EP 350 Dinner Wines, Wines I Have Been Wanting To Try

Today Gary explores a few wines that have been on his wine list and must tries! He is then off to go home and celebrate his anniversary.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2005 Sepp Moser Riesling GeblingAustrian Riesling
2006 Rochioli ChardonnaySonoma Chardonnay

2003 St Clement Napa Cabernet SauvignonNapa Cabernet
2005 Rimon Dessert Winel

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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Have the Rochioli Pinot, have had the St. Clement. QOTD-chance. http://www.winelx.com

Tags: Austria, cabernet, chardonnay, dessert wine, Israeli, napa, red, review, Riesling, Sonoma, Video, white, wine

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  • Mark

    been watching you for awhile … great job…love the rochioli pinots..surprised to hear
    the chard wasnt up to snuff…happy aniv and b/day.

  • Dr T from N. Carolina

    Happy anniversary! QOTD — because you work hard to make it work.


  • Kev and Ams

    Gary, I hope you are not reading the comments tonight. You have better things to do.

  • Kev and Ams

    Gary, I hope you are not reading the comments tonight. You have better things to do.

  • dude, i saw u on conan o’brien show, and you are cool, the blog is amazing, congrats.

    fiko from istanbul (turkey)

  • randyshakes

    Happy Anniversary!!
    QOTD: It’s your charisma. You love wine and what it represents and it shows. Oh yeah, it’s free.

  • dude, i saw u on conan o’brien show, and you are cool, the blog is amazing, congrats.

    fiko from istanbul (turkey)

  • randyshakes

    Happy Anniversary!!
    QOTD: It’s your charisma. You love wine and what it represents and it shows. Oh yeah, it’s free.

  • Russ J

    Have a great time tonight. Love to hear, after the fact of course, where you went and what you drank!

    QOTD: Living right, feeling right, thinking right, acting right!

  • Russ J

    Have a great time tonight. Love to hear, after the fact of course, where you went and what you drank!

    QOTD: Living right, feeling right, thinking right, acting right!

  • DC7

    Happy birthday and anniversary! Have a great time tonight!

  • DC7

    Happy birthday and anniversary! Have a great time tonight!





  • pametz

    Happy Anniversary to you both! Now go home and have a nice one.

  • Chargers Rule

    QOTD: Thank Time Magazine. That’s how I found the VaynerNation!

  • pametz

    Happy Anniversary to you both! Now go home and have a nice one.

  • Chargers Rule

    QOTD: Thank Time Magazine. That’s how I found the VaynerNation!

  • Taylor

    Happy Anniversary Gary and LIzzie, Hope the wine at dinner is a little more excitng than today’s. Might be in Boston Friday night as well so email me if you want.
    QOTD it’s because you make all this fun and and I know you’re helping me change my wine world.

  • Taylor

    Happy Anniversary Gary and LIzzie, Hope the wine at dinner is a little more excitng than today’s. Might be in Boston Friday night as well so email me if you want.
    QOTD it’s because you make all this fun and and I know you’re helping me change my wine world.

  • Withnail

    QOTD: Because of your passion and enthusiasm for wine, family, friends and life.
    Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!
    In Vino Veritas,

  • Happy anniversary and Happy Birthday. I’m big on making charitable contributions for people’s birthdays. What are you favorite charities GV? Disappointing on the Rochiloli. I’ve had some really good bottles of their Chardonnay.

  • Withnail

    QOTD: Because of your passion and enthusiasm for wine, family, friends and life.
    Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!
    In Vino Veritas,

  • Happy anniversary and Happy Birthday. I’m big on making charitable contributions for people’s birthdays. What are you favorite charities GV? Disappointing on the Rochiloli. I’ve had some really good bottles of their Chardonnay.

  • winecliff

    QOTD- Business saavy and an inspiring personality. Without that you never would of been the 4th most popular wine video blog that airs for more than 9 minutes a day!

  • winecliff

    QOTD- Business saavy and an inspiring personality. Without that you never would of been the 4th most popular wine video blog that airs for more than 9 minutes a day!

  • Gary, do a bottle shock episode! In fact, I may do one by myself if you don’t. 🙂 I’ve wondered if bottle shock is true for some time, and I just don’t know… but I’m always paranoid about trying bottles that just arrive, and usually wait a few weeks to a month before trying a good bottle.. of course, by the time I do try it the online store is sold out!

    Anyway, the episode: Get a couple bottles of wine off the shelf that you’ve had for a while. Set one aside, and mail the other one to me in Portland, Oregon (can’t get much farther away and still be in the US!). When I get it, I’ll mail it right back to you, and you could do an episode the next day comparing the two wines (BLIND!). Sound good? I think so…

    Happy Anniversary!


  • Gary, do a bottle shock episode! In fact, I may do one by myself if you don’t. 🙂 I’ve wondered if bottle shock is true for some time, and I just don’t know… but I’m always paranoid about trying bottles that just arrive, and usually wait a few weeks to a month before trying a good bottle.. of course, by the time I do try it the online store is sold out!

