EP 850 Brian Loring of Loring Wine Company – Part 1

Gary Vaynerchuk sits down with Brian Loring to taste through 3 of his Pinot Noirs. They talk about the wine business as well as the vibrant communities created from Internet wine forums.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 Loring Wine Company Gary’s Vineyard Pinot Noir

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luca bercelli


line of the day (from the guest), ‘I don’t like vegetables, I don’t like fruit…I don’t even like grapes)’

One of the best guests of all time, great episode

Tags: california, Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • dsallen

    I found it funny, sam! I, for one, know that if I had that purple shirt I'd wear it several days in a row. Gary's purple shirt = teh awes0mez!!!!11!!one

  • LonelyGrape

    Great to hear from a producer who does what he does because he likes the boose and thinks about the customer. As a scientist myself the whole cork issue was so well put!

  • SamKw

    Awww, that's awefully nice of you. Anyway, yeah, the purple color of the shirt would seem to confirm my suspicion about GV not changing his shirt. He'd still be able to continue wearing it if he spilt wine on it.

  • Mott

    I do record to a solid state device as the primary and to tape as a backup. But when the tape runs out the camera stops recording so I had to swap in a new tape and stop the show. There was still plenty of time on the ssd but sometimes these things happen.

  • mattgmann

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm in for one. Their website is a tad confusing; but if having a crappy website saves on cost I'm down.

  • john

    The difference between this episode's guest and the last episode's guest is the difference between playing left tackle for the New York Jets and playing left tackle for the Springfield, NJ Pop Warner All-Stars!

    The truer, the fewer.

  • Brian rules!!! Love this episode and I can see that you really liked this wine. Can't wait for part 2!

  • i like this guest a lot, hopefully i see some of this wine around somewhere

  • Ozzy

    GV nice guest today he is the man, very informative cannot wait for part 2.

  • Good show 'part one'

  • KVM1985

    Wow! What an awesome episode! The dynamics of the conversation held my full attention! Can't wait for part II! Thank you both!

  • flavasauce

    Aaaah this episode and guest is like a fresh spring breeze after being stuck in traffic in Lima Peru for an hour with no AC. Wink wink nudge nudge. 😉 Lovin' it so far.
    QOTD1: Nick Drake, he died in '70? and then in 90's was discovered when Volkswagon used Pink Moon in one of their commercials. Now he is recognized as one of the all time greats.

  • Correction: Tetra packs in Australia have not taken off. Large alcohol stores tested the product with big failure rates

  • mattgmann

    They should try juice boxes….or maybe capri sun pouches.

  • Where's episode 2?!?!?

    Great show btw, gotta find that bottle somewhere here in southeast asia

  • mattgmann

    I love the description of this “wine”
    “A lovely salmon pink color, with light flowery-fruity aromas highlighted by strawberry and a touch of lemon”

  • thedreamweaver

    ok so i called the last guest a douche bag so i must keep it real and call this guest out….awesome. Couldn't be less of a d bag. When guest work they work. Just a good episode. Hey brain – if you are ever in missouri i'll buy you a beer.

  • rambler289

    Dude, I could listen to you guys talk for hours. Two business minded men talking about an industry they love. Plus he isn't trying to hide, nor is he agreeing with everything you are saying, you are agreeing with him. I would have to say he is my favorite guest in the 2 1/2 years I have been watching.

  • howlr5

    I love when the show is so interesting that it must stretch to another episode. Great guest and killer content.

  • castello

    her alabastor skin reflected off the moonlight..boom,,,,,done!She was like warm butter on a sundy mornin

  • castello

    If I had a Clio I'd ride the wind like the….

  • castello

    Toke along is addictive//////hunreddollarsmyass!

  • castello

    Show us a better QPR if you can bennie boi

  • maxmurrey

    Great episode.

  • maxmurrey

    Is it just me or is Gary always antsy to get a word in when its not his turn to talk? Funny to watch. I love every episode.

  • oh, this show was posted late.. True statement Brian, wine collecting is addictive. Very nice show with loads of funny and interesting facts/thoughts/chatter. I guess wine geeks can be entertaining. ” I cant even stand grapes” WHAT..how do the man check the the fruit then? Only chemical analysis?

  • Oakmon’s BF

    It’s all part of the show’s charm.

  • bgone


    Thanks for the wonderful & informative response

    Now Gary is capable of taking some heat, and doesn’t need your useless input.

    GO find a hole somewhere in the mid West and stay there…. you’re forgiven

    Mr. know it all, ask Gary about his new upcoming radio talk show on Sirius Satellite radio.

    Somehow I sense that you will not be able to control your urge to respond, try hard not to.

