EP 341 2000 Barolo Wines from Piedmont Revisted

Wine Spectator went over the top with their rating for the vintage of 2000 Piedmont, others say it was too hot and the wines are bombs. Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library TV visits 3 of these wines to see whats up!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2000 Oberto Barolo Vigneto AlbarellaBarolo
2000 Giacomo Borgogno Barolo ListeBarolo
2000 Ceretto Barolo Bricco RoccheBarolo

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Thomas Medina

No barolo’s for me either, though i’m awfully intrigued by this episode! I almost want to go and throw down 30 bucks for one. oh wait…. I need to buy my cap and gown T___T

Can’t wait for you to swing by Virginia Tech!

Tags: Barolo, Italian, Piedmont, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Kim

    I have never had a Barolo, would be very interested in trying…sounds like a NYE kind of wine.

  • Carlo

    My only experience with Barolo was when I got the chance to taste a Ceretto Barolo and Barbaresco at a wine event here in HK.

  • Carlo

    My only experience with Barolo was when I got the chance to taste a Ceretto Barolo and Barbaresco at a wine event here in HK.

  • W Miree

    Great episode! Barolo became my favorite wine about the time the 1995’s were released. QOTD: My favorite Barolo is Bruno Giacosa, but there are many more that I love, such as Ceretto, Conterno Fantino, Pio Cesare, and Sandrone. I like the “traditionalist” style the best, but don’t have a serious objection to the “part traditionalist/part modernist” style. However, I do not like to smell or taste obvious oak in Barolo.

  • W Miree

    Great episode! Barolo became my favorite wine about the time the 1995’s were released. QOTD: My favorite Barolo is Bruno Giacosa, but there are many more that I love, such as Ceretto, Conterno Fantino, Pio Cesare, and Sandrone. I like the “traditionalist” style the best, but don’t have a serious objection to the “part traditionalist/part modernist” style. However, I do not like to smell or taste obvious oak in Barolo.

  • Tim Hayes

    Looking forward to trying Barolo! Good episode…as usual.

  • Tim Hayes

    Looking forward to trying Barolo! Good episode…as usual.

  • Mrbuzz

    NOTHING better with Italian food(Veal Chops!!)than a nice aged Barolo. Hold them as long as you can….age is your friend here! My favorite…..anything ROBERTO VOERZIO!

  • Mrbuzz

    NOTHING better with Italian food(Veal Chops!!)than a nice aged Barolo. Hold them as long as you can….age is your friend here! My favorite…..anything ROBERTO VOERZIO!

  • HeLlo Garrry

    I’ve had some Barolo’s over the years…none of which I can honestly say I remember any specifics about. But…because of the higher price for a good barolo….your show is the savior! Yes, I want to try a GOOD Barolo, but, like many others, I don;t want to simply roll the dice!! Thanks for providing some info on some good ones!!


  • HeLlo Garrry

    I’ve had some Barolo’s over the years…none of which I can honestly say I remember any specifics about. But…because of the higher price for a good barolo….your show is the savior! Yes, I want to try a GOOD Barolo, but, like many others, I don;t want to simply roll the dice!! Thanks for providing some info on some good ones!!


  • QOTD: YES! An absolutely fantastic wine. How about a show on Super Piedmonts? Have heard a little, but not very much about these relatively new wines. Keep it up, Gary! Love the show.

  • QOTD: YES! An absolutely fantastic wine. How about a show on Super Piedmonts? Have heard a little, but not very much about these relatively new wines. Keep it up, Gary! Love the show.

  • Wednesday

    Not yet. Thanks for the survey selection though.

  • Wednesday

    Not yet. Thanks for the survey selection though.

  • Katie D.

    QOTD: Never had a Barolo – but this episode gets me excited.

    and Gary – Kellen is an ‘Orygun’ cowboy. Watching out for those Oregon Vayniacs who hate to hear Or-E-Gone.

  • Katie D.

    QOTD: Never had a Barolo – but this episode gets me excited.

    and Gary – Kellen is an ‘Orygun’ cowboy. Watching out for those Oregon Vayniacs who hate to hear Or-E-Gone.

  • B-727

    QotD: Had about 5 Borolos in the past 30 years. Never been thrilled. I lean more toward New World.

  • B-727

    QotD: Had about 5 Borolos in the past 30 years. Never been thrilled. I lean more toward New World.

  • QOTD: Never had a Barolo.

  • QOTD: Never had a Barolo.

  • Great show. I keep working on almost getting a Barolo.

  • Great show. I keep working on almost getting a Barolo.

