barbera are great values from Piemonte.

    QOTD: Don’t have any favorites, haven’t had one we didn’t like. Both Rizzi and Rivetto make great ones.

    J DUB

  • thabeav

    Son of Patriots’ Brady given the initials JET
    BOSTON — New England quarterback Tom Brady’s newborn son has the initials JET. Actress Bridget Moynahan Tuesday said the name of their son was John Edward Thomas Moynahan, and that Brady arrived in Los Angeles in time for the child’s birth last week. – 08/29

    Another Jets fan!!!

  • thabeav

    Son of Patriots’ Brady given the initials JET
    BOSTON — New England quarterback Tom Brady’s newborn son has the initials JET. Actress Bridget Moynahan Tuesday said the name of their son was John Edward Thomas Moynahan, and that Brady arrived in Los Angeles in time for the child’s birth last week. – 08/29

    Another Jets fan!!!

  • Rob B.

    Another Great Show!!!
    QOTD: No I have not had any Dolcetto. Still trying to find a nice everyday drinking Italian wine.

  • Rob B.

    Another Great Show!!!
    QOTD: No I have not had any Dolcetto. Still trying to find a nice everyday drinking Italian wine.

  • Andre

    Great show today Gary! I love when your shows have a theme, and I really appreciate the 5 minutes you spend dropping some knowledge on us at the beginning.

    QOTD: I’ve never had a Dolcetto, but my girlfriend purchased a bottle when we were at WineLibrary visiting you on Friday, so you can be sure we’ll be having some Dolcetto soon!

  • Andre

    Great show today Gary! I love when your shows have a theme, and I really appreciate the 5 minutes you spend dropping some knowledge on us at the beginning.

    QOTD: I’ve never had a Dolcetto, but my girlfriend purchased a bottle when we were at WineLibrary visiting you on Friday, so you can be sure we’ll be having some Dolcetto soon!

  • Jeffrey

    qotd: never, but I bought the one on free.wl yesterday, so, probably soon!

  • Jeffrey

    qotd: never, but I bought the one on free.wl yesterday, so, probably soon!

  • JerseyGirl turned CNY vayniac

    Thanks for sharing your secret Gary! It’s always really interesting to learn what YOU order when you’re out, and I’d completely forgotten about Dolcetto until now! Thanks!

    QOTD: Yes, I believe I had Dolcetto once in my wines of the world course in college – I want to say it was one of our Washington wines we tried, but i’ll have to check – could be Italy. I do remember liking it though. It takes a lot for me to really like a red, let alone remember it, so it must have been great. Definitely going back through my notes tonight to check it out- might have to buy some more next time I have some cash.

    Vayniacs, HOOOOOOO! (*nerd moment*)

    Another great Thundershow Gary!

  • JerseyGirl turned CNY vayniac

    Thanks for sharing your secret Gary! It’s always really interesting to learn what YOU order when you’re out, and I’d completely forgotten about Dolcetto until now! Thanks!

    QOTD: Yes, I believe I had Dolcetto once in my wines of the world course in college – I want to say it was one of our Washington wines we tried, but i’ll have to check – could be Italy. I do remember liking it though. It takes a lot for me to really like a red, let alone remember it, so it must have been great. Definitely going back through my notes tonight to check it out- might have to buy some more next time I have some cash.

    Vayniacs, HOOOOOOO! (*nerd moment*)

    Another great Thundershow Gary!

  • stewart l

    It’s been a long time since I tasted a Dolcetto. Enjoyed the episode-quite a variety of tasts profiles. It will be fun to try several and decide which flavor profile I enjoy better

  • stewart l

    It’s been a long time since I tasted a Dolcetto. Enjoyed the episode-quite a variety of tasts profiles. It will be fun to try several and decide which flavor profile I enjoy better

  • Tom T.

    No never had a Dolchetto. Nice ep. Will seek them out.

  • MoganDavid

    Vietti Dolcetto, Pira Dolcetto yumm!

  • Tom T.

    No never had a Dolchetto. Nice ep. Will seek them out.

  • MoganDavid

    Vietti Dolcetto, Pira Dolcetto yumm!

  • Jayhitek

    That could be the best video to date.

    Here’s a link for some guy selling Thundercat toys. Break out the corporate card.. Nothing like selling a $5 broken toy for $35..

    Don’t shoot the messenger. That guy is not me.

  • Jayhitek

    That could be the best video to date.