    Anyway, the episode: Get a couple bottles of wine off the shelf that you’ve had for a while. Set one aside, and mail the other one to me in Portland, Oregon (can’t get much farther away and still be in the US!). When I get it, I’ll mail it right back to you, and you could do an episode the next day comparing the two wines (BLIND!). Sound good? I think so…

    Happy Anniversary!


  • Phil G

    QOTD – not sure if its luck… i think some good exposure (conan or time) and word of mouth get people here, while your passion, honesty, knowledge, and personality keep people coming back. keep it up!

    have a great anniversary!

  • Phil G

    QOTD – not sure if its luck… i think some good exposure (conan or time) and word of mouth get people here, while your passion, honesty, knowledge, and personality keep people coming back. keep it up!

    have a great anniversary!

  • Malphas

    Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Vaynerchuk. May today be one magical day to remember for years to come!

    QotD: The energy you and your staff put forth in whatever you do attracts the following:

    – people who draw inspiration from it
    – people who share in it
    – people who encourage it with conviction and justification
    – people who simply relish in the amusement it provides
    – people who seek to share it with others

    If you pause to consider for a moment, each one of the Vayniacs (and even we lurkers) falls into one of these categories.

  • Malphas

    Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Vaynerchuk. May today be one magical day to remember for years to come!

    QotD: The energy you and your staff put forth in whatever you do attracts the following:

    – people who draw inspiration from it
    – people who share in it
    – people who encourage it with conviction and justification
    – people who simply relish in the amusement it provides
    – people who seek to share it with others

    If you pause to consider for a moment, each one of the Vayniacs (and even we lurkers) falls into one of these categories.

  • Happy Anniversary!

    QOTD: You educate, you entertain, you amuse and you make me feel like being nicer to people. I wouldn’t call it luck, you provide something unique that I know I appreciate.

  • Happy Anniversary!

    QOTD: You educate, you entertain, you amuse and you make me feel like being nicer to people. I wouldn’t call it luck, you provide something unique that I know I appreciate.

  • Tommy Vernieri

    Happy anniversary Lizzie and GV.

  • Tommy Vernieri

    Happy anniversary Lizzie and GV.

  • Happy Anniversary GV. Nice job on that CNN piece, a good anniversary/b-day present I guess. I loved your impressions of the Pomegranate wine. Had me laughing a lot. Tastes, smells, like, well, pomegranate. monolithic eh? Anyway, I hope you are drinking something great the next couple of days.

  • Happy Anniversary GV. Nice job on that CNN piece, a good anniversary/b-day present I guess. I loved your impressions of the Pomegranate wine. Had me laughing a lot. Tastes, smells, like, well, pomegranate. monolithic eh? Anyway, I hope you are drinking something great the next couple of days.

  • Happy Anniversay, hope the dinner wine works out better than the Chardonnay. We are ready for your birthday and plan on going full tilt to win the contest.

    Show tonite was better than 319 point rally in the Dow-we featured you on our main page today too…


  • Happy Anniversay, hope the dinner wine works out better than the Chardonnay. We are ready for your birthday and plan on going full tilt to win the contest.

    Show tonite was better than 319 point rally in the Dow-we featured you on our main page today too…


  • Bryan S (from TX)

    Hey Gary! long time lurker first time poster. Happy 3rd! may yall have many more. keep up the great work. i love the show

  • Bryan S (from TX)

    Hey Gary! long time lurker first time poster. Happy 3rd! may yall have many more. keep up the great work. i love the show

  • Neil

    Happy Anniversary Gary & Lizzie. (Looking forward to meeting Gary’s better half at the Vayniac Cab Party @ Crushpad.)

    QOTD: Right time, right place, good ‘tude and hilarious tasting notes. Thanks for not letting the Jet’s dismal season ruin the thunder.

  • Neil

    Happy Anniversary Gary & Lizzie. (Looking forward to meeting Gary’s better half at the Vayniac Cab Party @ Crushpad.)

    QOTD: Right time, right place, good ‘tude and hilarious tasting notes. Thanks for not letting the Jet’s dismal season ruin the thunder.

  • Robin C.

    QOTD: Sounds like your parents had a lot to do with it, and then you took it from there.

  • Robin C.

    QOTD: Sounds like your parents had a lot to do with it, and then you took it from there.

  • Vijay K

    Hi Gary, can you pls taste Viña Quebrada de Macul Cabernet Sauvignon Domus Aurea? Any vintage, tia.

  • Vijay K

    Hi Gary, can you pls taste Viña Quebrada de Macul Cabernet Sauvignon Domus Aurea? Any vintage, tia.

  • Jennifer

    QOTD: Because the Good Lord has His hand on you, Gary. Your love of family/friends and passion for what you do is evident and sincere, and there is reward in those things. Happy Anniversary.

  • Jennifer

    QOTD: Because the Good Lord has His hand on you, Gary. Your love of family/friends and passion for what you do is evident and sincere, and there is reward in those things. Happy Anniversary.


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