  • Sparta Boy

    Love Barolos – My favorite wines, but can only have them when traveling on expense account ! Would love to find decent Barolos closer to $20-25. will make note of some others have mentioned below…

  • Sparta Boy

    Love Barolos – My favorite wines, but can only have them when traveling on expense account ! Would love to find decent Barolos closer to $20-25. will make note of some others have mentioned below…

  • Chris M

    QOTD- I am doing my best to drink a lot of wine to get up to speed (the journey is fun) but I have never had a Barolo. I think it may be my Christmas present to myself.

  • Chris M

    QOTD- I am doing my best to drink a lot of wine to get up to speed (the journey is fun) but I have never had a Barolo. I think it may be my Christmas present to myself.

  • KeithE

    Have not yet tried a Barolo, but I have tried an Amarone. Loved it. Look forward to trying a bottle soon. Thanks

  • KeithE

    Have not yet tried a Barolo, but I have tried an Amarone. Loved it. Look forward to trying a bottle soon. Thanks

  • Derek

    Great EP Gary…hay..maybe you can show us your wine collection, I bet you have some really nice gems!!!

    QOTD: Barolo is one of the wines I have not tried yet, but I will, I promiss!!

  • Derek

    Great EP Gary…hay..maybe you can show us your wine collection, I bet you have some really nice gems!!!

    QOTD: Barolo is one of the wines I have not tried yet, but I will, I promiss!!

  • crank

    QOTD: Last night I went to wine dinner featuring Vietti wines. Had a 2004 Barolo that was really good. I actually liked the Barbera they make from the Barolo region just as much, and it costs 1/3 as much.

  • Antonio

    I have not tried, but my in-laws are taking the boys out this weekend. So we might give this a shot…


  • crank

    QOTD: Last night I went to wine dinner featuring Vietti wines. Had a 2004 Barolo that was really good. I actually liked the Barbera they make from the Barolo region just as much, and it costs 1/3 as much.

  • Antonio

    I have not tried, but my in-laws are taking the boys out this weekend. So we might give this a shot…


  • Juicy Jesse

    QOTD: Corino 2000 and Damilano 2000 (the only two I’ve EVER had.) Mmmmm good!
    I’m keeping one bottle (remaining) of each for more bottle aging for some future special occasions.

  • Juicy Jesse

    QOTD: Corino 2000 and Damilano 2000 (the only two I’ve EVER had.) Mmmmm good!
    I’m keeping one bottle (remaining) of each for more bottle aging for some future special occasions.

  • wayno da wino

    YOOOO GARY !!! 🙂
    Thanx for anodher Cooool Episode!!! You almost got
    me ready to go seek some Barolos!

    QOTD: Forgot the Producers Names, but da last couple
    of Barolos I had (awhile back) were highly rated
    (by Spectator/Parker) but reminded me of “Mud soaked
    in Motor Oil”. YUUUUK !! 🙁
    Gimme some Aussie/California New World Fruit Bombs!!! Yeeaaa!!

  • wayno da wino

    YOOOO GARY !!! 🙂
    Thanx for anodher Cooool Episode!!! You almost got
    me ready to go seek some Barolos!

    QOTD: Forgot the Producers Names, but da last couple
    of Barolos I had (awhile back) were highly rated
    (by Spectator/Parker) but reminded me of “Mud soaked
    in Motor Oil”. YUUUUK !! 🙁
    Gimme some Aussie/California New World Fruit Bombs!!! Yeeaaa!!

  • Keith L

    Thanks for the show

    Never could afford good Barolo in the US, but tasted several on a trip through Piedmont, fell in love with it. Would love to find the 2000 Oberto, but no one in NOVA carries it

  • Keith L

    Thanks for the show

    Never could afford good Barolo in the US, but tasted several on a trip through Piedmont, fell in love with it. Would love to find the 2000 Oberto, but no one in NOVA carries it

  • Never had one bro…so sorry.

  • Never had one bro…so sorry.

  • Mike

    Any of the lovely Barolos made by Chiara Boschis

  • Mike

    Any of the lovely Barolos made by Chiara Boschis

  • sfgiants55

    Had a Borolo, 2003 Vietti… very yummy!

  • sfgiants55

    Had a Borolo, 2003 Vietti… very yummy!

  • HipandKneeDoc

    Sorry to have been away and missed this “live”

    QOTD: Favorite Barolo is Marchesi di Barolo 2001 that I had at the Perryville Inn. Was fatastic…best wine to date.

    Thanx Gary….

  • HipandKneeDoc

    Sorry to have been away and missed this “live”

    QOTD: Favorite Barolo is Marchesi di Barolo 2001 that I had at the Perryville Inn. Was fatastic…best wine to date.

    Thanx Gary….

  • scc

    no barolos in my world yet


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