EP 880 California Pinot Noir Tasting with a Guest ? Part 2 ? Episode #880

Gary Vaynerchuk concludes the tasting with Michelle Turnbull of David Family Wines and they bring out some limited edition labels!

Wines tasted in this episode:

2009 David Family Pinot Noir Williams Ranch

Links mentioned in todays episode.

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luca bercelli


Slightly better than pt1 but still a little too heavy on the marketing side. GV obviously didn’t rate the last wine but put it nicely by saying that the tannins were blocking the flavour. ie the wine was lacking in flavour!

Tags: Pinot Noir, red, review, Video, wine, wines

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  • Allan

    Too bad about Denmark then…. πŸ™

  • Anonymous

    Dom..I hate to admit, but I have KB 06/07/08 in cellar and not had any..only at tastings…its my B-Day weekend so I will be cracking open a 06..looking forward to it. http://www.winelx.com

  • Slushpuppy

    No more marketing reps please. No need to put them on the show.
    Smell it first. TR

  • LLUErker

    I do really agree with that. There's a clear difference in Gary's demeanor when the guest is the one who made the wine and when it's just a guest and the wines are unrelated to them. I'm not sure if I'm reading too much into it, but it certainly feels like he's a little softer on the winemaker if they're sitting next to them.

  • camira

    dressler! williamsburg, brooklyn. great food and wine and its gorgeous

  • Allan

    Always carry a flagon of whisky in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake……….

    W.C. Fields

  • mattgmann

    Columbus ohio. Certainly it is not a city full of great restaurants, and many don't have a byob policy. I have found that calling and politely chatting with a manager about byob and telling them that a few competing restaurants allow it normally leads to an ok.

    A few local restaurants have been encouraging byob though, and lowering corkage fees. Others have been lowering their pricing, which I think is the right thing to do. There is a tidy little french place up the street that prices every wine on their list $10 over state minimum.

  • TonyK

    QOTD: in NY” I have not clue, but in Toronto try Le Select and North 44.

  • mattgmann

    would you mind cluing me in on a few good $20 pinots? I would much appreciate it.

  • NY Pete

    hey hey

  • Anonymous

    MM, happy to..bought two on Cindy, Andrew Rich and Anam Cara Cellars, others are Fulcrum-On Point, LaFond, Chad Wine Co, Sequanna, Deloach, Ayanna are all solid buys in the $20 area, see my site, I have reviewed them all, put Pinot Noir in search box. http://www.winelx.com

  • NY Pete

    smile, is that all u can do … have u tasted the CN yet?

  • Try MacMurray Ranch…



    QOTD: Too many to list..BUT.. WELCOME!! I've lived elsewhere..but am a native NY'er..the good kind! LOL email me randinthecity@aol.com..I'll tell you some great places to dine, shop, swim, ride a bike & drink wine πŸ˜‰

  • Anonymous

    Gary is 5’10” with Prince’s platform shoes on….I know Gary..more like 5″ 8″” http://www.winelx.com

  • Dude – did you really go 5'10″ on the DL? LMFAO!!!

    She is great and I hope she loves NYC but if I am plunking down $90 for Williams Vineyard PN I'll go with his daughter Margi and buy Brogan Cellars.

    QotD: Mineral in Murphys. CA

  • Marc-ChinaWineTours

    I'd like to see it on my own table, but you'd have to drop the zero and make it $9. This economy doesn't allow $90 wines!

    Like the others said GV…back to basics bud! Love the girl, probably would love the wine…hate the price.


    She looks like a grown up, more sophisticated Meadow Soprano.

  • Tcc1525

    Now it is time for some value picks can't and won't buy $90.00 wines. We need some really good sleepers that can be found!


  • Gavone

    Yesterday, I said I would pass watching Episode II. Unfortunately, it's like driving past a car wreck…so I peeked. This confirmed yesterday's opinion: No one in their right mind would pay those prices for a wine with this pedigree or lack thereof. Watching GV's face and body language, these are 88″s at best..maybe $35. If I didn't believe you were happily married and an honest guy….oh well

  • Jeremy

    I've spent 90 bones on much worse.

