EP 619 A Pennsylvania Wine Tasting at Eagle Rock Winery

Gary Vaynerchuk drops by Eagle Rock Winery to taste some Pennsylvania wines.

Wines tasted in this episode:

Eagle Rock Chardonnay NV
Eagle Rock Millionaires Heritage
Eagle Rock The Kiss

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Luca Bercelli


line of the day – (talking about people who don’t try new things) ‘I’ve got a customer in New Jersey, she drank 836 cases of Santa Margerita Pinot Grigio and it makes me throw up in my mouth’

Gary in tremendous form – hamming it up in front of a live audience. Great stuff

Tags: chardonnay, dessert, meritage, Pennsylvania, red, review, Video, white, wine, wines

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  • richardvinifera

    QOTD: Don’t like them when they’re cloying/lacking acidity, I was lucky enought to try a small amount of Baixas D’Agly Rivesaltes 1969, nuts and caramel for dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys.

  • drt999

    Review of the Cab 11 months later: 84 points: Light color, and light sour cherry nose. Cherry candy on the attack, this quickly disappears, but stages an acidic red cherry/cranberry finish with some (bitter) length. After an hour, the attack and finish finally merge in the middle, and both the acidity and bitterness lessen. Better than I expected, not as good as I'd hoped. WLTV #619, GV scored this '78/79 but perhaps coming together over time' — obviously better than it was a year ago.
    This was an 80/81 pt wine on pop-and-pour, this developed and plateaued into a decent 84; I should have risked a second bottle, just to see if it gets any better.

  • John__J

    qotd: anything that brings great quality for the price is my fav, especially if I’ve never had it before

  • Anonymous

    Have had some Pennsy wines, some ok some bad.. QOTD-not fav but do enjoy them. http://www.winelx.com

  • 92/100

    line of the day – (talking about people who don’t try new things) ‘I’ve got a customer in New Jersey, she drank 836 cases of Santa Margerita Pinot Grigio and it makes me throw up in my mouth’

    Gary in tremendous form – hamming it up in front of a live audience. Great stuff


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