  • speaking of which, any chance for a boom mike?

  • Allan

    Best guest since Garrett Oliver!

    I would love to try these wines, although i'm a little concerned when it's Pinot at 15%.
    Brian keeps it real, by not overpricing his wines. Alot of winemakers could learn something here… And Gary looked truly impressed about the first one…
    I like Brian's philosophy about wine as well….. looking forward to Part Two.
    Screw cap rules!!!

    Qotd: Elvis Presley's '68 Comeback Special definitely.

  • Joss

    You don't eat fruit or veg?

    What DO you eat?? :O

  • pian0_player

    qotd: Mozart and Bach

  • Oakmon's BF

    qotd: A man who went to the same high school as Tina Fey and me, Jim Croce.

  • LOL…just my dna lol!

  • thnx KVM

  • The very last lurker

    Nice and intelligent guest.

  • Dude! Sorry, but my schedule was totally nuts. I was all over NJ and NY, and now I’m in FL and headed to MS over the weekend. One of these times I’ll add an extra day into the trip to do a replay of the dinner we did in Rye a few years ago!!

  • Anonymous

    You stole my answer from my brain! How did you do that??!!

  • Anonymous

    Seriously? I am confused, either you have not been watching for very long, or you?re being extremely sarcastic. There are a shit ton of episodes where he does QPR play’s, and the day GV hires a production team is the day we all stop watching.

  • Anonymous

    I think he said the exact opposite of what you accuse him of. If you know him personally and you know something we don?t that is one thing, but according to many of the other comments you are in the minority. Find some evidence besides your personal opinion and I would be happy to entertain your accusations, until then stay in the lurker closet.

  • Anonymous

    I’m sorry, you are ?

    Did I solicit your input ?
    You work for Winelibrary ?
    You are not Gary’s attorney ?
    Dude, take your nose back where it came from, and have a wonderful weekend
    I’ll bet you rarely purchase any wine from Winelibrary, I’ll wager you that I buy tons more than you, not just cheep wines
    Please no need to respond to this, try very hard please

  • Anonymous

    Oh, I’m responding, although it is hard to respond to that post, I dont know where to being. I will use your idiotic format of asking retorical questions so that you will understand me clearly.

    You think you know wine because you buy a lot of it?
    Who are YOU?
    Do you acctually think anyone listens to you either?
    Shove your cow shit back where it came from. You have no idea who I am, I was just asking a legitimate question. You have a fantastic weekend too fuck tard.

  • Jay

    Random thought: GV, I like how your shirt complimented the wine labels. Was that planned?

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for slowing down the internet.
    You need to see a psychiatrist, about this compulsive disorder, of putting your nose where it wasn’t called for.
    Watch you language, Mr. tough guy….
    If you were here in Staten Island I would teach you some manners..
    Sorry I cant’ down to your level, as I am not Jacques Cousteau…

    As you might say: You’re an insignificant piece of dust particle.
    Now, my friend, DO NOT REPLY,,,, control yourself,,,, do try hard, as much as you want to….. DON”T

  • Anonymous

    Sorry not going to happen. No matter how hard I try I can?t resist. Perhaps if you asked me to reply then I would not. I have commented on your comments before and was never met with such animosity. You must have a fairly high opinion of yourself; we are all pieces of dust. I may have gotten carried away, and stooped to your level by replying to your distasteful comment. However, I will stand by my statement. I don?t pretend to know everything; I do not pretend to be tough either. Sometimes one has to express him or her self. I am not nearly as invested as you may believe, but I do enjoy responding to people like you, it entertains me. Thank you.

  • I really enjoy when an intelligent guest is on the show providing not only their take on what the wine means to them, but as a whole what the wine world means to them. I look forward to part two.

  • nitaT

    good show but I want some cool old world wine shows…

  • D J

    Gary, Great guest, Brian is an awesome figure in the wine world, consistently fun wines and reasonable prices. His 2008 Brosseau Vineyard was a HUGE hit at this years Pinot Posse Tour

  • Nice work, Brian – you two are like old buddies up there. Gary, thanks for the new nickname, bud.

  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    This was a great episode. Being new in the wine game, it's nice to see that there are people out there like Brian. He seems to have passion for what he does, giving him the success he has seen. The price point is just right, imo.

    I do love how Gary was like “the hell with it, I'm going to taste the wine while he keeps talking”…lol. Ever since you have gotten into the tea-thing, you seem to find that component in a lot of wines. Do you think, if you start tasting, for example coffee, would you see that in the wine more than tea?

    I am looking forward to part 2. Great choice of guest, Gary!


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