EP 864 Gourmet Library Cheese Tasting with Wine Pairings

Gary Vaynerchuk mixes it up and tastes some cheeses, picked by Gourmet Library’s manager Justin Novello. They pair the cheeses with three different wines.

Wines tasted in this episode:

2008 X-winery White XNapa White Meritage
2009 Southern Right Sauvignon BlancSouth African Sauvignon Blanc
2007 Neyers Merlot NapaNapa Merlot

Cheese mentioned in todays episode.

If you’d like additional help with the above item or would just like to know a little bit more, please email Justin Novello ( [email protected] ).

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luca bercelli


Solid episode. Favourite cheese. Cheddar….from Cheddar. That’s a little old place in little old England

Tags: cheese, meritage, merlot, napa, red, review, sauvignon blanc, South Africa, Video, wine, wines

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  • Allan

    Nice article in Decanter G, just goes to show that you've got your finger on the pulse…

  • Shindig

    All about the Red Hawk from Cowgirl Creamery (especially with some fig jam…oooh)
    And La Tur is a really interesting cheese to me as well.

  • Charlotte_DK

    Kan ikke finde vores tråd mere. Mærkeligt forum.

    Tak for gode råd. Skal i gang med at planlægge tur til Alsace. Har du været der?

    Er slet ikke fan af supermarkedsvin. Synes tit man får meget lidt for pengene. Er meget glad for Theis vine, men der betaler man også for det man får.

    Ærgeligt med job, men så er der mere tid til vin 🙂

  • Allan

    Det var så lidt….

    Vores tråd er på side 4 men vi kan bare aftale at når vi render tør for tråd, så skriver vi bare på forsiden, det er alligevel der man kommer til først. Jeg tror kun at man kan skrive frem og tilbage 5 gange eller så. Så forsvinder reply-knap.

    Jeg har aldrig været i Alsace, desværre.

    Theis har meget godt og forskelligt, og ja, man betaler for varen. Hvis der er noget med priser på noget forskelligt, så kan jeg nok godt hjælpe dig. Jeg har godt styr på priser på vin, så du ikke betaler for meget. Det er noget af det værste man kan gøre.

    Jeg er hjemmegående husmor for tiden, HEHE! ; )

    Vi snakkes.

  • Charlotte_DK

    Har du gode råd til, hvor jeg kan købe champagne? Er vild med champagne for tiden.

  • Allan

    Der er mange steder….. Den sidste Champagne jeg har smagt er fra HJ Hansen:

    Deutz NV Brut, det er høj klasse! ikke billig ca. 290 pr. fl. men dobbelt så god som f.eks. den gule enke, som koster i omegnen af det samme…. Kvalitets Champagne er aldrig billig. Men det vidste du jo nok godt…

    Hvad med Bourgogne? Hvad skal man smage der?
    Har prøvet Joseph Drouhin fra HJ Hansen, både Laforet (omkring 100kr.), som var en smule tynd. Men også en 2005 Pommard, som var meget bedre. Men så er vi også over 300 slag.

    Har du nogle gode bud i Bourgogne?

  • seb10

    Love the cheese my top 5 :

    1.old dutch goatscheese (Poldergold)
    3.tomme de savoie
    4.boucle d'or (soft cowmilk cheese)
    5.a good roquefort
    Love Seb

  • Wooow this is so amazing and I am so happy to know this !
    Thank you so much >:D<

  • 🙂

  • Red hawk is Legit!

  • Always Allan 😉 or try to LOL!

  • Huge excitement for Noon EST at cinderellawine.com 🙂

  • We have had them all!! We currently have 3 outta 4 of those! Missing the Cocoa Cardona.

  • Allan

    : 0 )

  • charlzee

    GV…Pretty funny, you picked your ear than touched the cheese. Maybe that's why Mott did not partake of any fromage?? Just kidding! You did pick your ear though.

    What I got from this episode is that even the experts miss a paring once in a while.

  • cellarrat5

    Just had some Cowgirl last night, it was delicious! (I can see how this would be misconstrued, so I want to make it clear that unfortunately I am speaking of the cheese not a sexual escapade with a cowgirl)

  • teckdeck2008

    Interesting show…especially with the 3rd pairing mistake. Because pairing can be so unpredictable. A perfect example happened with a wine I had last night, the barrel 27 rock and a hard place with some spicy marina beef pasta. Both really hot and spicy, but the spiciness blended well, and the pasta flavors really added and thickness to the wine that wasn't there before. And I could only imagine what would have happened if I added bell peppers, onions, and celery like I usually do (I couldn't because I'm about to move and I am trying to empty my fridge). But anyways, my point was pairings are unpredictable and that's what makes it fun working with food and wine together.

    Qotd: I'm don't buy that much fine cheese person but I am big fan of cheese when I can get it. I definitely wouldn't be the one to tell you what your missing though.

  • teckdeck2008

    It seemed to me that she was going for a comparison and rather than a contrast. And it ended up in the in between area were in didn't contrast well enough and it didn't blend like a good comparison…resulting in the competition action going on. And I have to say a comparison pairing is much harder to do in my opinion.

  • jmastr

    Primo Sale from Sicily is number 1 in my book, great with anything! Sans peppercorn please.
    noticed its not on your site.

  • Jens from Copenhagen

    Jeg følger nu også med fra tid til anden (har set WLTV siden august 2006 – og har rent faktisk mødt Gary Vee et par gange i butikken både i 2007 og 2008 – fin fyr).

  • Great video guys! Awesome service provided too!

  • You know, we don't carry Campo De Montalban enough, but we carry the La Tur. Its a wonderful cheese.