    Rock on, Sir Gary

  • guymandude

    OK, so that just happened.

  • Harrinjenator

    Restaurant Recommendation: Fleur de Sel, On 20th Street and 5th Ave.

  • Brian Robertson

    Pussy. Stand up for your show! I love it when you get the makers/owners on. First, it adds some flavor to the wine, shows a lot of folks that there are real people behind these bottles. Second, you're not exactly (well, most of the time) putting people on that speak from grocery-store endcap displays, which gives us a lot of exposure to some great wines we otherwise would have found. Not being fully honest? It's called showing some maturity, grace, and some CLASS while GV takes a knife to his guests lives. I mean, it's not like Gary is an accomplished winemaker and is going to give her on-the-spot corrective technical advice. If you want someone to bash some fruit, go put a raincoat on and watch a Gallager show.

  • Jeremy

    Such as:
    -Apple sauce sprinkled in Gold Flakes (I provided the gold flakes)
    -A fleet of disease ridden Spanish steeds
    -4000 Columbian Sharpie Permanent Markers (oops)
    -Four year subscription to “Wood” Magazine
    -Male-order bride (I thought it read “MAIL order bride)
    -Chris Mott Calendar (WAYYYY overpriced)

  • LurkerKing

    We need some thunder in the $20-$35 price range. Not a stone cold stunner $90 bones upside the head. I want some HBK sweet chin music in the value department. Know your role Jabronis. Can you smell what the King is cookin?

  • Jhart44

    Nice 5' 10″ shot by the guest!!!!

  • ZachNYC

    Charming guest. But, the price point for PN is a bit off….especially from such a producer. If I had to guess, they will re-evaluate their pricing sooner than later.

  • Flash

    I have been lucky to have many Williams Syelum wines over the years. I still have a few hanging around and they always drink great. The 1991 were just exceptional. If anyone has any drink up.

  • kevinkossowan

    QOTD: I'm not your audience, as I rarely eat out, and am not interested in consuming high end wines eating out. I do that at home.

    Michelle oozes charisma, and I'm sure she'll be very effective in the sales end of her product. But I'm not even interested in those price points – as most here have mentioned, esp for a new producer of US pinot noir.

  • A dumb Rhein king

    … we're changing the wine world 5 foot 10 inches at a time πŸ˜€

    I'm sure that I've made the 'ck' mistake also. She was a great guest!

    QOTD: Fogo de Chao in Mpls.

  • Jrouss

    Liked the show, though I really would like to know your thoughts on what price point you would place the 3 wines in. I honestly don't know how they are going to get $90 a bottle with no track record. I have no problem spending $90 on a bottle if I know I'm getting the value out of it. I bought a Sea Smoke for $90 for fathers day and mom and dad loved it, but it has a record of delivering the thunder. Don;'t know if I would spend a C note on a wine I have no idea how it tastes. This wine is not going to go over well in a restaurant. at $90 to start with it will be $150-200 on the wine list. No one will go for an unkown pinot for that.

    If you want to go for a light pinot with a good winemaker with a history go with a Davenport pinot Noir $25-40. Maragaret Davenport made the wines that put clos to bois on the map, and was winemaker of the year. There's pedigree, a good light pinot, and under $40. Why would I spend $90 for the same thing?? not for the labels.

  • OttawaB

    So let me ask all you “me too” twits ……… if Gary passes on a wine do you kiss his ass that much and not buy it. Get some taste buds and try stuff for yourself. I'm tired of listening to people pan a wine because its too expensive …….. oooooooooo, pleassssssse try some cheaper QPR stuff Gary. Frig ……… go to your local store and belly up to their bar and get some Yellow tail wannabe. I prefer to see Gary drink the good stuff ……. stuff that is hard to get. I'll go to my own local store to try what I want to try.
    I prefer to see the guests as well. So what if he may not give an “accurate” account. That's Gary's palate , not mine. I'll make my own decision, and in the meantime, listen to him chat away with the guest.
    As for guests ………. why do you think anyone appears on the show with Gary ……..its all about marketing whatever brand you are representing ……… including Gary marketing his Gary Brand.
    Quit whining , if you think its pretentious to come out of the gate with what you think is an overvalued brand ……….. pfffft … that's why your sitting on the couch living your life ……. and people like Michelle and Gary are out doing what they truly love. They got the balls ……. your just their fluffer.