    Here’s a link for some guy selling Thundercat toys. Break out the corporate card.. Nothing like selling a $5 broken toy for $35..

    Don’t shoot the messenger. That guy is not me.

  • Alvaro

    I started watching on episode 300 and I’m hooked. great show and the reviews and very approachable and down to earth. My preferences and chilean, argentinian and tempranillo wines from spain.

    Keep up the good work

  • Alvaro

    I started watching on episode 300 and I’m hooked. great show and the reviews and very approachable and down to earth. My preferences and chilean, argentinian and tempranillo wines from spain.

    Keep up the good work

  • babalooo

    I opened up my Woodhouse Cellars Walla Walla Dolcetto yesterday in honor of this episode. Good stuff.

    I’m trying to watch ep. 212, it’s not playing for me. Can you please see why it stopped working?

  • babalooo

    I opened up my Woodhouse Cellars Walla Walla Dolcetto yesterday in honor of this episode. Good stuff.

    I’m trying to watch ep. 212, it’s not playing for me. Can you please see why it stopped working?

  • mattygroves

    Thanks for the insights, god o’ thunder.

    Psst, here’s another secret: Watch that pronunciation of smorgasbord; i’ve heard a few g’s on the end, sounds like a Star Trek Next Gen. contraction.

  • mattygroves

    Thanks for the insights, god o’ thunder.

    Psst, here’s another secret: Watch that pronunciation of smorgasbord; i’ve heard a few g’s on the end, sounds like a Star Trek Next Gen. contraction.

  • BB

    This show sums up WLTV for me…I had a somewhat negative impression of Dolcetto (thin, boring) and it respectfully educated me and opened my mind. Great show.

  • BB

    This show sums up WLTV for me…I had a somewhat negative impression of Dolcetto (thin, boring) and it respectfully educated me and opened my mind. Great show.

  • Aaron C

    No, I’ve never had Dolcetto. I’ll stop at the shop on the way home from work today to see if I can find some. I’m especially interested in the Altare and Roagna.

  • Aaron C

    No, I’ve never had Dolcetto. I’ll stop at the shop on the way home from work today to see if I can find some. I’m especially interested in the Altare and Roagna.

  • Flavio

    Solid show.

    Thanks for opening my eyes (again). I never tried it and am ready to buy some. Can’t believe the Altare and the Roagna are sold out at WL… I actually have to drive to Cranford over the weekend, so I’ll stop by WL to pick up some stuff.

    “The Ex Lurker”

  • Flavio

    Solid show.

    Thanks for opening my eyes (again). I never tried it and am ready to buy some. Can’t believe the Altare and the Roagna are sold out at WL… I actually have to drive to Cranford over the weekend, so I’ll stop by WL to pick up some stuff.

    “The Ex Lurker”

  • There are a number of people making Docetto in the Central Coast of California: Mosby, Lucas&Lewellen and Palmina to name three in Santa barbara County.

    See here for producers in the USA: http://www.cal-italia.com/wineries_v.html#dolcetto

  • There are a number of people making Docetto in the Central Coast of California: Mosby, Lucas&Lewellen and Palmina to name three in Santa barbara County.

    See here for producers in the USA: http://www.cal-italia.com/wineries_v.html#dolcetto

  • I need to finish my coffee before posting, sorry for the typos.

  • I need to finish my coffee before posting, sorry for the typos.

  • Leephus

    Great Episode.. definitly going to try to seek out a Docetto!

  • Leephus

    Great Episode.. definitly going to try to seek out a Docetto!

  • Zach

    Love the education, thanks GV. Definitely putting a Dolcetto on my shopping list for my next trip to the wine store. How bout a Walla Walla episode sometime? Maybe pop a Leonetti?

  • Zach

    Love the education, thanks GV. Definitely putting a Dolcetto on my shopping list for my next trip to the wine store. How bout a Walla Walla episode sometime? Maybe pop a Leonetti?

  • Chris


    Another great show, looking forward to trying some Dolcetto. thanks again

  • Chris


    Another great show, looking forward to trying some Dolcetto. thanks again

  • wayno da wino

    Yo Gary, Super Episode!!
    Thanx for lettin’ us in on da “secret”!

    QOTD: I think I had a delcetto, a couple
    eons back. Ya got me motivated to seek
    some out!!!

  • wayno da wino

    Yo Gary, Super Episode!!
    Thanx for lettin’ us in on da “secret”!

    QOTD: I think I had a delcetto, a couple
    eons back. Ya got me motivated to seek
    some out!!!






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