EP 801 An Interesting Grape from the Piedmont- Dolcetto

Gary tastes 3 Dolcettos, a cool varietal from the Piedmont in Italy.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2007 Camerano Dolcetto D’albaDolcetto d’Alba
2007 Massolino Dolcetto D’albaDolcetto d’Alba
2007 Aldo Conterno Dolcetto MasanteDolcetto d’Alba

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luca bercelli


line of the day ‘This is borderline undrinkable’

Tags: Dolcetto d'Alba, Italian, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Never tried this wine but you've talked me into it! I'll let you know what I think!

  • Anonymous

    That’s interesting Cool_Dave. I grew up in the Tampa Bay area. St. Pete. Small, small world we live in isn’t it. I’m always happy to meet jazz and wine enthusiasts. The two pair very well. Oh, and we play traditional jazz,…..nothing smooth about it.

  • Ohmigosh! It's lookin' good my man! 17-7 w/ 7 mins to go

    Where was my prediction? 😉

    Back to the game.

  • peter frohwein

    Before the game started, my call was the Jets by 7.
    GO JETS !!!

  • EmZeeGee

    I've had dolcettos before and enjoyed them; those last two sound quite nice!

    Hmmm…something about me…My husband and I have been visiting WLTV for about 2 1/2 yrs. now, and we really appreciate the education we've gotten here! In 2007, we went to Europe for a trip and started drinking wine more often while there. Before we were fairly indifferent to wine, and knew nothing about it. We still know nothing, but we're enjoying trying different things!

  • bourgeoisbee

    BIG UPS to the Jets. Enjoy the victory and here's to crushing the Colts!

  • winedrinker

    congrats! i am not worthy….

  • zrm

    Gary, Enjoy a nice glass of bubbly this evening. what a good win for your jets!

  • corkscrew

    Gary what a game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, to all the nay sayers…JETS JETS JETS now answer my question…you will be at Boston Wine Expo..how do you do the game and that the seminar???? Quite a challenge. See you in Boston. http://www.winelx.com

  • Tau_Digamma

    Hey Gary,
    I haven't even watched this episode yet, I just had to say…
    GO JETS!!

  • I was feeling it all week. The Jets have yet to peak!!!

  • Altboy97

    Wow, you called it within one point.

  • Congrats on the win! Curious what you will be drinking this evening?

  • Moselman

    Can't wait 'til Monday's (Tues., Wed.?) show!! Congrats, Mr. Jets…

  • I also haven't watched the episode yet. Great game today, are you really going to miss the first Jets appearance in the AFC Champoinship game since the 82-83 season? Haven't posted in a while – best wishes from …..Indy.


  • morf

    I've really been enjoying WLT over the past several weeks. Great show – I will definitely have to give that last one a try. Congrats on a great Jets victory – great game!

  • Anonymous

    @aeo2164: According to most of the literature I have read tannins serve several purposes to wine. 1) tannin or as they are sometimes called polyphenols are present in skins seeds and stems and vary in content for every variety. 2) they add structure body and mouth feel to the wine but as far as I know have no taste, only texture. 3) they defiantly affect longevity in accordance with aging. 4) tannins exist in almost all plant matter, Tea, Oak (which is also one of the reasons wine is aged in Oak) other woods, vegetables etc. 5) in some cases tannin is added to wine in liquid form (like syrah a low tannic varietal) or in some cases it is balanced out by blending in varietals that contain high amounts of tannin.

  • Anonymous

    Another Australian is always welcome on the forum! Join in our crazy wine filled world!

  • WOW! I couldn't have been any more wrong. Great win!

  • Anonymous

    I love beer too man! but I have to say, the real hoppy IPA’s and even some of the darker chocolate stouts, oatmeal stouts and many Belgium style beers have similar flavors to wine.

  • Jennifer

    I sure wish they'd bring back Arrested Development. Heard they're filming the movie this year. Still love WLTV and what you bring to it, GV.

  • John K

    I love sushi. Have had two restaurant meals recently. Tried to make some at home, results were mediocre at best, but edible. Good sushi is harder to make than it appears. It requires extreme attention to details and precise technique. Much like making great wine I assume. Way to go Jets.