  • LLUErker

    Only 90 bucks for that Chris Mott calendar? Wow, you got a deal! They go for tons more on eBay! You are truly a lucky man, sir.

    As for spending $90 on worse, there was that time I spent 90 bones to get food poisoning and a burning sensation…

  • LurkerKing

    “I don't always drink wine, but when I do, I choose Nebbiolo” – The Most Interesting Man in the World. The King.

  • stephenjohnbryde

    loverly episode

    unluck socceroos

    you inspired me I'm drinking some pinot right now

    Aussie aussie aussie !!

  • Randall

    Yes, of course. EVERYONE appears on this show to promote their brand. Why, I just saw Big Glenn on The Thunder Show the other day, promoting his new “WineCrazy” line of big, gnarly reds. Oh, Yeah!! You'll like this… They START at 250 bones and only skyrocket from there.

    p.s. Sorry, I still haven't added my “sarcasm” font yet.
    p.p.s.There's been many guests over the years that were not just shilling, jackhole.

  • Cubatobaco (Ray)

    Great part 2, guys and gal! The 5'10″ joke was classic!

    Michelle is a very charming individual and support her fully. The prices seem a little high, but that's her business. Best of luck in of your future endeavors!

    QOTD: The place that “you” feel suits what your wine is about.

  • The auction is a great idea.

    QOTD: I would love to see the wines outside the US if possible (somewhere like Monterrey, Mexico).

  • Even with the most gorgeous hands and hair I've seen was thrown out the door when she (and many others) did not spell your name correctly. A truly cardinal sin.

    Good show though the price points are downright criminal and given by your reluctance to give them an “85” then I believe she has a major task at hand.

    QOTD: This might work for a high end CA pinot. It's right down the street from where I work. If you stop by, a glass of your finest is on me. http://www.proofdc.com/menus.php

    Good luck in your endeavor.


  • I had a KB last weekend that was truly amazing.

  • A good two-parter. Loved the Aussie village to The Village story. Would love to try some of the Pinot.

    QOTD: I agree with Masa and Fleur de Sel, which were mentioned before. Otherwise, I'd say any restaurant near me in Gramercy/Kips Bay, LOL. I would have liked to have had that '07 with a lamb dish I had at wd-50 a little while ago.

  • WineWoman

    QOTD: Natirar, Far Hills NJ. Metuchen Inn, NJ (closed during renovation) Pluckemin Inn, Bedminster, NJ Bernardsville Inn, Bernardsville, NJ Darryl's Wine Bar, New Brunswick. Stage Left, New Brunswick, NJ, The Manor, West Orange, Stage House Restaurant, Scotch Plains, NJ.

  • njc2o

    alright, so QOTD: Talk to the Thomas Keller Group.. see if you can't get on the French Laundry list

    lots of freakin creepy comments about the guest's physical appearance. you guys noticed her hands? christ

  • Anonymous

    Have you seen her shoes?

  • Okay, way better closing 15 mins than the part one episode. Good to see you more honest in the end and I loved the idea of the ebay auction. However, I ain't about to drop this kinda cash on those wines, at least not anytime soon.

    But, good luck with the brand!

    QOTD: no recs, sorry

  • RedRum

    I don't get why people are going bonkers on the prices… have you tried the wine??? How sure can you be it is not a $90 wine? From what she said she bought the fruit from a highly respected producer. Yes, she has not track record, but in the end of the day, if the wine is good, why not ask as much as you think it is worth. That said, I found this episode weird, too much marketing… GV, go back to the brown bag my mate. An episode of Barbaresco would be great as well, I am more and more becoming a fan.

  • Anonymous

    zero editing!

  • I don't post all that often but, damn, “You think you're 5'10″?” was one of the funniest things I have seen in a while.

  • Randall

    Yes, “RR”… Brown Bags, please…
    p.s. It's warmer these days… why not a Barbera as well?
    p.p.s. Good inits, btw…


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