  • Vas

    How about some Roth Kase Buttermilk Blue? I've seen it recommended in some cookbooks but never been able to find it.

  • Allan


    It's Couchy couch-time!

    ; )

    Rock it G!

  • lawrenceleichtman

    Boucheron and Brieux de Montaigne. Wines were a bit disappointing today though the White X might be worth a try.

  • Allan

    Foreign juice hittin' my palate this evening…….

    Wynns Coonawarra Estate entry-level Shiraz 2007, I like it!

    Plum, Pepper & Coffee notes + a bit of mint. Nice aciddity, not over the top, like so many other. Simple in it's expression, but i like simplicity!!
    When it's that good! ; )
    Happy camper here!!! Well i'll give it 90+, that's a 17 point in GB, maybe???? Who knows and who cares, aye? It can't be more than 10-15 bones in US, so seek it out!

    Wynns Top-flight efforts are called Michael Shiraz & John Riddoch Cabernet, but are hard to find. I've never tasted them. Would like to know if any Vayniacs have tried any???????


  • Allan

    SPAM!!! OOOOoopssss! Wrong guy!!!! Sorry G ; )

  • zonk

    I love stinky, creamy cheese, with a glass of red to keep the cheese from sticking to the arteries…

  • I have my favorite wine and cheese pairing for this eve.
    The Meadowcreek Grayson with Mer Sollie Chard.
    If you like Barnyard you will love this cheese.

  • I wish Gourmet Library shipped to New Zealand, it's really difficult to get quality cheeses here (admittedly I've only checked all the supermarkets). I really missed a quality Stilton and Gruyere.

    Action Online

  • Anonymous

    Nuits St. Georges er virkelig elegante vine. Mersault selvfølgelig, Domaine de Chassorney har lavet en fantastisk vin der hedder Saint Romain, som er virkleig god. Det er en naturvin, som slår benen væk under en. Men ingen af dem er billige- desværre.
    Tak for champagne tippet. Prøver den ved føst givne lejlighed. Er der butikker, der forhandler den eller skal den købes over nettet (vil jo helst undgå, at skulle betale fragt)

  • Allan

    Tak selv. Champagnen kan købes i Vinspecialisten, sådan en må der også være i KBH.

    Go’ weekend! : )

  • LindseyN

    QOTD: Praire Farms Gouda is amazing.

  • plcb

    QOTD: I like ordering a cheese course at restaurants to try a variety. While I love the discovery, I'm boring at home and always go to brie. I love brie.

  • In love with the Polder Gold! Its a must try for anyone into goat cheese!!!

  • Anonymous

    Asiago… :o)

  • orangebottle

    this is funny show. Justin is camera friendly. Great show with all the yummy sounds. You know Justin is very into the taste of the cheese and he knows what is going on.
    Can we get him on the show once every month? that was very educational.

  • orangebottle

    We need ti add 'squeeze the cheese Mot!' wristband and a
    “thank you for watching the show Just!” wristband .
    funny show. great job guys.

  • JayZee13

    Interesting show, although by tasting the cheese before tasting ALL of the wines first, I don't feel you can do justice to the wines.

    QOTD: That's really tough. I LOVE Asiago and Morbiere, but there are so MANY cheeses that I love. The Cow Girl Creamery cheeses were awesome. Boy, I need to place another Gourmet Library order!!! 😉

  • A dumb Rhein king

    That was an educational ep. I don't know that much about cheeses.

    QOTD: I'm a fan of Brie cheese. Alone, I normally like the softer cheeses.

  • Anyone know of a very runny French cow cheese, has some kind of name like Mondo. My wife remembers it's a great cheese. I really want to find some and pair it with wine.

  • i think you're looking for Mont d'Or!

  • That's the one, thanks!

  • K is for Kate

    QOTD: Bleu Mont Dairy bandaged cheddar. One of my favourite things about living in Wisconsin is being able to pick this up at the local farmer's market.

  • Fun episode. I'm a little behind in my viewing.

    I would love for you to get St. Agur Blue Cheese – very creamy with a great blue cheese bite.

  • Gary, do you really believe South Africa is going to win it all? Hope they do advance from the group stage, but highly unlikely that they will even make it to the finals. What are your true predictions? Spain is looking really strong.

  • Nik_B

    You should really put some money on South Africa if you think they'll win.. you would get amazing odds. I can't see them making it out of the group stage, but who knows. My prediction is Argentina.

    QOTD – mainly hard cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano, (smoked) cheddar and Manchego.

  • Weston3220

    well wouldn't mind seeing spain or england win the World Cup, tho Argentina has a great team too.

    qotd: do like Comte, that firm creaminess, with grass yes, but I do love all cheese but do not like “Amoniafied Cheese” too much to bare for me

  • I like Justin already, Raider fan! Show some props we dumped JaMarcus Russell! Justin could also guest host for you, he did a great job with you.

    Do you guys ship cheese to Cali?

    QOTD: I really like the cheeses from Cowgirl Creamery, The Mt. Tam, Red Hawk etc.

  • justinstewartiu

    Awesome show guys. This is the type of guest that I really like. An expert in his field who is as passionate about what he does as Gary is. I know at the end of 2009, you said you may not be having as many guests in 2010, but I love when you have people on that help direct us vayniaks into other wine related fields.

    In response to the question of the day, La Sauvagine from Toronto, is a pasteurized cow milk cheese that is unbelievable (Alexis de Portneuf (industrial)). Its a soft cheese that I could eat the entire wheel in one sitting with ease!!


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