  • NY Pete

    yo Gary … we did it again … 🙂

  • No TV at home, and I have not watched football regularly in several years, but am down in Naples, FL on business, and the game was on at the pub during dinner…Congrats! your team is on a roll…but will that mean your acquisition price is going up?

  • SourGrapesFC

    Congrats, Gary. I didn't see that one coming. Two upsets in one day, wow.

  • Bruce Waddell

    Gary – congrats on the game. I have been a lurker for 3 years and just felt the need to write. Although I lived in NJ for a number of years, I have always been a Bears fan. I found myself pulling for the Jets today because I wanted to see your reaction and excitement on WLTV next week. Sunday night is my time to catch up on the weeks' epsidoes and I really enjoy the topics and guests – especially your dad. Good luck with the Colts – who knows?

  • johnnycab

    Wow, what a game today. Major congrats to all you Jets fans out there. You've got to be pumped. You're going to have to go after Peyton next week end. Go Jets.

  • I am loving this show! You appear so honest with all your reactions. The times right after you taste the wine and your expression just shows that you love it makes me think about sitting around with my friends right after we made something delicious or we went to a restaurant and ate something so good it made me tear up. I love it I am going to be watching this show for a long time.


  • yacoub

    So stoked for the JETS 🙂

    Love the underdogs. Hope they crush the Colts next weekend too.

  • Loving it! Met with Nico Schweinzer and we were just talking about how passionate you are! No surprise here. He told me about Sunshine Suites and am visiting the place this week!

  • laposte

    With some people this weekend, subject of wine came up. Seems I have quoted you a 1000 times the past few years; trust your palate, try different wines. thanks.
    Also was reminded over the holidays how being with those you hold the dearest can turn any wine into a great wine…

  • Vals

    Congrats Gary to you and the Jets!

  • waynooo daaaaa winoooo


  • jcrazy

    Bike rides on cold days rule in a very painful way!!

  • winecrazy

    OK, I'm just taking a wild guess since I don't know anything about football as you know.

    Jets 17
    Chargers 14

    I always liked the Sir Vaynerchuk episodes……I asked for more a few times but I haven't seeen one sincee. Oh and yes, I forgot….I'm still waiting for that cigar episode….. if ya know what I'm sayin. 🙂

  • Cool_Dave

    You are going to be redonculously obnoxious the next episode you tape after this Gang Green atttack!!! I can't wait!!!

  • jaredlevy

    Excellent prediction..except you made it 3 hours after the game ended.

  • jaredlevy

    I'm gonna throw it out there.

    Jets in the superbowl = free shipping?

    You…with a little bit of me…ahhh, you know the rest.


  • Cool_Dave

    Dude! *pinches temples with thumb and index finger, looks down and shakes head.*

  • Cool_Dave

    Oh yeah!!! I hear ya Jared!

  • Like I said, I don't know anything about footbll. Gary knows that and can confirm it here. I went back and read some comments so it obviously looks like the games over but I had no idea. Iwas out all day gambling in AC.

    Anyway…..what was the score? I went back and looked an no one left it so……guess I'll google it.

  • No wonder….. I see you probably think I'm nuts but I just got in and haven't seen a TV in 2 days. Been in AC all weekend. So I had no idea that really was the score. Gary can tell you, I know NOTHING aboutg football…..lol I don;t watch it, follow it or even understand it. bUt hey, I'm glad my guess was right…….even if it was after the game was over….lol

  • waynoooo daaaa winooooo

    Yo G, I think US Wine Library/JETS Fans should get 1/2 Price OFF on da Vino,
    PLUS Free Shipping……….. :o) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!!!!!!!!!!

  • GOOOO JETS!!!!! Great review

  • When's the first show after your back? Can't wait to see the reaction as well. Congrats Gary!

  • Cool_Dave

    Right on with that! Just friendly teasing. 🙂 I only watched Alabama (my local team) because they were in the national championships. I would rather watch Red Dwarf on Netflix streaming and drink a Washington Cab.

  • Cool_Dave

    If we get these comments to eight hundred before Monday along with the Jet's upset I belive Gary's head will explode. We will be left with nothing but a playoff beard to give wine commentary. Mott will have to create a digital 3D Gary to continue the show. –Or– Maybe he already has?

  • cellarrat5

    it will take a team effort, Gary 2.0 meets internet 2.0!! A cataclysmic clash of thunder!!


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